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Interviewing Pikamoar

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Havingfun_ISKEY's Avatar Havingfun_ISKEY
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Princess
So one day, as per usual, I was on chat. Things were pretty normal (as normal as chat can get), and I asked who wanted to be on my interviewing list to further increase the amount of stress because a billion people are on there and have had to wait for months (sorry :P). Guess who volunteered first?

Interviewing Pikamoar

After spending a few moments hyperventilating over the fact that TWO MODERATORS wanted me to interview them (0.o), I spent my sweet time (aka TWO WHOLE WEEKS) making Pikamoar suffer by promising him I would interview him as quickly as I could (I didn't). But then I realized that I had a WHOLE bunch of blogs I needed to do, and after looking at my list, I made Pikamoar's interview my #1 priority. I mean, come on, he's cool. So's Thezi, and I wanted to interview him before anybody else could. :P

ANYWAY, I've started using a combination of Pixlr Editor, Blender, and PicMonkey to make the absolutely amazing cover picture above you. Not only is the image edited to look bombtastic, for once the text is clear, crisp, and easy to read. So that's cool.

For those of you who don't know, Pikamoar is a relatively energetic forum moderator and an excellent blogger. The guy is entertaining, hilarious, and mature all at once, so he's a very familiar face if you ever see him. So after reading this, please do take a moment to look at his amazingly shaded skins or blogs about fried chicken. Seriously.

Me = Dark Magenta
Pikamoar = Yellow green

This is your first interview in a while, right? You probably know about how cliche and boring most interviews are on PMC, asking the same stale, overused questions and the author offering no input on what they think of the responses. What do you think about these type of interviews, and is there anything that can be done?
I'll just redirect you to this blog, not because I'm lazy or anything, just because it's legit. Chips didn't just influence my views on interviews, he made them.
(Ahh, Chips. Despite seemingly being the crankiest chat mod on the team, you can't deny that he's very shrewd. As I've mentioned in one of my blogs before, I've been in several different interviews myself. Both were so stereotypical and made me feel less like an individual and more like a pawn for experience. It might have actually permanently scarred my experience with interviews forever, really. But after I released my blog, I've had one of my interviewers apologize for the bad experience and offer another one with me. Another person asked for my advice before releasing their interview with another person. One of my friends asked me what to do when he saw the "interview template" with another close friend of his. It's great to see how influential the blogging community can be to PMC.)

I just complained about overused questions above, and now I'm asking a generally overused question right away. :P But it seems as of lately your profile pictures have been of some messy-haired dude with a white hair band and some seriously strange fashion choices. Is this character from a video game of any sorts, or did you make him yourself? (Just found out that's likely a "no". xD) Why did you choose this particular character?
My profile picture and Minecraft skin are of Crono (or as I spell it, Chrono [but Chron doesn't like that as much]). He's from the best game ever made Chrono Trigger, released in 1995 for the SNES. I grew up playing it, and it just gets better. It defined the jRPG genre, and due to that, became one of the most accredited RPG games ever made. I chose the character because I love the game, and the character himself is amazing.
(Bruh, I'm a year older than you and I don't even know what that is ;-; But then again I'm the same person who's unfamiliar with Jackie Chan [true story] and didn't play Nintendo very much [I am so terribly sorry]. I might have to do some research on this...he looks like a warrior to me, which I guess I reflected in the cover picture. xD)

Your blog, "Advanced Writing Methods", is well known for its detailed and expert approach on the topic of...writing. Are you a dedicated writer yourself? Do you have any writing work outside of PMC? Why did you decide to share writing tips with a Minecraft fansite? How could the community benefit from this?
I am an incredibly dedicated writer. I have a bunch of extra-curricular writing projects, just like many writers here on the site (I'm looking at you Chron). They include some more personal poems, and a novel that needs to be rewritten. I also have the starts of many other novels, the stubs of articles and stories that I'll never write, and a bunch of other crap we don't need to mention.

I'm not gonna beat around the bush, the main reason I shared my Advanced Writing Method blog on PMC was experience. People dig epic tutorials. But the redeeming factor of it was that the community can actually extrapolate useful information out of it. Writing out the accumulation of all the knowledge I've learned was just as much for me to review how I feel about writing, as to teach writers trying to better themselves.
(Are you serious?! Yes! I LOVE writing!! No wonder I'm a blogger, derp. In fact, I'm literally in the 99th percentile for my grade in writing, and I want to become an author one day [possibly an indie game developer as well]. I've been writing my own novels on Microsoft Word, but I've been getting distracted from working on them unfortunately, I still have all the ideas down.

I'm glad you admit that xD That's actually a part of the reason I stick to blogging only: I wouldn't gain experience otherwise. Do you see how bad my skins are? I had like 70 subs back in those days, and that number only went up after blogging and realizing how much I love it and how it benefits people. The community actually learns stuff from them.)

You reeeeeeeeeeally don't seem to like overhyped games such as FNAF, Undertale, and Fallout 4. What do you think overhype does to a game? Does it destroy the actual content of a game? Does it make it not worth playing anymore? Why do mediocre games such as these gain so much attention in such a short amount of time and get praised for being "well-executed" and "original"? Is it really any specific age group's fault?
Over-hyping a game ruins it, plain and simple. FNaF has slowly been redeemed in my mind, and Fallout 4 was never that bad, but Undertale strikes a nerve with me. I'd love to love this game, but the hype killed it for me. I have enough people whose opinions I trust that say that Undertale is a bombastic game, and I'll play it eventually, maybe. The hype doesn't ruin any part of the game, except for certain people's desire to play the game.

The age was what everyone blamed the FNaF craze on, but I disagree. It's a completely alright game series, if you're into it, I don't personally blame any age demographic for the over-hype of a certain game, but their hands aren't clean either.
(I dunno...is it true that the game's actual content is overrated? Absolutely. The FNAF franchise is the same concept of sitting in a pizzeria keeping out the bad guys with mediocre graphics, Undertale is an ugly-looking pixelated puzzle strategy...thing, and Fallout 4 is a poorly designed mechanic fighting game [I think]. I don't think it's the actual content people enjoy about these games; it's the charm and storylines behind them. That's where they score their "love" points with the community. You can play a game to its full extent without having the hype damaging how much you enjoy it, if you just try to steer clear of hot spots where the community will flock.)

Your homie, Chrony boy, said that you're a music fanatic. Assuming that this is true, what is your favorite genre of music? Can you play any instruments? How is music involved in your life?
MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC... I'm sorry, just music is a huge part of my life. Settle down kids, this is where the rubber hits the road.
Music is incredibly important to me. You might say I'm musically schizophrenic, and that's slightly incorrect, but mainly correct. I like (almost) every genre, and instead of relay all my favorite genres, I'll just let you take my word for it, and redirect you to this forum post, where I have my entire music taste written down.

As to playing musical instruments, heck yes. I started off on Cajon back in 2013, added a drum set, ukulele, spoons, and guitar zither under my belt since then. I'm still learning guitar, slowly. I play my Cajon live every now and again, so you could say I've reached professional status on that one.
(Whaaaaaaaat xD My taste of music is...all over the place. I like Adele, Taylor Swift, U2, Queen, Journey, and a bunch of other artists that I won't even bother to mention. And that's WAY more instruments I can play. Unfortunately, I have zero idea how to play hand instruments, only the flute. Can you teach me how to play? :o)

Very similar to our good ol' pal Foxy the super moderator, your name is mistakenly confused to be based off of a character from an extremely popular video game, when in reality the origin is much more unique and you actually hate the character and the game it is derived from. Where did you actually come up with your name, and what's your problem with Pikachu? Did the mistaken namesake irritate you so much that it ruined your Pokemon experience?
Pikachu is a total pansy. That's the entire idea of Pokemon, that Ash was stuck with a crappy Pokemon, and made the best with him (at least I think, don't hate me Pokemon fans ;-; ) Anyway, yeah it's annoying everyone typecasts me to love Pokemon, when I've only ever played a single Pokemon game ever (Pokemon Stadium for the Nintendo 64).

I actually came up with my name due to (at the time) my obsession with pikas. Combine that with a healthy obsession of swords, particularly the Scottish Claymore, Pikamoar was born. To be fair though, my original name was Pikamoar2121 (supposed to be pronounced TwentyOne-TwentyOne). I removed the 2121 after I learned people pronounced it "Two-One-Two-One".

It would also be worth pointing out that I came up with my name before I knew that twenty one pilots was a thing. So my name didn't come first, but it was first in my knowledge.
(I'm going to have to go with you, mate, DON'T KILL ME POKEMON FANS I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT IT! Pokemon just seems like a repetitive and unappealing concept to me. The closest I could ever get to actually trying out a Pokemon game is downloading the Pixelmon mod for Minecraft, but MY GOD is that lot of memory I don't want to waste!

That looks like a squirrel. The heck? It's cute, though! Also, you spelled "more" wrong. :P I can't necessarily blame people for pronouncing your name wrong; when I saw it being used in older blogs of yours, I actually thought the same thing [sorry]. At least without the numbers, it actually looks cooler and not as a last resort [JORDAN!])

According to conversations on chat and your "History of Pikamoar" blog, you used to be a very naughty PMC member. :P How did you redeem yourself to become a glorious green machine? What's your "worst", per se, experience that you've had while being a normal member with a moderator (if that's okay with you)? Do you have any advice for members who had a bad history with moderators but trying to be better?
Honestly, if I were a mod, and I had to vote whether or not to make me a mod, I probably wouldn't. But that's just me trying not to be narcissistic. I don't know what the mods were thinking, as I've been nothing but trouble since I've been here. You say that I've redeemed myself; I've actually just refocused my manic energy into doing my job, and my old ways do still show through occasionally.

The advice I'd have to people who are trying to fix their relationship with moderators is to not be stupid about it. Whatever happened, happened. You can't change it. So, be mature about it, own up to it. Don't be over-the-top in your efforts to make them like you; it doesn't work like that. Fixing stuff like this takes time, so be patient.
(Oh come on, I see no reason why not. I think the moderators who voted you in knew very well what they were doing; there's no questioning that I can see. You've obviously proved it to them that you can be mature and own up to your mistakes with advice like that. And I'm sure you're not the first moderator who has had thoughts like that. Moderators: you're all brilliant and responsible people; so shut up with any doubts you have about getting your position. Just remember what you're doing now, in the position that you have. That's why you were chosen; you could be seen by other moderators doing the job so well. As Pikamoar partially said, the past doesn't matter if you focus your energy into making yourself better and being a good moderator.

This goes for normal members, as well. We all make mistakes. Even I have, and a lot of people [a lot] say that I deserve to be a moderator. It's hard to reply to stuff like that; I don't want to seem overly grateful, but I don't want to seem egotistical, either. There are many future moderators in the making, and whether I am one of them is not something we can determine. I do my best to follow the rules and to help other people follow the rules (without minimodding of course; I made a whole blog about that!), but sometimes I still mess up. No, a moderator has never given me an infraction, but I have been site banned for a day and have been given many verbal warnings about minor stuff on chat. It hurts when it happens, and it's difficult to know how to react. I don't like breaking the rules, and I know that I can do better than that. But maybe I do go a bit overboard on apologizing sometimes; I don't even end up doing any actual damage.)

Where exactly did you learn to skin? How did you go from 
this sort of crap (eww) to these sorts of glorious creations? Do you have any good advice for anybody struggling to skin well (me)?
For the first two years of me skinning, it was crap. No joke. At first, I didn't shade, then, I used noise. But when people on PMC said that they sucked (in a nicer way of course), I changed to copying shading tutorials pixel for pixel. I still have all the images from PotatoLogic's old shading tutorial laying around somewhere.

But, when I really started to try and get better, I had mentors. DragonsDungeon mentored me for about a week. SharkBoi for months. Insanity for like two months. Paint_Bucket, Knight, and Allergy_Man all had a small hand in making me what I am today. But the real kicker, the MVP if you will, is CheeseQuizIndeed, or how you now know him, Loo. He taught me so much. I owe 90% of my skinning talent to him. Thanks bro.

I'd say, if you really want to get better, buck up and try. Try something different. Do something you wouldn't normally do. Get some friends who know more than you do to coach you. I started with no artistic talent, and went to now, in a period of about four years. If I can do it, you can.
(Yep, I can see that through a few of your oldest skins. I can't shade well by myself. I've never used noise [thankfully], but my "shading" was/is all over the place [trust me]. I still have every single one of my skins up.

I'm not surprised by these people at all; I actually bet that DragonsDungeon would be one of them. Your styles are quite similar, but not the same. And wait a minute - CheezeQuizIndeed and Loo are the same person?!

Thanks for that man. I'm actually going to be getting Yuki to teach me how to shade better, so yay.)

So I looked at the forum profiles of every single moderator on the team (I am extremely not nosy, shut up xD), and you appear to be the youngest moderator of all of them that have revealed their ages. This is relatively ironic since you yourself made a nice little blog about age discrimination. And might I say, you are very mature for your age. So goes the old "age =/= maturity" argument...how many people actually realize your age and ever questioned your maturity? Can anybody, no matter what age, be more mature if they really tried? What is maturity, really?
I'm not the youngest moderator btw. I thought I was, but I'm like the third youngest. As to people knowing/questioning my age, barely any. Age doesn't equal maturity, but it helps. It's not the years, it's the mileage. It's not the time, but what you do with it.

(Third youngest? CLOSE ENOUGH! xD And yeah, I would think that most people wouldn't know your age unless they actually spend the time to dig through your forum profile, which I doubt they do unless they're like me. :P I myself am 16 and I've had people mistake me for 20 in the past because I do usually act very mature for my age in most situations. It's just a part of who I am.)

As a moderator, you have to deal with reports made by normal PMC members. And unfortunately, more often than not, these reports are not very accurate. What do most of these reports consist of that don't actually break the rules? What are some of the funniest reports you've seen (obviously don't name anybody)? Why do you think so many people mess up forum reports?
Most of the inaccurate reports have to do with people not understanding the rules quite enough, bless their hearts. When people think that because one of the reporting options is "This post only serves to advertise a website or another product", that means that every sort of advertising (even the allowed ones) aren't allowed.

My favorite forum report was someone who said (heavily paraphrased, obviously): "This recruitment message is very similar to my own. Make them change it". 
(Don't you think that's kind of ironic? People are trying to enforce the rules when they don't even understand them themselves. I'm not saying all bad reports are from hypocrites; heck I've made them in the past, especially on chat. It's a learning experience and it helps in the future if you ever come across it again.

Oh god, that sounds similar to the whole "they stole my idea!" thing Paril wrote about in a blog. You're not entitled to that sort of stuff! As long as it's not a blatant copy or obvious plagiarizing, it's fine.)

In the past, so many people have dedicated their time to try and help you become better on PMC. What did you learn from this people, and why do you think that they helped you so long ago?
I brushed on this in question 8, but that was only for skins. Heaven forbid I not mention the BOMB, and those who've knocked me into shape.

Chron is the obvious one, brofam. He's been the closest friend I've had in a really long time. We met first while working on the "Life of Steve" contest together. He thought I was a better writer than he was xD. We branched out from there, from just co-writers, to actual real life bro's. He's the real MVP. Without him, I wouldn't be the guy you're interviewing.

Other incredibly important people include -TT-, Zatharel, LostBedouin (come back, we miss you!), MGB_, The rest of the crew in the BOMB, and everyone else that I've forgotten. Shame on me, because I know I've forgotten some.
(Naughty you. Chron is certainly something, isn't he? And oh please, you're both excellent writers, Chron really needs some more self-confidence :P But it's sweet that the two of you are so close, and it isn't just through both of you just so happening to be forum moderators now. The internet does wonders with creating friendships.

Chances are you have missed a lot of people, so don't hurt your head trying to think of all of them, haha.)

You are one of the most well-known forum mods on the team and have been around for nearly three years. And of course, we all know PMC isn't perfect. How much has PMC changed since you joined, and what do you think could be fixed?
PMC has matured and de-matured. Skinning, writing, building, and a bunch of stuff has changed so much. Woe to you who never knew about the Butter craze back in late '13.

Honestly, the only thing I'd fix is the current lack of annual Blogging contests.
(Props to me for being new, yaaaaaaay. But it ain't all sunshine an' rainbows for me, pardner. I have to go through the hideous rule-breaking blogging section, a dying PMC chat, people with FIFTY-THREE stolen skins [that was yesterday!], and worst of all, the giant teen-skinning debate.

YES! We need more blogging contests; I'd totally enter depending on what the prizes are. Like, if it's a Steam game like the Life on Mars contest had, that's what I'd be willing to do. I can't do IRL prizes for personal reasons.)

Anything else you'd like to add? :3
Not really, besides this was one of the most intelligent interviews I've ever had. You made me think; not many other people can manage to do that in an interview. Thanks!
(Coming from you, that means so much to me. I'm so glad you had as much fun as you did, thank you so much. <3 Anytime, man. :3)

I want to thank Pikamoar again for letting me interview him and for answering the questions so amazingly well. This might actually be my favorite interview thus far (sorry other people who I interviewed) because of the amount of energy and effort put into both the questions and answers. This was a pleasure to do. And as always, thank you very much for reading. See you next time.
CreditPikamoar for his time

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03/18/2016 9:52 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Musician
Punkamoar's Avatar
Literally just realized that there's a picture of Pikachu behind me in the cover photo...
03/18/2016 10:34 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Princess
Havingfun_ISKEY's Avatar
Shame on you. xD
02/16/2016 11:13 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Meme
CroatiaTheMan's Avatar
Yay You did interviews :D

Me next.
02/16/2016 9:35 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Princess
Havingfun_ISKEY's Avatar
Thanks, but you're still a bit down the list, come back six months from now ;)
02/17/2016 10:09 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Meme
CroatiaTheMan's Avatar
You said I was third....
02/16/2016 8:17 am
Level 70 : Legendary Skinner
_Forerunner_'s Avatar
Wow, never saw when members interviews moderation :D
02/16/2016 2:23 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Musician
Punkamoar's Avatar
Whoa, we are humans?
02/17/2016 8:52 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Sweetheart
Zatharel's Avatar
Everyone knows we're cats.
02/16/2016 9:35 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Princess
Havingfun_ISKEY's Avatar
No way! 0.o
02/15/2016 8:17 am
Level 29 : Expert Button Pusher
Voice_in_my_head's Avatar
Nice interview! What rig is that for the picture?
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