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Interviewing Lεια

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Havingfun_ISKEY's Avatar Havingfun_ISKEY
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Princess
Well, that took forever! Sorry, all the people I promised to interview! I've been so busy. 0.0 Anyway, it's FINALLY finished! I've had the privilige to interview the lovely lady Leia, also known as Elenwen and Eleneia. <3 She's so gorgeous in personality! Go check her out. Right now! Shower her with diamonds!

Me = Pinky :3
Leia = Bluey :3

Are you excited for the interview? 
Yes, this is a very pleasant surprise! Thank you! <3

(You see, everybody? She's such a sweetheart <3)

Your latest name, Leia, comes from Princess Leia from Star Wars. What about Princess Leia do you like so much? 
I like how Leia is a strong female character- she is not the stereotypical wimpy princess who can't take care of herself and is always getting herself into messes. xD She's smart, sassy, brave, intelligent, and not afraid to stand up for what's right, but she is human too and has feelings like everyone else. I just think she is a very well-rounded character with lots of good qualities. :)
(Daaaang! I need to get into Star Wars now. Maybe I can send her and my favorite TV show character, Regina Mills, on some sort of blind date or something. Or maybe Emma Swan? *starts planning*)

How did you get the idea to use letters from the Greek alphabet to use in place of the English alphabet?
I was noticing how some people were using fonted letters, and when I looked at the comment options I discovered the Greek letters and decided to give it a whirl. It looked lovely, so I kept on doing it.
(IT'S SO LOVELY! I really want to use it for myself, but I don't want to take away your originality...;) )

Author or artist: which one are you more passionate about? (If you can't decide, can you tell us what your favorite example of your work is for both?) 
I'd have to say I am more passionate about my writing, but art is definitely a close second. My favorite work as far as writing is concerned would have to be a tie between Starlight, a fantasy novel, and my latest fanfiction novellas for Star Trek: The Next Generation and Star Wars. My favorite pieces of art would have to be my sketch of a scene from Frozen (the cover page for my art blog) and my recent sketch of my favorite ST character, Dr. Beverly Crusher.

(YES! WRITERS UNITE! I have a novel series in the work right now, and I'm planning for it to be published and official ASAP. The only problem is, it's not as simple as it sounds...it requires...another person. Only MonorailblueS knows what it is, but seeing as you're so cool, I may tell you. ;) )

Can you tell us a little bit about Elednor? Is she featured in any stories? 
Elednor is a complicated character and perhaps she is mislabeled when I say she is my persona. It's probably more accurate to say that she is a very special OC that is in ways quite a bit like me- um, this is very confusing. xD She is a water nymph (Naiad) who lived alone the majority of her life; she did have one sister but she was lost at sea. She is very musical and loves to dance, but she is very arcane and lonely. Yes, she was originally featured in a story I was writing but I gave it up due to the difficult plot.
(Aww, don't give up! You should try telling me what the plot is and we'll compare our stories. xD And I can't help but base my characters off of real people - personalities and even names. Sometimes I don't even mean to. It just happens. Make it happen, dearie! <3)

How long, on average, does it take to make each skin?
On average? Roughly an hour to two hours, depending on the detail of the skin. I gather my teen skins probably take about an hour and a half, where my skins of characters/famous people can be up to two hours or more. It really depends.
(Before, one skin could take up to FOUR HOURS to create before I slightly simplified my shading style. I'm currently working on two new blogs, and after EIGHT FREAKING HOURS they're STILL NOT DONE! Lol, I'm still alive though. Somehow.)

Good luck with this one. :P If you can decide, which skin of yours is your favorite? 
Ohh dear. XD For personal reasons, probably these two: One, Two
(Pwetty. 0.0 I want to make skins like that someday! Girl, you have talent.)

What about Minecraft drives you up a tree? 
I am an extreme perfectionist who struggles with symmetry and balance in her builds- that is to say, it is maddening if something is not lined evenly with the walls, door, etc. The only trouble is, if my build is completely balanced it causes it to look stark, unnatural, and lifeless. Also, I battle severe inspiration dilemmas on a regular basis. ^^ This makes coming up with new build ideas very difficult.
(Are you my twin sister separated at birth?! I don't know how to build, and I never know WHAT to build! I can't come up with an original idea!!!!!!!)

What sort of "movies" do you make? Would you ever consider sharing them? 
I mostly shoot short mystery or comedy videos with my iPhone that feature another of my prominent real-world OCs. In videos that are just voice, no picture at all, I tend to go into more detail, possibly expounding into fantasy or sci-fi elements, depending on my mood. xD I love to act but somehow if you put a camera on my face it freezes me up sometimes.
(Those are some great starts! I'd love to see your OCs in real life. You should totally mke a Youtube channel and we could collab. xD I've been wanting to start for five years. 0.0)

Your favorite dimension is the Nether. If you could choose, what would you add to the Nether to make it even better? 
Hmm. Honestly, if adventure maps come into play in this question, I would add an entire menagerie of cities, ruins, castles, etc. that would be keys into finding out how the Nether became "the land of fire and brimstone". I would make it a bit like Skyrim, in the sense that it would be an interactive universe with quests, stories, etc.
(Mojang! HEY! MOJANG! GO HIRE THIS WOMAN! We NEED stuff like this! I'd fund the entire project. Seriously. That would make Minecraft so much fun!)

If you could make anything in fantasy become a reality, what would it be? 
Oooh, that's a very tough one. I'm not exactly sure, to be honest.
(Unicorns? Genie lamps? YES. GENIE LAMPS. I NEED THREE WISHES.)

Have you thought about going back to reading The Hobbit? 
I have, actually. It has been recommended to me by numerous friends and it sounds like it would be a very good read.
(You should! I've never read it, but it sounds like it's interesting. Go for it!)

Anything else you'd like to add?
Not that I can think of!
(Okie dokie! :3)

There we go! That was the awesome and beautiful Eleneia! If you're a friend of mine, feel free to ask for an interview in the comments below! PEACE OUT! <3

CreditEleneia for her time

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01/10/2016 12:02 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Ranger
Shooting_Stars_'s Avatar
Your interview was hilarious <3 It made my day xD
01/10/2016 12:05 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Princess
Havingfun_ISKEY's Avatar
You really think so? Thanks! :D 

And thanks for the subscription :D
01/10/2016 12:56 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Ranger
Shooting_Stars_'s Avatar
No Problem xD!
01/10/2016 12:59 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Princess
Havingfun_ISKEY's Avatar
fish sticks
12/25/2015 7:38 am
Level 21 : Expert Skinner
fish sticks's Avatar
I sure want an interview 

meh. probs u wont cus I'm a terrible person

<3 leia <3 ur interview
12/25/2015 8:50 am
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Princess
Havingfun_ISKEY's Avatar
I normally don't interview level 1 people in fear of not getting a lot of views, but I'll consider a compromise. :3

She's amazing, isn't she?
fish sticks
12/26/2015 2:43 am
Level 21 : Expert Skinner
fish sticks's Avatar
I was level 9 a long time ago, but i deleted my skins so, hehe..
and yes, she is amazing.
12/20/2015 11:12 pm
Level 23 : Expert Princess
Gorvell's Avatar
This is a great interview. :33
12/20/2015 11:14 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Princess
Havingfun_ISKEY's Avatar
Thanks, my gurl! You just helped me reach level 31! 0.0

Do you want one?
12/20/2015 11:17 pm
Level 23 : Expert Princess
Gorvell's Avatar
Ahh I feel so special :33 Congrats! :D

If you're willing to interview me, I'd love to do one :3
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