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Interview with Circleight!

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-abs-106-'s Avatar -abs-106-
Level 17 : Journeyman Scribe
Today I interviewed Circleight an amazing builder, if you haven't already go check her out!
It was very enjoyable to interview her!

Hello and thank you for you time. Let me describe someone to you. This girl is amazing at building, with an infinite amount of elegance and grace put into each and every build. Who si this amazing woman im describing, well its none other than Circleight *Enter Circleight, que clapping*
Now first off let me ask you, im sure many a person has been wondering this, but what at first got you into building?
I first discovered Minecraft through youtube in suggested videos and trailers. I remember RoosterTeeth talking about them adding the Nether into 1.2 I think? I kept looking into it and the more I watched the more I got interested. Finally I started around 1.5 and I just started off building. I had no interest for the survival aspect, I just wanted to build things heh. I've been building things since.

This next question is very important. Do you enjoy and or like cake?

Lol, I'm actually not much of a cake fan but I love icecream : }

The last question was just a joke to lighten the mood, now with that job accomplished hopefully lets get into it.Who has inspired you the most down you building career?
Well, it's not at all a career, but that would be nice if it was. Anyways, I owe a lot to Kingdom Hearts, Zelda, Final Fantasy, and various other games for a lot of my inspiration. Regarding my self though, it's a personal expression as well as an experimental one. I find motivation from within myself, and often enough it'll be the opposite. Whenever I see a clever idea though, whether it be outside of this game our inside, I like to try and put my own twist on it. Inspiration is of course something collective to begin with anyway.

Out of all of your builds which one is your particular favourite?
I could never have a favorite, I don't think. All of them are very personal for me and signify different important moments in my life. They're all , in a way, reflections of that.

How old are you, and if you havent already do you plan on pursueing a career in the design field?
I don't like to let out much personal information so I think I'll skip this one. I do have plans to go into 'designing' though, in many ways more than one. My primal focus is music though.

Which block best describes you in minecraft?
Hmmmmmmm..This is a fun question but I really have no idea. For my Angel Block Society logo I chose an ender egg because it's one of my favorite blocks. It's pretty much the only roundish block in the game and it works well with most of the themes I communicate in each project. I'd have to pick the ender egg, mob heads, command blocks, Netherbrick blocks and Sandstone blocks.

Where did you name Circleight originate from?
The name 'Circleight' derrives from a philosophical idea I was pondering about I think 4-5 years ago. It's a combination of Circle and Eight put into one word. There's no way of really explaining it in simply, but I guess it represents an infinity that tangifies itself in order to become itself. Basically a cycle of a paradox.

What would you say is your favourite t.v show of all time?
Hmmm, that's another tough one! I really adore Big O & Serial Experiments Lain, but I'd have to keep them at a tie.

You have 1 wish what do you wish for?
One wish? I think anyone who gets this question will just wish for more wishes, which is exactly what I would do. But there are often tricks with these types of scenarios which often alter your entire life/universe that you dwell in. There's no way I could really make a wish without there being a vital consequence that comes along with it. But to take up a wish anyway, I'd love to travel from realm to realm, universe to universe without it really affecting me. Including 'imaginary' ones.

What is your Favourite colour?
I love purple the most.

If you were a superhero what would you name be and why?
Hm, I think this would connect to my answer in the last question. I'd be "The Slick Shifter" or something goofy like that and I'd shift between worlds, dimensions, imaginary places and mysteriously helping and saving people who are for some reason trapped or stuck in a problem.

What was the first videogame you got addicted to?
Definitely Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Would you rather have teleportation, or ESP? Why?
Well, all of us have slight ESP, and I think something more advanced like Mind control would make anyone insane and power-crazed. So I'll go with teleportation.

Whats the first thing that pooped into your heard when you read my name?
It reminded me of the Angel Block Society or some other minecraft group, some hypothetical one.

If you had a time machine were would you go to the past or the future? Why?
I would go everywhere. I've always been fascinated with the topic of Time Travel and to "lunge" myself through a portal of time, say to the past or future, would be incredible and enlightening. I think I would start by going to my personal past, revisitting old friends and family, maybe taking a few along the journey, then go straight to the future. After all that I discover, I'd eventually have to settle down somewhere, but where and when I couldn't be sure.

Whats one thing not alot of people know about you?
There's a lot people don't know about me, and I like to keep it that way. Even after answering some questions like these, there's so much unrealized or unnoticed. That's fine with me though, flaunting my personal life online has is no interest for me.

Favourite friend on Minecraft?
I'm not a fan of 'favorites' really, and say I have one, I wouldn't want to pick anyone over another. Everyone is different and there for different reasons. Sometimes I'll be mad at them, they'll be mad at me, and on that day of our split I connect with another friend, then another day I go back to the other, etc. Shout out to ciscoqt though, he's been around pretty much longer than any other. :P

Do you like magic tricks?
I like anything enlightening or mind-blowing really, so yes. I think I favor psychological magic tricks the most.

Country you would like to visit one day?
I'd love to visit Italy. I love italian food and architecture so it'd be fantastic.

If you could tell your subscribers one thing what would it be?
Hmm, well I'd like to thank all of them firstly. It means a lot to me knowing I have people who give a crap about my projects. So yeah, thank you all for the support. I've got plans for new projects coming soon along with videos.

What advice would you give to future aspiring builders?
Be all you can be, never force yourself to do anything you don't enjoy, enjoy all you can about minecraft and don't be afraid to venture into the unknown.

What are some of your PMC objectives, if you have any?
I never really had any, I have hopes to get my youtube channel "out there" though. Cinematics and videos are another medium that I enjoy so I'm just hoping to do more of those and share it with more people to enjoy. I've always had minecraft objectives though, and regarding those my goal has been(for about a year) to complete my adventure map Desino Aetas.

Any shoutouts?
Hello to Ciscoqt, Bleangamer, Lypow, anyone from the Mysidia Server, Iandrum, Djpaulii, LonelyWidow & Hydraxus.

Thank you so much, for your time. It has been an absolute pleasure, and I wish you the best in your future en devours. Also congratulations for winning the contest!

Thanks so much, I enjoyed answering the questions : )

Comment, who you would like me to interview next. Even if its you!
Diamond, fav and sub if you want more!
CreditTo Circleight for agreeing to be interviewed!

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02/06/2013 1:29 pm
Level 44 : Master Necromancer
Monsieur_Creeps's Avatar
lol, i thought it was always circlelight not circleight
02/05/2013 9:09 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Zombie
ZombieKitty's Avatar
well i do have to say this is interesting, what you do i mean. with the whole interviewing people, very clever ^u ^ ~subscribes~ i look forward to more interviews!
02/05/2013 9:22 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Scribe
-abs-106-'s Avatar
Thank you, I will continue doing these along with other blogs.
i was like 11 PlsNoBully
02/05/2013 6:18 pm
Level 28 : Expert Wolf Whisperer
i was like 11 PlsNoBully's Avatar
Great Job!
02/05/2013 6:27 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Scribe
-abs-106-'s Avatar
Thank you sir.
02/05/2013 4:35 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Network
Yisewalton's Avatar
This was a bit... Non-revealing... No offence... Nice blog though, Diamond and sub, love your blogging style, I'm also a blogger :3
02/05/2013 4:50 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Scribe
-abs-106-'s Avatar
Thanks! I'll check you out.
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