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Interview with Aquarine ♡

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Winds_'s Avatar Winds_
Level 36 : Artisan Bunny
quiet waves divider f2u

Hello, and welcome to my interview with aquarine! They are a talented skin creator who is known for their blocky shading style and love of the ocean. :) I hope you enjoy our interview!

My questions are in dark blue; their replies are in turquoise.

[F2U] Sea witch pixel

1. What inspired you to start making Minecraft skins?

1. I got into Minecraft in 2016 & really loved it, it was super fun to be able to create so many things that are all ur own!! i joined a friend's server & saw they made their own skin, & since i love art, i thought it might be something i'd be interested in doing :) i searched for someplace to make my own skins, i made a lot of unshaded ones that were awful af x3 i found pmc in 2019 i think, it seemed like a super fun & cool place w/ lots of great ppl, so i joined in 2020! <3

2. Do you have a persona? If so, what inspired you to create them?

2. Yep, her name’s jada! she's based around how i look & stuff i normally wear, like comfy sweaters & yoga pants (: she's laid back, kinda chill like me, loves plants & coffee! she's a botanist (haha, so original ik). i think i might change jada's design to reflect me better tho, so she might get a glowup soon XD

3. What is your favourite skin that you've made?

3. This one! i rlly like how the shading & design turned out, it has a summery feel but isn't too detailed haha cx also bees are super cute, so i had to make a skin themed off them sometime! that color yellow also gives me life tbh

4. What IRL hobbies do you enjoy?

4. Gaming (like mc, terraria, LoZ, elder scrolls, stardew valley, etc), drawing, surfing pinterest, botany! sometimes i make jewelry too. i also swim a lot and watch documentaries, haha x3 mostly science stuff, about the ocean & plants. it's just fascinating to me c:

5. I see you love the ocean! Have you ever been to the beach?

5. Yeah i have! i live in the midwest but my grandparents live on the east coast, so we visit them every summer <3 it's super fun bc they have a beach house & we can swim & bodyboard, my brothers usually come too & it's great to see them since i don't get to for most of the year otherwise ;; it's always fun & i have so many good memories :))

6. Do you have an inspiration (either for making skins or in real life)? If so, what do you like about them?

6. I love love blocky bright aesthetics! my biggest inspirations are Angel, Felll, Moon, and Mellie. their stuff gives me lots of color ideas & cute trendy clothes, & also shading insp! most of my current shading was inspired by Felll haha cx i hope one day i can be as good as them :D

7. If you could travel to any place in real life, where would you choose?

7. Hawaii or the caribbean! i love the beach sm and i’d love to visit a tropical one, esp w/ my family or friends. i've wanted to go to hawaii for a long time, prob since i was 9 or 10 :))

8. What would you tell someone who is brand-new to PMC?

8. Don’t hide who you rlly are inside! be proud of your identity and what you believe in :D if anybody doesn’t like it, they don’t have to follow you or look at your stuff. fight for what you love even if ppl put you down or try to silence you. stay strong <3

9. Do you have a current goal for Minecraft skinning? If so, what is it?

9. Get better at shading & do more stuff with people here, like trades & contests & stuff. def enter another monthly pmc contest! i also rlly want to be encouraging to other people on here bc everybody needs a smile :) it would also be super awesome to get to 500 or maybe even 1000 subs, but that's not likely to happen haha XDD

10. How would you describe yourself in three words?

10. Friendly, inclusive, chill

[F2U] Sea witch pixel

divider 24

Thank you again to aquarine for being with us today! I hope you enjoyed the interview. :)
. . .

Interviews are currently being posted every Wednesday and Saturday.
Stay tuned for the next one, and I hope you have a wonderful day/night! ♥
CreditAquarine- For being interviewed, DA artists- Artwork

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07/07/2021 9:08 am
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Lad
aquarine's Avatar
07/08/2021 7:35 am
Level 36 : Artisan Bunny
Winds_'s Avatar
My pleasure! I hope you enjoyed it. :)
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