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Impending Doom or Overreaction? |On the Downfall of the Blogging Section|

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charman305's Avatar charman305
Level 43 : Master Ranger
Sometimes I look at the blogging section and I don't say anything. I just facepalm. Some of this stuff is bad. But don't get this mixed up with one of those "The Blogging Sections is Dead oh-no-doom-is-upon-us!" type blogs. This is looking at the evidence to see if the blogging section is dying or if it isn't.

This will basically be formatted in a couple different questions. The rest is hard to explain, but you'll catch on quick.

Question one: Is the popular reel still full of good blogs?

Yes, but it's slowly becoming the opposite. At the moment about 75% of the pop reel is good, and some of the other stuff I don't understand how it's on the popular reel. The decrease has been slow, but definitely noticeable.

Impending Doom Level (IDL): 35%

(If you don't understand, the IDL means the chance of the downfall of PMC because of that question. At the end, the average will be taken and anything under 50% means that doom is possible but not probable.)

Question 2: Are the good bloggers still here?

Answer: Sadly, MGB_ has left lately, and some of the other great bloggers of PMC have gone. Luckily, some new bloggers have stepped out of the shadows, (TheChipsandip, Svendabomb, ect.) and have taken their place as the heir to the throne of PMC blogging. Still, the disappearance of some bloggers can not be ignored.

IDL: 55%

Question 3: Is the blogging section fixable if it were to collapse?

Answer: Of course! We could stand together and fight off the doom-trolls. (Name I have given to spammers and bad bloggers) It would be hard but we can report them and become good again! (Read one of my older blogs to read more on this topic.)

IDL: 10%

Question 4: Has the blogging section been collapsing at a rate that is more than noticeable?

Answer: It has been very up and down. A lot of the noticing of this trash in the blogging section over the last month or two has mostly been from people blogging about it, and not actually from more than a couple people looking around the section and finding these blogs. It's been looking up, but we are still in a bit of a dark cave here.

IDL: 30%

Question 5: Are the doom-trolls increasing?

Answer: Sadly, yes. No denying that. We may not collapse but each day a new person joins PMC, and whether they know it or not they are actually going to come to the blog section. But these people aren't good bloggers, these are the people who blog things that should be in the forums, they blog spam, they blog everything that isn't aloud. No light in the tunnel here.

IDL: 90%

With those calculations of IDL, using the formula to find average, I found out that the total IDL is 44. This means that we are in okay shape at the moment. The growth of doom-trolls make it harder to lower that IDL, but it is going lower because we are making a stand before anything has actually happened.

So, what's the answer? Impending doom or overreaction?


I know some people may be like, "NO WRONG! IT'S HAPPENING NOW!" Well, I don't believe that. I haven't been extremely disappointed in the blogging and it isn't dead yet, but some of it could be fixed.

Char, out!

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11/16/2013 10:36 pm
Level 25 : Expert Hunter
bigf's Avatar
Level 1-ers spam because they want to go to level 2, and since blogging doesn't require much effort (IF YOU SPAM), well, they'll take that route. It took me one blog and five skins to get to Level 2
11/16/2013 12:37 am
Level 44 : Master Droid
zalebcaleb's Avatar
Formatting could use some work but overall it's great.
11/16/2013 7:39 am
Level 43 : Master Ranger
charman305's Avatar
Probably right. But thanks anyway :D
11/15/2013 8:12 pm
Level 28 : Expert Toast
Estel's Avatar
I actually like to read the blogs that look bad just to see how bad they are xD But anyway, I completely agree with this blog. Diamond :3
11/15/2013 8:23 pm
Level 43 : Master Ranger
charman305's Avatar
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