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I Don't Like Meanies.

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NauticalPhasmid's Avatar NauticalPhasmid
Level 12 : Journeyman Toast
I don't like meanies.

One if the biggest problems with the Internet world is people being jerks to each other. I don't care for it. Have you actually read some YouTube comments? They can be absolutely brutal. Chat rooms, forums, social media... While I love the Internet and use it all the time, one of its very biggest issues is this: it give people the ability to be real jerks without having to accept the consequences of their actions.

When some is a jerk to you in real life, they have a face. They have a name. They have a personality. Once they do something, that action becomes associated with them and they can't ditch it. When you perform an action in front of others, be it negative or positive, that action is stamped on their impression of you, and if you're a jerk, you have to face people KNOWING that you're a jerk.

Not so with the Internet.

With the Internet, people who would never call people rude names or swear at them suddenly do it. The reason is simply that it doesn't take any guts to be mean on the Internet. Sure, a couple people might see that hey, some guy with this username was a real tool to this other guy. But what's the harm? They can't judge you. They don't know your name. They don't know your face. They don't know who you are. And so opens the door to a horrible torrent of hatred and rage, pouring out of those who act under the protection of their Internet personality. The aggressors can hide behind their username on their message board of choice, and nothing they do can harm them because no one knows anything more than the profile name they've given. That, my friends, is kind of a big deal. Without the effect of tying an act to an actual human being that face-to-face jerkiness has, a lot of awful things are said.

By the same logic, many people who are subject to the faceless aggression take it with a grain of salt. Just as the victim doesn't know the aggressor, the aggressor doesn't know the victim. The hater can keep on hatin', because "They don't know me."


It's easier to suffer the consequences of online aggression when it's aimed at you. Some are more sensitive than others. Some might take those unkind words to heart. Some are gonna be really offended by those slurs. People get hurt. Although the same concept applies to the ones on the receiving end, it's different.

My point is this: the faceless aggression is a problem. It makes a happy place a bit darker. No one wants to be watching the video for their favorite song and be called a hurtful name for liking it. No one wants to have their opinion met with a slur.

So. Don't do it. If you wouldn't say something mean in real life, don't say it on the Internet. Some people will say that that's the way things are, tell me to man up. Others will read this and listen. Do what you will, but I invite you to use that courage you have to be constructive, not destructive. Make music. Write blogs. Have opinions. Speak up for what you believe in.

And don't be a meanie.

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11/26/2013 10:32 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
WhalesAreSwag's Avatar
People Won't ever accept the fact that there are people like that out there. Deal with it. No big deal. Don't make laws about it. If you can't put the computer down or well shut it, And just get over it sorry to say bud you're weak. Words are words. call me f*ggot, I really don't care. Yeah Its annoying and its mean and all that noise but making laws and protections s really just creating victims so seriously if you're getting cursed at, bullied Online, what ever, don't be stupid and be rash. They're just words. Chill out and close the laptop. Don't expect every person in the world to be nice. I don't Like meanies. you just have to learn that well they are people that are like that and you can't do anything about it. No one Likes faceless aggression-or rude behavior racism sexism and all that. Get over it

if you're offended that's your problem; remove yourself from it". thank you someone else has some logic like this
05/11/2014 4:19 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Toast
NauticalPhasmid's Avatar
As I said to Snowy, I didn't expect to change a bunch of people. I'm open to other opinions, and you're free to think whatever you want. However, what you did was, rather than simply disagree and support your opinion, make it personal. There wasn't any reason to call me weak, but thank you for exemplifying the very thing I was talking about. I'm not hurt by it, but it's uncalled for.
07/15/2013 10:44 am
Level 45 : Master Artist
ardent_skies's Avatar
Ahh, the Internet. A wonderful yet horrid invention. If powerful people actually cared about cyber bullying, this most likely wouldn't happen. If only there was something we could do... Which of course, there is. Stand up for others. Stand up for yourself. If your on a server, tell an admin the username of the bully. Hopefully they will be banned. The thing about the Internet, many think they can be harmed or hunted down if they tell. That's not the case, so stand up and make a difference.
07/15/2013 4:14 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Network
Knarfer's Avatar
I have made a blog on this before. It pretty much focused on that "non-existent protection" that we call a screen and that the only reason that you can't go over and punch them square in the face to make them shut up is because of that screen.

This blog just takes the point that I mentioned and stretches on it further than I would have ever imagined at the time.

You get a diamond and a favorite.
07/14/2013 6:36 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Engineer
not very many people have good logic like this anymore...
07/14/2013 5:54 pm
She/Her • Level 66 : High Grandmaster uwu Kitten
Ash's Avatar
the internet wasn't a happy place to begin with. The golden rule is "if you're offended that's your problem; remove yourself from it". You can't expect to change a whole bunch of people.
07/19/2013 1:27 am
Level 12 : Journeyman Toast
NauticalPhasmid's Avatar
If everyone is content and no one makes effort to solve anything, nothing will get better. I don't expect this to change a bunch of people, but it could make a few more conscious of their actions. Feel free to disagree. However, because I don't subscribe to the policy of "That's how it is, deal with it", I'm gonna do whatever I can to lessen the hate.
07/14/2013 5:47 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Goblin
LunarWerewolf's Avatar
Help I need help my friend (not really my friend) is going to post a report on my favorite server like right about very very VERY soon so can server owners ban you for no reason
07/14/2013 6:38 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Engineer
i am sorry, i can not understand what you're saying.
what is the situation?
Who am I again
07/14/2013 3:05 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Zombie
Who am I again's Avatar
forgets how to make cobble generator, gets called noob.
oh people...
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