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How To Make Your Server Look Professional

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SackboyRocks's Avatar SackboyRocks
Level 50 : Grandmaster Waffle

Have you ever thought about making your server look, more professional? Making it look more creative and well designed will really give your server a boost in the fight for getting it popular. Here I put together a few tips to really make your server look great, and make it look like you know what your doing!


Make the spawn of your server as neat and clean as possible. Make sure that the players spawn on 1 certral point, where they can easily access everything. Don't make the spawn like a 4 block area, because it looks tacky if you're spawning in the top left corner of the center or the bottom right etc. Make your spawn a decent size, but not too big. Keep almost everything the players could ever wish for right inside the spawn area! Make sure your shops, rules, etc. are all neatly organized. Keep the spawn close to the theme of the server. For example, if your server has a midieval theme to it make it a castle. Is it a pirate or viking themed server? Make a giant ship for spawn! Have some friends help make the spawn if your not a good builder. Do whatever you can to make your spawn look professional and unique yet at the same time easy to use. 


Creating ranks or groups within your server will defiantly make the chat of your server look cleaner. No boring white chat tags. Use plugins like GroupManager or PermissionsEx to create awesome groups. Here are some neat ones you can add:

[Owner] - The one and only... YOU!
[Admin] - Administrator of your server. Someone who you can really trust.
[Moderator] - Someone who watches over the players and chat, and makes sure everyone is following the rules.
[Trusted] - A player on your server who is really trusted. They are awarded this rank by you.

Also be sure to make donation ranks, and give these ranks special permissions. I would not recommend giving away any of the ranks above through donating, since they are only ones you really trust. Here are some ideas for donor ranks:

[Donator] [V.I.P] [Premium] [Elite]

You could also try to have a theme for your donation ranks. Maybe all of them are mobs? So players can donate to be a spider or skeleton. You could maybe make them ores like diamond and gold. Or if there is a certain theme to your server, like dark ages or western, you can have certain ranks for those.

By having neat ranks on your server, it allows everyone to express themself and stay on your server as long as they can to rank up. There are also many servers where you can rank up between ranks by paying in-game money, or being online for a certain amount of time. You can do this with plugins like PaidRanks and AutoRank.


Plugins are very important to minecraft servers. They help you create your own game, within minecraft. Try to be unique. If you have seen something done before, try to add a twist to it. Come up with your own ideas and use plugins to guide you. Try to find plugins that are highly customizable. This way, even if other servers are using the same plugin as you, you may have it configured in such a way that makes it work completely different than theirs. If you are good a coding java, or know any who does, try to use that to get some extremely unique plugins. This can make your server look especially professional. Check out http://plugins.bukkit.org/ and browse the page to find some really neat plugins.


Suprisingly, the banner of your server is also very vital to its success. When making a banner for your server try to think of something creative and unique. Use programs like GIMP to create astonishing pictures that will really blow your players away. Try to make them .gif files, which can move around between different images creating a video-like effect. These types are way more likely to draw players in than a normal .jpg or .png would. Don't have any graphic design talents? Save the banner I made below and use it on your server. Yep, you can use it however you like, just give me credit somewhere within the server post. (I get it sucks, no need to bust on it in the comments :P)


Server Icon & MOTD:

The server icon is also very important. The cooler it looks, or more unique, the more likely players are to click on your server. The same goes for its MOTD. You want your server-icon to stand out, and your MOTD to be very colorful or go to a certain theme. The MOTD should list most of the features of your server, probably tell the name of the server, and maybe some news. If you have a certain theme, see if you can connect the color theme between the two of them. If you once again don't have any idea how to make a server icon, use the generic one I made below. Save it as "server-icon.png" and put it into the main directory of your minecraft server. All server-icon.png pictures have to be 64x64.



Advertising can be a bit tricky sometimes, but it is not that hard. First of all, get the plugins Votifier and GAListener. Using these, you can award players for voting for your server on any online server list. And its all automated. Be sure to post your server on planetminecraft, but only do so if your server is completely finished. Every 24 hours, click on your server and go to "Update Server" at the top left. Click on "Update Log" and click the Bump Submission button. This will bring your server back up to the top of the list on planetminecraft for a short amount of time and will bring a decent amount of players. This will bring a steady flow of players on. Also try to post it on every other server list you can find. The more places it is on, the more chances you have of someone seeing it! You can also buy ads on many server lists, which will bring players flying your way whenever they see it.

If you find any misspelled words, errors, or just have an idea to add, tell me below in the comments. Otherwise remember to Diamond, Favorite, and Subscribe for more content!


1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by SackboyRocks 03/17/2014 5:20:08 pmMar 17th, 2014

Fixed a few errors and removed "square spawn" part.

Also added new thumbnail.

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08/12/2016 2:29 pm
He/Him • Level 52 : Grandmaster Sus Imposter
Jewelman's Avatar
I have something to add. Maybe have the names of the ranks change depending on what your server is. For example, if your server is based off of comic book superheroes, name the admins "writers" and name the builders "artists."

I also notice that a lot of servers use bad grammar, spelling or punctuation, which is an obvious no-no.
03/04/2016 4:27 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Wth_Techlarza's Avatar
Nice work deserves a diamond !
12/22/2015 12:59 pm
Level 1 : New Network
Scottie_XDP's Avatar
In my experience, having a handful of mods with a single admin is better than having helpers, mods, admins, head admins etc.
05/30/2015 6:28 pm
Level 89 : Elite Deity
composer's Avatar
Things to add
- Don't have cliche ranks for example make donator ranks Vice, Beast, Mythical
- Don't have to many staff ranks just stick with mod and admin
- Ask a java programmer to code custom plugins don't download them almost every server that failed had essentials and stuff
I personally have a server with 500+ people on probably just because i done the above
02/26/2015 7:12 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Network
ThinkMinecraft25's Avatar
Nice guide I will plan to use this. If anyone wants to join or check it out the IP is otakuport.mcpro.co
I understand if no one wants to come on just seeing if anyone wants to check it out :)
03/31/2014 2:23 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Dragonborn
nukeplays's Avatar
Hey, the banner dosent seem to work for me like I've saved the banner to test it and it wont upload .
It says it exceeds form requirements
03/18/2014 3:07 am
Level 24 : Expert Fisherman
Fishmastr's Avatar
Every 24 hours, click on your server and go to "Update Server" at the top left. Click on "Update Log" and click the Bump Submission button.

This would be nonsense if everybody does, what unfortunately is currently mostly happening. Wouldn't it be better to really "update" it and not just bump?

ohh and btw, the best way to make a server look professional is to make it professional! ^^
03/18/2014 6:50 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Waffle
SackboyRocks's Avatar
Bumping is the only efficient way to grow your server quickly, without actually buying an advertisement.
03/18/2014 7:05 am
Level 24 : Expert Fisherman
Fishmastr's Avatar
Do a bump when you updated a plugin or mod is ok, but really only a bump without anything is just ruining the system. This is why there are bad servers high because of senseless bumps every day, other than a good server which is updated everytime a new update is available, which is maybe once a week and which deserves more players for their hard work. You get my point?
03/18/2014 4:26 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Waffle
SackboyRocks's Avatar
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