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How To Make Life Fun By Using Minecraft In Real Life!

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Heliosk's Avatar Heliosk
Level 49 : Master Architect

Hello Minecrafters and welcome back to another blog! Today i'll be showing you all how to make life fun by bringing Minecraft into it and making it a reality! This will be a fun and long blog so I hope you'll all enjoy and make life fun just like Minecraft is! As always leave some feedback down below and hopefully you'll enjoy this blog! This blog will be using funny pictures to represent what i'm meaning for certain situations. *Note This Blog Is Based Off Of P1gtails Blog About How To Clean Up Your Room Using Minecraft,Creds To The Idea Go To Her :D*

Minecraft...In Reality...? + Snow Fort V.S Creeper

Yes it's true. Over the years I've been figuring out ways to make life fun by bringing Minecraft into it for certain situations. For example, you're bored and it's snowing outside. You have to run outside and make a giant snow fort in 1 hour *To represent day and nighttime in minecraft* and then must hide in your shelter until daytime. The goal is to complete your fort and hide inside of it for a total of 10 minutes and then come out. The more friends you have, the more fun it can be! Take turns being a player, and having someone else be a creeper, who must destroy your fort with only snowballs!

Cleaning Your Room

When cleaning your room you have to pretend like everything that is trash that you need to throw away is like gold ingots. The goal is to collect as much trash (or gold ingots) and count how many you have when your finished cleaning.
1 - 1 gold ingot
5 - 7 gold ingots
10 - 15 gold ingots
15 - 23 gold ingots
50 - 5 diamonds

Collect as many as you can!

Waiting At The Bus Stop

We all have bored moments when it comes to waiting at the bus stop...why not make it interesting? Everytime you see a car come by you imagine it as a spider-jockey riding along. However many cars you count by the time the bus reaches you, you have to mine that many diamonds when you get home from school. Also whenever seeing a car come by you have to yell "CREEPERZ GUNNA CREEP."


You're walking one day and you decide...this is really boring. Well,all you have to do is bring Minecraft into this situation! Everytime you see a tree you have to punch it. ...No...I mean punch it softly not break your hand trying to punch it. Count how many trees you punched and when you get home,get that number of logs in Minecraft and try to build something with only those logs! Maybe bring a few friends along and see who can punch the most trees?

...I couldn't get a picture of somebody punching a tree so ehmmm...you get the idea. When you get outside...YOU HAVE TO HAVE THE ATTITUDE LIKE THIS GUY WHEN YOU PUNCH THOSE TREES!!!


I know...sadly it's the conclusion.I hope I've improved your daily lives through this post, and maybe have made even the dullest of tasks such as cleaning your room, a bit more bearable. I hope you've enjoyed this blog and it's made your life alot more fun! As always have wondeful Minecraftian day!

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Heliosk 11/18/2017 10:42:39 pmNov 18th, 2017

Coming back and seeing the popularity this article has received after so many years is absolutely astonishing! Anywho, I updated a few sections of the post.

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07/29/2013 2:16 am
Level 36 : Artisan Procrastinator
p05's Avatar
i would never put gold in the trash -_-
01/07/2013 10:43 am
Level 81 : Elite Architect
Nefashus's Avatar
Keith ..oh Keith xP
01/07/2013 5:06 pm
Level 49 : Master Architect
Heliosk's Avatar
Oh Nefashu...always providing lovely feedback C:
01/07/2013 10:42 am
Level 81 : Elite Architect
Nefashus's Avatar
01/07/2013 5:06 pm
Level 49 : Master Architect
Heliosk's Avatar
Same thing I did while writing this xP
01/07/2013 7:34 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Blob
P1gtails's Avatar
01/07/2013 5:06 pm
Level 49 : Master Architect
Heliosk's Avatar
o.o ...
01/07/2013 6:30 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Blob
P1gtails's Avatar
Cannot tell if blog is sarcastic or not =-=

o.o ... ,,,
01/08/2013 3:37 pm
Level 49 : Master Architect
Heliosk's Avatar
Well...I do most of this stuff when i'm bored so...yes and no...? o.o ...
01/08/2013 4:12 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Blob
P1gtails's Avatar
Better than a definitive yes I guess.
01/08/2013 4:17 pm
Level 49 : Master Architect
Heliosk's Avatar
Yes indeed. o.o
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