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How to make a Successful Server

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Glaz's Avatar Glaz
Level 9 : Apprentice Dragon
Whats up nerds, its yo boy, Glaz, The Server Hall Legend (Sarcasm, Chill). Due to me losing my brain cells by repeating myself to every single person in server hall what is a good server and what is a bad server, I will just write up this small Tutorial and link them to it so I don't have to repeat my words anymore. Lets begin ay?:

Staff - Don't pull staff from PMC or any other website. Nor mention that you are looking for staff on your advertisements/server posts. By mentioning this, you can come across as needy and impatient. Best staff are the regular players that come on your server. By doing this, you can see how they act on the server and how they act towards the players/staff. The staff you are looking for may also depend on their skill set. Developers are good at coding, Config people are good at configuring the server and so on. Because a person has Donated or asked for it, you don't and should not give staff to them as there's a high chance they will refund the donation and destroyer your server. (RIP)

Server Mode: Factions/Prison/Skyblock/Vanilla. From what I see, most people tryhard to make their server be the best. Well, tough. In the outside world, you need to expand your skill/staff team and make the best out of the options you get. By making the servers I mentioned earlier, you are already starting right at the bottom of the 100's of servers that are the same, and you will be competing against them. "But-but I have great staff and the server is new!" Nah, just nah. Great staff is a good addition, but that wont make your cliche pile of disappointment an enjoyable server and keep the players interested long enough for them to become regular members. How to counter this: Updates, updates and more updates. You need to keep the server fresh, interesting, more things for the players to do. Players get bored after they get full diamond gear + a nice base built and will stop coming on the server. By adding new additions to your server for the players to do, they may keep coming back to play more and more.

Presentation: No Square Faction spawns. Please, no. When a new player joins, you need to grab their attention ASAP or they will leave. Simple, right? Bold Letters, Moving Text, Un-needed prefixes/suffixes/Bad Spawn etc etc will make the player leave, or in worst case, troll. By having a clean chat format, clean prefixes will make the chat easier to read! Wow! As much as it looks cool to have some &k code next to your name, its distracting and looks like garbage, soz. Spawn, not too big, not too small. Something good to make a player say "Wow, that's rad brah" on the moment they join. Keep it simple, yet interesting. A website is a good addition, for putting voting links, for interacting with staff/players via chat/forums. That presentation also matters. Website needs to look good, function well and be well moderated. A lot can go down behind the scenes that the staff don't know about.

Hackers/Cheaters: 2 Words, both mean the same in the eyes of the newbie Owners/Staff/Players. If you see a cheater, then a simple solicitation can be placed, perma ban. Of course, that is after you gather enough evidence towards them, but what owner/staff member does that anymore, BAN ON THE SPOT IT IS THEN! Of course, you can find an "anti-cheat" plugin that will stop most of the flying and other garbage cheats like that, but some can bypass the anti-cheat. Thats where the decent staff come in, if they got a functioning brain that is. "But Glaz! Why not Temp Ban them, that should teach them a lesson!" My child, no. Temp Banning them wont make them learn their lesson. They will just move on with another server and forget yours. OR, come back and keep cheating, either one of those 2. There is no way that they will say this: "Oh no, I've been Temp Banned on a server that I just found out about. I better drop this filthy cheat JAR and actually get good at the game. Yeah, that Temp Ban tough me a lesson." In other words: Observe, take into consideration Latency/Permissions/Server Performance. If all of those are clear and good and you are 100% sure they are hacking, then just Perma Ban, no questions asked.

For now, that is all. I may update it later on in the days if needed. Now to answer a few questions/comments that people will post:

"Why are you so mean?":
How to make a Successful Server

"Why do you try to be funny?": My humour makes my day.

"Are you a fan of Overwatch?": Yes.

"[Grammar/Spelling mistake]": Ok.

"Thanks for the advice, I will keep it in mind when making my server!": You are welcome.

"Can I ask you for advice later on?": You may, either drop me a message here or on Twitter.

If none of those answer your questions, then do ask. And I do know some parts of this will get snipped due to Moderator rules and what not, but oh well.


1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Glaz 06/15/2016 4:27:15 pmJun 15th, 2016

Added section on Hackers/Cheaters.

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06/30/2016 12:46 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
thatonecrafter6's Avatar
Nice tutorial my dude!
06/21/2016 8:56 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
Nymphz's Avatar
I like this post. really does mean something.
06/20/2016 12:27 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Pony
StealingDaPenta's Avatar
Nice Lay-out ... SIKE!
Anyway; I agree with most of what you say; yet I don't believe vanilla is starting at the bottom. I had a very very hard time finding a vanilla server and ended up making my own. And look now: 5 days in and already 10 really active players; even though its age restricted and white-listed plain vanilla... Guess there aren't enough decent vanilla servers anyway huh? :) Diamonded !
06/20/2016 1:39 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Dragon
Glaz's Avatar
Yeah, layout is not the best. I do thank you for the feedback.

And it sounds your server is going well, best of luck to you, the server and its players. Keep it up.
06/15/2016 7:49 pm
Level 22 : Expert Network
YTCereal's Avatar
this clickbait.

clickbait isnt nice.
but nice blog.
06/16/2016 12:05 am
Level 9 : Apprentice Dragon
Glaz's Avatar
Well if it is a clickbait, then I guess I won?

But this is not a clickbait. It may seem like due to lack of information, but thats all there is to it to having a good server. Its all simple really. Yeah I got information missing but I'll add it later when I can word it properly.

I dont see where the clickbait part comes and neither do the other 8 people who gave me a Diamond for it.
06/15/2016 11:27 pm
Level 56 : Grandmaster Toast
ToastyLeggings's Avatar
If it's clickbait, then why'd you click it? It just shows that clickbait will never fail.
06/20/2016 12:28 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Pony
StealingDaPenta's Avatar
Meh; I never click clickbait videos on YouTube unless they happen to be a vid in my sub feed
06/15/2016 6:24 am
Level 35 : Artisan Dragonborn
Maloy's Avatar
Loved this, although if you go over this, you'll realize there's a few more tips that server owners should know, otherwise it's perfect.
06/15/2016 9:23 am
Level 9 : Apprentice Dragon
Glaz's Avatar
Yeah, I know. Hence the "I may update it later on in the days if needed.". I tried to get the most important points out 1st. Of course there are more to take into consideration so I may add them, sooner or later.
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