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How To Create a Bukkit Server for Minecraft 1.8.9

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Rockloudly's Avatar Rockloudly
Level 46 : Master Blockhead
So you want to create a Bukkit server? I'm Rockloudly, and in this tutorial I'm going to teach you how to make a quick and easy Bukkit server for Minecraft 1.8.9 using the Bukkit GUI Project!

1. To begin, download the Bukkit GUI Project (or BukkitGUI for short) from dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/bukkitgui/ .

2. Next, install Craftbukkit 1.8 from getspigot.org then rename the file that you downloaded from "craftbukkit_server.jar" to "craftbukkit.jar".

3. Create a folder on your Desktop and name it "Bukkit Server". Place your BukkitGUI and craftbukkit.jar in this folder.

4. Run BukkitGUI then press the "SuperStart" tab on the right of the window. Most of the options are fine by default, so don't worry about changing all of it.

5. On the Java Version slide, select your Java version and the bit of your operating system.
If you have Java 7 and you're running a 64-bit operating system, select the option that says "Jre7x64"

(Optional Step) If you know what you're doing, adjust the min/max RAM of your server using the slides.

6. On the text box that says "JAR file", select the location of your craftbukkit.jar . By default it should already have the location.

7. Press "Launch Server" at the bottom of the page to start the server.

8. Your server is now running! To connect to it, launch your Minecraft and connect to it using the ip address "localhost".

9. Now, this is where it gets a little tricky. To make your server publicly accessible, you must forward the port that people connect to. To learn how to do that, I recommend this link: www.youtube.com/watch?v=JbX67Um_xoM

10. Now that you've port forwarded your server, people can connect! But how? The IP address that other people use to connect to your server is your public IP address. This address can be found at www.whatsmyip.org .

And that wraps it up for this tutorial. Tune in later for a tutorial on how to install plugins and more!
If you liked this, please give it a favorite and a diamond!

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07/28/2016 3:14 am
Level 27 : Expert Nerd
j_0anna's Avatar
oh lordy. i keep getting "invalid or corrupt jar file" when i try to start my server. tried with many different versions of bukkit (1.8, 1.8.8) and both say same. used mcadmin.net which is the same site as getspigot.org
what do i do?
07/01/2016 6:47 am
Level 1 : New Miner
maciasmucias's Avatar
I am using BukkitGUI and when i launch the server, i get this output. Pls HELP!!!

[GUI] Retrieving your current bukkit version...
[GUI] Your current bukkit version couldn't be determined
[GUI] Starting bukkit server - min. RAM:256 max. RAM:2048
[GUI] The server is starting...
[GUI] Server started...
12:25:51 Loading libraries, please wait...
12:25:52 ERROR Error processing element Queue: CLASS_NOT_FOUND
12:25:52 WARN Unable to instantiate org.fusesource.jansi.WindowsAnsiOutputStream
12:25:53 ERROR Unable to locate appender TerminalConsole for logger
[GUI] The server has stopped...
07/09/2016 4:25 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
Khir's Avatar
Have you set the eula=true in your "eula.txt" file?
07/28/2016 3:10 am
Level 27 : Expert Nerd
j_0anna's Avatar
How do you do that, I got the same error message.
08/04/2017 6:37 am
Level 1 : New Miner
giabaogiakhanh's Avatar
Simple. To do that, simply oopen the eula.txt. the file should be like this:
#By changing the setting below to TRUE you are indicating your agreement to our EULA (account.mojang.com/documents/minecraft_eula).
#Fri Aug 04 17:28:08 ICT 2017
change the false into true.
06/21/2016 4:01 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
MLGChris333's Avatar
Rockloudly just use uTorrent to open port 25565 :P
05/22/2016 11:32 am
Level 1 : New Miner
mcdude2013's Avatar
is there a way to make it so you dont need minecraft premium???
05/25/2016 11:47 pm
Level 46 : Master Blockhead
Rockloudly's Avatar
You shouldn't need Minecraft Premium to create a server through this method haha
05/15/2016 12:59 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
thekiff34's Avatar
Hi there, could you message me personally or email me at [url=mailto:thekiff34@yahoo.com ]thekiff34@yahoo.com [/url]and help me create a server? Something always seems to go wrong, I have a Macbook. Thanks!
05/17/2016 5:14 pm
Level 46 : Master Blockhead
Rockloudly's Avatar
Hi Kiff! I might be able to help you this Sunday. PM me at this account and I'll try to set it up for you.
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