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How to become a better builder: House

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Galaxy-Gaming's Avatar Galaxy-Gaming
Level 34 : Artisan Network
Hello PMC!

First of all I'd like to thank all of you guys out there for the great response my previous tutorial got. It was really awesome to see so many of you liked it and found it useful. I will surely try to do more of these in the future.

I highly suggest that before you start doing this tutorial, you check out my previous one. This tutorial is gonna be a bit faster than the previous one and I will not explain how and why I detailed every single wall. You can find my previous tutorial on depth and detail here.


Step 1
We're going to start off right where we left last time. We've got our detailed wall. This is going to be one segment out of the total 6 wall segments that will be in the house. I've made all of the segments differently to show you some more options you've got when it comes to detailing.



Step 2
The first thing I added was another wall-segment, this one with a door in it. It's the same size as the first one and very similar. It's important that you don't make your wall-segments too different from each other so that the detailing and colours in your house will stay coherent.



Step 3
I made a simple skeletal lay-out for how I want my house to be. I added the shapes for the roof and the pillars for the back wall of our house. If you first make a lay-out like this, you can very simply see where every wall-segment will be and what shape they will have. The back wall will have the same shape as the front wall, but the two side-segments will have a higher, pointier shape.



Step 4
I've filled in and detailed the back wall. On the left segment I used grass blocks with trapdoors in front of them as a planter. I've also put no windows in that segment. Windows are really great for breaking up a plain wall, but you must also be careful not to overuse them. On the right one I've sticked to the first wall a lot more, by placing the windows and the slabs in the same place, though I've changed the lower part to leaves, which I used for bushes.



Step 5
It's a bit harder to do wall-segments that aren't rectangular. This side walls are a lot taller than the front and back, so I have to divide it in two stories. For the bottom floor I've use the same kind of approach we've used for the rest of the walls, but just different kind of features again. The top half is a bit trickier. It's a more narrow than the bottom floor, so you have to be careful not to overdetail it. On the left one I've created a small balcony, which is a feature I personally really love to use for houses.



Step 6
Next I started working on the roof. First thing I did was make a basic outline for the roof again. Made it go with the shape of the wall-segments, though I've made the roof hang over the walls by one block. This creates more depth to your build and makes it look a lot better. For the bottom line of the roof I've made it kinda sagged. This adds to the weathered feeling of the house a lot, plus it gives you really nice looking and detailed roofs in the end.



Step 7
What I've done here is basically just fill in the roof. I tried to stick with the curve I've had in the lowest one as well as I could, so that the roof would look like it sagged equally. I've also tried to maintain the height of each layer as well as possible. It's really important to make it look like it's all equally sagged, if you use this kind of roofs, it'll look very unnatural if you don't pay attention to this. Once I had done one side of the roof, I copied it on to the other side as well.



Step 8
Here I've added a simple outline to both sides of the roof. This makes it hang over your walls even more, creating more depth, and it adds a lot to the detail on the roof. Most people make their roofs really simple and straight, because they find it hard to detail their roofs. A simple outline like this can do a lot to a roof.



Step 9
To add even more detail to the roof, and again make it look a bit more weathered, I added cyan stained clay to the roof, because it's colour is very similar to the dark grey wool and it just adds a bit more texture to the roof. You can always use other blocks for your roofs too, of course.



Final result:
And if you follow all the of the steps, your house should look something like this. Of course I highly encourage you all to be creative, and give it your own twist. Creativity is what keeps sites like PMC alive, so keep that flow coming!



I hope this tutorial has helped a lot of you out there who try to improve their building.
If you want to take a look at this in game, you can download a schematic for the it here.

If you made a build inspired by this tutorial, feel free to link it in the comments, I'd love to see your results!

Good luck building!

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09/20/2014 2:50 pm
Level 56 : Grandmaster Batman
C0smicCow's Avatar
Haha I saw someone claim this as theres on a PMC post
08/16/2014 2:57 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Architect
[zaclag]'s Avatar
i miss the old days without evereyone building the same goddam house over and over again like seriosly this looks the same as so many other houses and you are teaching more people to build their houses exactly the same, it annoys me.
08/22/2014 6:21 am
Level 21 : Expert Architect
PhilosopherK's Avatar
Make something new, it's called creative for a reason.
08/21/2014 4:08 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Network
Galaxy-Gaming's Avatar
In fact, I dont try to teach people to build the same house over and over again. I try to teach them some base principles of building in minecraft. I don't mean for people to copy this, but rather for them to use it and create their own structures.
08/23/2014 8:48 am
Level 36 : Artisan Architect
[zaclag]'s Avatar
it is sad because I think that there might not be a way to make a "good" build any different when it has the same theme unless you use like a 3 meter to 1 meter scale or something.
08/16/2014 7:48 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
Amazing! Combine it with a larger room and boom, epic tavern :D
08/15/2014 4:54 pm
Level 43 : Master Artist
Ender_Eely's Avatar
Awesome, Now i challenge you to turn it into a mansion!
08/15/2014 4:59 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Network
Galaxy-Gaming's Avatar
Hehe, Maybe for another build, first gonna cover interiors on this house ^^
08/15/2014 1:01 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Waffle
SackboyRocks's Avatar
Very good blog. Please do more of these, they are pretty helpful! :D
08/15/2014 1:08 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Network
Galaxy-Gaming's Avatar
Will do sir!
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