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How ThomasG Makes Skins (Skinning Tutorial)

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AliksZander's Avatar AliksZander
Level 46 : Master Droid
-How ThomasG Makes Skins-

Hi there guys, a few of you have been asking how i create my skins, so i created this little blog-posty-thing to show you the steps that i go through to create my skins, this does change sometimes, but this is the general method i follow. Also remember making a skin isn't a two second job if you want it to look right, it takes time.

This is what the Skin i am making will look like





Step 1


Get the Equipment

Ok, this is the main step that you have to follow to be able to even START making a skin, you need the tools to make them. The programs i use are SkinEdit and Pain.net but there are a wide variety of programs such as MCSkin3D for making it and Photoshop for editing the skin afterwards. Once you have the programs you are ready to move on to step 2!

SkinEdit Download - http://www.moddb.com/games/minecraft/downloads/skinedit-alpha-3-pre-7

Paint.net Download - http://www.getpaint.net/download.html

Step 2


Learn SkinEdit

This isnt a step i follow, but i reccomend you do. Before you seriously make a skin i would mess around with the features and see what you can and can't do. After you feel you know what everything does it is time for step 3!

Step 3



Before i design the skin on say a game character, i research their features and look for clear photos of them to use whilst drawing, i always keep a photo up whilst skinning to compare colours and features, after you have researched your character then we shall move on to step 4.

Step 4


Start with the Head

I always draw the skins head before anything else as i feel it expresses a lot about the skin, and it is therefore easier to add clothing on to the skin after reading its expression. This stage can be hard to get the facial features just right but in the end you should come up with a good product.


Step 5


The Body

After i have drawn the head i move on to the body, as it is one of the main parts of the skin. The body isn't too hard to do, but you should pay attention to detail and make it look cool, if the body is plain apart from colours it will look boring, i always add something like a belt because it adds to the effect, also patterns help too.


Step 6


The Arms

After i have done the body, i go straight to the arms because the patterns will generally be the same, and it is easier to stick to one colour scheme at a time, always make the arms look realistic because the arms are a major part of the skin as they flop about when a character moves.


Step 7


The Legs

I always feel that because the legs aren't too visible people don't pay too much attention to them, but you should put as much work into the legs as the rest of the skin, as it is all about detail.


Step 8


The skin is done....nearly

After you have actually drawn the skin you are not done (or at least shouldn't be). I always use a program such as Paint.net to add realistic effects such as shading, contrasting and changing the brightness etc, this is a major part in editing the skin and poor shading makes for an overall poor skin, so get it right!


Step 9


Finishing Up

After i have added the finishing touches i go back into SkinEdit and check up on any features, and compare it to the picture to see if any features need changing or adding, after that you are pretty much done!

CreditSkinEdit, Paint.net

2 Update Logs

Update #2 : by AliksZander 12/08/2011 10:32:51 amDec 8th, 2011

Customized the layout a bit.

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02/17/2012 7:58 pm
Level 24 : Expert Narwhal
x_creeper!'s Avatar
02/03/2012 4:26 pm
Level 26 : Expert Nerd
ThePixel's Avatar
It doesn't show how you shaded it :/
02/05/2012 12:06 pm
Level 46 : Master Droid
AliksZander's Avatar
true, ill make a new one soon :)
12/25/2011 5:56 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Spider Rider
Jamarcus's Avatar
You suck dick at skinning
01/01/2012 4:18 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Network
Charlizard's Avatar
Stop flaming him.

For doing so, you have recieved a months ban.

This should be enough time for you to think about what you have done, and not do it again.

And I advise you to send Thomas a polite apoligy via private messaging him.
01/14/2012 9:20 pm
Level 22 : Expert Robot
tlc2010's Avatar
I'm surprised he's not banned for five months now, considering he's acting like a bitch
12/26/2011 12:09 pm
Level 46 : Master Droid
AliksZander's Avatar
I dont claim to be good at skinning, i just show people what i do, now go and troll somewhere else.
12/29/2011 9:31 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Spider Rider
Jamarcus's Avatar
You think your skins are good, but they suck ballsack.
12/31/2011 4:23 pm
Level 46 : Master Droid
AliksZander's Avatar
Did i ever say my skins were good? Get your facts right when your skins are the ones that suck.
01/01/2012 3:28 am
Level 37 : Artisan Spider Rider
Jamarcus's Avatar
I don't think my skins are good though, you admire ur skins in the shower like a fag.
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