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Greed- What Is It?

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alexbeast12's Avatar alexbeast12
Level 26 : Expert Geek

Hey Beasts, it's Alex again coming to you with another blog! Sorry I haven't been blogging lately, some family troubles have come up, so I had to deal with them. Ok, let's get back on track. If you've noticed, I added the 'Introduction' title. From now on, I will organize the blog with sections, like other bloggers here on PMC! Anyways, let's get this blog on the road!

What is 'greed'?

Wikipedia's definition of greed is as follows: "...the inordinate desire to possess wealth, goods, or objects of abstract value with the intention to keep it for one's self, far beyond the dictates of basic survival and comfort. It is applied to a markedly high desire for and pursuit of wealth, status, and power."

I don't like that definition. It is too boring and hard to understand for some individuals. My definition of greed is taking more of an object than you need and not helping others with what they need help with.

Why are people greedy?

People are greedy because they want to feel better about themselves and have superiority over others. People are also greedy so they can PROVE their supieriority.

An example: when I was in 2nd grade, we all had a nametag on our desk. At the end of the year, whoever had the cleanest and neatest nametag would get a whole bag of Twizzlers! That was like 1 million dollars for a 2nd grader. Anyways, I won the Twizzlers. I didn't share them with anybody because I wanted them all. I was being GREEDY.

Can greed be good?

However, greed can be good! Let's take two people, someone that donates everything he ever earns, and someone that keeps everything for himself. two VERY different types of people. The person that donates everything is a morally good person, and everybody will like him, but he won't get anywhere in life.

Now let's take the person that is greedy and keeps everything for himself. He will become very successful in life and have a lot of money, and end up being very profitable, but he will be morally sinning, and almost nobody will like him, except for other greedy people.

Greed can be good, but only early in a career and in life, when you need to be greedy, so you don't end up like the guy that gives away everything he ever possessed. Later in life, greed is not as good, and frowned upon.


Greed is usually bad, and is frowned usually. I believe that people have to be greedy, and that it should not be looked down on as much, because it is human nature. It should, however, be controlled.


Thank you everybody for reading this blog! This is my first blog I've produced on PMC that isn't a Snapshot Review. Because of that, feedback and critique is REALLY important for this blog! I hoped you liked my blog about GREED, so, until next time, it's Alex!

P.S. I recently hit my goal of 25 subscribers, and at the time of writing this, I have 27 subscribers! My next goal is 35 subscribers.

Brought to you by The Royal Squid Society
CreditMe, myself, and I.

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12/11/2012 1:03 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Skinner
MapleLemonade's Avatar
If I was in that contest, I would have no chance.
I would doodle on it xD
12/11/2012 6:36 am
Level 26 : Expert Geek
alexbeast12's Avatar
Haha! Thanks for the comment. ;)
11/23/2012 10:59 am
Level 34 : Artisan Pirate
Mr_Pwnz0r's Avatar
Great blog fellow Squid :3 ..[Told you I'd look at it today c;]. Love the picture btw, it's very well thought out! Here's a diamond.
11/23/2012 11:22 am
Level 26 : Expert Geek
alexbeast12's Avatar
Hey thanks Pwnzor. I try my best on these blogs. I'm probably going to start a new one once I get home today from Black Friday shopping. ;)
11/23/2012 12:53 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Pirate
Mr_Pwnz0r's Avatar
Please, call me Mr_P c; . It's obvious that you do your best. Can't wait to read it, good luck, try not to get ran over by a bunch of "door busting" parents. Have fun!
11/03/2012 9:55 am
Level 40 : Master Robot
BetaEdit's Avatar
when I was in 2nd grade, we all had a nametag on our desk. At the end of the year, whoever had the cleanest and neatest nametag would get a whole bag of Twizzlers! That was like 1 million dollars for a 2nd grader. Anyways, I won the Twizzlers. I didn't share them with anybody because I wanted them all. I was being GREEDY.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I dont see how that is greedy, considering you were in 2nd grade and you won a competition. :P
11/03/2012 11:18 am
Level 26 : Expert Geek
alexbeast12's Avatar
Well it was a jumbo bag, some I could have shared a few with my friends at least. I see your point, though. Also, thank you for reading my blog. ;)
11/01/2012 6:16 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Dragon
Dralyona's Avatar
Quite a nice blog INDEED!!! +1!
11/01/2012 6:23 am
Level 26 : Expert Geek
alexbeast12's Avatar
Ohh thank you very much Draly!
10/29/2012 1:57 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Dolphin
xSnowball's Avatar
Nice blog. Thanks for the advice too, can't wait for the next one.

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