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Good Blog vs. Bad Blog - What Really Matters [Pop Reel!]

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Myra_'s Avatar Myra_
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Sweetheart
Hey, guys! Today I'm back for another cool blog. As you can probably tell from the title, today I'll be talking about two things: GOOD BLOGS and BAD BLOGS.

Since I don't want to offend or single anyone out, I'm not going to mention any specific blogs here, but you'll get what I'm talking about. I'm going to start off with talking about the one we actually like to read: the GOOD BLOGS.

What is a good blog?? One of the funny facts of life is that everyone knows what they like, but it's hard to identify exactly what makes them like it. Luckily, there's a pretty clear line between the GOOD BLOGS and the BAD BLOGS, but this would be a stupid and pointless blog if I was just informing everyone that there are GOOD BLOGS and BAD BLOGS. Anyway, to the point.

A good blog doesn't just happen. They don't just spontaneously appear every once in a while. That would be nice if they did, but we're talking real life here, not sparkly perfection unicorn land. No, a good blog takes WORK. That's what makes it good; it wouldn't be a good blog if no one put any effort into it. And by "effort", I don't mean develop color-coordinating GIFS to go between every paragraph. Making your blog look like you were really trying to do a good job is NOT that hard.

How To Make Your Blog Look PROFESSIONAL
1. Use Correct Grammar & Spelling. Your hard-earned content isn't even going to be readable if you don't write it correctly.
2. Add Visual Emphasis. Don't write giant walls of text; double-space your paragraphs, maybe use a cool font, or add color on words you want to stick out.
3. Put in a nice intro and conclusion. If your blog flows smoothly, your point will get across much better than it would if you just blatantly screamed it for everyone on PMC to see.

Not that hard, right?? You'd think so. Unfortunately, some writers speak like they're three years old. You guessed it. Now it's time for...

Where on earth to start?! There's only a few ways you can make a blog look nice, but a thousand to mess them up. I could sit down and write a bad blog in two minutes. That's the main problem with some of these blogs: there was no work put into them. Some writers let their blogs "sit" for a few days while they think about them and any changes that might need to be made. Usually, the bad bloggers write theirs up instantly and hit save without even reading them over. As a result, there's often several grammar mistakes and very little interest.

How To Make Your Blog Look STUPID
1. Use awful grammar and post on the spot. No real writer ever posts their first draft. There's always a ton of editing involved, and if you're not up to it, maybe writing isn't the right field for you.
2. Write about things that no one cares about. It's not a good blog if it's about your weekend at the mall. Sure, it was probably fun at the time, but it would make awful reading!!
3. Put no effort into its appearance. A good thumbnail will attract readers, and catchy content, easy-to-read paragraphs, and good writing will keep them there! Your blog may even get deleted if there's not enough professional content in it, so beware!!

All in all, the key to good content is HARD WORK. Work hard on your blogs, and who knows, they may even end up on the pop reel!!

DIAMOND if you think I did a good job!
FAVORITE if you loved it!
SUBSCRIBE if you want to see more from me!!

P.S. I made both of the skins in the thumbnail. The ugly one being kicked off the edge is my very first skin. The other is my first with advanced skin shading. How far I've come...

UPDATE: This blog has become my second POP REEL!! When I first started PMC I didn't think that I would be popreel-worthy at all. Thanks so much for your support, guys!!

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08/25/2015 9:57 am
Level 37 : Artisan Cookie
oh_wow333's Avatar

i have cool blogs!!1!1!1!1!!!!
08/25/2015 1:06 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Sweetheart
Myra_'s Avatar
ooh shots fired
08/25/2015 1:09 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Cookie
oh_wow333's Avatar
, not sparkly perfection unicorn land

how dare you!!!!1111!!!
08/25/2015 1:09 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Sweetheart
Myra_'s Avatar
unicorns ouo
06/03/2015 9:03 am
Level 43 : Master Skinner
Phetagorah's Avatar
"we're talking real life here, not sparkly perfection unicorn land"... Finally, someone who stated this!! Nice blog btw!!
06/22/2015 11:31 am
Level 29 : Expert Artist
nikh's Avatar
08/06/2014 1:40 pm
Level 25 : Expert Artist
happyman323's Avatar
"all in all, the key to good content is"... Wait, the color is too bright to read! what was she about to say?
I need to find out! maybee sqiunting would help. AAAGH squinting makes it worse!
08/06/2014 2:19 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Sweetheart
Myra_'s Avatar
XD sorry, it showed up okay on my screen. I said hard work :P well, less color next time
08/06/2014 12:57 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Dragonborn
foeLe's Avatar
Personally, I disagree. I have my blogs proofread ONCE while waiting on an image to be made, and then I post it. It requires no mental effort for me, quite honestly. And I would suggest not using so much color in your text. It distracts me while I try to read.
A blog with no effort doesn't make it bad. A blog with full effort doesn't make it good. Each person has their own scale of "high effort" and "no effort". If I put full effort into a blog, it would be several pages long.
Also, like Repson said, if you're actually putting effort into the blog, then don't be using the same NovaSkin background that every other blogger without artistic talent uses.
Oh, and I also suggest using a topic that isn't milked to oblivion.
08/06/2014 1:00 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Sweetheart
Myra_'s Avatar
The thing is, if I didn't use a NovaSkin thumbnail, they'd all end up like this.
But I take your point.  I'm just expressing my feelings, and I understand that some people differ.
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