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From Hater to Mega Fan - My Minecraft Journey

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Hammonds Dream - EJP's Avatar Hammonds Dream - EJP
Level 55 : Grandmaster Architect
If you can beat the fans, why not join them, right?

That sentence is what got me to play Minecraft in the first place.

The year is 2012. I was a simple guy, who liked to draw, and make YouTube videos. Minecraft was blowing up everywhere; on all of the social medias, in the news. It was every where. It honestly started to annoy me, ya know? The fact that EVERYONE was playing this game, and I simply didn't want to. I wanted it to go away. I think the reason I didn't want to care about it was because of the idea of the game. What I had heard about it was that it was this game, where everything was made out of cubes. This sounded really dumb to me.

But, I guess you could say I judged it too soon.

Summer of 2012 rolls around, and one day I went to my friend's house. He kept telling me about this, this "Minecraft". I almost told him to stop talking about it. Later in the day, he said he was going to go play it on his Xbox 360. I finally caved, and went and sat and watched him play. He was right into it. He was showing me his survival world. A lot of thoughts were running through my head while watching him play. The main one was "Maybe it isn't so bad?". He wanted me to try, and basically forced the controller into my hand. The second my hand grasped the controller, and I placed my first block, that was when it all changed.

I asked him if I could make my own world. When he encouraged me to, I started building this little base (I was a noob so I did it in creative mode). I made this huge crater in the ground from TNT, and build two houses made out of oak wood on each side. To connect the houses, I build tunnel in the air. I put fences around the base to stop animals from getting in. It wasn't working, so I decided to build a moat around the place, and fill it with lava. By this point, I had an entirely new perspective of Minecraft.

When school started back up, my interest in the game died down a little bit, simply because I never had the chance to play it. I didn't have an Xbox or Play Station, and our family computer probably wasn't able to support the game (let alone the fact that I didn't even know it was a PC game).

Now we move into 2013. I had a really big interest in dinosaurs (which I still do), and decided to simply put the words "minecraft dinosaurs" into the YouTube search bar. I had no idea mods were a thing. I found a YouTuber by the name of Poet Plays, and I watched the first episode of his Minecraft dinosaurs series. I fell in love instantly. I loved the video, the mod, everything about it. So basically from around April to around July of that year, I caught up with the series, and watched every single episode that was already published, until I was at the point where I would wait for a new episode everyday. Watching his videos has taught me almost everything I know about Minecraft to this day. 2013 is definitely the year that my interest for the game skyrocketed.

When 2014 came, my interest for Minecraft was the highest it has ever been. Everyday, when I came home from school, I would go and watch videos of the game. I watched mod showcases, Let's Plays, tutorials, and almost every other kind of Minecraft video there was. I found a lot of YouTubers who dedicated their channels to the game, and they became the channel's who I regularily watched their videos. It wasn't until the beginning of fall that year, that I finally got to play Minecraft for PC. I had made a new friend, and he had shown me how to get the game. Unfortunately, he showed me the free way to get it. I didn't get the whole "Minecraft Experience", like with servers and all of that.

Throughout all of 2015, I played Minecraft everyday, whether it was Pocket Edition, on the Xbox, or on my computer. In Fall of 2015, I decided that I wanted to make a map of Jurassic Park for Minecraft. There were so many failed attempts. I watched tutorials of WorldPainter, and just couldn't the hang of it. For Christmas, I asked for a Minecraft Gift Code, ya know the little card that you can buy and it gives you a code to buy the full game for PC? It was one of the best decisions I have ever made with this game. I played on servers, which I had only previously seen in videos. I played Build Battle and Sky Wars on Hypixel, which I still do.

Moving into 2016, I finally decided to make a final attempt at a Jurassic Park map. I created a full scale map of the island from the film, which I am very proud of. I now have a very wide knowledge of Minecraft. it has become my most favorite game of all time. Thanks to friends, YouTubers, and even myself doing research, Minecraft has become a very important part of my life.

If it wasn't for my friend handing me that controller on that day back in 2012, I believe my life would be very different than what it is now.

Thanks You.

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