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For writers: How to ignore the hate (Tutorial)

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Friendly123's Avatar Friendly123
Level 42 : Master Architect
To bring other people down is a human condition that is closely akin from deriving pleasure from the suffering of others. In order to find your own creativity, you might need to shut out the hate of others. Take criticism with a grain of salt and allow you inner voice to speak up.

Who cares what they think?
Some people seem to exist just to tear you down. Perhaps it is human nature. Just like we like to laugh at blooper reels showing middle aged men getting hit the crotch, many of us find pleasure in taking people down a notch through destructive criticism. We do this to make ourselves feel better, to put a mask over our own failings by projecting them on to someone else. We are all a little guilty of being haters at some point in our lives. Who among us has not rolled our eyes at another person’s creative achievement? Still, while there is a little hater inside all of us, some of us are more adept at tearing others down than the rest. There are people who revel in your second thoughts and gleefully watch as your creative flame is extinguished underneath the sand pile of doubts they heap upon you.

Even friends and family members can, at times, be creative downers, putting in their own two cents about your idea causing you to doubt the direction you are heading in. Do not blame your love ones. They mean well and are only doing what they think you want them to do. After all, you were the one who asked them what they thought. They are obligated to try to “help” you.

While it is important to listen to criticism, it is also important to take what other people think with a few grains of salt. If all of us blindly followed the advice that others give us about our creative direction, we would all end up at the same place. At times we need to shut out the hate of others in order to find the creativity within. In order to get that original idea out, you have to be original and this stems from within and not from without. Listen to what others have to say, but let your inner voice be louder. Stay the course and let it help you create something that is truly your own.

How ignoring criticism can make you a better writer
Way back when I was younger, I took a creative writing course that nearly killed my desire to write at all. The teacher who taught it thought she was pretty hot stuff since she happened to be a published author. Her idea of good writing was vastly different from mine and she made sure to let me know. Being the sensitive creative type, I ended up taking her sharp criticisms about my creative output to heart. It put me in a creative whirlpool that lasted for almost a year and even made me reconsider writing.

Thankfully, time healed this wound and made me realize that just because someone has a PHD and a book published, does not make them an authority on how my own writing should be. While some of her criticisms about my use of character and plot were well intended, I needed to realize that my unique style of telling a story should not be totally reinvented just because some supposed authority on the subject did not get it.

If we all wrote our stories “by the book”, there would probably only be one book that was being written over and over again. If you have a different style, do not let the criticism of others persuade you to make it more like their style. Listen to their thoughts, but allow yourself to be stubborn about what you want and need to say with your writing.

...If you’ve made it this far though, I must say thank you. I know more than half of my readers leave about halfway through and I’m just so appreciative that you’ve made it to the end. So thank YOU for reading this.

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12/23/2015 5:37 am
Level 31 : Artisan Pony
StealingDaPenta's Avatar
Take the hate as something positive: learn why people hate, improve. (Unless it are plain atention seekers, of course)
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