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Ender Heart: Episode 1

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haltingdxplayer's Avatar haltingdxplayer
Level 21 : Expert Dragon
Ender Hearts: Episode 1

Chapter 1

People never really understood why Endermen hated humans so much. Here is why:

Before the world of Minecraftia was destroyed, Endermen and humans were the best friends there ever were. They ate together at restaurants, built cities together and helped each other when they were in need. I want to take a look at an Enderman that was named: Romulus. He was 13 years old and he was a fighter, he never gave up when a problem showed up. He had a lovely mother, a brother named: Remus and a very courageous father. The father of these two brothers was a guard at the wall of the city. He would leave at 8 A.M and come back the evening at 5 P.M. The father wanted the best for his children because he had a hard childhood.
As a child, he lived in a poor family and he started doing millitary training at 15 years old. Their main training enemy would be zombies and villager zombies. They used iron swords for the weapon so any mistake could be fatal.
The father worked hard and he was happy. They could afford 2 diamonds per month and they would either exchange them for more monthly money or just craft new tools. Overall, they were a happy Endermen family.

Chapter 2

One summer day, Romulus was outside having fun with other children, a few of them were humans! Romulus had 1 friend which was special to him, Steve. He was a human. They would race a lot, Steve would go on his bike and Romulus would wait until Steve was 1 inch away from the finish line to teleport at the end. Rarely, Romulus would ask if Steve wanted to teleport with him. When Steve accepted, Romulus would ask Steve to grab his hand and he would teleport, most of the time they'd go on a rooftop because it was fun to see all the other humans walk while they would just teleport.
The evening, Steve's parents would sometimes want to invite over Romulus to eat but Romulus barely fit in their home so they would go out in a restaurant. A law has been put up by the mayor which stated that all the restaurants would have to be at least 4 blocks high on the interior so Endermen could go eat there.

Chapter 3

One day, Romulus' father was reading the "Daily book" newspaper and he read that a small family one Endermen went missing in a street next to the army's barracks. Romulus' father was surprised, Endermen normally can't teleport around a water orb which is really rare. When Endermen get attacked they usually teleport themselves out of trouble. Only the professional robbers have those orbs. Romulus' father said: "Well, the sad thing is that people go missing everyday in tis world but what I don't understand is the fact that they went missing inside their own home."
Romulus doesn't like reading the newspaper but he likes it when his father tells him a few stories because Romulus' hates reading in general. Romulus' mother told Romulus to be careful and to not go in dark alleys. She even told him she'd prefer Romulus to be with Steve most of the time because Steve is the son of the mayor.

Chapter 4

One day, Romulus wanted to see Steve and he thought: "why not teleport to his front door?" But then he remembered that all the homes in the city are protected by a water orb in the front of the houses so bad Endermen couldn't rob people. He just teleported close to Steve's home and walked towards the door. He rang and Steve came in a hurry, he wasn't smiling.
Steve told Romulus the Endermen race is in danger. Romulus thought this was all a joke but Steve was not joking. Steve told Romulus that he overheard terrorists in the city wanted Enderpearls (Enderpearls are the hearts of Endermen). Romulus was shocked. He didn't know why humans would want them. Steve said he told his father about this and his father told him to warn Romulus. Romulus was mad and he didn't know what to do. If one day those terrorists show up, he might be killed for his heart as well as his family. They were both afraid, Steve didn't want to lose a friend and Romulus didn't want to die.

Chapter 5

As soon as Romulus returned home. He told his parents about the information Steve gave him. They didn't really know how to react because they couldn't tell if it was a joke or if it was serious. The father then opened his big purple eyes, they were beautiful, Endermen always had a good reputation for their purple glow because it's beautiful. The father believed his son, Romulus wasn't the kind that would play a joke on people. Romulus' father put it all together, the missing family case was explained to him. What he didn't understand was how it could have happened next to some military barracks.

Chapter 6

Steve went to Romulus' house to give him some important news. The mayor told Steve to announce something to Romulus' family. Steve said: "My father cares about you all, he said he would give you some resources to leave the city and be safe. He doesn't want to lose you guys and neither do I. So he said I could go with you all."
Romulus asked: "But when will we come back? How will we know when to come back?"
Steve answered: "He said he'd give us updates through Enderdragons (Enderdragons were the messengers for very rich people in the city)."
Romulus asked Steve to come inside and tell this to his parents. Romulus couldn't believe what he was hearing. Steve told everything to the parents and they accepted. Not that they wanted to! But they thought it was the best for their children. Remus also was shocked.

Chapter 7

The group told goodbye to all their friends and knew survival would be hard out in the wild but thanks to the resources they were given by the mayor, they could last out there for months. As the big city gate opened, they saw the outside, the trees, the shining sun, shimering water and grass. They walked out and the big wooden gate closed behind them. Remus was a bit afraid because he was told there were zombies and giant spiders roaming in the wild. They had diamond swords and diamond chestplates though so they were alright.
They walked towards plains because it was the perfect area to build a hut. But when the night arrived, they were all in their hut. They heard sounds of every kind of hostile mobs outside. Romulus looked out the window and he saw a human-like figure walking towards them. It was stormy outside, the figure didn't look that well, the sand and dirt flying around in the air. Romulus wondered: "Who is that? Does he have bad intentions? Should.. Should I open the door?"

Thank you for reading Episode 1 of Ender hearts! I hope you look forward to Episode 2! Action starts in there!

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