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Dungs & Dookies: The Caves Of Certain Death

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Carcharodontosaurus's Avatar Carcharodontosaurus
Level 59 : Grandmaster Fish
Welcome to yet another Dungs & Dookies adventure.
This time, you will need a dice to go on this voyage.

First, you need to know your base stats and inventory.

You have 10 Hit Points (HP). When you reach 0 in a fight, you die.
At this point, you have 0 armor. Having 1 armor, means you can minus 1 damage from an opponent's attack.
Right now you have a short-sword, which provides no extra damage. Other weapons and items can be obtained through your journey.

You were told in the tavern, that there's a cave full of treasure in the mountain of Gordanuskalalalaxanatask. Or what was the name again? Anyways, you've made it, to some mountain that matches the coordinates. You see the entrance to the cave-system, and you enter.

When you step in, you first come to what looks like a "den". Clearly someone has been cooking some bad meat or something, and there is blood everywhere. In the room you see a table with a ton of plates on it, a cauldron with a boiling substance, a flask of who knows what, and a door.

Go to:
1. If you wish to check the table.
2. If you wish to check the cauldron, with your hand...
3. If you wish to drink the flask.
4. If you wish to try opening the door.

You check the table out.

On the table there's a bunch of bones and half-eaten food. And, yea, well. That's kinda it innit? There's nothing else to say. Why did you even think a "table with a ton of plates on it" sounded interesting in the first place? Are you hungry? Fat perhaps? Or just dumb? Who knows.

Go back to the start and pick another option.
You check the cauldron with your hand, and..

That was orcish grog, aka. sulfuric acid. Your arms just corroded, fell off, now you're bleeding to death. Why the hell would you go check it with you bloody hands!? Yea, now you're dead, good job.

You choose to drink the flask.

Well, good news, that was one of the orcs' special brews called "I AM GONNA SMASH YOU IN YOUR UGLY MUG - potion". This potion gives you 1+ in attack for the rest of the adventure.

Item effect acquired: I AM GONNA SMASH YOU IN YOUR UGLY MUG - potion
Go back to the start and pick another option.
You choose to check the door.

Oh come on, of course this door is locked, lol, oh wait, what??? It's NOT!?? WHat the... This was not part of the game-manual. Drat. Well, alright, we'll play along, fine fine, let's see... uhm... oh, yea, okay. You open the door, and you now find yourself at a set of stairs. You walk down the stairs, for quite a while, till they stop. The stairs end in a big grotto, with a small underground brook running from one tunnel, to another one. You can now choose to go either through the right or the left tunnel.

Go to:

5: If you wish to go left.
If you wish to go right.
You choose to go left.

You reach the room, from which the brook is coming from, it's slightly cold and drippy, and there is a big steel door at the end of the room and oh my lord... there is... a massive 8-legged crocodile with 2 heads staring at you. WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO ABOUT IT!?

Go to:

7: If you wish to fight this damn pebble-worm.
8: If you wish to run away screaming like a little girl.
9: if you wanna make a run for the door.

(If you've already defeated the 8-legged 2-headed crocodile, go to "10")
You go through the tunnel to the right.

You enter a room filled with cages and torture instruments, ohohoho. And there are 2 goblins standing by a table, stabbing a man in his palms while they ask him "WHERE THE HELL DID YOU HIDE OUR STASH OF COCONUT-SHELLS!? WE NEED THEM FOR THE PARTY ON SATURDAY YOU DWEEB!".

Go to:

21: If you wish to help the goblins find out where those damn coconut-shells went.
22: If you wish to help the tortured man.
23: If you wish to just kill those nasty goblins.
You choose to fight the massive man-slaughtering, man-eating, colossal train of teeth and armor.

What a bloody fool you are. You draw your sword, it's time to fight. Now you need to use the dice to get anywhere. You must roll the dice, till you either die, or defeat the opponent.

8-legged 2-headed monster crocodile has 12 HP

If the dice rolls:

Roll 1: The massive beast bashes with its tail. Roll again, if you roll 3 or more, you dodge the attack, if not, you take 1 damage.

Roll 2: You are a bloody moron, and run straight towards it, so you get bitten, but luckily enough, don't die. However you do lose 2 HP yourself.

Roll 3: You swing your stupid shortsword at one of the heads, and do 1 damage, but loose 3 HP yourself.

Roll 4: You throw a rock at it, and it gets really pissed, so pissed that it slaps you with its tail right across your stupid face, which deals 3 HP to you.

Roll 5: You get a super lucky blow as it tries to bite you, and your sword goes straight through ONE of the heads. The crocodile looses half of its remaining health.

Roll 6: You somehow outplayed it super hard, and hit it under the soft skin, so you deal 3 damage.

If you die: You die.
If you somehow get super damn lucky and somehow survive: Go to "10".
You choose to run away screaming like a little girl.

Well, gotta give ya, I'd do the same bro. But hey, I ain't making the rules here, haha. Oh well... Go back to "4"

You choose to make a run for the MASSIVE iron door...

... WHICH IS OBVIOUSLY LOCKED YOU MASSIVE TURD. Yea. You're dead, what the hell were you thinking? "Ohoho, I can just run through it all, and there's no way that big heavy shiny door over there is *locked*".

Holy macaroni with cheese, you actually did it??? Are you sure you didn't cheat? Really? You bloody sure??? Well... hmmmmmm... this wasn't really supposed to happen... uhm.. aight... the big 8-legged 2-headed crocodile lies dead before you. You can now either check the big massive iron door, or go back to the previous room.

Go to:

11: If you wish to check the big massive iron door.
12: If you wish to go back to the previous room.
You choose to check the massive iron door.

And guess what, of course it's locked. Yea. Just like you thought wasn't it???
(Unless you have acquired "The Golden Banana-shaped Key")

Go to:

12: If you cannot open the door.
13: If you have acquired "The Golden Banana-shaped Key".
You've chosen to go back to the room with the two tunnels (Or, I mean, isn't it in reality just 1 tunnel, but like, you came in from the side, so it's "2 options"?)

You're back in the room with the brook running through, you can now choose to go either left or right.

Go to:

14: If you wish to go left.
6: If you wish to go right.

You unlock the big damn massive colossal stupid iron door with the Golden Banana-shaped Key.

You step inside, and in there, you see a Big Boy Ogre. Oh yes, a Big Boy Ogre. The difference between the normal Ogre and the "Big Boy Ogre" is, that the "Big Boy Ogre" is bloody humongous. Oh boy. It is sleeping though, and it is sleeping ON THE TREASURE. There's gold EVERYWHERE, and by the ogre's head, there's a massive treasure chest. And in a corner, there's a little wooden box, and next to it, a weapon rack.
Dungs & Dookies: The Caves Of Certain Death

Go to:

15: If you wish to start picking up as much gold as you can carry and leave.
16: If you wish to go open the big ass chest 'O treasure.
17: If you wish to check the small wooden box.
18: If you wish to check the weapon rack.
You go back into the room with the massive iron door.

Why? Go back, what the hell... You still haven't got a key.

You choose to start picking up gold from the floor.

Which of course makes a dung-ton of noise, good job idiot, you awakened the Big Boy Ogre, and now you HAVE to fight it, tough luck pal.

Go to 19 to fight the Big Boy Ogre.
You choose to try and open the big ass treasure chest.

Good job bozo, you awakened the Big Boy Ogre, and now you HAVE to fight it, tough luck pal.

Go to 19 to fight the Big Boy Ogre.
You choose to check out the small wooden box in the corner.

The box isn't locked, so you open it up, and now what's that before your tiny ugly eyes? Oh yes, it's a small chest full of diamonds. Yes, diamonds. And the ogre noticed nothing, so now you got yourself a couple of choices to make.

Go to:

15: If you wish to start picking up as much gold as you can carry and leave.
16: If you wish to go open the big ass chest 'O treasure.
18: If you wish to check the weapon rack.
If you wish to go home with the treasure you got now, playing it safe.
You choose to check the weapon rack.

You find a big massive axe, but also a shield. Now, for obvious reasons (And sheer laziness) You can only choose to pick 1 of these items.

Choose 1 item to acquire:

- "Big Massive Awesome Double-edged axe", provides you with a +2 bonus to damage. as well as "battle-axes" can be used in some special combat situations.
- "Thicc Iron Shield", provides you with +1 armor, meaning you can minus 1 damage from an opponent's attack as well as "shields" can be used in some special combat situations.

When the choice is made, go to:

15: If you wish to start picking up as much gold as you can carry and leave.
16: If you wish to go open the big ass chest 'O treasure.
17: If you wish to check the small wooden box.
You choose to fight the Big Boy Ogre.

Or well, "choose to", not really tho, you don't actually have a choice to be fair. The Big Boy Ogre has a massive spiked club, that you probably don't wanna be hit by, so yea... uhm... good luck fool.

You draw your weapon, it's time to fight. Now you need to use the dice to get anywhere. You must roll the dice, till you either die, or defeat the

Big Boy Ogre has 25 HP

If the dice rolls:

Roll 1:
Big Boy Ogre hits you right in the chest, and you fly straight into the wall, kablam. You loose 5 HP. However if you do have a shield, you can parry this blow if you do a re-roll and roll "6", if not, well tough luck, still losing 5 HP.

Roll 2:
Big Boy Ogre does a massive blow that ripples the earth, roll again, and if you don't roll 3 or more, you loose 7 HP for being a noob who cannot dodge for freaking frog-turd.

Roll 3:
You do a frontal strike, but get pushed away as well. You do 2 damage, and lose 1 HP.

Roll 4:
You make a bloody heroic leap, and hit the Big Boy Ogre right in the head. You do 3 damage. However if you do have a battle-axe, you deal 4 damage (+ whatever bonus damage your weapon has, as with any other attack).

Roll 5:
You slice the legs of the ogre so it falls to the ground. You do 1 damage, and the Big Boy Ogre will deal 1 less damage the next time it attacks.

Roll 6:
You make a reckless and stupid charge towards the ogre. Roll again, if you roll 1 or 2, you do 3 damage. If you roll 3 or 4, the Big Boy Ogre counter-attacks, you do 2 damage, and lose 4 HP. If you roll 5 or 6, you don't hit at all, but the Big Boy Ogre certainly hits you, you lose 6 HP.

If you die: You die.
If you somehow get super damn lucky and somehow survive: Go to

You choose to go home with the diamonds and nothing more, safe-play.

About 98% of the diamonds were made of glass. Actually just 2 of them were real. So you only made about 200 gold coins. But hey, you got out safe. Now you can go spend that money on some liquid cave troll lard to share with the bois in the tavern.

You choose to help the goblins.

You walk up to the torture table, and ask the man "Where did you put their bloody coconut-shells!?". And the tortured man answers "I'll NEVER tell!".

Go to:

24: If you wish to go "I'll stab you if you don't tell me".
25: If you wish to go "Well, thing is, I've stolen all of your jars with harpy snot. So what are you gonna do about it, punk???".
You choose to help out the tortured man.

You tell the goblins that the man they're torturing is a friend of yours that you met on a vacation in Valdorgorgoronon, we you slew 15 skeleton warriors together, and then had one hell of a grog-party afterwards (not orcish grog of course, that stuff is way too strong). The goblins go "????" and then you go like "Well, thing is, that he hid the coconut shells in a shack about 20 miles north from here, together with his collection of toenails from dwarf-women". The goblins are intrigued. They thank you for your help, and then give you an item.

- Item acquired: "Golden Banana-shaped Key"

The goblins then set the tortured man free, and they leave to seek out that shack you lied about... or... well, now the tortured man looks furiously at you, and says "I DO HAVE A SHACK 20 MILES NORTH FROM HERE YOU IMBECILE, ARGH, AND HOW DID YOU KNOW ABOUT ME COLLECTION OF- NEVERMIND" he then runs off.

Go to "26" to get back to the previous room.
You choose to kill the goblins.

Well, that was stupid. You killed them off, those poor little ugly fellas. What did they ever do to you? You needed them, to get any further in this adventure. You've lost brotendo. You've lost.

You threaten the tortured man.

He says he'd rather DIE than telling you.

Go to:

25: If you wish to go "Well, thing is, I've stolen all of your jars with harpy snot. So what are you gonna do about it, punk???".
27: If you wish to just give up.
You tell the tortured man that you've stolen all of his jars with harpy snot.

The man now looks at you with furious eyes. "NOOOO! NOT MY HARPY SNOT! OKAY OKAY, FINE, I HAVE A HUT ABOUT 20 MILES NORTH FROM HERE, I CAN SHOW YOU WHERE IT IS!". The goblins are very pleased with you interrogation skills. They give you 2 items as a thank you for your much needed service.

- Item acquired: "Golden Banana-shaped Key"
- Item acquired: "Amulet Of The Tenacious Bastard", provides you with a +3 bonus to HP.

Go to "26" to get back to the previous room.
You've chosen to go back to the room with the two tunnels (Or, I mean, isn't it in reality just 1 tunnel, but like, you came in from the side, so it's "2 options"?)

You're back in the room with the brook running through, you can now choose to go either left or right.

Go to:

5: If you wish to go left.
6: If you wish to go right.
You give up.

Well. What a boring pebble-licker you are ey? Then that's it for that adventure.

You actually killed, the Big Boy Ogre.

Are you for real? Really? You didn't cheat? Yea?????? Well... alright, you win this time. The treasure is yours for the taking. You made 1500 gold coins. That's a lot of grog and mead to share with the lads back at the tavern, maybe you could even spend some of that money on fixing your ol' goblin bois' half blind eyes by paying a wizard lizard to fix them with some dark spell that is surely gonna have some kind of stupid side-effect.

Hope you enjoyed this adventure.

You can calculate your score here, depending on how many items and how much gold you acquired.

Amulet Of The Tenacious Bastard400 Gold coins
Big Massive Awesome Double-edged axe250 Gold coins
Thicc Iron Shield250 Gold coins
The chestful of "diamonds"200 Gold coins
The whole treasure room (If you slay the Big Boy Ogre)1500 Gold coins

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09/28/2018 11:57 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Pokemon
DrownedPound's Avatar
09/15/2018 6:59 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Mage
RileyRiolu's Avatar
Defeated the crocodile on my first try with 7 hp, and defeated the ogre on my first try without out taking any damge. Overall got 1800 gold coins. 😎
09/15/2018 9:23 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Fish
Carcharodontosaurus's Avatar
Then you must be blessed by the rng-gods.
Go try the Tomb then. About 5 times harder. Good luck n00b. You cannot dodge the stuff in there.
09/15/2018 10:08 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Mage
RileyRiolu's Avatar
Fine, I accept your challenge, Oh Great Bandicoot of the Dungeon. We will see who is the n00b then.
The FaiyaBLAST
08/13/2018 8:58 am
Level 49 : Master Enderdragon
The FaiyaBLAST's Avatar
survived the crocodile, died once trying to fight Big Boy Ogre but ended up with 3900 gold coins!
08/13/2018 10:17 am
Level 59 : Grandmaster Fish
Carcharodontosaurus's Avatar
The maximum amount of gold coins you can acquire is 2400 tho, so dunno how the hell you've ended up with 3900.
The FaiyaBLAST
08/15/2018 6:31 am
Level 49 : Master Enderdragon
The FaiyaBLAST's Avatar
calculation wrong sorry, it should have been 2400 or whatever the max was
08/11/2018 11:10 am
Level 59 : Grandmaster Mlem Mlem Bat
billoxiiboy's Avatar
Dude, your messed up genius makes me laugh out loud. Well orchestrated MAdnEsS! My eyes are still smiling Thanks for the Funnies xD
08/11/2018 2:07 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Fish
Carcharodontosaurus's Avatar
There will be another one soon enough, just have a look out for when 😎👉
08/07/2018 8:44 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Archer
hshdje72626's Avatar
Whoaaaa I got 1550 gold I’m rich now GOODBYE
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