Minecraft Blogs / Story

Dimensions, Spring

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Guabayas's Avatar Guabayas
Level 21 : Expert Scribe
Chapter 1
We woke up on a strange island , as if we had fainted . My friend, deltabot14 was laying on the grass with my other two friends, Labylink and Captain Sandwich.
" God, what happened? " I said rubbing my head.
" I have not the slightest idea ," said Delta , looking around sleepy.
" What do you think we should do? " laby said looking at the group.
" Gather resources and finding a place to spend the night, I guess," said Captain instinctively
The group nodded , and started a little walk to find a place to settle down and spend the night. It was cold , something that no one in the group liked, but I loved it.
" Do you think it will snow ? " I said enthusiastically.
Everyone turned to see me with a straight face .
" Hopefully not " Laby said , flipping forward.
After walking a few chunks away from where we started , delta stopped and turned to see us .
"We need wood, it gets dark and there could be monsters " Delta said in his typical leadership.
" Monsters ? " asked Captain Sandwich, as if he did not know what they were .
"You know , creepers , skeletons , spiders All these horrible creatures that spawn at night. . " I said
"We will craft the wood to make tools , and so then we can get cobblestone , to make even better tools, and also get some coal to heat the house a bit," said Delta , very concentrated .
"Of course Mom" laby said as he burst into laughter
Nobody could resist the urge to laugh , so we all started to chuckle .
I knew my friends , we could not take anything seriously , we were not that kind of people .
We split up for a moment to get wood, and met in the place where we were before.
"I have a crafting table," said Captain Sandwich as he placed it on the floor.
" Perfect ! , we can now begin to build our house," I said, getting ahead and putting wooden planks everywhere.
My friends followed me , and we crafted some wooden tools . We got stone , coal and sand, to smelt and make some windows.
By the time in which the sun had set, we had already finished the house.
"I think it would be dangerous to go for wool at this time " Laby said as he placed the door.
" You're right, " Delta said nodding "We will craft the beds tomorrow and meanwhile we will wait for the sun to rise .
" Wait, I 'll have to sleep in the same house with you? " said the captain , with a smile .
"It's just to survive," I said laughing "well, at least I'm not that ugly, am I? 
Captain sandwich hit me with his elbow while laughing. 
A few seconds later, I looked out the window and I realized how beautiful it was to see the sun set. But I saw several silhouettes. Some large, some small approaching slowly towards the house. 
"It has begun" I said turning to see my friends. 
"What has begun?" Laby asked. 
"Night time" I said with some concern. I knew we were safe as long as the house had light, but was terrified by the faces of the 'monsters'. 
At least I knew that had my friends, till' the end. Or at least that's what I wanted ...
Chapter 2
inally the sun came out , we had not slept , so we had a tired expression on our faces . 
Captain Sandwich rose from the ground and left the house , we followed him. 
"I think now it would be the time that we got minerals," said Capt. sandwich. 
"We did not need to get some wool ? " Laby said. 
" Yeah , to craft beds " I stated 
" Why dont we just tackle the sheep and kill them in order to get the wool" Delta said yawning. 
"We are not primitives " said Capitan laughing " We'll split the job, Laby and I will work in the morning and you work at night " 
"Why do we have to risk ourselves. Why us at night? " I said worried. 
"That's why we're going to make weapons " Delta said trying to calm me "Do not be such a baby. You and I are going to work at night " 
I laughed softly. 
" I guess we have the most interesting job," I said with a good sense of humor. 
"Well," said Laby "It 's getting dark , so please get to work " 
"Sir, yes sir " Delta and I said, doing a Nazi salute. 
We went to a small mountain that was near the house and started digging into the center of the mountain, until we found stone. The I started digging down .Not straight down, but doing a kind of  a stairway. 
Along the way, Delta and I talked about different subjects , about what we would do in the distant future. We imagined a big house built by us, or a great castle to which no one could go inside besides us . A lot of dreams we had in mind .
On the way we gathered a lot of iron and a blue stone , which we did not know what it was . Also at a time , Delta was about to fall into lava. Which gave us a perfect idea to prank Laby . So we made a bucket and filled it with lava. Then we went back to the surface. 
Along the way we got more wood and entered the house. Laby and the captain were sleeping. The captain was sleeping on the window frame . But Laby , in contrast , was on the crafting table . Just perfect for our prank . 
Delta and I got a lot of stone in the bucket of lava and then , very carefully , then put them below Laby 's feet , who conveniently brought no shoes on. 
We shouted as loud as we could. Laby jumped straight to the hot stones . But when he landed , the heat of the stones did not affect him . 
Delta and I looked at each other very confused. 
" What's going on here? " said Captain 
Delta and we did not respond . Delta then grabbed the bucket of lava, and poured it into Laby's feet . He jumped but then realized that the lava was not hurting him. 
" How ? " I asked, puzzled 
"I do not know" replied Laby . 
We then put all the lava in the bucket before the house burned down . Then we all fell asleep. 
The next morning , me and Delta woke up . We were starving , but on the crafting table , Laby and the captain had left us a couple of apples . 
When they returned , they had lots of iron. But Laby had something more , he had a block of TNT. 
" Laby made ​​a friend," said the captain as he unloaded all the iron . 
The more Laby was approaching , I realized he was talking to the block of TNT, and that it had a pair of red eyes , like those of Laby , and a mouth. Both mouth and eyes clearly looked like those of a woman. 
" And these are my other friends Guabayas and Delta" said Laby pointing out . 
We both said hello to the girl. 
" Can she live with us ? " Laby said in a cute tone " Can sheee ? please?" 
"We would have to extend the house a bit . Also get more wool to get another bed. " I said " she is also a block of TNT, so she could ... " 
"Do not worry" said the cute girl in a soft tone, "I will not explode, I love to be peaceful. My name is Taryn TNT, by the way" 
"Well," said Delta "Let's get to work" 
We all nodded, and we got to work eventually. 
By the time the sun went down, we had already finished building. The new house was not that big, but it had four rooms for each of us. Laby's one had two beds, because he would share his room with his ​​friend. 
I knew something big was going to happen with those two, that friendship would become something bigger. 
Anyway, I went to my room and I layed in bed. I was confused by what had happened to Laby, or rather what did not happen to him, with the lava. Would he be the only one among us who had some skill? Or maybe his ability could be improved and used for something ... I didn't know. 
I closed my eyes and fell asleep.
Chapter 3
It's been a few days since we got here . Laby and Taryn had become a little irritating for us, they spend all day talking about their love . But after all, they were our friends , and we were happy for their relationship. 
Moreover, Laby is getting good with his abilities. He knows how to make fire with his hand, and uses his power to get ores that are in front of a lava pit . 
A few days ago, we got cobblestone for a project that the Captain had been planning , but he never wanted to say what was he was thinking. Finally , one morning he woke Taryn , Laby ,Delta and me up with a face of huge emotion in his face. 
" Go to the yard," he told us, " There is a little surprise for you " 
We left the house , we all had tired  faces. When we left the house , there was a deep space , made of cobblestone . But it was full of water . 
" You built a pool ? " I said excitedly . 
" You like it ? Asked Captain 
"It's incredible ! " Delta said excited to see the Pool. 
" But we do not have ... " 
" Swimsuits ? " said Captain sarcastically "they are above the crafting table , I made them with wool that was in the chests " 
" You thought of everything ! " Laby said 
" Do not thank me, I know I'm a genius," said Captain making a reference " Now change your clothes " 
We ran to the crafting table , which had four swimsuits. I took the one with my favorite colors and I went to my room to change my clothes . 
After that , I ran into the garden and everyone began to throw into the water. Taryn was sunbathing outside by the pool. 
But when I jumped into the water , I felt a great pain in the legs upon landing . It seemed as if he had fallen into stone, and not water . There was a great silence , no one could say anything , they were astonished . I opened my eyes slowly and looked down. I could not believe what had happened . The space where I had landed , transformed into ice. After a few seconds, it melted and I fell in the water. 
" What the hell was that? " Asked Laby 
" How ... ? " Delta captain and asked simultaneously . 
I iterrupted before they could say anything else . 
"No. .." I said confused "I don't know" 
After so much confusion , we kept on swimming . We then went to sleep. 
After a few weeks, I learned a little more about my ability . I could walk on lava, and it became obsidian . Which helped a lot in our working days. 
A few days later I discovered that I could create snowballs with my hand, so I proposed a snowball war between me and my friends. 
I was excited to know that Laby, was not the only one with an ability. I, now had one too. But perhaps the Captain and Delta had one too. We just had to wait. Meanwhile, I think I'll practice and see the secrets that my powers hide.
Chapter 4
It was getting dark , and that meant it was time to get to work. So I put my old clothes on me . Then I started looking for my pickaxe in my chest . Then I looked out the window , there were silhouettes everywhere , forming from the dust on the floor. But I no longer feared them as before. I had my powers , and even though I still did not control perfectly, I knew how to defend myself . But still , I grabbed my iron sword and put my armor on. 
When I left my room, I found Delta , who was also preparing to go to work . 
" Ready to go to the mine? " he asked as he put his boots on his feet. 
" I guess so, " I said, carrying my pickaxe . 
We left the house while the others slept . Delta turned me to see me. I read his mind , and I liked what he was thinking. We did that every night when we went to mine . So I nodded with a big smile on my face. 
We started to run and fight with everything we met on the way. It was a fun time . And this allowed me to improve my skills. 
After defeating all kinds of monsters , we reached the great mountain, on which we always dug and we started working. 
After a few hours, we reached the level where there was lava. And walked some more chunks . Then in the distance , across a lava lake , we saw a shiny thing . So we headed there. 
" Diamonds! " Dela shouted, excitedly. 
I screamed with excitement and I flung myself into the lake of lava. Delta screamed in horror at my action , but then remembered my skills. At every step , the lava became obsidian, and a few steps later, I arrived at the place where the diamonds were . Delta then crossed the lake, carefully steping in the obsidian. And we started mining them. 
"We should mark the spot , for Captain and Laby to find some more " said Delta 
"It would be a good idea," I exclaimed , sleepy . 
After marking the place , we went to the surface. It was still dark , it took only a few hours for us to mine. 
We arrived home, tired ,and we both went to our rooms. 
The next morning , we got up and went to the small kitchen. Taryn was waiting on the table. 
" Good morning," Taryn said , friendly as always. 
"What's up?" Delta said rubbing his eyes. 
"What's for breakfast?" I asked. 
"Apples and cooked chicken, from yesterday," said Taryn pointing the meal with her eyes "If you want more please let me know" 
"Thanks," Delta and I said, at the same time. 
I knew that Taryn was about our age, but she was like a mother to me. She always told me what was right and what was wrong. 
A few hours later, Laby and the Captain arrived, with many materials such as diamonds, gold and iron. 
"We're rich!" Laby screamed. 
We all laughed. 
A few hours after ,we decided to travel around the world. Until, in the distance, we saw a lot of houses. It looked like a village or a neighborhood. 
We turned to see each other, and had the same crazy idea. So we started running towards the group of houses. 
When we arrived we saw a lot of people with big noses.There were both men and women . Elders and children. And there was a large church , made of cobblestone . So we went there. There was a priest , reading a book. He turned to see us and closed his book . 
" Foreigners" he whispered to himself , "Welcome!" 
We said nothing 
"You come to visit ? " he asked 
"We were traveling around the world , and found the village," said the Captain , " So I guess ... " 
"No" Delta interrupted "We looked for a place to settle " 
Everyone turned around to see him. 
" As you can see, we are nomads" he continued " And we look for a community to stay in " 
" Is that the truth ? " asked the priest 
Delta was about to say yes, but Taryn interrupted . 
" Tell the truth, " 
Everyone turned around to see her. She had always told me that the truth was the best choice ever. 
"Alright, our house is very small and we want to live in something even bigger " Delta said , embarrassed . 
"No" said the priest seriously . 
" What? " shouted all at once . 
"It's very dangerous, the larger the community, the more monsters they attract. Now if I may ," the priest went to the door to leave. Laby blocked his path . 
" Wait, we will offer you protection in exchange of shelter and access to your facilities " 
The priest laughed sarcastically. 
" We have fought for years against the monsters without a victory . Do you think that if you come to live with us, you will increase our chances of survival? " 
"Maybe" Laby said. He extended his hand toward the priest and a small flame of fire out of his hand. 
"Magma essence" the priest said, surprised. 
I decided to extend my hand too , I focused as much as I could , and then a cold breeze was extended troughout the church. 
"Frozen Essence " whispered the priest. 
The priest was speechless , watching intently, with terror. 
"No. .. The answer is no ," he said thoughtfully . " Now get out before the monsters appear ." 
We left the village. We were all confused. All except Delta , who was thoughtful . 
" We'll come back tomorrow when the sun sets. " he said after a while. 
"You have a plan? " asked the captain. 
"No. But I have time to think of one "  he finally exclaimed . 
We got home , and everyone went to their rooms. And before closing the door , I saw that Taryn and Laby kissed each other before falling asleep. I smiled playfully and went to bed.
Chapter 5
We woke up very early. Delta was sitting at the table, and we headed there. It seemed as if he had been awake all night, the whole thing about the village had him worried . 
"You finally wake up ," Delta said. 
" How long have you been awake? " Laby asked as he yawned . 
" All night " Delta said . 
Nobody said anything , there was only a chorus of yawns. 
" Sit down , this will appeal to you," he said 
He was very concentrated, then pulled a sheet of paper and a piece of coal , apparently to explain his plan with a drawing . 
"We will go to the village when the sun sets, apparently villagers are cowards and can not fight , that's why they have not been victorious once. But anyway , my plan is to prove that we are their only salvation . So will set up a large wooden fence that surrounds the village , then kill all the monsters that come to us or them , any questions? " 
" Brilliant " I said 
" Thanks, we just wait until it gets dark outside" 
The day passed , and it was probably one of the most boring afternoons of my life. They all went to the pool , even Taryn , but not me. I tried, but the water just turned into ice. So I decided to make a small garden. I had to learn to control that. I really wanted to get to get to the pool, it was a very sunny day. 
Everyone left the pool shortly after I finished my small garden. I was probably not the best decorator in the world but my garden was beautiful. There were pumpkins, wheat and watermelons and even some flowers. The only thing that I didn't like about Delta's plan was that I would probably have to leave behind my plants. I could not stand the pain, so I crafted a little bone meal and fed it to all my plants . Then harvested them and stuck them all in the chest of my room. I did all of this while the others changed their clothes . 
"Okay, it's time to leave, Taryn you wait for us at home, we will probably be back in the morning." Delta said. Taryn nodded. 
" Very well, if there's nothing else , let's go " 
We all left the house. It was getting dark and the silhouettes were appearing from the floor . We just ran even faster. 
When we arrived, we confirmed what Delta had said , the villagers were cowards . They were running everywhere and took shelter in their homes. 
" Pathetic " said Captain laughing. 
" I know it 's ridiculous," I said laughing too. 
And from that moment , we started to work on the wood fence that would surround the village. We tried to be as quick as possible . 
Then we entered the village and killed many monsters and saved a lot of many villagers. I loved to fight with my friends, and also to use my powers. There were frozen mobs ,burned mobs and slain mobs everywhere. 
Finally, we visited the church, and at the door, the priest was surrounded by aggressive creatures. 

"You still believe that we aren't your ticket to survival?" Delta asked as we approached. 
The priest did not answer anything, he knew we were there, he was just not paying attention to us. 
The mobs were coming very slowly toward him. 
"Come on dude, you haven't you given up yet?" Laby said 
"Face it, you need us" I said 
There was a moment of silence, until the mobs began to jump on the priest. It was then where he yelled. 
"I agree, if you do not let me die" 
We all turned to see each other and killed all the creatures that were around the villager 
The priest tried to escape while we killed the monsters that previously had attacked him. But I realized this and I froze his foot against the ground. And he fell down. Delta then put the tip of the sword in his neck. 
"We saved you, and we have saved your people. Can we live here now?" Delta said earnestly. The villager gave up, and we asked for forgiveness. 
"Go get your things, and tomorrow afternoon I'll introduce you with my people," said the villager We obeyed and returned home. The sun was barely coming out. The plan went well, and best of all, I could bring my plants with me. I smiled and then I laughed gently by the emotion.
Chapter 6
We left the house just as the sun was out. We took all our important things and we all head to the village. And I did not forget my plants luckily, it was very important for me to bring them . 
" Do you believe that the priest will finally accept us in the village? " asked the Captain , " I'm hungry and we left the house without having breakfast, so I hope they have something ready . " 
" Probably yes, but you can eat some apples " Taryn replied to us . 
Finally we reached the village , and at the entrance the priest was waiting for us with a smile , which for me, was false.
"Welcome back " the villager said cheerfully , " Come to the church and eat something, you must be hungry . 
"Thank you" 
We all sat down to eat , it was a delicious breakfast, beef, pork and chicken. Everything cooked perfectly and served with a slice of bread. We also got bottles of water. At a time when we were at the table, Laby burped loudly and we all laughed . Even Taryn laughed, and I thought she was going to scold him. 
After that , a villager knocked the door and told us to go outside. Apparently he was a chef. 
Outside the church , all the people were gathered around the priest. 
"For years, the monsters have battled with us, and unfortunately have defeated us , but until yesterday , that losing streak ended , when a series of heroes came to our village. Now give a warm welcome to our protectors: Guabayas , Delta, Captain Sandwich, and Labylink " . said the priest. 
All the people clapped in unison and the priest addressed other words . 
" Now our comrade Hachovisk will give you a little guide through the village " 
" If you'd follow me please ..." said the chef who had called us earlier. 
We followed him and showed us several houses where some villagers lived, the church , a library, a blacksmith shop and then we stopped at the coolest section. 
" This place is where we plant our crops " Hachovisk said in his deep voice " Every week we pick the crops. But the seeds have been stolen by monsters , things have not been planted in a long time . 
Suddenly my eyes lit up. 
" Wait a second," I said and started looking for something in my pocket . Suddenly I found it . " I have several seeds. Can I ? " 
" Do it," said the chef. 
Then I started to plant everything I had. And when I finished , we continued with the tour. Then we stopped again. 
" And these four houses will be yours , they are large and have everything you need. Sorry I can't give you five houses , but there weren't ... " 
"Don't worry" the captain interrupted and turned to look at them with a grin. "They sleep together " 
" You have no other home besides this ? " I said, mockingly , " we do not want more creatures around here. " 
"They're a couple ? " asked Hachovisk 
We were about to deny, but Laby and Taryn interrupted us . 
" Yes," they said at the same time 
Delta, the captain and I turned around to see them. 
"Yesterday Laby asked if I would be his girlfriend," said Taryn excited . Laby nodded. 
" Perfect " said the villager smiling " Now I 'll leave you alone. If you need anything , my house is located next to the church. " 
" Wait ! " shouted Captain sandwich. " What is that golden thing over there " 
"It's a device that does strange drinks. Several people here call the potions. Some say that it was a gift brought from another dimension " 
" Another dimension ? " asked Laby 
The chef laughed and headed to his house 
"Good night ," he said 
We looked at each other and went to our houses. I noticed there was a small shelf of books in my room, so I started reading one called ' Dimensions ' . I was interested to know about the other worlds. But when I was about to open the book , the captain knocked on my door and entered. 
" Not interrupting anything? " asked 
"You 'd have to ask that to Laby and Taryn . " I said with a small laugh. The captain laughed too . 
"I wanted to try the drinks machine " 
" And why in my room? " 
" Because if something explodes or something like that , it will not affect me . " 
"Okay," I said and left the book on my bed. Then we went to the object. Grabbed two bottles of water and we put everything we found in it. Then we put them in the gadget and the inside of the bottle changed color. Then the captain made ​​me a sign with his hand to follow him and went up to the roof . 
" You saw Delta's face when we were welcomed ? " said Captain. 
" He looked like a little baby boy " I said . We both laughed . 
" And Laby and Taryn... " the captain said 
"I would like to find my other half one day," I said, and then looked at the stars. The captain did the same. There was a great silence. 
"You still have your powers?" asked Captain 
"I don't remember losing them" 
"Then you could ..." you said and extended his drink. 
"Okay, okay" I grabbed the two bottles and suddenly they were cooled. 
"Great," said the captain, "Now, a toast to our arrival in the village" 
After his words we took our drinks. Their taste was really weird, but at least they didn't taste bad. 
"Well, that's a peculiar taste" said Captain 
"You're right" 
Suddenly we started to feel strange, so we tried to get off the roof. But when we jumped down, we went really high in the air. 
We screamed very loud, but when we fell, we didn't feel any pain. 
So we laughed softly and went to our rooms. 
I was very tired, so I went to my bed and fell asleep.
Chapter 7
It had been a few weeks since we had moved to the village. My crops were large and beautiful, I even extended the place where they were planted. It was a great life, all was going fine, until Delta began to want to expand the village. The noise that the builders of the village did was horrible. It wouldn't let me sleep sometimes. But in the end, everything was worth it, he had been responsible for bringing farm animals to the village and building a large barn. I was already used to that life in just a few weeks. 
It was a quiet morning, no one was awake, so I went to the library and started reading a book about potions; the temperature at which they were prepared, the ingredients of each of the potions, among other things. 
The sun was barely peeking through the hills, and since no one woke up, I decided to memorize recipes for potions. Each one of them. It was difficult, but I managed to do it. 
Suddenly, someone knocked on the door of the library. It was Laby. 
"What are you doing?" he asked and leaned against the door frame. 
"I learn about potions" I said and pointed my book. 
"Boooooooooooring" he said and sat down in front of me "Sandwich and Delta will make a great pool and I don't think any of the villagers is interesting enough to chat with, so let's do something. 
"What about Taryn?" 
"She will wait for them to finish the pool and try it" 
I closed my book. 
"What do you wanna do?" 
"I don't know, something exciting Something like:  Throw a zombie from a waterfall, or something like that" 
I turned to see him enthusiastically. 
"Why do not we throw ourselves from the waterfall?" 
Laby turned to see me with a mischievous smile. He was thinking the same thing as me. 
"We'll leave at dusk" he said and left. 
I continued reading several books. There were stories, encyclopedias, cookbooks, and books on how to survive zombie attacks. Nothing seemed to please me. I suddenly remembered something. 
"Dimensions" I whispered to myself "it's in my room" I was going to get the book to my room, but Hachovisk called us to eat. My stomach was stronger than my desire to read. So I headed to the dining room (which had been built by Delta and the others a few days ago) 
I sat next to Delta and tried to talk to him, but he was busy solving a problem with the priest, apparently nothing serious, but he did not pay much attention to me.
I decided then to sit down with Captain Sandwich. 
We talked a while and ate a delicious roasted chicken with baked potatoes. 
Laby touched my shoulder and whispered something in my ear. 
I didn't say goodbye to a single person, I just got up from the table and ran toward the mountain with Laby. There were not many ways to climb it. 
"Now what, genius?" I said with a playful smile. 
Laby took a bow and shot an arrow at the top of the mountain. The arrow had a rope tied to the back. 
Laby started climbing the rope with incredible force. Then I lost sight of him and the rope to the ground along with the arrow. I worried a lot until I saw a torch lit on top of the mountain. 
"Now what?!" I yelled at him 
He did not answer. I saw something orange, and bright fall from the top of the mountain. It was fiery lava, and it headed towards me. 
"Make your own stairs!" he yelled at me. 
I had to act fast ... fast ... "That's it" I thought, and I took one of the potions of speed I had taken before leaving. Then, I ran through the lava as it became obsidian beneath my feet. I got to the top.
"Difficult?" he asked with a grin. I was catching my breath, it had obviously been difficult, so I decided not to answer 
"Now what?" 
"Take this," I gave him a potion of speed "Now you'll have to follow me." 
I flung from the cliff and started to run vertically on the waterfall. It was a beautiful feeling, I felt humid breeze on my face as I ran at full speed, and water turning into ice as I stepped on it. Then I thought about the fall. About the time I tried to get in the pool and the pain I had felt. This time the fall was much larger. 
"Focus, Flakes" I said to myself as I watched the water below, approach me. "You can do it" 
I closed my eyes and hoped for the best. This time I felt pain, but not as the impact with the ice. I opened my eyes and saw that I was under water. I swam to the surface to breathe. Laby fell right next to me. 
"You are insane," he told me and gave me a nudge in the arm. 
We saw the village from afar, they were placing redstone lamps 
everywhere, and Delta was saying something to the villagers. 
"I'm sure the pool is finished, he always gives speeches like that when he finishes a public building
Laby turned to see me, trembling. 
"Then I would like to go to the pool, the waterfall is making me cold"
"I thought you could not get cold ,torchman" 
"Think for a second bro, you can not light a fire underwater. Probably Delta invented a system to heat the pool" 
I nodded and we headed to the village. 
The pool was nearly empty, there were only Taryn, Delta and Sandwich. There was also a family of villagers with their young children. 
"Come on in, the water is nice," said Delta 
Laby and I went to change our clothes and went to the pool. 
"At last you can join us," said Sandwich to me.
Taryn congratulated me, and then Laby and I told them what we had done. 
"I wish you could call me the next time you do something like that" said Captain 
"Me too," said Delta ,and then corrected himself "Well ... if I have time" 
I was sad that Delta was always so worried about the welfare of the village. It was not ours, but we lived there. 
I decided not to think about it and keep chatting with my friends ...
Chapter 8
As most mornings in recent weeks, I sat in the library to wait for everyone to wake up. Fourth time I read a book about an impossible love between a villager and a zombie. It was a very funny book, but like most fairy tales I read, it had a happy ending. "Will I ever find true love?"I thought, and decided to focus on something else. I approached the window and saw the sunrise. A few moments later, the villagers began to leave their homes.
I worried when no one of my friends came out of their houses (except for Delta, which was one of the first to leave his home). I decided to go to the house of Laby. I knocked on the door.
"Come in!" said a sweet female voice: "Taryn"
I went in and saw Taryn, sitting at the table on the first floor.
"Your house looks good," I said and sat down in front of her "I think it was a good idea for them to make a second floor"
"Delta and his ideas" Taryn said shaking her head "That way Laby won't wake up so easily"
I laughed and stared at the floor for a while.
"Do you want to eat something?" I said and turned to see her.
Taryn nodded.
We headed to the dining room and I asked her what she wanted to eat.
"Do you even know how to cook?"she asked while grinning.
I thought for a second and answered.
"Oh gosh... From all the books I've read, I have never touched a recipie book."
Taryn laughed and then she yawned.
"I think I know the recipie for mushroom stew"
"Well..." I said "Let's get started"
We started gathering all the ingredients and started cooking. I had a really good time cooking with Taryn. She was like a mother to me.
We tasted the final product.
"...like old leather boots" I said and put my soup in the furnace.
"That bowl is made out of wood don't you know?" Taryn said. It sounded as if she was scolding me. So I grabbed her and put her in the table.
"Now wait here and don't worry, ok girl?"
I took the bowl out of the stone furnace. It was boiling hot, but I managed to get my hands cold enough so that I wouldn't feel any pain. I took it where Taryn was sitting and I sat down.Then I put her right beside me.
"Now taste it..."I said
I grabbed the bowl and put it's edge in her mouth. Her eyes suddenly went bright.
"It's pretty tasty" she said and I tasted it
"You're right! We should tell Hachovisk the secret to the recipie.
We went to see the chef and told him everything we had done that morning. He happily went to the dining room and he prepared a lot of mushroom stew.
I saw Delta coming in and he whispered to my ear.
"Prepare your pickaxe, we're gonna go mine"
Chapter 9
"What do you mean by mining?" I asked him,, even though I knew what he meant. What a stupid quiestion.
"You know, stabbing stones with a pickaxe to get minerals" He laughed, and I did too. It had been a pretty long time since Delta joined us in a quest. Well, now we had to join him.
"Could you please tell the others?"
"Uh yeah, sure..."
"Cool dude we leave at dusk"
"Why do we always leave at dusk?" I said and grinned. Delta laughed softly.
"I guess because at that time, Laby's waking up"
We both laughed.
"You want to come with us woman?"
Taryn laughed sarcastically.
"Of course I do ,princess hair"
I eventually told the Captain and Laby, who were happy to know we were going to explore the world, just like the old times.

Sun hid, and we were ready to go. We grabbed our pickaxe and headed outside of the village, wich was surrounded with a layer of stone bricks. It looked like a kingdom. And of course, in front of it there were twoo iron doors and a buttons in case someone wanted to go out.
"The village looks pretty neat" I said to... Whoever was listening. Delta answered.
"You like it ,bro?"
"I do, I think your doing a great job"
"Well, thanks! I think we should really make an automatic farm kind of structure so that..."
"Oh my gosh ,it hurts so bad" I interrupted him.
"What hurts so bad?"
"Your freaking conversations, they bore me a lot..." 
He laughed and pushed me.
"Good thing we're not that poor priest. He has to listen to Delta every single day" Laby said.
"Yeah, no joke" said Taryn
Delta stared at them with a fake angry face.
A few days passed away, and we eventually ran out of food.
"Ok... so where are we exactly going?" asked Captain Sandwich.
"Well, I found a map of the whole land around the village" he took it out of his pocket "And if we travel through that lake over there, we'll find a cave system"
I noticed a familiar place in the map. Something about it brought me memories...Our old house! I needed to say it out loud.
"Our old house was in those plains, we could go there and get some food."
"That's a great idea, I'm freaking starving... I can't even run" Laby said and sat in the ground. He was holding Taryn with his arms.
"Ok so... what are we waiting for? Let's go."
We started walking as fast as we could. Hunger wouldn't let us be swift enough to run.
But we finally found it, after a whole day of walking in the plains, we found our old house. It looked brand new, except for the things we had taken when we moved out, just like our windows, our doors, and my crops.
"Home sweet home" the Captain said and we all went inside. It smelled like oak trees.
Chapter 10
It was getting dark, so we decided to spend the night in our old house. Luckily, we still had some materials to cook something up. Delta and Taryn told us that they were going to cook, so they went to the kitchen. Laby, the Captain and me at down in the dining room.
"I'm freaking starving, I hope they finish cooking soon" Laby said.
"They sure will" the Captain replied "They just have to put the materials in a table, you know..."
"Yeah, and that's a pity, I wish some of those meals were warmer rather that just...
"I know, I know" I interrupted him "Mr.Flint and steel doesn't like his food cold"
"Poor baby..." the Captain said "He should go cry about it"
We both burst into laughter, and Laby threw us a small fire charge, wich exploded in front of us.
"Gee dood, be sure not to blow up the whole house" Delta said as he arrived with Taryn. "By the way, dinner's ready"
"Finally! It took for ages..."Laby said
"We were in there for like a minute..."Taryn answered
"But surely seemed like ages..."
There was a small silence.
"Anyway... We baked cookies!" Delta said enthusiastically
"Well not exactly "baked" cookies" said Laby while he grabbed one and warmed it up with his hands. Then he took the whole stack of cookies and warmed it up. We all took several cookies and ate them. They were absolutely delicious.
"Well... we sholud go to sleep now, don't you think?" Delta said as he ate the last cookie of the stack."We will have a pretty big adventure tomorrow, and we have to be prepared.
We all obeyed and went to our rooms. I wanted to start reading a book, like I did in the village, but I had none in my old room. I was really disappointed, so I went to the kitchen and drank a bucket of milk. Then I went to sleep.
Chapter 11

As most mornings in recent weeks, I sat in the library to wait for everyone to wake up. Fourth time I read a book about an impossible love between a village and a zombie. It was a very funny book, but like most fairy tales I read, it had a happy ending. "Will I ever find true love?"I thought, and decided to focus on something else. I approached the window and saw the sunrise. A few moments later, the villagers began to leave their homes.
I worried when no one of my friends came out of their houses (except for Delta, which was one of the first to leave his home). I decided to go to the house of Laby. I knocked on the door.
"Come in!" said a sweet female voice: "Taryn"
I went in and saw Taryn, sitting at the table on the first floor.
"Your house looks good," I said and sat down in front of her "I think it was a good idea for them to make a second floor"
"Delta and his ideas" Taryn said shaking her head "That way Laby won't wake up so easily"
I laughed and stared at the floor for a while.
"Do you want to eat something?" I said and turned to see her.
Taryn nodded.
We headed to the dining room and I asked her what she wanted to eat.
"Do you even know how to cook?"she asked while grinning.
I thought for a second and answered.
"Oh gosh... From all the books I've read, I have never touched a recipie book."
Taryn laughed and then she yawned.
"I think I know the recipie for mushroom stew"
"Well..." I said "Let's get started"
We started gathering all the ingredients and started cooking. I had a really good time
Chapter 12
As always, I woke up earlier than everyone else, and because of the fact I didn't have any book to read, I decided that I had to cook something for breakfast.
"Ok" I whispered to myself "Today we're going to search for a cave system, andd if they are like the ones I've read of...." I sighed. "Let's get to work".
I thought we had to eat quite a lot to endure our trip.
"Maybe some steak, some bread and..." I had no idea what esle to cook, so I thought of the last thing I would do in my entire life. Something that I wouldn't do even if they payed me for it. "Guess I'll have to go fishing..."
I crafted a fishing rod and got out of the house. There was a small body of water, so I climbed a tree, so that mobs wouldn't get me and started fishing. It took a long time until I catched a fish. It was a pufferfish.
"Really?! all this work for the poisonus one?!" I threw it away and started fishing again as the sun came out.
I went back home with only five fishes.
"What a waste of time..."
I went inside and cooked them in our furnace.
"That smells pretty good dood!" I turned around. It was Delta.
"Yeah, but took a long freaking time to get..."
"It will be totally worth it, though"
"I guess..."
I didn't want to be so serious with Delta. He was my friend. But lately I had considered him as a leader. Would I ever see him as a friend again. I erased the thought and got back to cooking.
"I will bring Sandwich and Laby" he said as he went for them "I guess Taryn is already awake"
"Yeah sure..." I said, kind of distracted.
"Good morning!" Taryn said with her typical smile. Laby ,in the other hand, looked really tired, he even fell down and almost fell asleep. The captain slapped him, he lost 1 heart but I was sure he was going to regenerate his health after a while.
"You guys had fun last night?" I said referring to Taryn and Laby.
"A skelleton shot an arrow and broke our window" Laby said as he sat down properly. "I had to kill it, but he invited some friends..."
"So you fought mobs all night, and you didn't even make a sound..."
Laby nodded.
"Anyway..." I interrupted. "I prepared breakfast, there's potatoes, some steak and..."
"Yeah, yeah... Just bring them here please" Captain Sandwich said, making a gesture with his hands"We are starving here, dood"
I laughed and went into the kitchen for our food.
We all ate breakfast, and Delta told us his plan, but Laby interrupted him.
"Dood, we don't need a plan... Let's just go, ¿ok?"
"Well, plans are always good, you know..."
"And why do we need plans for everything, Sandwich, Flakes and I have had many cool experiences and we didn't need a plan..."
"You know what?! Let's vote... Everyone who DOESN'T want a plan, raise their hand"
It was kind of awkward to be in the middle of their dicussion. I didn't really care about whether we had a plan or not. But this time, I decided to help Laby. So I slowly raised my hand. The Captain did the same thing.
"Ha!" Laby shouted.
"Fine then..." Delta said, kind of mad "Let's go then..."
We grabbed our stuff and they got out of the house. I made sure that I had taken some water bottles and some food for our trip. Once I checked I got out of the house too.
Chapter 13
We traveled several chunks of distance, we went through a desert and a taiga biome, until we sat down to rest in a mountain biome.
"Dood, you said that the cave was near the village..." I said as I laid down in the grass.
"I never said that" Delta replied "I said that we were going on an adventure. And we only have to cross that lake over there..." he pointed at the body of water. "And we will find that cave...
"Alright, alright... And then, you can tell it to your boyfriend: the priest" said the Captain as he got up.
We all laughed, even Delta, even though they were insulting him.
"So... what?" said Taryn as Laby picked her up "Shall we go?"
We all nodded and headed to the lake.
"Ok, now you guys follow me, kay?" I said as I ran across the lake. I felt it transforming into ice beneath my feet. It was beautiful. I stepped on the dirt and the block beneath me was suddenly covered with snow, but the next one I stepped on, wasn't. Weird...I didn't know I could do that.
Everyone arrived after me: the Captain, Delta and finally Laby and Taryn.
The cave's entrance was wide, so we went inside. We placed torches every now and then just to make sure monsters wouldn't spawn. There were bats all over the place, and we heard lots of monsters. Our expedition had been going really well, until the road split in half. There were two ways...
"Great, now what..." Laby asked. Delta was behind of us, he stared at the ground. He was possibly thinking. What a miracle! I was about to make that joke out loud, but it wasn't the right situation.
"I'll go one way, you three go the other way" he finally said
"What?! Please tell me you're kidding..." taryn said and Delta shook his head "Why don't you take Laby or Guabayas... They are the ones with power..."
Delta just looked at her 
"You go the other side" he said with a higher tone than before.
"You go the other side!!!!" he yelled and started running the other way.
We were stunned.
"Maybe he just wants to be alone..." I said, and turned to see my friends they looked confused, just like I was "He has many things to think about"
"He took all the torches though" the Captain said
"Yeah, but we have this dood who can produce his own light" I said and turned to see Laby . He didn't say anything, but instead raised a bit his hands and produced a fire block in each one of them.
"Ok then... let's go"
We traveled through the cave, but something bothered me.
"I haven't seen a hostile mob in all our way down"
Everyone turned around and noticed the same thing as me.
"Yeah, that's weird." said Laby "Although I can hear them"
"Me too... But they sound... Distant..." said the Captain.
We walked a little bit more, but we found a lava pit. But something was strange about it too.
"It's perfectly simetrical... A three by three lava pool." said Laby and looked across the room "It's a dead end..." he turned around to see us, he was thinking about something. I knew it because he squinted as he looked at us."I'll swim down"
"Are you sure babe? It could be dangerous"said Taryn with a worried face.
"Yeah, I'll be back in a moment... I hope I can find out what's going on here" he inhaled sharply and jumped into the lava pit. As he did so, I also looked across the room and saw a strange block, something I had never seen before. It was yellow and shone bright.
"What is that?" I said as I approached it... lava wasn't a problem for me, bacause it also froze beneath my feet. So I decided to take a look at the block, but as I stepped on the lava I heard Taryn and the Captain scream my name. I turned around and they were serious and scared. I suddenly saw how the room turned dark.
"Look at what you've done genious" said the Captain as he appoached. I looked down... I had accidentaly turned the whole lava pit's surface into obsidian."Don't you know Laby's still in there?" He took his diamond pickaxe out. A lot of thoughts came into my mind, bad ones. He will drown! I thought....
Chapter 14
Captain Sandwich and I took our diamond pickaxes and started breaking the obsidian. It took for ages just to break one block, but it was enough to see Laby's body floating beneath it. The Captain took him out. He wasn't breathing.
The Captain started pressing his hand against Laby's torso.
"The lava is inside of his lungs"
I wanted to help, so I approached him, but Taryn stopped me with her words.
"No! Don't touch him!" she scolded me "If you touch him, you might freeze the lava inside him and then..."
She didn't even have to finish the sentence, as I knew what she was going to say: He would stop breathing.
"Come on dood, breathe!!! BREATHE!!!" the Captain yelled as he pushed harder, but Laby didn't answer.
After a few moments, Laby barely moved his head, then he started coughing. Five lava blocks came out of his mouth and I accidentally picked them up. I noticed it and threw them away.
"Are you alright babe?" asked Taryn with a worried face.
"Yeah, yeah..."
"Did you find something down there?" the Captain said as he leaned on the wall.
"Not much... Just that the lava pit is really deep and that there's a one by one hole in the wall"
"I'm sorry I almost killed you" I apologized.
"It's ok dood" he turned around to see me "I was probably already drowning when you froze the surface"
I heaved a sigh of relief.
Everyone started thinking... Probably about a plan to get down to the surface.
"I have an idea" I said "But we need to craft some buckets to take this lava out"
They all followed me out of the cave to get wood, and then we went inside of it to craft the buckets and finally take out the lava.
"Now what?" Laby asked.
I shot an ice beam to the bottom of the pit, which was suddenly filled with ice blocks.
"Do you have enough energy to shoot a fireball?"
Laby nodded and shot one. The ice melted and turned into water. I turned around to see Taryn.
"Ladies first..."
Laby grabbed her and they both jumped down. 
"Ladies first..." I said to the Captain as I bursted into laughter. He pushed me into the pit and then jumped after me.
Laby pointed at the hole.
"See? There's the whole, but I can't see what's in there" his hand went bright and a small fire block came out of it, then he faced his hand towards the hole as we tried to figure out what was in there.
"There's a lever" Laby said "Shall I flick it?"
"I guess we don't have other choice" said Taryn as she closed her eyes. The Captain did the same and I did the same thing too. I heard Laby talking.
"Here we go..." he had flicked it... I heard it, and a bunch of piston-like sounds. We all opened our eyes. There was a large hallway full of cobwebs, paintings and that weird looking glowing stone that I saw before. 
"Let's go..." Laby said as he ran trough the corridor. We followed him.
Chapter 15
We ran across the hallway. No traps or anything. Weird.
"I don't like this" said Taryn "We haven't been attacked by anything. No mobs, no traps... Just paintings and cobwebs."
"And that glowing yellow stone" I said, but nobody seemed to pay attention.
We found out that the hallway was a dead end. There was a mossy stone-brick wall with a lot of levers.
"A puzzle" the Captain said "We'll have to solve it"
"There are millions of possibilities" I said "It will take ages for us to solve it"
"You know what..." Laby said and raised his hand "Screw it"  he threw a fire charge at the wall, which exploded on impact"
"Very clever, torchman, very clever" said the Captain as he went through the hole in the wall. We followed him. It was another walway, but it was dark and had this weird looking wooden fence structures. It had some rails also. I turned around and noticed a dispenser and a button besides it.
"Um... Guys" they turned around to see me "Sould we check that dispenser?" I pointed at it.
Laby approched to the dispenser and clicked the button. A minecart popped out of it. The captain and I grabbed one too.
"This is gonna be fun" Laby placed Taryn in a minecart and placed an empty one in front of it. He pushed both of them and hopped inside the empty one. I lost  him in the darkness of the hallway, but then heard a loud: Whooooohoooooo.
I looked at the Captain, which took his minecart and placed it in the railway. I did the same. I shot an ice beam behind oh the minecart and it pushed us really hard. We started seeing monsters as we travelled through the corridors. We are too fast for them to catch us. I looked across the room and found out that we were going so fast that we caught up with Taryn and Laby.
"Ain't it fun?!" Laby yelled as he watched us catch up.
"Sure thing!" I yelled and he turned around. I saw him disappear, then Taryn, then the Captain.What the--- I felt as iif the ground had disappeared, then I felt a great impact. The minecart broke and I grabbed it.
"Is everyone alright?" asked the Captain.
I heard the others say yes, so I decided to do the same. 
"I can't see a thing though" Laby once again created some fire from his hand, and we all were on top of each other. But the weirdest thing is that some villager-looking midgets were staring at us.
There was a great moment of silence, until one with a large beard appeared from behind of the crowd.
"What's going on here? why did you all stop..." he watched us with an amazed face "Humans.. But I thought they were" he turned around to see Taryn.
"Angustos amet sir, they have it" a midget told him.
"Indeed they do..." he turned around "Follow me..."
"But..." Laby tried to say something.
"I said follow me! And drink this." he handled us a potion bottle.
"What is this?" the Captain asked. The bearded midget was about to answer, but I did instead.
"Night vision II potions, 8:00 minute duration... Will allow us to see things perfectly in the darkness."
"You got a mage in your group?"
"Well I'm not exactly a mage but..." the man interrupted me with a soft laugh.
"Well sir, you have a lot of explanation to do..." said the Captain.
"And so do you young man..."
Chapter 16
We went through a large hallway full of signs and traps and secret rooms. It was really wierd, but we were guided by the old midget and his people.
"I don't know if we should trust them" the Captain whispered to my ear "They keep looking at Taryn every once in a while"
I nodded and continued walking, but I heard a splash potion exploding, then I started feeling sleepy and everything went black.
I opened my eyes and found myself inside of a glass cube, that was inside of a mossy-cobblestone room.
"Wha..." I felt really sleepy and weak "What is going on...?" I looked around to see if my friends were there. I didn't see them it was really dark, and the night vison effect was gone. I noticed thet my vision was actually blurry. A redstone torch was lit and I saw a midget approach my glass cage.
"Wha... What's happening?" I asked with a sleepy tone.
"We'll make the questions here" the midget started whispering something to a guy besides him.
"Wh...Where are the others..."
"They are probably asking the same question as you" said the midget with an evil smile "Specially the female one"
"Y... You mean Taryn?" I was very confused "Don't you dare to hurt her"
The midgets took a book and quill out and started writing something.
"So... tell us all about your angustos amet"
"I... I don't even know what that means"
They laughed at me.
"Ok then... Tell us about your block magic"
"Block... Block magic?" I tried to stand up, but I fell down again.
"The TNT block, how did you bring it to life?"
"I... I didn't, she's always been alive"
"Don't lie to us human..." said one of them in an upset tone "Don't lie to us! How did you bring it to life!"
"I'm telling you I didn't!"
"Very well then..." I heard a button being pushed, then a hole was opened above me, and lava was slowly going down. My first reaction was to try to throw an ice beam, but I couldn't.
"You're just too weak to fight... Now tell us the truth!"
"I'm telling you I know nothing" the lava got down one block. I tried to use my beam again.
"You'll die if you don't tell us!"
"I'll die anyway!" I used all my concentration to shoot the ice beam. It finally worked, and the lava went solid. I tried to break the glass, but the midgets were aiming at me with their bows. I broke the glass anyway. As fast as I could and got out as soon as the arrows landed where I was standing. They tried to shoot me again, but I grew an ice barrier in front of me, then I tramped the ground and it became ice, so the midgets would slip on it. And they did. But one of them attacked me from behind and put his iron sword in my neck.
"Well, if you don't want to tell us about the angustos amet, tell us where's the other guy!"
"What do you mean?!" I said as I tried punching him.
"We know you came with four guys and there's only three... Where is the other guy?!"
He was talking about Delta.
"We lost him before we found you"
"For Notch's sake these humans are stubborn"
A door was open and the old midget came in.
"What are you doing, you fools?" he said as he went inside.
"Getting the information you asked us for"
He looked at me and helped me get up.
"By getting information I didn't mean torture them, now wait here until I help your friends"
He got outside and they looked at me with angry faces.
"What is wrong with you?!" I said as i pushed the guy who was about to kill me.
He didn't seem to pay attention to me.
"He can't be our leader anymore, he's too soft... We need a tougher leader, soemone that..." I couldn't take it, I shot an ice beam to his mouth and it froze.
"You talk way too much"
The old midget went inside of my chamber followed by Laby and the Captain, who were really tired. "Maybe they had to fight with them too" I thought.
"Now would you please follow me..."
I doubted it for a second but I slowly followed him outside...
Chapter 17
We walked through another hallway, again full of rails and wood structures.
"I don't trust this guys" Sandwich whispered to my ear "Even the old one looks suspicious"
"Well at least he saved us from the others"
"I wonder..." he said.
We continued walking, until we arrived to a big room full of bookshelves. There were some stairs on the floor, and the old midget sat down in one of them.
"Please, go ahead..." I noticed he was holding a stick-looking thing in his hand. I figured it helped him walk, so I decided not to give it much importance. I sat down, and so did the others.
"Go ahead... I'll let you start to ask your questions first" the man said. We kept silent for a bit, until the Captain decided to start talking.
"Ok then" he said " First off... What are you and where are we"
"Well, we are the cave villagers, we have lived down here for ages and you, my friends, are on an abandoned mineshaft." the old man said.
"Second..." I decided to continue "How did you make us fall asleep"
The old man laughed softly.
"The potions you've read about are not all the possible ones you can brew"
Taryn decided to continue talking.
"Third... What did your helpers mean with block magic?"
The old man took a moment to think and then he answered. Was he not telling us everything?
"Weird of you to ask that..." he finnaly responded "I mean... You are the most affected by it.... All I can say is that you have one among you that can give life to blocks. "He looked at every single one of us. "We are sure it cannot be the block itself, so we figured out it had no sense to question the female one. There were three suspects left..." he pointed at Laby, then at Sadwich, and then at me with his staff. He continued talking "We found out about the ice powers and the fire powers of yours, so there was only one left"
"Me? Do I have hose powers?" asked the Captain.
"We tought so for a moment... It was possible.... But no" I heard some noise from behind of me, then the younger midgets came out from behind of the seats. They grabbed our arms and legs, so neither Laby nor me could use our powers.
"There's a fourth one, Am I right?" said the old man as he got up from his sit.
"Why are you doing this?!" asked Taryn, who was still in her place, but threatened by a midget with a flint and steel.
"You had your chance to ask your questions..." I heard some pistons behind of me, he closed the only exit. 
Laby's eyes went orange, then he spit out a great fireball, which exploded and stunned the midgets. This gave him the opportunity to escape and puch the midget that was threatening Tarnyn. The guys behind of us decided to stop Laby instead of holding us up. I froze their feet and Laby started throwing fireballs at the ceiling. I saw the light from the surface.
"Flakes!!!" he yelled at me as a midget tackled him down.
I saw a midget coming at me at full speed, so I shot an ice beam at the hole Laby had created and an ice layer was created.
I couldn't see pretty well. The night vision effect was wearing off. But before falling down to the ground, I saw one of Laby's fireballs.
The ice layer melted and turned into water.
We didn't hesitate. We started swimming up.
The last thing I heard from the midgets was the old man yelling at us. 
"Delta has a lot of explanation to do"
I din't have time to think, I was running out of air. I saw my air bar go down.
5 bubbles...4 bubbles...3 bubbles...2 bubbles...1 bubb...
We all reached the surface, safe and sound, and after getting out of the water, we started running.
"Are we even going the right way?!" Taryn asked while in Laby's arms.
"I don't care as long as they are not following us!" said the Captain.
"Look!" I said "I can see the old house in the distance!"
We ran a few more chunks. When the house was close enough from us, I decided to look back. Nothing. 
"There's no one behind of us... " I said as we arrived to the house "But just to make sure, we'll spend the night here"
They all nodded and we entered our old house again.
Chapter 18
The sun hid and it started to rain. Luckily, our old house was in perfect conditions, so neither rain nor monsters would get in. Everyone decided to have something different for dinner. I chose beef and cookies. I know... Weird combination, but it was all I could think of. We were all very confused.
We sat down at the table, but we were all very quiet. No one wanted to talk, they just ate their food silently.
"Hey... Ummm... "I decided to speak "Yeah , I don't know the story of how you..." i looked at Laby "...and Taryn met each other"
"Dude! It's already boring at this house, you want me to fall asleep with their love story?" said the Captain with a smile on his face.
"Let him ask! He's just curious" Taryn said kind of scolding the Captain
"Ok" Laby started "It's not much of a story. It's quite short actually... But anyway, I went outside with Sandwich to search for ores, and I found this abandoned rail. Yes, it was just one rail in the middle of a small cave. But it had a minecart with something inside. I deciceded to pick it up, and there I found Taryn. She was sleeping. I woke her up and we started talking about things. You know, just to know each other....Then we arrived home and..."
"Yes I know that part" I interupted and started thinking. After a while I decided to talk. "Hmmm... Taryn, do you remember something about what happened before Laby woke you up?"
"Nothing..." she said.
"We've gotta talk with Delta" said the Captain. He sounded concerned "He has to explain a lot of things"
"But for now...Let's get some sleep..." Laby said. We nodded and went to sleep

After we woke up and ate breakfast, we headed to the village.It took a long time, but we made it. We went inside and there were a couple of new buildings. I didn't know what they were for. But I was worried about other thing, so I decicded not to pay much attention to them.
I saw Hachovisk near the crops.
"Hey chef...?" He turned around to see me.
"Hello there Guabayas, How are you?" he asked
"I'm a bit confused, where's Delta?" i asked
"He..." the chef now seemed as confused as me "...he's at the library, he said something about building something... And that he wanted to talk to you"
"To me, or to us?"
"No, no, he said I have to talk to Flakes"
"Ok..." I had never felt so confused in my life "Thank you chef"
"You're welcome"
I walked again towards my friends.
"So..." the Captain asked
"He's at the library" I said.
"Great" Laby said enthusiaticaly "Now let's beat the everliving blocks out of him.
Laby started running and we followed him...
CreditSpecial thanks to CaptSandwich, DeltaLg14 and Labylink321. Without you guys, this story wouldn't exist, I Luv yu gais.

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04/27/2014 6:00 pm
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Pixel Puncher
PixelCrash_'s Avatar
I really like your writing style. Diamonded. There aren't many really well written stories here on PMC, so I'd lke to see this continued.
04/27/2014 6:09 pm
Level 21 : Expert Scribe
Guabayas's Avatar
It really means a lot, I'll write the 5th chapter today, probably. :D
04/26/2014 9:36 pm
Level 44 : Master Wolf
Satoru's Avatar
I like your use of words when you write, they're unique
04/26/2014 9:50 pm
Level 21 : Expert Scribe
Guabayas's Avatar
Thanks, really means a lot to have your feedback. I hope my story becomes famus one day.
04/26/2014 9:51 pm
Level 44 : Master Wolf
Satoru's Avatar
hehe yeah ^^
2pac is alive
04/21/2014 9:07 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Grump
2pac is alive's Avatar
not bad.
04/22/2014 12:04 pm
Level 21 : Expert Scribe
Guabayas's Avatar
Thank you!!
03/12/2014 10:31 pm
Level 21 : Expert Scribe
Guabayas's Avatar
Should i continue with this?
04/26/2014 9:37 pm
Level 44 : Master Wolf
Satoru's Avatar
yes :)
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