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Depression - Why You Should Be Careful of What You Say [A rant, persay.]

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Greytopher's Avatar Greytopher
Retired Moderator
Level 58 : Grandmaster Pig
Hi guys, I'm Greytopher, and I'm here to talk about depression among teenagers and minecrafters.

Through these past days, I've been trying to help people deal with depression. They've slumped down to a point where they think life is pointless, noone wants them, and life sucks. I've tried in every power of my might to help them stay optimistic, and I've tried to cheer them up. So far, I've been smacked down by one, and the other is starting to recieve help.

The reason why these two people have even gotten depression, is because of home life. They have parents or gaurdians that just don't really care about their well being, and by having noone that cares about you makes them feel unwanted. They just want someone who actually CARES. These people come onto Minecraft to have fun, forget about their real life, and build/survive. Until one cruel weekend, something terrible happens.

I play as a staff on a popular server, and through this came out two different staff members and a lower ranking player. Now, the kid who has depression is a somewhat high rank, and sometimes he gets high/drunk to forget everything that happens in his life. I, for one, can't help him since he lives in the UK, and I try to help him on Skype. But one day, he shoots me a message containing a converstation between him and another player on the server while he was high. The other person was dead serious.

It contained quotes of "go back to slitting yourself..." and "u slit yourself to get attention..." and one more "start slitting yourself."

What. The. Heck.

No matter what, you shouldn't be telling someone to go and inflict pain upon themselves because they want to relieve stress. When you tell someone to go hurt themselves, or that kind of thing.. you must be messed up.

And for some of you who think "Well, just help him cheer himself up, that'll make him feel better," It won't work. Depression is a mental illness when you can't produce enough Dopamine inside your brain. Dopamine (sorry if I spell it wrong) is a drug inside of your brain that makes you feel euphoric/happy. Without Dopamine, you feel depressed, and worst case scenario, you commit suicide.

Short version: Please watch what you say, you don't know who's hurting, and if they're on the verge of taking their life.

Thank you for reading.

I just got back from Mexico, and the blog should be up either tomorrow or the day after. I'm waiting on certain people to post pictures about it so I can share it with you guys!

3 Update Logs

Update #3 : by Greytopher 06/24/2012 12:50:40 amJun 24th, 2012

Updated some info, made it so some sentances made sense, as previously it didn't.

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11/05/2014 10:12 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Explorer
Candycane's Avatar
we live in a sad world..
04/20/2014 12:42 am
Level 1 : New Miner
SaturnSol14's Avatar
what is ur serevr name
11/15/2012 2:12 pm
Level 42 : Master Necromancer
candle_'s Avatar
Looked through the list of your posts and found this. Often I'm insulted/trolled by people in different ways, which makes my day worse than normal... At least I don't have depression. 80% of days I'm not really happy throughout them, but this makes me feel somewhat better, especially since you are so big and so many people will see this :)
10/30/2012 6:35 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Pony
juicy_orange's Avatar
Not proud to admit it but I think I have depression ._. It feels like there's some monster inside me trying to take over my whole body and I have nobody I feel I can talk to ._.
09/09/2012 1:20 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
Domokun124's Avatar
Everyone on this server even a moderator told me to kill myself.. ):
07/02/2012 7:51 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
RantinRaginOtter's Avatar
lol this is completely different but look:
09/17/2012 6:54 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Dragonborn
samsor10's Avatar
lol when it asks me to sign in sometimes it shows me the character XD
07/01/2012 4:46 pm
Level 45 : Master Batman
Soultaker435's Avatar
You should be a mental therapist.
07/01/2012 4:47 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Pig
Greytopher's Avatar
Eh, I can handle people up to a certain point... if I can't get my point across, I'll just rage at them and throw a chair across the room. Anyways, I want to be a Graphic/Web Designer, so that foils your plans :O
06/30/2012 1:12 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Dragon
evan839's Avatar
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