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Creative Servers and Their Issues

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Banges's Avatar Banges
Level 14 : Journeyman Robot
Things Ive noticed

Hey everyone! I’ve been on a large number of creative servers, and there is always something going on that just doesn’t feel right. The player base consists of a bunch of complainers and know-it-alls, the staff have some power issues, the higher ranks have too high of an ego, or just simply the ranking system is too boring. It is really hard to make a perfect creative server, and on top of that, it’s even harder to keep it running. I’m going to go through some different topics involving creative servers and their issues.

Are Creative servers dying?

To be honest, yes. Creative servers are attracting less and less members mainly because most super popular builders have their own private servers, and if they are public, people only go on them to meet “the owner.” People don’t like to build seriously that much anymore, but build for fun; and build with friends. On most creative servers attempting to get a promotion from a cooperative build is ban-able.

But Banges, why are they closing?

I think there are three main reasons why creative servers are closing.

1) The staff and rude players are pushing them away to a better, nicer environment

2) The owners decided to give up on the creative server to own a mini-games server

3) Not many donations are made to creative servers, mainly because they are no more perks you can get besides fly and creative, and maybe a few more world edit commands…

Getting donations on a creative server is the hardest part about owning one. You have to be able to interest members in purchasing a package that will support your server and maybe get you another month with it. Lets be honest, not many people actually donate because they care about the server very much, they just want stuff in return.

Getting into arguments

One thing that absolutely sickens me is when I go on to a creative server and see people arguing. What could they possibly be arguing about? They couldn’t have taken diamond armor from a chest, or tricked them into getting killed so you could have their points. People on creative servers tend to get a bit more personal, causing there to be political arguments, as well as server-related arguments; which by the way are the worst. People are called immature, stupid, “n00bs,” untalented, and much worse things. Well I will just say now, do not argue with the name-callers, because honestly; those are the immature ones. They will dumb you down and then beat you in an argument simply by experience.

How Ego can really affect your reputation

Having a high ego can really affect your reputation. What do I mean by high ego? I mean thinking you are way to cool for anyone, thinking you are better than everyone, etc. Though many people may LOVE your builds and your work, being rude to them is a no no. I went on to a server one week, and there was a very popular builder online. He is a staff member there. Since, you know, he’s the King of the world because of his status in a game, he was kicking players and banning them randomly. Telling people to shut up and not talk. I really dislike this person now and I’m sure I’m not the only one.

Another example is ignoring players because you don’t think they are worth your time. This is absolutely horrible. Guys, if you are going to go onto a multiplayer server, talk to people if they talk to you, don’t be rude and ignore them simply because who you think you are.

Begging for ranks... Annoying!

I’m going to keep this short and simple. If you want a rank, don’t ask for it. Sounds weird huh? Well, it’s just the way it is. Staff members don’t like when you say, “Is this good enough?” or “I know its crap but can I haz promo?” There are actually rules now on most creative servers saying not to ask for a promotion, but to use a command to request one, or post it on the forums. Begging and asking staff for their vote for a promotion is just flat-out annoying.

This section is for server owners:

Server owners, lets be real, you need to bust your butt to keep a creative server going nowadays. You need to have a lot of cash to keep it going in case there are no donations, you need to be respectful, don’t act like you have any more power than another non-staff member, and most certainly do not ban people for a slight misjudgment of a rule. Also, making a well-known builder a high rank or a staff rank when they first join just to keep them on your server is just disappointing. It makes you look desperate, and it makes players think you feel like the good builder’s fan boy/girl. Don’t treat one player any better than another because of his/her rank, or his/her building ability. Lastly, be original. Have a fun server name, fun ranks, something to look forward to as a player, and something to prevent players from leaving. No one likes an unoriginal server. Ranks like Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3 are a lot less fun to earn than ranks like Spark, Ember, Blaze, or Apprentice, Renowned, Shaman.

In conclusion, be smart and enthusiastic about every move you make.

Thank you all for reading my blog! Please please please comment what you think about what Ive said above, diamond it if you appreciate it, and subscribe for more Stuff in the future!!

<3 Banges
CreditThanks to TrigaJoules for letting me take a picture

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12/21/2014 11:04 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Pokemon
OceanDust_'s Avatar
So True...
02/15/2014 9:36 am
Level 23 : Expert Zombie
patrick8991's Avatar
"Spark, Ember, Blaze..." Yay Sunfury!
02/15/2014 3:31 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Robot
Banges's Avatar
:D haha im a proud spark
02/15/2014 3:49 pm
Level 23 : Expert Zombie
patrick8991's Avatar
Me too!
02/15/2014 4:49 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Robot
Banges's Avatar
02/14/2014 5:37 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Taco
wdw4's Avatar
I thought the problem was everyone went and built giant gentillia everywhere... Good points tho.
02/15/2014 7:01 am
Level 14 : Journeyman Robot
Banges's Avatar
Haha that too
02/14/2014 3:16 pm
Level 25 : Expert Architect
NASH0XX's Avatar
Good thing I do not own a creative server.
02/14/2014 12:09 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Network
s0vi3t_on1on's Avatar
I hate those servers that charges an incredibly high amount of money for everything - a server called "Minecraft Superior Gaming" is really terrible! I saw someone being banned and then had to pay 30 dollars just to get unbanned, and then it was announced to all the players - That person must've been really ashamed of the pesky announcement. Also it had really bad commands, people could use the /tp command and teleport to your plots without your permission on Creative. Also the plots were extremely small and you could only get ONE unless you paid 40 dollars for a rank.

If I ever were to make a creative server, I would think of your post here and make it out of my experience.
Super Red
06/18/2015 10:44 am
Level 24 : Expert Geek
Super Red's Avatar
I think I know the server your talking about. But I could get 2 kinda big plots for free, I just had to sign up on the fourms..
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