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Constructive Criticism: Maintaining the Gems of PMC (Back to Basics II)

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Zatharel's Avatar Zatharel
Level 50 : Grandmaster Sweetheart
Once again, I return to my old self. Today, I’ll be covering a topic inspired by a very old blog that I value very much called “How to give and take constructive criticism and why it is important.” Let’s begin.

After a short but productive discussion with another member (idontmindstarwars) in the comments of my last blog, I came to realize that we aren’t exactly doing our part in maintaining the “gems” of the site - the true works of art. This “maintenance” can be divided into two categories: Helping Others & Helping Ourselves.

Helping Others:

Most people here, including myself as much as I’d hate to admit it aren’t giving proper constructive criticism. When I don’t like a submission, I’ll usually say something along the lines of “don’t like it, too cliche”. This is the exact opposite of what I should be doing.

The general thing the site lacks is people who will actually bother writing a constructive reply to help someone improve. Sure, you can say you don’t like it for X reason, but what can the creator do so that you can start to like it? The main rule here is that nothing is completely helpless - everything can be improved and fixed.

If someone has made a squared dirt house, tell them that they should make it a better shape and that they should use other blocks besides dirt.
If they’ve made a noise skin tell them that they shouldn’t use noise and should instead shade certain parts.

When giving criticism, it is also important to use proper grammar. Having proper grammar and sentence structure makes it more likely for the creator to read and follow your advice and that’s great because it’s exactly what we want - people to follow advice.

The last thing you need to know is that if someone doesn’t follow your advice that is completely okay and there is no reason to stress about it. You did what you’re supposed to and you gave the advice, it is entirely up to the creator if they want to listen to you or if they want to completely ignore your advice.

Helping Ourselves:

Very wise people throughout history have said that we must learn from our mistakes, and that is exactly what needs to be done here, on PMC. We just covered giving the advice, now it’s important for us to learn how to take advice.

No matter how many trolls replies you get giving absolutely no helpful words, it is important not to feed the troll. You are simply just making a mess out of your own comment section and giving the troll exactly what he/she wants. I know it is hard to keep your cool with these things, but arguing only leads to more anger.

When taking real advice, remember that your submission is not perfect and there will always be room for improvement. You aren’t required to listen to viewer advice, but you should at least consider it - it will do you no harm.

If you don’t want to listen to the advice, you should still appreciate the advice. This person may not have done much, but they cared for you and your submission enough to try their best to help you improve, remember that. Be polite, say thank you to whoever wanted to help you.

We shouldn’t always rely on advice other people give us either. Sometimes, it is really helpful to just spend 5 minutes taking a look at your submission and asking yourself what you can improve. I can almost guarantee you will find something that can be made better.

Finally, it needs to be said that this is all for personal entertainment, not something worth stressing over. If people don’t like your submission, that shouldn’t let you down, it should be a reason for you to work harder to make something better. PMC is not one of those things you should be constantly stressed about, don’t ever let it become one.

Credityumenightfire27 and idontmindstarwars

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07/18/2015 1:31 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Fisherman
mudkip45's Avatar
Just thought I'd let you know that the song has been removed for copyright. You know... in case you wanted to fix it xD. Also, great blog! You gave both sides helpful advice... in a blog about advice. Lol.
07/18/2015 1:44 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Sweetheart
Zatharel's Avatar
not removed for me...ehh
07/18/2015 2:04 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Fisherman
mudkip45's Avatar
If you mean what I think you mean, the video itself is still there. It just doesn't play... exactly what it says

"This video contains content from UMG_MK, who has blocked it on copyright grounds"

If you did get right what I meant, then I'm somehow cursed with copyright xD....... ._.
07/19/2015 2:55 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Sweetheart
Zatharel's Avatar
dammit...might have to do this for all of them...
06/23/2015 2:05 am
Level 66 : High Grandmaster uwu
Ash's Avatar
this sucks
06/23/2015 2:32 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Sweetheart
Zatharel's Avatar
thank you ^-^
05/25/2015 12:38 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Explorer
Nyxtir's Avatar
Really like the blog, although I have run into problems in the past in real life and on one or two other sites where someone would sound mean while trying to give constructive critisism. I think that's the main reason that I haven't given much of it since things can often get messed up over the internet and you may seem ruder than you want to be when typing. Although I can agree that there does need to be more people trying to help others. :)
05/25/2015 3:11 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Sweetheart
Zatharel's Avatar
respond to negativity positively.
Not like, as much as Ghandi but you know to an extent :p
05/27/2015 10:27 am
Level 68 : High Grandmaster Bunny
Yuki's Avatar
Unless Civ Ghandi...
05/27/2015 10:46 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Sweetheart
Zatharel's Avatar
civ Ghandi op, nukes pl0x.
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