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Computer Class wafflegirl_

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wafflegirl__'s Avatar wafflegirl__
Level 30 : Artisan Artist
Hello everyone! I am going to tell you a story about computer class. Or my computer class at least. I could have named this THE WORST COMPUTER CLASS IN THE WHOLE WORLD: WAFFLEGIRL STORY TIME (NOT CLICKBAIT!!11!!!), and put a lot of emojis and stock photos in there and bold text saying WORST COMPUTER CLASS, but that never works, amirite?

TL;DR, the teacher made us do things that were not about computers, procrastinated a lot, and was a bit of a jerk.

I like computers. Like, too much. I spend a lot of time on my computer just messing around. When I first heard that I was in computer class in the middle school that I was going to, I was hyped. I was excited because I thought that we were gonna learn programming and stuff about that. Oh was I wrong. The class was cramped. The room was tiny, and that there were computers around the wall of the classroom, and then there was a smart board dividing the computers into two parts. And then there was the teacher's corner where she placed a lot of magnets of herself and her family and had a desk and a laptop.

The class had very little to do with computers. The majority of the assignments were about typing out things and sending it to the teacher. One of the dumbest assignments we had was about typing about one of the things that we want Donald Trump to do first that he said that he was gonna do. Now I don't want to argue about politics because I'm tired of the arguing about who was the better candidate, but I'm sure that we can all agree that was a bad idea for a assignment for a computer class. School and politics do not go together. The other assignments were similar, but we had to give summaries, or in one case, make our own ending for a story that was good by the teacher. The story is like any other story where one kid is apparently bullied by all the other kids in their class. You know the drill.

Another thing that we did that I have no reason why we did it was watching CNN Student News, which turned into Gloom and Doom Student News quicker than you think. They would be talking about what was happening in Islam and stuff like that. They even had a thing which talked about distracted driving for two episodes. Sometimes, the teacher would say something like "You better be thankful for what you have here, because they don't have all the stuff that we have there." or something like that. Now I'm not saying that the people that are being attacked by terrorists over there are just fine. They need all the help that they need, and they deserve all of it. But this is basically CNN making "shocking" stories about terrorism every day so the kids would pay attention. And you think that we would do some assignment about this, but no. nada, nothing at all. We would just watch it for no reason.

Now here comes the worst part about this. The teacher. I'm not gonna say her name just for privacy, but was she a horrible teacher. Lemme elaborate, aside from the assignments and the stupid things that were there for no reason, she procrastinated a lot, and I mean more than a kid could get away with in class. We would wait for 5 minutes for the class to officially start, watch Gloom and Doom Student News, after that, we just practiced typing. Yes, that was the main course of this class. Typing. Yes, that was the main thing that we practiced. And when the teacher is questioned about her ways of "teaching", she would use the "it's my way of teaching!" excuse. The worst day of class was when the teacher wasted at most 53 minutes minutes doing nothing, and gave us a total of about 5 seconds of doing the assignment for it. Or that was the time I got sense I saw some kids that got on the computers and playing around. I probably had some trouble getting on a computer that day. Another annoying thing that she would do was that she would place a image on our screen for about 10-20 seconds (I don't remember how long it was)? This would screw the kids that were playing Nitro Type. If you don't know, the game kicks you out of the game you're in if you're inactive for too long. Even if you weren't on Nitro Type, it was annoying. She laughed when this happened, and she did this multiple times, on random.

I was happy when it was the start of winter break, not for Christmas, but because I would have a different class for the "B" day of school. Also If you are the teacher that's reading this... I have no idea what to say, I'm sorry but I'm saying my opinion. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this little story that I had to share, and if you have any stories that you have to share about a bad teacher that you had and would like to share it, leave it in the comments. This is Waffle, and I hope that you had a good day today!
i just realized that this story contained some things that were similar to the story video Ceramics by penguinz0.
Creditthe computer teacher for giving me unforgettable memories

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Eli the Zeratoed
12/25/2016 3:40 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor
Eli the Zeratoed's Avatar
Oh. My. Goodness... A computer teacher made you watch Carl (the llama)!? Wow. I'd prefer watching that during history class than in a class about typing! I remember I was forced to take a computer class back in middle school, and holy crap it was boring and easy... Just type a bunch of things! Okay, maybe my middle school had things that taught me how to use iMovie, but wow. You know, if I could teach a computer class, I'd make the computers have Mario Teaches Typing (1 and 2 of course), Oregon Trail, and maybe teach a bit of coding if we had the time to. I think your teacher has no idea what a computer class should be, and should do a history class instead. She seems like a better teacher for history, but just got placed in the wrong room and subject, that's all. If I had to teach a math class (Take trigonometry for example), I would probably have no idea what to do either. So for now, I guess you should tolerate it for the better. That's what I'm doing with my math class currently, because the teacher is so darn boring and I feel that bored aura from her saying "Where the heck is my paycheck now?". Dang, I feel bad for the bored/lazy teachers out there! For now, Merry Xmas!
12/25/2016 4:19 am
Level 30 : Artisan Artist
wafflegirl__'s Avatar
We actually didn't watch Carl the llama at all in computer class, I don't know where you got that. And heck, we didn't get to mess around with iMovie or anything like that. We just used Microsoft Word 2007, Powerpoint, and Google Docs. No movie making programs at all. Also my sister had her for a sub in orchestra, and she had a similar experience that I had.
Eli the Zeratoed
12/26/2016 2:34 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor
Eli the Zeratoed's Avatar
Ah, okay. I think the Carl the llama thing was actually a pun for the news thing you were forced to watch (*cough* Carl Azuz *cough*), as I would randomly blurt out "Carrrrrrrl!" every time that guy says his first word of the day, or hear that stupid goofy cheesy thing at the beginning of the news session we were forced to watch.

With that out of the way, I was actually talking about specifically my 7th grade class. The computer class I took for MS PowerPoint and Word (because it was so mind-bogglingly easy) is similar to yours, but I took it back in 9th grade (I'm in 11th grade currently... :P). Different schools have different ways of teaching, if you know what I mean. x3
12/27/2016 10:44 am
Level 30 : Artisan Artist
wafflegirl__'s Avatar
It's sorta creepy that our computer classes were similar.
wait did you take it in 7th or 9th grade?
or both?
Eli the Zeratoed
12/27/2016 12:13 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor
Eli the Zeratoed's Avatar
Yeah, it kinda is... (ʘ﹏ʘ)
Well, for me, 7th was the beginning CPU class I was forced to take (for babies who don't know how to type, even though I already knew how to type, they forced that on us...), and 9th Grade was that optional PowerPoint class I took for fun because it was so mind-bogglingly easy. So yeah, that's explained... xD
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