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Come on, People [Part 1]

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gltchmstr's Avatar gltchmstr
Level 41 : Master Toast
Hey guys, gltch here.
I've spent way too much time on PMC, and during that time I've noticed "a few" things we need to change.
I felt I really needed to cover these topics, but I don't have enough time to sit down and just type away. I will make part 2 when I have the time.


As of the time I started writing this, there were 732,499 skins on Planet Minecraft. How many would you say were original skins? 700,000? 500,000? Based on the few pages I looked through, only about 5 out of the 20 on each page were original. That's right now. What about from the time where everyone was making the teen skins? A LOT of them aren't original. Some of them are original, just changing the hair color doesn't make something original. As said in the comments below, the hoodie skins are overdone. That's where I was coming from. I'd say only about 150,000 (if that) are original skins. Most people only upload skins to try to get XP. Come on, people.


As of the time I started writing this, there were 273,923 projects on Planet Minecraft. How many would you say are original? 200,000? 150,000? I'd say most of them are original, so good job people, in that section. I do have a problem, however. Yes, I know some people aren't good at building. Yes, I know some people are good at building. Seriously, though, do you really need to share your 5x5 wooden shacks? No. Also, some people don't have screenshots for their builds. Why would I want to download something that only you say is really good? Why would I trust you? Come on, people.

Language Usage (Part 1)

I know, not everyone has perfect grammar. I have a confession to make: I sometimes mess up with my grammar, too *gasp*. Really, when it comes down to it, you should use proper grammar ALL THE TIME. If you want people to take you seriously and respect you, why wouldn't want to use proper grammar? Also, as SoarynTheEagle put it in his recent blog about grammar, don't use "I'm not English so I don't have good grammar" as an excuse. Accept that you make mistakes. Even if you aren't English, you don't need to include that. People will think you are just like everyone else.

"Why Should I Stop Typing Like This? It's A Habit And I've Been Doing It For As Long As I Can Remember. Just Ignore It."
You should stop typing like that BECAUSE IT IS SO ANNOYING TO READ!!! It is so much more work to do that than to just type normally. I'd almost prefer that you don't capitalize anything over capitalizing everything. I messed up so many times when I was typing that quote up above, because I know grammar and I don't capitalize every word. Come on, people.

What can you do?

I need you guys to do what I said to do above. Also, PLEASE DIAMOND AND/OR FAVORITE THIS!!! I need it on the Pop Reel so people can see this and change PMC for the better.

Thank you for reading this (if you really did). As I said above, I don't have the time to make this one big blog post. I will make part 2 sometime in the future. It will cover Language Usage (Part 2), Blog Posts, Forum Posts, and other things I may think of.

Please Diamond this if you liked it and agreed with me, Favorite if you really liked it and want to help change PMC, comment any topics you feel I should cover in part 2, and Subscribe if you want to see more posts by me, including Part 2!

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by gltchmstr 01/11/2014 3:17:09 pmJan 11th, 2014

Pop Reel less than 5 minutes after being posted. I love you guys :D

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03/23/2014 12:12 am
Level 34 : Artisan Architect
Trusthimnow259's Avatar
I agree with parts of this but I don't agree with the gramer part all the way, some mess ups are ok. For example I do alot of PMC comments on my ipod which makes the site laggy as heck and its basicly impossible to fix stuff, its a tiny keyboard, and that dang spellcheck changes what you type before you type it. So what I am saying is you can't judge before you know all the facts. I think things being inspired is ok (to a point) and versions and similar skins can be nice like a high res low res ect. One thing is if you focus on whats wrong and rant you miss the things that are right! I could complain all day but why when you don't have to? I would rather stop judging and complaining and build! Besides I could call your blog unoriginal since i can find 100 other blogs complaining about gramer. As King Solamen said "there is nothing new underthr sun." So next time you rant think before you judge!
01/13/2014 9:23 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Crafter
Vyn's Avatar
I agree with you.... and it is sad how true this is.
01/13/2014 9:19 am
Level 12 : Journeyman Blacksmith
Skulli111's Avatar
I'remembered a guy who said everyone that he would use only the skins that he made before (I do the same, anyway) and their skins where all made from nothing :3

Good blog, there goes a diamond for you :3
01/13/2014 4:09 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Architect
RHOU's Avatar
01/13/2014 2:11 am
Level 1 : New Miner
DemonicDeadPool's Avatar
I will NEVER have one of those teen skins ever again. =3
01/12/2014 4:57 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Prince
MayuriYandere's Avatar
Oh yey I'm in that 150,000 original skins

I feel special now :>
01/12/2014 6:20 pm
Level 41 : Master Toast
gltchmstr's Avatar
Yes, Yes you are.
01/12/2014 12:53 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
Chibi_ChanX3's Avatar
I agree with this so much.
01/12/2014 9:49 am
Level 47 : Master Cowboy
Chron's Avatar
Sigh... Even though I agree with most of your points, I have one problem.

There are currently 103,543 Blogs on PMC. You know how many of those are rants, just like this one? Too many.
01/12/2014 1:34 pm
Level 41 : Master Toast
gltchmstr's Avatar
Well... are too many like PART 2?
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