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Coding Is Not Easy

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jflory7's Avatar jflory7
Level 45 : Master Gent

Coding Is Not Easy

A mini-rant by jflory7

There is a rather notable misconception out there in the world of coding, programming, hacking... whatever you want to call it.

A lot of people don't understand quite how difficult coding and programming can be.

There's a certain set of magic words an individual can speak (an incantation, if you will) that attracts people near and far to seek this person's attention. What are those words?

"Oh, yeah, I know how to code."

These are the words of death for any programmer! Once someone has uttered those simple words, it's causation for the programmer, regardless of experience or skill, to be flooded with requests from other people to create things for them!

Why might this be so, besides the obvious reason that the people with the requests don't know how to code?

Perhaps it's because some people don't want to learn because they're too busy with the ongoings in their own life, which is understandable. Perhaps it's because of the seemingly abundant amount of programmers floating around the web who are willing to take requests to code things for others.

But I believe the real reason is that the challenge of learning how to code presents itself as an insurmountable mountain for most people. And for the most part, it is! You may have heard the comparison that learning how to code is just like learning a foreign language, and it really is true.

I hold testament to the fact that I didn't believe that it was like learning a language at all for the longest time - and then I got a kickstart about how to code, and I realized how similar it really is.

If you look at it simply, by learning how to program, you are learning how to converse with a computer. It's a machine that holds infinite possibilities, and by learning a particular language, you are learning how to talk to a computer in a specific way.

Once that boundary is crossed, coding becomes easier, but definitely not easy.

There is always something more to learn about programming, especially when you least expect it. There's always a way to do something more efficiently, or more effectively, or perhaps more of both. You're constantly learning when you're coding.

The spark for this rant derives from the outrageous amounts of impossible requests by users everywhere to programmers who code mods, plugins, or other things for Minecraft. I think it would be an enormous step towards greater understanding for both parties if the people with requests understood that coding ISN'T easy, and just because someone knows how to program, it doesn't mean they can create the world's greatest mod or plugin from your bank of ideas.

It doesn't mean it CAN'T be done, but the more complex the idea, the fewer the people that are able to complete it. A great way to evaluate your request is to think if you could translate it to a foreign language and how hard it would be to do so. But, before you go claiming how easy it is, imagine if you were tasked with the job of translating A Midsummer's Night Dream from Chinese to English... and you're missing multiple lines of the work.

In a way, that's what developers have to go through, because they are often left with many puzzle pieces to complete after reviewing a plugin request or idea.

In conclusion, I try to depart you with an enlightened view on code and coders, and how many coders / developers / programmers would love to simply have your understanding about how difficult it is to code, and to have patience with them when there is a major project that they are working on.

Thanks for the read. A diamond, favorite, or a comment are alway appreciated.

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by jflory7 02/05/2014 10:08:33 pmFeb 5th, 2014

  • Updated a few parts of the argument
  • Minor changes (i.e. formatting)

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03/22/2014 10:26 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
Issac1222's Avatar
public static void main (String[]args) {
          char blograting = A;
                    System.out.println("This is really simple stuff I'm writing xD");
03/23/2014 12:33 pm
Level 45 : Master Gent
jflory7's Avatar
Hahah, clever. :)
03/23/2014 1:33 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Issac1222's Avatar
public static void main (String [] args){
                System.out.println  ("lol xD");
02/05/2014 11:59 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Scribe
Jetra's Avatar
I can say with certainty that coding is indeed hard. After a long summer, I managed to learn HTML by myself (yes...it took me three months to learn) as I had the book which was left to anyone who wanted it. It can safely be assumed coding is not something you can pick up and go as I'm still struggling with Python. I only know just enough to understand what people are talking about but can't do anything more than make a "Guess Three" game.
02/06/2014 12:19 am
Level 45 : Master Gent
jflory7's Avatar
I know what you mean. I only have the basic fundamentals of Java and C#, but there's only so much I know how to do. I too am looking to expand some of my knowledge in programming, but it's not something you can just pick up overnight, that's for sure.
02/06/2014 12:29 am
Level 39 : Artisan Scribe
Jetra's Avatar
:P also doesn't help I technologically challenged so it's slightly harder for me with some aspects of coding.
02/07/2014 7:29 pm
Level 45 : Master Gent
jflory7's Avatar
Touche. Sometimes, I feel the same way with all there is to know with programming in general.
02/05/2014 10:36 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Miner
anonpmc1072506's Avatar
02/05/2014 10:45 pm
Level 45 : Master Gent
jflory7's Avatar
Just don't proclaim your coding abilities to the general masses - as long as you don't do that, you should remain unscathed. :P
02/05/2014 10:31 pm
Level 49 : Master Wolf
ChileanMiner5's Avatar
Code: 110101010100010001101010010101010010101001010101010100000001010001010101001010100101
If a = b............

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