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Caves And Cliffs

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Dab676767's Avatar Dab676767
Level 31 : Artisan Lemon
Minecraft Caves are starting to take shape in snapshot 20w48a.
Coordinates: -51 55 -84

Snapshot Addittions:

Good things come to those who wait, and we've believe you've waited long enough. The first Caves & Cliffs snapshot is finally here and ready to enter the Java Edition of Minecraft! We hope that you're as excited about this as we are, because this snapshot brings you a variety of features, some changes to existing features, and a few technical changes. All of it is listed in this blog post, and we can't wait to see you experiment with it all.

Happy mining!

New Features in 20w45a

  • Added bundles!
  • Added candles!
  • Added lava cauldrons!
  • Added Copper!
  • Added Amethyst!
  • Added Lightning Rod!
  • Added the Spyglass!
  • Added Tinted Glass!
  • A Shulker hitting a Shulker with a Shulker Bullet can make a new Shulker.


Amethyst Blocks

  • Amethyst comes in block form inside the geodes in two ways: Block of Amethyst and Budding Amethyst
  • All types of Amethyst blocks (clusters included) create beautiful sounds when you walk on them, break them, place them, or hit them with a projectile - go make some music!

Amethyst Clusters

  • Amethyst Clusters grow from Budding Amethyst, which can be found inside geodes
  • Clusters have 4 growth stages: Small Amethyst Bud, Medium Amethyst Bud, Large Amethyst Bud, and Amethyst Cluster
  • Clusters can only grow when they are placed on Budding Amethyst blocks
  • Fully-grown Amethyst Clusters drop 4 Amethyst Shards (or more with Fortune) when an Iron Pickaxe or higher is used, and drop nothing otherwise when broken
  • Clusters can be Silk Touched at any stage

Amethyst Geodes

  • These huge geodes can be found anywhere underground in the overworld
  • Amethyst geodes have an outer layer of a new stone called Tuff
  • Amethyst geodes have a second layer of another new block called Calcite
  • Amethyst geodes have an inner layer of various Amethyst blocks

Amethyst Shards

  • Amethyst Clusters drop 4 Amethyst Shards (or more with Fortune)

Budding Amethys

  • On any side of a Budding Amethyst block where there is air, or a water source block, a Small Amethyst Bud will eventually grow
  • Amethyst Buds can only grow when attached to Budding Amethyst, and will grow until they become Amethyst Clusters


  • Bundles are items that hold other items.
  • A bundle can hold a mixture of items, but only one stack’s worth. For example, a bundle could fit:
    • 64 dirt
    • 32 dirt + 32 stone
    • 32 dirt + 8 ender pearls
    • 1 of every color of wool, concrete, carpet and terracotta (64 blocks in total)
    • Or 1 diamond helmet
  • Use right click to put an item into a bundle.
  • Right-click a bundle to empty it.
  • Wrap a present in a bundle and give it to your friend!


  • Candles come in all 16 colors + 1 uncolored variant
  • Up to 4 can be placed in one block
  • Candles allow you to properly wish someone a happy birthday
  • Waterloggable! (But you cannot light them underwater, silly)
  • Wish anybody a happy birthday with a candle cake!


  • Cauldrons can now be filled with buckets of lava!
  • Filled lava cauldrons give off a redstone signal of strength 1


Copper blocks

  • Craft 9 copper ingots to a copper block
  • Craft cut copper, cut copper stairs and cut copper slabs
  • Use honeycomb to craft waxed copper blocks

Copper ore

  • Copper ore can be found in ore blobs across Overworld, similar to iron and coal (this is not the final generation for copper…)
  • Smelt copper ore to get a copper ingot

Lightning Rod

  • The Lightning Rod is crafted from three copper ingots
  • Keep your builds safe (well, as long as the closest area around the lightning rod is fire proof) during thunderstorms!
  • The lightning rod will protect an area of 4 * 16 blocks around it from the, sometimes devastating, lightning strikes!
  • Lightning rods give off a redstone signal when struck by lightning


  • Copper will oxidize over time
  • There are for stages: copper, lightly weathered copper, semi-weathered copper and weathered copper
  • It takes 50 - 82 Minecraft days (in loaded chunks) for a copper block to oxidize one stage
  • Waxed copper blocks will not oxidize
  • You can wax any oxidation stage - how lovely that means you can keep that pretty lightly weathered copper block in it’s lightly weathered stage forever!


  • You can use your spyglass to see faraway things
  • Pretend to be a sea captain, or catch your neighbor in the act as they dye your sheep lime green
  • The spyglass is crafted from two copper ingots and one amethyst shard

Tinted Glass

  • Tinted Glass is a type of glass that does not allow light to pass through
  • Tinted Glass is crafted by putting a Glass block in the middle of 4 Amethyst Shards
  • Tinted Glass can be obtained without silk touch; it does not shatter like normal glass

Changes in 20w45a

  • Experience orbs now sometimes merge when in large quantities to improve performance. This does not change the rate at which the player can absorb them, it simply limits the amount of separate orbs floating around in the world. Orbs that merge will gain the lifetime of the most recently created one.
  • Simple firework rockets with 1 gunpowder can now be crafted using the recipe book
  • Dirt paths (formerly grass path) can now be made by using a shovel on dirt, podzol, mycelium or course dirt (as well as grass)
  • Minecarts and rails work in water
  • Particles now appear when pistons break blocks


Minecarts and rails now work in water
  • All rails can be waterlogged (works with a dispenser & water bucket too)
  • Flowing water doesn’t break rails
  • Minecarts can pass through water, but get slowed down more than usual

Technical Changes in 20w45a

  • Entities are now saved separately from terrain chunks.
  • Added loot table function set_banner_pattern
  • Pack format in version.json has been split into data and resource versions
  • Servers can now require custom resource packs to be accepted

Custom server resource packs

A dedicated server can enforce custom resource packs by setting require-resource-pack in server.properties. When this option is used, players will be prompted for a response and will be disconnected if they decline the required pack.

Entity storage

Entities have been extracted from main (terrain) chunks and are now stored in separate entities directory (similar to POI storage). Those new files are still region files with NBT.

Loot tables

New functions


Sets tags needed for banner patterns. Parameters:
  • patterns - list of pattern objects:
    • pattern - name of pattern (square_bottom_left, bricks, etc.)
    • color - name of color (light_gray, etc.)
  • append - if true, new elements will be appended to existing ones instead of replacing

Fixed bugs in 20w45a

  • MC-98219 Experience orbs follow dead players
  • MC-108469 Chunk-wise entity lists often don't get updated correctly (Entities disappear)
  • MC-112147 Lava burning items or XP orbs sound muted when "Friendly Creatures" slider is turned off
  • MC-127201 /replaceitem makes quite an obnoxious sound, which is not heard by the person whose items are being replaced.
  • MC-127692 Experience build up in furnace when using a hopper which can cause severe lag
  • MC-130449 Cartographer villager freezes or crashes the game when unlocking explorer maps
  • MC-130584 When a structure loads, water sources in the structure spread into waterloggable blocks
  • MC-133691 Blocks can't be placed normally on a full cauldron
  • MC-135552 Dead Entities are saved to chunk
  • MC-136497 XP orbs causing severe lag
  • MC-141034 taiga_fisher_cottage_1 is filled with water
  • MC-169900 Incorrect jigsaw setting in snowy_small_house_8
  • MC-169945 Skeletons don't burn in minecarts while being exposed to daylight
  • MC-171852 Putting item in a spectator's hand plays sound "Gear equips" for other players
  • MC-174685 Drowned arm texture is reversed by the model
  • MC-175959 One door is open in taiga_shepherds_house_1
  • MC-177622 One log in taiga_butcher_shop_1 seems to be misrotated causing the side roof to look asymmetrical
  • MC-177624 Entrance in snowy_medium_house_2 is asymmetrical
  • MC-181889 Equipping sound plays when mobs picking up non-armor items
  • MC-185357 Removing a plant from a flower pot still plays generic armor equipping sound/shows Gear equips in subtitles
  • MC-185359 Using a bucket in Survival mode still plays generic armor equipping sound/shows Gear equips in subtitles
  • MC-185360 Milking a mooshroom for stew still plays armor equip sound/shows Gear equips subtitle
  • MC-189565 Some entities do not render inside of spawners and producing error log spam in console, potentially causing lag
  • MC-190896 Lag when opening a shipwreck chest containing buried treasure map
  • MC-192594 plains_stable_1 misplaced blocks
  • MC-192629 plains_stable_2 misplaced blocks
  • MC-192876 Misplaced trapdoor on taiga_decoration_6
  • MC-192879 Wall incorrectly placed on certain taiga houses
  • MC-192930 Zombies picking up items play the gear equipping sound and subtitle
  • MC-193071 Eating food items that return empty containers still play gear equipping sound
  • MC-195125 plains_animal_pen_1 misplaced block
  • MC-195126 plains_animal_pen_3 misplaced blocks
  • MC-195351 Comparator in compare mode can schedule unneeded tileticks
  • MC-196542 Small cleanup for skylight propagation code
  • MC-197009 Referencing empty item tag in recipe can crash client
  • MC-197140 Jack o'Lantern doesn't come after Carved Pumpkin in Creative Inventory
  • MC-197179 Baby piglins that pick up leather don't despawn, cluttering the Nether with unnecessary baby piglins
  • MC-197524 Border chunks do not enforce neighbors to be loaded, causing light updates to get stuck
  • MC-198129 ReplaceBlobsFeature changed from 1.16.1 to 1.16.2, affecting Basalt Delta generation
  • MC-198414 if the angle in /spawnpoint is set to +-infinity, and the player dies, it will kick the player, and upon rejoin will crash the game
  • MC-198807 Making piglins and piglin brutes angry at certain entities (like dropped items) crashes the game
  • MC-202246 Drowned navigation causes memory leak/performance degredation


The snow is snowier than before.

For today’s snapshot, we’ve changed most of the textures introduced in the previous snapshot. This is simply to test if these textures give a better experience in exploring and building. We’re interested to hear what you think. Keep in mind, that some textures might be reverted or changed again in the future

New Features in 20w46a

  • Added Powder Snow!

Powder Snow

Snowier snow!
  • Powder Snow is a trap block that causes any entity that walks into it to sink in it
  • You can pick up and place Powder Snow with a bucket
  • Wear leather boots to prevent yourself from sinking into Powder Snow blocks
  • Leave a Cauldron outside in falling snow and it will fill with Powder Snow


  • Standing in Powder Snow will slowly freeze an entity
  • Once frozen, freeze damage is done every few seconds to the frozen entity
  • Each piece of leather armor warn causes an entity to freeze more slowly
  • Wearing a full set of leather armor prevents freezing entirely

Changes in 20w46a

  • The range in which a lightning rod attracts lightning has been doubled
  • Copper blocks are now crafted from 4 copper ingots
  • Sky color now varies smoothly when moving between different biomes
  • Buttons that change value (like Difficulty) can now be controlled with mouse wheel
  • Clicking on button that changes value while holding shift key changes to previous value
  • "Debug" world type can now be accessed while holding alt key (was shift)


Changed a number of the textures for blocks and items introduced in the previous snapshot:
  • Cut Copper
  • Lightning Rod
  • Calcite
  • Amethyst Block
  • Budding Amethyst Block
  • Tinted Glass
  • Candle Item Icons
  • Copper Ingot Item Icon
  • Amethyst Shard Item Icon
  • Bundle Item Icon

Technical Changes in 20w46a

  • Removed /replaceitem command
  • Added /item command
  • Added item modifiers, which reuse loot table functions syntax to describe item modification in /item command.
  • Data pack version is now 7
  • Loot tables can now access scoreboard values by UUID.
  • Loot table values inside random number generators can now be nested.
  • Default mode of structure blocks is now Load. Data is now hidden (but can be accessed by clicking mode button while holding alt key)

Item modifiers

The function part of loot tables can now be defined as separate data pack resource in item_modifiers directory. Such files can contain a single function (i.e single JSON object) or an array of functions.



Modifies item or block inventory.

This command has three forms:
  • /item <target> replace <item stack> [<count>] - same as old replaceitem
  • /item <target> modify <modifier> - modifies item (without copying).
  • /item <target> copy <source> [<modifier>] - copies item for source to target(s), optionally applying modifier

Possible sources and targets:
  • entity <selector> <slot>
  • block <x> <y> <z> <slot>

For example, /item block ~ ~ ~ container.0 copy entity @s enderchest.0 will copy first item from player's enderchest to first slot of container player is currently standing on.

Loot tables

New conditions


Checks range of value.

  • value - see "New value providers" section (currently combination of random generators and score)
  • range - min/max range

Changed conditions


entity parameter has now been replaced with target. It can either contain value from old entity field (like this) or be an score holder name in form {"name": "..."}.

Changed functions


This function now has add parameter. If true, change will be relative to current damage. If false, damage will be replaced with current value (default behavior)


This function now has add parameter. If true, change will be relative to current item count. If false, item count will be replaced with current value (default behavior)


source parameter can now be set to {"storage": <namespaced id>}, to access command storage.

New functions


Modifies enchantments on item
  • enchantments - map of enchantment id to level value (can be score or random number)
  • add - if true, change will be relative to current level. If false, level will be replaced with current value (default behavior)

New value providers

Note: value providers can be used in same places as random number generators.


Returns scaled scoreboard value.
  • score - scoreboard name
  • target - same as target in score predicate
  • scale - scaling factor (float)

Data Packs

Changes to data packs for version 7:
  • Removal of /replaceitem (replaced with /item replace)
  • score loot table condition: entity parameter has been replaced with target

Resource Packs

Changes to resource packs for version 7:
  • Drowned texture mirroring has changed (see MC-174685)
  • slots for the game mode selector are now 26 pixels instead of 25

Fixed bugs in 20w46a

  • MC-2490 TNT animation ends at 80 ticks, ignores fuse length changes
  • MC-53518 Endermen don't attack endermites spawned using spawn eggs or /summon
  • MC-80468 Inconsistency between block names
  • MC-99259 As of 1.9, the wither health bar doesn't go up during spawn
  • MC-110903 Cannot remove horse saddle using /replaceitem
  • MC-143821 Using empty map in creative mode can create additional map with ID 0
  • MC-147729 Crafting via the recipe book can delete items if picking up items while crafting
  • MC-162910 Additional map is created when using an empty map in Creative in a newly created world
  • MC-182954 "block.minecraft.banner.base." displays raw translation string (is untranslated)
  • MC-183771 Gamemode switcher icons in the F3+F4 menu are not centered
  • MC-183917 Min and max are both required in entity_scores condition
  • MC-185605 Kelp generates on top of Magma Blocks
  • MC-188448 Food pops off of campfire when extinguished
  • MC-189482 LAN World screen buttons are selected in the wrong order when using Tab
  • MC-196425 "Off" is not completely capitalized for the Distortion Effects and FOV Effects sliders, which is inconsistent with other sliders
  • MC-197276 Pufferfish gives poison IV instead of II
  • MC-198514 Creating a superflat world with nothing but air crashes the game
  • MC-198725 Crash when clicking "Presets" after setting the superflat preset with a non-existent biome
  • MC-203562 Shulker boxes animate when shulkers do
  • MC-203574 Decorations don't generate in the Nether
  • MC-203621 Unable to pick up experience orbs
  • MC-203622 Arm when using Spyglass aligned wrong on Multiplayer
  • MC-203631 Amethyst buds do not drop themselves with silk touch
  • MC-203643 Command modified bundle has a bigger progress bar than a slot
  • MC-203644 Cats & Ocelots are missing one of their legs
  • MC-203646 Some mobs won't despawn when switched to peaceful
  • MC-203648 The armour stand model floats above its base
  • MC-203746 Levitation particles go on forever when killed by a levitating creeper
  • MC-203880 Floating creepers / creeper with no AI


Did someone ask for a snapshot full of tasty Caves & Cliffs features? Then you came to the right place! This particular snapshot adds blocks for dripstone – stalagmites and stalactites. Or is it stalactites and stalagmites? Anyway, you can’t find them in the world just yet… but try out the functionality of the new blocks!

New Features in 20w48a

  • Added Dripstone Blocks and Pointed Dripstone

Pointed Dripstone

  • Forms a stalactite if placed on the ceiling or a stalagmite if placed on the floor
  • Can be combined to form longer stalactites & stalagmites
  • Stalagmites break if not attached to something below
  • Landing or jumping on a stalagmite hurts! They are sharp
  • Stalactites fall down if not attached to something above
  • Being hit by a falling stalactite hurts! They are sharp
  • Stalactites drip water (or lava if there is lava above the ceiling)
  • A stalactite with a water source above the ceiling will gradually fill a cauldron below with water
  • A stalactite with a lava source above the ceiling will fill a cauldron below with lava after a while
  • Thrown tridents break pointed dripstone

Changes in 20w48a

  • Right-clicking a bundle in the inventory now empties one item from the bundle
  • Using a bundle now throws out its entire content into the world
  • Advanced tooltips now show how full a bundle is
  • Candles can now only be placed if there is a solid surface below
  • Wearing any piece of leather armor now prevents freezing entirely
  • Changed textures for amethysts, candles, clocks and compasses

Technical Changes in 20w48a

  • Added a freezeDamage game rule that allows players to toggle whether powder snow causes freeze damage or not

Fixed bugs in 20w48a

  • MC-3615 Lava and water are completely transparent at certain height levels
  • MC-176614 Swimming and doing certain actions make the player look very odd/does not have animations for swimming + doing certain actions
  • MC-198864 World border does not render below y=0 / above y=255
  • MC-203602 Spyglass animation is wrong when swimming
  • MC-203645 Spyglass wobbles when walking while in use
  • MC-203824 Weird Hand animation when attacking and using spyglass at the same time
  • MC-203925 Items inside of a bundle disappear if you empty the bundle in the inventory when in Creative mode while the inventory is full
  • MC-203951 The elder guardian particle moves when an elder guardian moves
  • MC-204323 Inconsistency: Crafting copper blocks into slabs only yields 4 slabs instead of 6
  • MC-204424 Using a spyglass while gliding with an elytra points the spyglass down in third person view
  • MC-205041 Full leather armour does not prevent freezing damage
  • MC-205069 Powdered snow doesn't give you frozen effect in creative mode
  • MC-205072 Snow Ambient Effect sometimes don't show correctly on the edge of a Powder Snow Block
  • MC-205145 Compass with nothing to point to will spin very rapidly when in bundle.
  • MC-205197 Creating a map from an empty map no longer plays a sound
  • MC-205220 Cannot manipulate horse.saddle using /item command
  • MC-205269 Chest closing sounds desynced with closing animations
  • MC-205321 Item modifiers that change the item type don't work on entities
  • MC-205445 The Fabulous graphics warning is shown at the wrong time
  • MC-205492 The 'Include entities' option in the structure block UI is the opposite of the actual behavior
  • MC-205567 TNT flashes are translucent once again
  • MC-205627 Item modifiers that change the count to 0 don't completely remove the item
  • MC-206058 /item modify doesn't visually update the model of an item in an item frame

20w50a SPOILER
Lush caves update!!!

Pictures SPOILER
Caves And Cliffs
Caves And Cliffs


Another snapshot is going out, and this one introduces the Sculk. They're a bit creepy, but don't let that put you off. Pick up some good vibrations!

New Features in 20w49a

  • Added Dripstone Caves biome
  • Added Sculk Sensors

Dripstone Caves biome

This biome doesn't generate naturally yet, since it is designed for the upcoming larger caves. However, if you want to see the biome in the current caves you can create a single-biome world with dripstone caves.
  • Contains plenty of Pointed Dripstone on the floors and ceilings, and small pools of water
  • In some places you'll find larger stalagmites, stalactites, and columns built from Dripstone Blocks.

Sculk Sensors

  • Introducing the bizarre, tendril-filled world of Sculk - prepare for Sculk Sensors to creep you out with their unique ability to detect vibrations nearby.
  • A vibration is anything that causes physical motion; if you are careful, there are some motions that are undetectable to sensors by sneaking.
    • These sneak-friendly vibrations currently include walking, falling to the ground or throwing/shooting projectiles.
  • Sculk Sensors will not listen to vibrations that are directly created by other Sculk sources.
  • When a vibration is detected, a signal is sent from the source location to the sensor at a speed of 1 game tick per block.
    • Other vibrations cannot be detected by a sensor when a signal is already travelling to it.
    • When the signal has arrived, the sensor will be activated for 40 game ticks (approximately 2 seconds).
    • While activated, the sensor cannot detect other vibrations.
  • Sculk Sensors can detect vibrations in an 8 block radius around it.
  • The efficient tool to mine Sculk Sensors is the Hoe.
  • They can be waterlogged.

Redstone Emission

  • Sculk Sensors emit a redstone signal when they are activated.
  • The strength of the redstone signal is inversely proportional to the distance the vibration signal travelled.
    • This means that the closer the vibration is, the stronger the redstone signal is.
    • The output is also scaled based on the Sculk Sensor's radius, so it can reach the max redstone signal strength when the vibration is 0 distance away (directly on top of the sensor).

Vibration Frequencies

  • Sculk Sensors have a unique interaction with comparators.
  • Each vibration in the game falls under a certain frequency value, and this value can be measured with a comparator.
  • With the right contraption, this allows you to detect when a certain action has occured nearby.
Vibration TypeFrequency Value
Elytra Free Fall4
Hit Ground5
Wolf Shaking6
Projectile Shoot7
Projectile Land8
Start Eating7
Finish Eating8
Hit Entity9
Add Item To Armor Stand9
Open Block11
Close Block10
Switch Block11
Unswitch Block10
Press Block11
Unpress Block10
Attach Block11
Detach Block10
Open Container11
Close Container10
Dispense Failed10
Use Flint And Steel12
Place Block12
Destroy Block13
Place Fluid12
Pickup Fluid13
Cast Fishing Rod15
Reel-In Fishing Rod14
Extend Piston15
Contract Piston14
Lightning Strike15

Wool Occlusion

  • Wool has a special interaction with Sculk Sensors.
  • If a wool block is in the way of a vibration source, the sensor will not be able to detect it.

Technical Tidbits

  • Sculk Sensors have a cooldown period of 1 tick after being placed or after deactivating.
  • During this short cooldown period, it cannot detect vibrations. This is to prevent it from activating itself when a contraption it is powering is being unpowered. Feedback is welcome on this point!

Changes in 20w49a

  • The Fullness of a bundle now shows up regardless of whether Advanced Tooltips are on or off
  • Stalactites and stalagmites merge if the tips are next to each other, unless you press shift while placing

Technical Changes in 20w49a

  • A new game event system has been implemented to support Sculk Sensors detecting vibrations.
  • World height related values are now exposed for customized worlds
  • Removed the max-build-height server setting
  • Added occludes_vibration_signals block tag. Anything in this tag will occlude vibrations, and inherits wool tag entries by default
  • New particle types: vibration and dust_color_transition
  • A new game event system has been implemented to support Sculk Sensors detecting vibrations.

Game Events

This system has been developed to identify when certain in-world actions are happening in nearby chunks, particularly so the new Sculk Sensor can detect these events as vibrations.

The following is a list of the initial game events:
  • minecraft:step
  • minecraft:swim
  • minecraft:flap
  • minecraft:elytra_free_fall
  • minecraft:hit_ground
  • minecraft:splash
  • minecraft:projectile_shoot
  • minecraft:projectile_land
  • minecraft:entity_hit
  • minecraft:block_place
  • minecraft:block_destroy
  • minecraft:fluid_place
  • minecraft:fluid_pickup
  • minecraft:block_open
  • minecraft:block_close
  • minecraft:block_switch
  • minecraft:block_unswitch
  • minecraft:block_attach
  • minecraft:block_detach
  • minecraft:block_press
  • minecraft:block_unpress
  • minecraft:container_open
  • minecraft:container_close
  • minecraft:explode
  • minecraft:armor_stand_add_item
  • minecraft:wolf_shaking
  • minecraft:dispense_fail
  • minecraft:fishing_rod_cast
  • minecraft:fishing_rod_reel_in
  • minecraft:piston_extend
  • minecraft:piston_contract
  • minecraft:flint_and_steel_use
  • minecraft:eating_start
  • minecraft:eating_finish
  • minecraft:lightning_strike


There are also game event tags that come with this, and can be modified by data packs. They can be found under data/minecraft/tags/game_events.
  • vibrations Determines which game events are considered vibrations by the Sculk Sensor. Currently, all added game events are in this tag by default.
  • ignore_vibrations_stepping_carefully Which game events should be ignored by the Sculk Sensor when the source of the event is sneaking.

The following game events are in ignore_vibrations_stepping_carefully by default:
  • minecraft:step
  • minecraft:hit_ground
  • minecraft:projectile_shoot

Fixed bugs in 20w49a

  • MC-18880 The Absorption effect has no texture for poison/wither hearts (appears empty instead)
  • MC-201840 Optional function tags sometimes don't run even when the tag exists
  • MC-203797 Placing or removing a block over the void causes a DecoderException on servers
  • MC-204314 Double copper slabs only drop a single slab when mined
  • MC-205043 Absorption hearts appear broken when taking freezing damage
  • MC-205096 Hardcore hearts lose all color when player is taking freeze damage
  • MC-205391 Waxing cut copper doesn’t prevent it from oxidising
  • MC-205629 Unused sign cache when rendering signs
  • MC-206553 Pointed Dripstone creates water particles in the Nether
  • MC-206563 Pointed dripstone is not connected to the player's hand
  • MC-206578 Large pillars of stalactites don't fall when the block above is removed
  • MC-206583 Cauldrons below stalactites at least 2 blocks tall won't fill up
  • MC-206591 Setting any floating block to a pointed dripstone, causes the replaced block to drop as an item
  • MC-206594 Large stalactites falling occasionally don't drop all of their pointed dripstone items
  • MC-206599 Pointed dripstone can be placed atop each other, even if a player would be inside the hitbox of the lower dripstone
  • MC-206606 Frustum stage of stalactites negates fall damage
  • MC-206613 Pointed Dripstone duplicates when the block it was attached to is removed
  • MC-206615 Pointed dripstone's hitbox can extend further than a block, causing nearby stalactites to not be able to fall
  • MC-206642 Stalactites destroy items they fall on, however stalagmites don't
  • MC-206643 When a dripstone's hitbox extends into the space of another block, the area that extends into said block cannot be targeted
  • MC-206669 Inconsistency between dripstone and non-mob entities
  • MC-206682 Floating dripstone tips are sometimes left behind from large dripstone pillars
  • MC-206691 Pointed dripstone replaces items with pointed dripstone items
  • MC-206711 Coding error at net.minecraft.world.entity.Entity.resetPos()
  • MC-206790 Waterlogged dripstone does not update
  • MC-206878 Pointed dripstone attached to a piston is not removed as the piston extends


Ready your screenshot buttons and start rehearsing your best "naaaaww"s. The final snapshot of the year enters Minecraft Java, and what better way to end the year than with something that has been on our bucket list for quite a while: the adorable axolotl?

We hope you'll end the year on a good note, and the entirety of the Java team wishes you happy holidays.

New Features in 20w51a

  • Added the axolotl! ​


  • Amphibious!
  • Axolotls currently love tropical fish, though this may change. Tropical fish or tropical fish buckets can be used to mate axolotls
  • Axolotls will swim around with you if you're holding a tropical fish or tropical fish bucket in one of your hands
  • When a player kills a mob that the axolotl was attacking or being attacked by, the axolotl will show its appreciation by granting the player temporary regeneration and removing any mining fatigue effects
  • You can pick up your axolotl in a water bucket and carry it around just like a salmon or cod!
  • Axolotls will always chase after squids and other types of fish
  • Axolotls are skittish, but they will attack Drowned and Guardians if you tempt them with their favorite food - tropical fish!
  • Axolotls do not like it out of water, and will dry up and begin taking damage if they are out of water for longer than 5 minutes
  • An axolotl will not dry up as long as they are in water or rain
  • Sometimes when an axolotl takes damage, it will pretend to be dead so that it stops being attacked
  • There are 4 common varieties and 1 rare variety of axolotl
  • Axolotls do not spawn in the world in the world yet, but you can find spawn eggs for them in the creative inventory
  • Axolotls do not spawn in the world in the world yet, but you can find spawn eggs for them in the creative inventory ​

Changes in 20w51a

  • Bundles and shulker box items will now drop their items when destroyed
  • Some changes have been made to Sculk Sensors ​

Sculk Sensors

  • Eating Start has been removed as an event for a few reasons.
    • It is inconsistent with our philosophy around vibrations. Mining a block is not considered a vibration because a physical event hasn't happened in the world yet (you can stop mining and the block will revert). This is the same for eating: you can start eating, but then stop and the food reverts as if eating never occurred.
    • It wasn't widely considered to be a useful event for players to use Sculk Sensors with.
    • Eating Finish is staying, and will likely be much more useful to Sculk Sensors for this scenario.
  • Walking on wool no longer causes vibrations.
  • Throwing wool as an item onto the ground no longer causes vibrations.
  • Sculk Sensors are now silent while waterlogged. ​

Vibration Frequency Changes

As we continue to consider feedback from the community, some changes to the frequency ranges have been made. We expect this to change quite heavily up until release to figure out the most interesting ranges for gameplay, and as always feedback is extremely welcome! Here is the newest table in this snapshot. ​ Vibration Types | Frequency Value ------------ | ------------- Step | 1 Flap | 2 Swim | 3 Elytra Free Fall | 4 Hit Ground | 5 Splash, Wolf Shaking | 6 Projectile Shoot | 7 Projectile Land, Eating Finish, Entity Hit | 8 Armor Stand Add Item | 9 Block Close, Block Unswitch, Block Unpress, Block Detach, Dispense Fail | 10 Block Open, Block Switch, Block Press, Block Attach | 11 Block Place, Fluid Place, Flint And Steel Use | 12 Block Destroy, Fluid Pickup | 13 Fishing Rod Reel-In, Container Close, Piston Contract | 14 Fishing Rod Cast, Container Open, Explode, Lightning Strike, Piston Extend | 15

Technical Changes in 20w51a

  • Added gamerule playersSleepingPercentage (100 by default), which sets what percentage of players must sleep to skip the night. Setting to 0 will mean 1 player is always enough to skip the night. Setting above 100 will prevent skipping the night. ​

Fixed bugs in 20w51a

  • MC-149799 When a crossbow is loaded and in the offhand, you do not see it anymore if you carry an item in the main hand
  • MC-176615 It is possible to destroy netherite items with lava by putting them inside a container
  • MC-203563 Cake appears eaten for a split second when putting a candle on it
  • MC-203568 Trying to put a candle onto a candle cake duplicates the candle
  • MC-204058 Placing a candle on a cake causes hunger display desync
  • MC-204146 Netherite can burn whilst inside of a bundle
  • MC-205057 Bundle inventory preview is off-center inside of the tooltip box
  • MC-205212 Desync when putting a candle on a cake in Survival mode
  • MC-207405 Nether stars can be blown up while being inside of a bundle/shulker box
  • MC-208082 Game stalls when any message is displayed in chat while playing with an expired session

Today's Caves & Cliffs snapshot is particularly shiny! You could almost say it's glowing... Oh wait, that's a squid.
[h2]New Features in 21w03a[/h2]

[*]Added Glow Lichen![/*]
[*]Added the Glow Squid! ​[/*]
[/list][h2]Glow Lichen[/h2][list]
[*]A dim light source that generates in caves[/*]
[*]Use shears to pick it up[/*]
[*]Use bonemeal to spread it along block surfaces ​[/*]
[/list][h2]Glow Squid[/h2]
Glow squids have been added, but do not yet spawn naturally. You can find spawn eggs for them in the creative inventory.
[*]Glow Squids are well-lit and can be seen from even far distances![/*]
[*]When killed, Glow Squids drop Glow Ink Sacs[/*]
[*]Glow Ink Sacs can be used on signs to make the text super visible, even at night! Works with colors![/*]
[*]Craft a Glow Item Frame by combining a Glow Ink Sac with an Item Frame in a Crafting Table. Any item in a Glow Item Frame is perfectly illuminated, even at night![/*]
[*]Use an Ink Sac on a sign to remove the glow effect[/*]
[*]Axolotls will attack any Glow Squids they see, so...be careful ​[/*]
[/list][h2]Changes in 21w03a[/h2]

[*]Dripstone blocks can be crafted from 4 pointed dripstone ​[/*]
[/list][h2]Fixed bugs in 21w03a[/h2]

[*][url=bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-9568]MC-9568[/url] Mobs suffocate / go through blocks when growing up near a solid block[/*]
[*][url=bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-89880]MC-89880[/url] Spawner with weight 0 crashes game[/*]
[*][url=bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-91522]MC-91522[/url] Shulker rendering position desync and generates ghost shulker when destroying shulker-ridden boat or minecart[/*]
[*][url=bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-92349]MC-92349[/url] Players can't tempt animals with food while other players are closer to the animal[/*]
[*][url=bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-92867]MC-92867[/url] Setting Json text value to null throws exceptions and crashes[/*]
[*][url=bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-105344]MC-105344[/url] Shulkers in boats and minecarts do not sit up if previousely attached to blocks sideways[/*]
[*][url=bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-108717]MC-108717[/url] Shulkers can't be pushed back[/*]
[*][url=bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-111196]MC-111196[/url] Using a monster spawner to spawn shulkers spawns white shulkers[/*]
[*][url=bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-113177]MC-113177[/url] Shulkers cannot be pushed inside non-solid blocks[/*]
[*][url=bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-119051]MC-119051[/url] Random transparent line in shulker box GUI texture[/*]
[*][url=bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-121897]MC-121897[/url] Gaps in an animation's used frames throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException[/*]
[*][url=bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-139265]MC-139265[/url] Shulkers do not teleport correctly when going through a portal[/*]
[*][url=bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-161334]MC-161334[/url] Shulker boxes cannot be opened if next to a shulker mob[/*]
[*][url=bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-168900]MC-168900[/url] Shulkers teleport with original dimension coordinates after passing through portals[/*]
[*][url=bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-183884]MC-183884[/url] Shulkers are afraid of being next to another shulker[/*]
[*][url=bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-186172]MC-186172[/url] Shulkers open into blocks when unable to teleport[/*]
[*][url=bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-190677]MC-190677[/url] Shulkers aren't aligned to the grid for a split second after being spawned in[/*]
[*][url=bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-200195]MC-200195[/url] Boats don't try dismounting you on land[/*]
[*][url=bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-202202]MC-202202[/url] Server is unable to prevent a player from dismounting a vehicle, causing a desync[/*]
[*][url=bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-203373]MC-203373[/url] Shulker bullet subtitles are not capitalized correctly[/*]
[*][url=bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-203571]MC-203571[/url] Right-clicking an empty bundle sometimes plays hand animation[/*]
[*][url=bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-204337]MC-204337[/url] Bundle use stat never increases[/*]
[*][url=bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-205076]MC-205076[/url] Game mode selection is ordered differently[/*]
[*][url=bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-206118]MC-206118[/url] "type" in loot table number providers is not optional anymore[/*]
[*][url=bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-206510]MC-206510[/url] Game crashes when trying to shift-click a chest into the inventory of a donkey whose chest is being removed[/*]
[*][url=bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-206550]MC-206550[/url] block.pointed[i]dripstone.drip[/i][liquid/cauldron] has no subtitles[/*]
[*][url=bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-206599]MC-206599[/url] Pointed dripstone can be placed atop each other, even if a player would be inside the hitbox of the lower dripstone[/*]
[*][url=bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-206923]MC-206923[/url] Dripstone subtitles are not capitalized properly[/*]
[*][url=bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-207250]MC-207250[/url] Dripstone caves biome name is not properly capitalized[/*]
[*][url=bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-207254]MC-207254[/url] Dripstone caves generate merging dripstones in impossible ways[/*]
[*][url=bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-207293]MC-207293[/url] Dripstone generated in dripstone caves can replace lava sources which looks weird[/*]
[*][url=bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-207335]MC-207335[/url] Mobs cannot spawn in Dripstone Caves[/*]
[*][url=bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-207388]MC-207388[/url] Issues with chunk rendering when height limit is large[/*]
[*][url=bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-207900]MC-207900[/url] Summoning "dust" or "dust_color_transition" particles kicks nearby players when on a server[/*]
[*][url=bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-208336]MC-208336[/url] 'player' sub-predicate of 'entity_properties' predicate only passes if game mode is specified[/*]
[*][url=bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-208611]MC-208611[/url] Shulkerboxes/bundles duplicate items when destroyed by two fire blocks simultaneously[/*]
[*][url=bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-208666]MC-208666[/url] Shulker boxes and bundles drop their items twice when thrown into a lava cauldron[/*]
[*][spoiler=21w05a][h1]New Features in 21w05a[/h1][list]
[*]Azalea bushes as well as flowering azaela bushes![/*]
[*]Added cave vines and glow berries![/*]
[*]Added drip leaves![/*]
[*]Added decorative blocks for the upcoming lush caves: hanging roots and rooted dirt![/*]
[*]Added moss![/*]
[*]Added spore blossom![/*]
[/list][h2]Cave vines and glow berries[/h2][list]
[*]Cave vines grow down from the ceiling, like weeping vines[/*]
[*]When they grow they have a chance of producing glow berries[/*]
[*]Glow berries are a natural light source as well as a food source[/*]
[*]Foxes eat glow berries[/*]
[*]Use glow berries to plant new cave vines[/*]
[*]Bonemealing a cave vine will create glow berries[/*]
[*]Small dripleaf needs moisture, so it grows on clay or underwater[/*]
[*]Small dripleaf grow into big dripleaf when bonemealed.[/*]
[*]Big dripleaf grows taller when bonemealed[/*]
[*]If you stand on a big dripleaf it will tilt after a while and you will fall off[/*]
[*]You can crouch or jump to prevent a big dripleaf from tilting[/*]
[*]A tilted big drip leaf will tilt up again after a while[/*]
[*]The big dripleaf will break when hit by a projectile[/*]
[*]The wandering trader will sometimes sell small dripleaf plants[/*]
[*]Two new decorative blocks: Moss block and moss carpet[/*]
[*]Moss carpet can be crafted from moss blocks[/*]
[/list][h2]Spore blossom[/h2][list]
[*]A beautiful large flower placed on ceilings[/*]
[*]Particles drip from it[/*]
[/list][h2]Changes in 21w05a[/h2][list]
[*]The stonecutter can be used to craft the different copper block variants[/*]
[*]The stages of copper oxidization are now called "Copper Block", "Exposed Copper Block", "Weathered Copper Block" and "Oxidized Copper Block" in sequence of least to most oxidized[/*]
[*]Drowned now have a chance of dropping a copper ingot, they no longer drop gold ingots[/*]
[*]Added new sculk sensor events[/*]
[*]Changes to powder snow[/*]
[/list][h2]Sculk Sensor Changes[/h2]
Added the following game events that the Sculk Sensor reacts to, along with corresponding frequency value:
[table background=null]
Vibration Types
Frequency Value
Minecart Moving, Ring Bell, Block Change
Drinking Finish, Prime Fuse
Mob Interact
Equip, Shear, Ravager Roar
Entity Place
Entity Killed
Shulker Close
Shulker Open
[*][code]Block Change[/code] is for when player or dispenser action has changed a block. Example: cake slice being eaten.[/*]
[*][code]Mob Interact[/code] is for specific mob interaction events that cause vibrations.[/*]
[*][code]Prime Fuse[/code] is for both TNT and Creepers.[/*]
[/list][h2]Powder Snow changes[/h2][list]
[*]Flaming arrows now get extinguished when they collide with Powder Snow[/*]
[*]Skeletons now convert to Strays when frozen[/*]
[*]Powder snow is now pushable by pistons and sticky pistons[/*]
[*]Foxes can now walk on top of powder snow without falling in[/*]
[/list][h2]Technical Changes in 21w05a[/h2][list]
[*]Improved performance when using many overrides on an item model[/*]
[*]Copper oxidization is now a random tick effect and thus affected by the randomTickSpeed game rule[/*]
[/list][h2]Fixed Bugs in 21w05a[/h2][list]
[*][url=bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-9568]MC-9568[/url] Mobs suffocate / go through blocks when growing up near a solid block[/*]
[*][url=bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-130098]MC-130098[/url] Debug world spawns player at y=2 instead at y=70 where all the blocks are[/*]
[*][url=bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-142711]MC-142711[/url] Baby turtles take damage when pushed against ceiling[/*]
[*][url=bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-148432]MC-148432[/url] Sound spam while in water and lava at the same time[/*]
[*][url=bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-149495]MC-149495[/url] Pufferfish triggers tripwire without colliding with it upon reloading the game[/*]
[*][url=bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-152265]MC-152265[/url] Starting server outputs "unable to resolve BlockEntity for ItemStack" errors[/*]
[*][url=bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-153254]MC-153254[/url] Baby zombies/piglins take damage when pushed against ceiling by bubble columns[/*]
[*][url=bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-163673]MC-163673[/url] Baby husks, piglins, zombies, zombie villagers, and zombified piglins take damage when jumping into a space with a solid block above it[/*]
[*][url=bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-186879]MC-186879[/url] Standing in fire and water spams the extinguish sound[/*]
[*][url=bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-191714]MC-191714[/url] Player is dismounted when standing on farmland while riding a horse/boat while the farmland turns to dirt, causing a desync[/*]
[*][url=bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-198432]MC-198432[/url] Pufferfish phases through blocks after reloading world[/*]
[*][url=bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-199356]MC-199356[/url] chatDelay in options.txt has a space between the colon and the value[/*]
[*][url=bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-200906]MC-200906[/url] Pufferfish hitbox incorrect when reloading world[/*]
[*][url=bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-204801]MC-204801[/url] Large amounts of copper blocks lag the server and causes the worldsave to take forever[/*]
[*][url=bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-205079]MC-205079[/url] Cauldrons don't fill with powder snow in some biomes[/*]
[*][url=bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-205401]MC-205401[/url] "Fire extinguishes" Sound repeatedly plays when a mob that burns in daylight is in powder snow[/*]
[*][url=bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-205477]MC-205477[/url] Occasional desync when trying to enter/exit a boat while the server is lagging[/*]
[*][url=bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-205735]MC-205735[/url] Baby cows can suffocate on stairs[/*]
[*][url=bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-206113]MC-206113[/url] Powder Snow causes Z-Fighting with Falling Blocks[/*]
[*][url=bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-207258]MC-207258[/url] Sculk sensors do not react to minecarts being driven[/*]
[*][url=bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-207261]MC-207261[/url] Bell ringing event is not considered a vibration[/*]
[*][url=bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-207262]MC-207262[/url] Drinking potions or milk doesn’t cause vibrations even though eating does[/*]
[*][url=bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-207263]MC-207263[/url] Inconsistency: Filling cauldrons with liquids or powder snow is not detected by sculk sensors[/*]
[*][url=bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-207277]MC-207277[/url] Sculk sensor can't detect setting a fire with fire charge[/*]
[*][url=bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-207283]MC-207283[/url] Extinguishing a campfire is not detected by sculk sensor[/*]
[*][url=bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-207300]MC-207300[/url] Blocks being placed or picked up by an enderman are not detected by sculk sensors[/*]
[*][url=bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-207329]MC-207329[/url] Sculk sensors don't properly detect eating from other mobs[/*]
[*][url=bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-207340]MC-207340[/url] Sculk sensors do not detect buckets of fish being emptied[/*]
[*][url=bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-207358]MC-207358[/url] Sculk sensors don't detect shulkers opening and closing[/*]
[*][url=bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-207384]MC-207384[/url] Flame arrows repeatedly trigger sculk sensors[/*]
[*][url=bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-207387]MC-207387[/url] Sculk sensors can sense players sneaking in water when they move, even when they're not swimming[/*]
[*][url=bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-207391]MC-207391[/url] Sculk sensors don't detect certain flying mobs[/*]
[*][url=bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-207397]MC-207397[/url] The fire extinguish sound plays every tick when the player is on fire and freezing[/*]
[*][url=bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-207407]MC-207407[/url] Villages will always generate at least on y=0[/*]
[*][url=bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-207417]MC-207417[/url] Directly breaking fire does not alert sculk sensors, but removing its supporting block correctly does[/*]
[*][url=bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-207418]MC-207418[/url] Breaking paintings/item frames/glow item frames does not alert sculk sensors, even though placing them does[/*]
[*][url=bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-207445]MC-207445[/url] Sculk sensor doesn't detect squids swimming[/*]
[*][url=bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-207473]MC-207473[/url] Sculk sensors do not detect when ghasts shoot[/*]
[*][url=bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-207520]MC-207520[/url] Sculk sensors don't react to ravager roars[/*]
[*][url=bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-207521]MC-207521[/url] Ocelots and cats can still emit vibrations while sneaking[/*]
[*][url=bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-207592]MC-207592[/url] Shooting bow with flame enchantment while sneaking triggers sculk sensor[/*]
[*][url=bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-207600]MC-207600[/url] Sculk sensor detects wrong sound for fishing rod[/*]
[*][url=bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-207670]MC-207670[/url] Sculk sensors do not detect the placement of boats and minecarts[/*]
[*][url=bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-207671]MC-207671[/url] Sculk sensors do not detect candles being placed into cakes[/*]
[*][url=bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-207672]MC-207672[/url] Sculk sensors do not detect when creepers are set off with flint and steel[/*]
[*][url=bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-207673]MC-207673[/url] Sculk sensors do not detect lighting TNT with flint and steel[/*]
[*][url=bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-207674]MC-207674[/url] Sculk sensors do not detect placing things in flower pots[/*]
[*][url=bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-207675]MC-207675[/url] Sculk sensors do not detect books being placed onto lecterns[/*]
[*][url=bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-207677]MC-207677[/url] Sculk sensors do not detect collecting water with bottles[/*]
[*][url=bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-207678]MC-207678[/url] Sculk sensors do not detect collecting honey bottles[/*]
[*][url=bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-207679]MC-207679[/url] Sculk sensors do not detect the breaking of bee nests and beehives in Creative mode[/*]
[*][url=bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-207745]MC-207745[/url] Sculk sensors do not detect when ender dragons shoot fireballs[/*]
[*][url=bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-208193]MC-208193[/url] Sculk sensors do not detect removing things from flower pots[/*]
[*][url=bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-208194]MC-208194[/url] Sculk sensors do not detect when candle cakes are eaten[/*]

6 Update Logs

21w05a : by Dab676767 02/03/2021 9:40:57 pmFeb 3rd, 2021


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02/04/2021 1:11 pm
Level 46 : Master Lad
TheVid's Avatar
that is the longest discription ive ever seen lol
02/03/2021 10:27 pm
Level 26 : Expert Warrior
ImYourFwend_'s Avatar
thanks for the info, mate!
02/05/2021 4:04 am
Level 31 : Artisan Lemon
Dab676767's Avatar
Planet Minecraft


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