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Planet Minecraft Tips: Your Trademark

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aisforawsome's Avatar aisforawsome
Level 25 : Expert Geek
What is going on, people of the internet? Aisforawsome here, with my first post in a long time!

(No, I am not dead)

Today I want to talk about something that is extremely important: Your Trademark

When you hear 'trademark', you probably think about products and the (TM) symbol. When I think of trademark, I think of these questions:

What kind of submissions does this person regularly upload?

What colors/theme/atmosphere is seen/felt in said person's builds?

Does this person build logically? (making it look realistic)

The descriptions, are they well written and look like the author cares?

What level of detail did they use for their screenshots?

If it is a texture pack, does every texture pack have a common theme?

If he/she makes skins, do the skins have the same theme?

If they post blogs, are they well written, or are they just spam?

OK, you are most likely thinking to your self 'Whaaaa?'

And if you aren't, then you might need help.

What kind of submissions does this person regularly upload?

This is more simple than it sounds. All you have to do to answer this question is too look at the person in question's Planet Minecraft page. Then determine if he posts more texture packs, skins, blogs, or projects.

What colors/theme/atmosphere is seen/felt in said person's builds?

This one is not as simple, as it requires using your tiny brain. First, you need to download the build in question. Then, take a nice long look around. Then, think about what kind of colors are used.


If it is made of materials such as the lighter wool, oak wood, and glass. Then it could be considered having 'Light' colors.

If it is made of Netherbrick, dark wool, spruce wood, and obsidian. Then it is considered having a 'Dark' hue.


What kind of build is it? Is it science-fiction? Or is it medieval? Modern?

Is the map small, medium or large?

Is it vertical, or spread out?


What do YOU feel when you play the map?

Does it feel open, or claustrophobic?

Is the map hard to get around, or do you know where you are at all times?

Does this person build logically?

Yet another simple one. Just look at the build, does it look like it could be made in real life?

Does it have adequate support, or is it floating?

The descriptions, are they well written and look like the author cares?

This is important, because if it is not a good description, then the author just doesn't care and is trying to get views.

Is there plenty of information about the project? Or is he/she just talking about random stuff?

Is the information neatly organized, or is it just a jumbled mess?

How many spelling errors can you find?

What level of detail did they use for their screenshots?

Did the author take the crappiest screenshot possible or did they take a quality shot, and then edited the image?

If it is a texture pack, does every texture pack have a common theme?

Does this person make basic packs? Or does he/she make realistic packs?

If he/she makes skins, do all of the skins have the same theme?

Are they Sci-Fi? Are they medieval? Modern? Male? Female?! PIGS!?

If they post blogs, are they well written, or are they just spam?

Should explain itself.

All of these things matter when determining a user's trademark.

Now, why is trademark necessary?
I'm glad you asked!
-I didn't ask

A trademark is your identity on Planet Minecraft. Without it, you are just another level 1 trying to get fame. You need to get to a point when people can play your maps without knowing they are yours, and then thinking 'Oh! This must be 's map!'

Trademarks also help the PMC community grow. Nobody is best, or even good at everything. For example, I have been told that I make good floating islands and airships, but I suck at skinning and texture packs.

nobody is best, somebody who is great at skinning can partner up with someone who is good at building and they can join their builds together.

I hope you guys enjoyed, or at least learned something!

Remember, do the best you can on everything, and start defining YOUR trademark!

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by aisforawsome 02/22/2013 4:25:40 pmFeb 22nd, 2013

Added an image that has no possibility of being copyright.

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07/09/2014 1:29 am
Level 39 : Artisan Architect
compthedj's Avatar
Nice use of weavesilk.com/
02/22/2013 4:48 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Artist
ChrisL's Avatar
Nice blog, though I think style would be a better word than trademark.
08/26/2012 12:11 pm
Level 25 : Expert Dragon
deathlyfrog's Avatar
Very nice, very nice.
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