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Are School Systems Corrupt?

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zachstar1998's Avatar zachstar1998
Level 42 : Master Turtle
"It's like judging a fish on it's ability to climb a tree"

This blog is for everyone, all over the world. This isn't a rant, more of a question.

Now I know there are a lot of people who would answer yes to this question, hell I would to. But there a a lot of things to take into consideration before jumping to a conclusion.

Schools these days have kids do tests, and exams a lot. Apparently, it's just so they can see where we are at with our studies and make sure we aren't falling behind. But it's only when they examine our results do they realise that we aren't falling behind, they're leaving us behind. As a 10th grader I know a fair bit about school, at my school, you start taking exams in Year 7, which is a terrible, terrible idea, not only does it freak the children out, it stresses them out a lot. And the last thing you want when starting high school, is a mental breakdown.

Now I'm not saying that what the schools are teaching us is corrupt, it's how they teach us.
"You can't teach a whale to fly"
Of course you can't, so if that is so blatently obvious, why does the system force children to learn things they clearly can't pick up. I know I sound one sided, I know not everyone is like this but there are people out there who agree with me, I love school, don't get me wrong, I hate the idea of children being disadvantaged because nobody wants to help them, everyone has to learn one way, when frankly, we should all be learning whichever way we like. Don't like learning stuff by writing? Then draw it, I know a guy in my class who learns better when he draws, and I'm lucky enough to go to a school that encourages children to learn their own way

But unfortuanetly, there are some people who are not as lucky, and I really hope those people speak up, because one day guys/girls, we will be running our respective countries, and we are the ones who are going to be able to change things, because if things don't change, we won't change.

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02/22/2014 8:48 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Blockhead
3Ravens98's Avatar
I feel the same way, but don't see it in the same light.
You see, the way I see it, in my country anyway, I feel like they aren't trying as hard to TEACH you, as much as they are simply trying to PREPARE you for exams and tests and shit. I, it's just so absurd to me. I started noticing it about 2 years ago when I started secondary, and all the teachers kept saying 'You'll need to know that for the Junior Cert.' 'You'll need to revise that for the Junior Cert.' 'Blah blah blah blah junior cert'. It really annoys me. With that aswell, a student can write a brilliant essay on, I don't know, the Boston Tea Party, with as much detail as possible, but they don't write what the 'marking scheme' says was write and they lose all their marks. Going from an A to a C because they didn't write exactly what the marking scheme said was write. This, actually kind of happened to me. We did what we call Mocs, which are like pre-end of year exams in 3rd and 6th year, to see if we're ready for them, and the marking schemes are SOO god damn strict. I honestly dropped a grade in all my subjects cause of it. I am hopeful tho, because the Mocs are supposed to be marked a lot harder than the actual exam, but I still think its a problem, because, as I said above, I feel like they aren't trying to teach us information, they trying to teach us to follow orders, to do what we're told to do. I know, it sounds a bit weird, but that's how feel about it.
02/23/2014 1:37 am
Level 42 : Master Turtle
zachstar1998's Avatar
Yeah the criteria can be really annoying, like you can write 10-15 god damn pages filled with information that relates to the topic and is very detailed, but fail because you didn't do it "right". School should be about creativity, not narrow minded learning.

May I ask what country you're from?
02/23/2014 6:24 am
Level 32 : Artisan Blockhead
3Ravens98's Avatar
02/22/2014 8:26 pm
Level 25 : Expert Hunter
bigf's Avatar
Well I'm in the final year of Primary (Elementary for U.S.) and there's an exam coming up in March that decides what high school you'll go to. It's only optional, and it's supposedly really difficult, and only the "smart" kids do it. Well I'm doing it and so is everyone else in the class.
Assignment, three worksheets, maths homework and compulsory colouring in.
02/23/2014 1:33 am
Level 42 : Master Turtle
zachstar1998's Avatar
That's really going to help hahah naht
02/22/2014 6:50 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Lad
ThatCobblestoneGuy's Avatar
Couldn't agree more! You read my mind!
When I was in year 7, half the kids where crying about the exams...
02/22/2014 4:47 pm
Level 47 : Master Princess
Whoever01's Avatar
In Grade 7 is when they should because that is when secondary school starts...
02/22/2014 4:48 pm
Level 47 : Master Princess
Whoever01's Avatar
And to add, this is the first year in our state where 10th grade is made to do science, history and phys ed
02/22/2014 1:33 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Blacksmith
danger12001's Avatar
Our Schools in south africa are completly skrewed. 

they Believe that extending school hours and increasing the work load is going to educate our country better.
02/22/2014 9:09 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
PetiteHarime's Avatar
The school system is pretty broken, being based mostly around memorization instead of revolving around intelligence. Some classes in school revolve around intelligence instead of memorization, like English, math, and probably reading comp. These subjects require some kind of memorization, but in the end, it requires intelligence and common sense.
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