Minecraft Blogs / Let's Play

Minecraft Guide

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Sensei's Avatar Sensei
Level 28 : Expert Warrior
Minecraft is a sandbox game, in which your avatar wanders around in a world, collecting resources and using items. To get an advantage, you need to master the control system. If you are having trouble with it, you may want to start with a Peaceful Mode world to practice. Your world is made of blocks, mostly cubical. These blocks represent objects in the game, but their size also makes a standard measure of distance. This and many other pages talk in terms of, e.g., "five blocks away" (officially, each block is a one-meter cube). Your character can stand within a single block's space, and it stands a little less than two blocks tall. Time passes within this world; a game day passes in 20 real-world minutes. Nighttime is much more dangerous than daytime; the game starts at dawn, and you have 10 minutes of game time before nightfall. The primary purpose of this guide is to let you "find your feet" and get basic equipment and shelter before night.

This article mostly assumes you are playing on Java Edition or desktop versions of Bedrock Edition, where you use keyboard and mouse to interact with the game. The Controls page gives you a complete overview of all the controls.

This and other articles generally refer to controls by their default keys. Most of the controls can be changed in the game's options menu, by clicking on the one you want to change, and then pressing the key you want to use for that control. If you are already using that key for something else, then it turns red.

In Java Edition, when you start the game for the first time, a short in-game tutorial appears to explain the basics of how to move and look around.

When moving around the world and dealing with blocks and creatures in the world, there are four basic operations, each discussed below:
[​*]Movement in four directions, as well as looking upward and downward, jumping, and sneaking. Variations include sprinting and swimming.[​/*]
[​*]As you move around, you occasionally see or produce items floating "loose" in the world. Interacting with [​i]those[​/i] is simple: when you move close enough to them, they fly toward you and you automatically take them into your inventory (unless your inventory is full, see below). At the start of a game, just pick up every loose item you encounter. You may eventually find uses for them, and it takes a little while to fill up your inventory. You can also drop ("throw") items back into the world.[​/*]
[​*]"Mining" or breaking blocks, which is the usual way to collect resources from the landscape. Usually a broken block drops one or more loose items. Attacking mobile creatures ("[​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Mob]mobs[​/url]") uses the same controls as breaking blocks, and they also drop loose items when killed. In general, attacking requires brief taps of the relevant control, while breaking blocks requires holding down the same control. Some blocks, such as [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Tall_grass]tall grass[​/url], break instantly.[​/*]
[​*]"Using" items or blocks. This is more complex, since it can apply to blocks in the world or to tools in your hand. The same controls are used for some interactions with creatures (such as shearing sheep or trading with villagers), but this is a matter for later days in the game.[​/*]
[​*]Your character can also work with items in a GUI, especially managing your own [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Inventory]inventory[​/url], crafting new items, and working with storage items such as chests. This uses the mouse and sometimes the keyboard differently, while you are focused on your inventory and/or a crafting task rather than the world around you.[​/*]
[​*][​table background=null]
[​th width=]Name[​/th]
[​th width=]Ingredients[​/th]
[​th width=][​hide][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Crafting]Crafting[​/url] recipe[​/th]
[​th]Wooden [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Door]Door[​/url][​/th]
[​td]Matching [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Planks]Planks[​/url][​/td]
[​th]Wooden [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Fence]Fence[​/url][​/th]
[​td]Matching [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Planks]Planks[​/url] +
[​th]Wooden [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Fence_gate]Fence gate[​/url][​/th]
[​td][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Stick]Stick[​/url] +
Matching [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Planks]Planks[​/url][​/td]
[​th]Wooden [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Trapdoor]Trapdoor[​/url][​/th]
[​td]Matching [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Planks]Planks[​/url][​/td]
[​td]Any [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Planks]Planks[​/url][​/td]
Wait for full light (or the sounds of burning undead), wield your sword, and carefully leave your shelter. Even in sunny weather, watch out for any remaining monsters — this may well be your first fight. If you see [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Spider]spiders[​/url], don't panic, they likely have become neutral in the sun, and you can try to kill them for their [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/String]strings[​/url]. If you see a [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Creeper]creeper[​/url], your best option at this point is to run at least 16 blocks away from it and wait for it to go away (or explode, if it got too close before you got away). If you see any [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Skeleton]skeletons[​/url] or [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Zombie]zombies[​/url] hiding under trees or in water, stay away from them — skeletons can still shoot at you if you are too close (16 blocks or so), and either skeletons or zombies may come out from shade to attack you even as they burn. If a burning zombie attacks you and the difficulty is normal or hard, they have a chance to set [​i]you[​/i] on fire! If this happens, flee and jump into any nearby (monster-free) water. Once you're out and clear of monsters, look around for and collect [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Bone]bones[​/url], [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Arrow]arrows[​/url], or [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Rotten_flesh]rotten flesh[​/url] which may have been dropped by dead [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Skeleton]skeletons[​/url] and [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Zombie]zombies[​/url].

If it is [​i]not[​/i] sunny, you may have worse problems: You may need to kill zombies or even skeletons (or just retreat back in your shelter until the sun comes out). Zombies can be easy to kill by themselves, but in a pack, they can overrun you — and if attacked, they can call any other zombies in the area to join the fight. At night or during a storm, they can actually summon new zombies!

A skeleton is pretty accurate with its bow. It can be difficult to dodge the arrows. Also, you become an easier target the closer you get. If you get too close, it can kill you in only a couple of shots, because you have no armor. It's best to have a bow (or at least a [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Shield]shield[​/url]) of your own before facing skeletons. If you don't have a bow or shield and they see you, try to run up to them and get in a few hits with your sword before you get shot too many times (at a distance, you can dodge the arrows).

Assuming you made it out of the shelter, congratulations! You've survived your first night in [​i]Minecraft[​/i]! Within the [​i]next[​/i] day or two, you should have acquired some [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Iron_Ingot]iron[​/url] [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Armor]armor[​/url] and better weapons, which remove much of the terror from nighttime. You can also make a more secure shelter (including a safe place for your bed), and start fencing off and lighting territory for farming.
[​h3]After the first day[​/h3]
A tutorial for the next day is available here: [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Tutorials/The_Second_Day]Tutorials/The Second Day[​/url]. In general, your options increase over time, and you have more choice about what tasks to focus on next.

Following are some general tips:
[​h4]Home safety[​/h4][​img]static.wikia.nocookie.net/minecraft_gamepedia/images/8/82/First_Day_House.png/revision/latest?cb=20201129120420[​/img]
A 3×3×2 chamber in stone, filled with 1 [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Bed]bed[​/url], 1 [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Furnace]furnace[​/url], 1 [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Crafting_table]crafting table[​/url], and 1 [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Torch]torch[​/url]. Sealed with door and defended by a dry moat.
See also: [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Tutorials/Safe_home]Tutorials/Safe home[​/url]
By the end of the first day, your shelter is likely to be primitive and small. In the days afterward, you can build a better home, in any of various forms. Some natural extensions include a back door, windows, a surrounding fence, and even [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Trap]traps[​/url] for monsters. Others are beautiful houses. If you build one and you don't like it, just build a different one. Remember that any time you pick up your bed, your spawn point reverts to the default (that is, random within 20 blocks of the world spawn point), until you not only place but [​i]sleep in[​/i] (or at least "use") a bed again. For this reason, if your home is not very near the world spawn point, you should eventually use a [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Compass]compass[​/url] to locate the exact point, and build a shelter there, or keep enough wool and planks to build new beds in new locations to keep your respawn point nearby as you explore the world.
[​h4]Mining[​/h4]See also: [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Tutorials/Mining]Tutorials/Mining[​/url]
Eventually, you must venture below ground to gather iron and other resources. While there are much more advanced [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Mining_techniques]mining techniques[​/url], the most basic way to find ores is by entering a cave and exploring. Remember, if you are mining, "never dig straight down" is a great rule to follow as you might fall in lava or in a group of monsters. You can, however, dig down in a 2×1 pattern, standing in the middle of the 2 blocks. This allows you to have a "safe block" in case there is lava beneath you. Or you can dig your shaft a few blocks at a time and put in ladders as you go, or just dig a staircase down instead of a straight shaft.
[​h5]Finding a cave[​/h5]
You have no problems if you have just spent your night in a cave. If you haven't, the easiest way to do so is to roam the Overworld a little and look out for exposed cave entrances. Mountains biomes have caves inside mountains, but these are generally not what you want, because only coal ore appears above [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Altitude]sea level[​/url]. For iron and better ores, you want to find a cave opening into the ground (these are quite common) and head downward. Sometimes such caves end immediately, but often they continue into big cave systems. If they seem to end right away, sometimes there is a continuation about 2-8 blocks farther back and below the cave's end; mining in these directions (8 blocks back and down, exploring somewhat to the sides) can reveal this if it is the case. Digging away gravel or dirt can also expose cave extensions, but you may go through a few shovels that way. If you can't find any all day, just sleep away the night, replenishing your resources like wood and food as you use them. If you hear suspicious, hostile noises, just try to listen and follow them.
[​h5]Cave exploration[​/h5]See also: [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Tutorials/Exploring_caves]Tutorials/Exploring caves[​/url]
Cave exploration is pretty straight forward: you light up your way with torches, mine up ores as you see them (check ores and minerals), and kill enemies as you encounter them (see [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Tutorials/Combat]Tutorials/Combat[​/url] for details). Some important techniques might not be obvious to a new player, such as using [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Water]waterfalls[​/url] to descend into shafts, and/or swim back up from them. There are also many options for [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Tutorials/Navigation]marking your trail and not getting lost[​/url]. Also, note that sneaking (on PCs, the ⇧ Left Shift key by default) prevents you from falling over the edge of a block, and as such it is useful if you are caving near a long drop, especially a drop into lava. There are also open ravines, which can be explored by daylight, a bit more safely than underground caves. If you have spent a long time in a cave, be wary of coming back to the surface at night — at night there can be more monsters on the surface than there were in the caves, and if you spent long enough down there, there might even be [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Phantoms]phantoms[​/url]! If there are, then try to avoid them or bring a spare bed with you while mining so you can sleep and get rid of them.
[​h2]Tutorial videos[​/h2][​h2]History[​/h2][​img title= width=32 height=32]static.wikia.nocookie.net/minecraft_gamepedia/images/b/bc/Brush.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/32?cb=20210416022723[​/img][​b]This article needs cleanup to comply with the [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Minecraft_Wiki:Style_guide]style guide[​/url].[​/b] [​sup][[​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Talk:Tutorials/Beginner%27s_guide]discuss[​/url][​/sup][​sup]][​/sup]Please help [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Tutorials/Beginner%27s_guide?action=edit]improve[​/url] this page. The [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Talk:Tutorials/Beginner%26#39.3Bs_guide]talk page[​/url] may contain suggestions.
[​b]Reason:[​/b] Is this section even needed?[​table background=null]
[​th=6][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Java_Edition_Classic]Java Edition Classic[​/url][​/th]
[​th colspan=5 rowspan=1][​url=notch.tumblr.com/post/108596899/some-thoughts-on-game-modes]May 16, 2009[​/url][​/th]
[​td]Notch discussed Survival among the various game modes he envisioned for the game.[​/td]
[​th colspan=5 rowspan=1][​url=notch.tumblr.com/post/123343045/my-vision-for-survival]June 14, 2009[​/url][​/th]
[​td]Notch discussed his vision of how Survival mode would work.[​/td]
[​th colspan=5 rowspan=1][​url=notch.tumblr.com/post/155882307/a-video-showing-what-i-did-today-are-vids-like]August 10, 2009[​/url][​/th]
[​td]Survival mode testing starts. At this time, there was no health bar, and resource management was being tested.[​/td]
[​th colspan=5 rowspan=1][​url=notch.tumblr.com/post/165713706/each-player-has-10-hearts-of-health-you-can-lose]August 18, 2009[​/url][​/th]
[​td]Hearts are shown, mobs take damage when hit.[​/td]
[​th colspan=5 rowspan=2][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Java_Edition_Classic_0.24_SURVIVAL_TEST]0.24 SURVIVAL TEST[​/url][​/th]
[​td]Added survival mode in [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Survival_Test]Survival Test[​/url]. During this time, death was permanent, meaning players could not respawn and the level needed to be restarted unless a save file had been created.[​/td]
[​td]Until mid-Alpha, survival single-player was the only available mode besides [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Classic]Classic[​/url] creative mode.[​/td]
[​th=6][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Java_Edition_Indev]Java Edition Indev[​/url][​/th]
[​th colspan=2 rowspan=1][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Java_Edition_Indev_0.31]0.31[​/url][​/th]
[​th colspan=3 rowspan=1][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Java_Edition_Indev_0.31_20100129]20100129[​/url][​/th]
[​td][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Crafting]Crafting[​/url] is introduced.[​/td]
[​th=6][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Java_Edition_Infdev]Java Edition Infdev[​/url][​/th]
[​th colspan=5 rowspan=1][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Java_Edition_Infdev_20100327]20100327[​/url][​/th]
[​td]Death is no longer permanent; the player is now able to [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Respawn]respawn[​/url].[​/td]
[​th=6][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Java_Edition_Alpha]Java Edition Alpha[​/url][​/th]
[​th colspan=5 rowspan=1][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Java_Edition_Alpha_v1.0.15]v1.0.15[​/url][​/th]
[​td]Added multiplayer. Originally, Notch had only allowed a limited number of people from the Minecraft IRC channel to participate in the first tests of multiplayer. These invitees could invite other people to test out this mode; however, the password was leaked and the server was quickly filled up. Notch released the first version of the multiplayer server software on the 4th of August, 2010. The client was updated so that players could enter the IP of a server to join it.[​/td]
[​th=6][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Pocket_Edition_Alpha]Pocket Edition Alpha[​/url][​/th]
[​th colspan=5 rowspan=1][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Pocket_Edition_v0.2.0_alpha]v0.2.0[​/url][​/th]
[​td]Added Survival mode.[​/td]
[​th colspan=5 rowspan=1][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Pocket_Edition_v0.3.0_alpha]v0.3.0[​/url][​/th]
[​td]Crafting was introduced.[​/td]
[​th=6][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Legacy_Console_Edition_version_history]Legacy Console Edition[​/url][​/th]
[​th rowspan=1 width=][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Xbox_360_Edition_TU1]TU1[​/url][​/th]
[​th rowspan=1 width=][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Xbox_One_Edition_CU1]CU1[​/url][​/th]
[​th rowspan=1 width=][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/1.0#Legacy_Console_Edition]1.0[​/url][​/th]
[​th rowspan=1 width=][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Wii_U_Edition_Patch_1]Patch 1[​/url][​/th]
[​th rowspan=1 width=][​/th]
[​td width=]Added Survival mode.[​/td]
"Enchant" redirects here. For the command, see [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Commands/enchant]Commands/enchant[​/url]. For the block used to enchant, see [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Enchanting_Table]Enchanting Table[​/url]. For the command NBT tag, see [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Tutorials/Command_NBT_tags#Items]Tutorials/Command NBT tags § Items[​/url]. For the Minecraft Dungeons mechanic, see [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Minecraft_Dungeons:Enchanting]Minecraft Dungeons:Enchanting[​/url].[​img]static.wikia.nocookie.net/minecraft_gamepedia/images/f/fd/Enchanted_Iron_Pickaxe.gif/revision/latest?cb=20201118221334[​/img]
The glint animation applied to an enchanted iron [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Pickaxe]pickaxe[​/url].

[​b]Enchanting[​/b] is a mechanic that augments [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Armor]armor[​/url], [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Tool]tools[​/url], [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Weapon]weapons[​/url], and [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Book]books[​/url] with one or more of a variety of "enchantments" that improve an [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Item]item[​/url]'s existing abilities or imbue them with additional abilities and uses. A special "glint" animation appears on items that are enchanted.
[​*][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Enchanting#Enchanting_equipment]1 Enchanting equipment[​/url][​/*]
[​*][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Enchanting#Enchanting_methods]2 Enchanting methods[​/url][​list]
[​*][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Enchanting#Enchanting_table]2.1 Enchanting table[​/url][​list]
[​*][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Enchanting#Affecting_offered_enchantments]2.1.1 Affecting offered enchantments[​/url][​/*]
[​*][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Enchanting#Anvil_combinations]2.2 Anvil combinations[​/url][​/*]
[​*][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Enchanting#Enchanted_books]2.3 Enchanted books[​/url][​/*]
[​*][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Enchanting#Disenchanting]3 Disenchanting[​/url][​/*]
[​*][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Enchanting#Summary_of_enchantments]4 Summary of enchantments[​/url][​/*]
[​*][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Enchanting#Summary_of_enchantments_by_item]5 Summary of enchantments by item[​/url][​/*]
[​*][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Enchanting#Maximum_effective_values_for_enchantments]6 Maximum effective values for enchantments[​/url][​/*]
[​*][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Enchanting#Item_data]7 Item data[​/url][​/*]
[​*][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Enchanting#Videos]8 Videos[​/url][​/*]
[​*][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Enchanting#History]9 History[​/url][​/*]
[​*][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Enchanting#Issues]10 Issues[​/url][​/*]
[​*][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Enchanting#See_also]11 See also[​/url][​/*]
[​*][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Enchanting#Gallery]12 Gallery[​/url][​/*]
[​/list][​img title=Tracker width=1 height=1]i.jsrdn.com/i/1.gif?r=e0yv&k=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[​/img]
[​h3]Honest Game Trailers | WarioWare: Get It Together![​/h3]

[​h2]Enchanting equipment[​/h2][​table background=null]
[​th width=]Name[​/th]
[​th width=]Icon[​/th]
[​th width=]Usage[​/th]
[​th][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Enchanting_Table]Enchanting Table[​/url][​/th]
[​td]Used for enchanting items[​/td]
[​td]Each bookshelf (up to 15) increases the level of the enchantments given by the enchanting table[​/td]
[​th][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Lapis_Lazuli]Lapis Lazuli[​/url][​/th]
[​td]Required to power the enchanting table[​/td]
[​td]Used to combine enchanted items (tools, armor, weapons), add enchantments from books, or repair an enchanted item while preserving enchantments[​/td]
[​td]Used to remove all non-curse enchantments on an item (returning a small amount of experience), and optionally repair an item (for no experience)[​/td]
[​th][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Enchanted_Book]Enchanted Book[​/url][​/th]
[​td][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Enchanted_Book][​img title="Enchanted Book" width=32 height=32]static.wikia.nocookie.net/minecraft_gamepedia/images/2/20/Invicon_Enchanted_Book.gif/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/32?cb=20210806192958[​/img][​/url][​/td]
[​td]Can be combined with another item through an anvil to add enchantments to the item[​/td]
[​/table][​h2]Enchanting methods[​/h2][​img]static.wikia.nocookie.net/minecraft_gamepedia/images/b/b1/Enchanting-Table.png/revision/latest?cb=20200224211005[​/img]
An enchanting table surrounded by bookshelves.

There are four ways to enchant an item in Survival mode:
[​*]Through an enchanting table in exchange for [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Experience]experience[​/url] points and lapis lazuli. Only unenchanted items may be enchanted this way.[​/*]
[​*]Through an anvil, combining an enchanted book with an item.[​/*]
[​*]Through an anvil, combining two of the same item with different existing enchantments into a single item that has the enchantments of both.[​/*]
[​*]Through a [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Villager]librarian villager[​/url], which may enchant books respectively for emeralds instead of lapis lazuli and experience.[​/*]
A player may also obtain items already enchanted:
[​*]Through a [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Villager]villager[​/url], who may trade some enchanted items for [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Emerald]emeralds[​/url].[​/*]
[​*]Through [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Fishing]fishing[​/url], which gives a chance of obtaining enchanted items.[​/*]
[​*]Through a [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Zombie]zombie[​/url], [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Drowned]drowned[​/url], [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Husk]husk[​/url], [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Piglin]piglin[​/url], [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Skeleton]skeleton[​/url], [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Stray]stray[​/url], [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Wither_skeleton]wither skeleton[​/url], and [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Zombified_piglin]zombified piglin[​/url] – if they have enchanted items and the [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Player]player[​/url] kills them, it has an 8.5% chance of them dropping each said item.[​/*]
[​*]Through finding them in [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/End_cities]end cities[​/url] and other assorted treasure chests, such as [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Shipwreck]shipwrecks[​/url], [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Mineshaft]mineshafts[​/url], [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Dungeon]dungeons[​/url], [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Desert_temple]desert temples[​/url], [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Jungle_temple]jungle temples[​/url], [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Woodland_mansion]woodland mansions[​/url], [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Ocean_ruins]ocean ruins[​/url], [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Strongholds]strongholds[​/url], [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Ruined_portal]ruined portals[​/url], and [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Bastion_remnant]bastion remnants[​/url].[​/*]
[​*]Through [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Bartering]bartering[​/url] possibly receiving an enchanted [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Book]book[​/url] or [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Boots]iron boots[​/url] with [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Soul_Speed]Soul Speed[​/url](random level).[​/*]
[​*]Through killing [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Pillager]pillagers[​/url] and [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Vindicator]vindicators[​/url] in [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Raid]raids[​/url].‌[​sup][[​i][​url=https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Bedrock_Edition]Bedrock Edition[​/url] only[​/i]][​/sup][​/*]
Server operators and players in [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Singleplayer]singleplayer[​/url] worlds with [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Cheats]cheats[​/url] enabled can also enchant [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Items]items[​/url] using [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Commands]commands[​/url] such as [​code]/enchant[​/code]. When enchanted with the [​code]/give[​/code] command, the maximum enchantment level is 255‌[​sup][[​i][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Java_Edition]Java Edition[​/url] only[​/i]][​/sup]. In [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Creative_mode]Creative mode[​/url], items can be enchanted via an anvil and enchanted books, with no [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Experience]experience[​/url] points required. Enchanted books are available in the Creative mode inventory, with individual book displays for the highest level of each enchantment and other levels available via the "Search" tab.
[​h3]Enchanting table[​/h3]Main article: [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Enchantment_mechanics]Enchantment mechanics[​/url][​img]static.wikia.nocookie.net/minecraft_gamepedia/images/9/95/Enchanting_Table_GUI.png/revision/latest?cb=20200224211102[​/img]
Enchanting table interface. Top: Without item. Bottom: With item, hovering over the third line.

An item can be enchanted by using an enchanting table and placing the item in the input slots and 1–3 [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Lapis_Lazuli]Lapis Lazuli[​/url] in its dedicated slot. Upon placing the item, three (pseudo)randomized options appear on the right of the GUI. The [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Enchantment_Table#Standard_Galactic_Alphabet]glyphs[​/url] here do not affect the enchantment, but hovering over a presented enchantment shows one enchantment to be applied (on mobile devices, the player can tap an enchantment before putting in the lapis lazuli or hold the enchantment before release). The only choices available have a level requirement equal to or below the player's current level and a lapis lazuli requirement equal to or below the number of lapis lazuli placed in the table. Each option imbues the item with a randomized set of enchantments that are dependent on the number of experience levels required (e.g. a level 10 enchantment can give a pickaxe the "Efficiency II" enchantment); the actual level cost and the number of lapis lazuli required have no effect.

Although the player must have at least the level requirement to get an enchantment, the number of levels that the player is charged is the same as the lapis lazuli requirement. For example, if the third enchantment listed is a level 30-50 enchantment, the player must have at least 30 levels, pays only 3 levels and 3 lapis lazuli.

The level requirement influences the quantity, type, and level of enchantments instilled in the item, with a higher experience level generally resulting in more and/or higher-level enchantments. Nevertheless, there is a significant random factor, and even a level 30 enchantment (the maximum) doesn't guarantee more than one enchantment, or even that enchantments are "maximum strength" — a level 30 enchantment can still yield Fortune II or Efficiency III alone, for example.

To increase the enchantment level, [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Bookshelf]bookshelves[​/url] can be placed next to the [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Enchanting_table]enchanting table[​/url] while keeping one block of [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Air]air[​/url] between them. To gain access to the previously mentioned level 30 enchantments, a total of 15 bookshelves need to be placed around the enchanting table. See the [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Enchantment_Mechanics]Enchantment Mechanics[​/url] page for more detailed information on this.

Enchanting a [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Book]book[​/url] produces an enchanted book, which does nothing on its own, but effectively "saves" the enchantment for later application to another item with an [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Anvil]anvil[​/url].

Unlike with an anvil, using the enchanting table while on Creative still costs experience. However, if the [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Player]player[​/url] doesn't have enough experience, then experience reduces to zero and the enchantment still works, even when using the enchanting table while already at level zero.
[​h4]Affecting offered enchantments[​/h4]
Enchanting any item at any enchantment level changes the player's enchantment seed, which changes the possible enchantments for every item at every enchantment level. Thus, if none of the available enchantments for a tool are desired, 1 lapis lazuli and 1 [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Experience]level[​/url] could be spent to enchant a book or a different [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Tool]tool[​/url] to refresh the list.

The possible enchantments depend on the player's enchantment seed, the item type, and material, and the enchantment level (1–30). Removing the item and putting it back in, clicking on the item slot with a different item, using a different item of the same type and material, replacing or moving the table (but keeping the same number of bookshelves), using a different table with the same number of bookshelves, or replacing or rearranging the bookshelves without changing their total number does not affect the possible enchantments.

Changing the enchantment levels offered by adding, removing, or blocking bookshelves alters the enchantments shown, but does not change possible enchantments; using another enchanting table with the previous bookshelf number still shows the previous enchantments. The enchantments for a particular enchantment level (with the same seed and item) do also differ depending on which row they appear in, but they are not "better" or "worse" based on the row despite the different resource costs.
[​h3]Anvil combinations[​/h3]Main article: [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Anvil_mechanics]Anvil mechanics[​/url]
An anvil can be used to combine the enchantments of two [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Item]items[​/url], sacrificing one of them and repairing the other. The items must be compatible; they must either be the same type and material (such as two iron swords) or an item and an enchanted book with an applicable enchantment (such as a bow and an [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Infinity]Infinity[​/url] enchanted book).

Combining two enchanted items, books or one of each with the same enchantment at the same level produces an item or book with the next higher level of that enchantment up to the maximum allowed in survival mode; for example, a book with [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Thorns]Thorns[​/url] I and [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Unbreaking]Unbreaking[​/url] II combined with a book with [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Unbreaking]Unbreaking[​/url] II produces a book with [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Thorns]Thorns[​/url] I and [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Unbreaking]Unbreaking[​/url] III.

To combine items, the player places the target item in the anvil's first slot and the sacrifice item in the second slot. If the combination is allowed, the resulting enchanted item appears in the anvil's output slot and an experience level cost, labeled "Enchantment Cost", appears below (green if the player has enough experience levels, red if they don't). To complete the enchanting, the player removes the enchanted item from the anvil's output slot, and their experience level is reduced accordingly.

The experience cost depends on the enchantments, with highly enchanted items costing more. If the target item is also being repaired, that costs more as well. The target item can also be renamed, at additional cost. There is also an accumulating surcharge for prior work done on anvils. In Survival mode, work that costs more than 39 levels of experience is refused although it may still be possible to perform the same work in steps. For example, a damaged enchanted bow may be repaired on an anvil with an ordinary bow, and then another enchanted bow may be used to combine enchantments with the repaired bow.
[​h3]Enchanted books[​/h3]Main article: [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Enchanted_Book]Enchanted Book[​/url]
Enchanted books can be made by using an enchanting table to enchant a book. (They can also be found in generated chests, purchased with [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Emerald]emeralds[​/url] from a villager librarian, or looted by fishing rod.) The book can receive multiple enchantments of any type, but only enchantments appropriate to a given item type may be applied to that item. For example, the same book may receive Respiration and Power enchantments, but the Respiration enchantment is lost if the book is applied to anything but a helmet, and the Power enchantment is lost if the book is applied to anything but a bow.

Enchanted books are used on an [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Anvil]anvil[​/url] to add enchantments to items, including other books. They can apply some enchantments to items that cannot be enchanted from an enchanting table, such as applying [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Thorns]Thorns[​/url] to boots.

In Creative mode, books can enchant any item with any enchantment, such as a stick having [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Knockback]Knockback[​/url] II.‌[​sup][[​i][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Java_Edition]JE[​/url] only[​/i]][​/sup] However, mutually-exclusive enchantments, such as [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Infinity]Infinity[​/url] and [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Mending]Mending[​/url], cannot be applied this way or via [​code]/enchant[​/code] (though are still available via [​code]/give[​/code]).

The [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Crafting_Table]crafting table[​/url] interface in [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Java_Edition][​i]Java Edition[​/i][​/url].

[​b]Crafting[​/b] is the process of constructing [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Tools]tools[​/url], [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Item]items[​/url], and [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Block]blocks[​/url] in [​i][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Minecraft]Minecraft[​/url][​/i]. Players can craft by moving items from their [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Inventory]inventory[​/url] to a crafting grid, arranging them according to a recipe. A 2×2 crafting grid can be accessed from the player's inventory and a 3×3 grid can be accessed by using a [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Crafting_table]crafting table[​/url]. Items crafted in the 2×2 grid can also be crafted in the crafting table.

[​h2]Crafting system[​/h2][​img]static.wikia.nocookie.net/minecraft_gamepedia/images/8/88/Crafting2x2.png/revision/latest?cb=20200829170518[​/img]
2×2 Crafting grid ([​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Inventory]inventory[​/url])
3×3 Crafting grid ([​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Crafting_table]crafting table[​/url])

Players in [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Creative]Creative[​/url]‌[​sup][[​i][​url=https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Bedrock_Edition]Bedrock Edition[​/url] only[​/i]][​/sup], [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Survival]Survival[​/url] or [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Adventure]Adventure[​/url] always have access to the 2×2 crafting grid from their inventory screen. Small crafting recipes that are at most 2×2 can be made there. These include [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Wood_planks]wooden planks[​/url], [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Stick]sticks[​/url], [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Crafting_Table]crafting tables[​/url], [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Torch]torches[​/url] and some shapeless recipes. To craft items using a 3×3 grid, create a crafting table with 4 wooden planks, place it in the world, and press use while facing it. This brings up an interface with a 3×3 crafting grid, which the player can use to craft any crafting recipe in the game. There is also a recipe book where you can access all the crafting recipes.

Some recipes do not require their ingredients to be arranged in a specific way on the crafting grid. These are commonly known as [​i]shapeless[​/i] recipes. For example, players can craft a [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Fermented_spider_eye]fermented spider eye[​/url] by placing its ingredients anywhere within the grid.[​sup][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Crafting#cite_note-1][​note 1][​/url][​/sup]

On the other hand, many recipes must have their ingredients placed in the correct relative positions on the crafting grid. These are commonly known as [​i]shaped[​/i] recipes. Ingredients in shaped recipes can be ‘moved’ up, down, left, or right. They can also be flipped side-ways. For example, a 3×1 recipe, such as [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Bread]bread[​/url], can be made using the top, middle, or bottom row of the 3×3 grid, but it cannot be made using the 2×2 grid because it needs to be three items wide, and a [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Bow]bow[​/url] may be made with the strings placed on the left instead of on the right.

There are recipes that may not be moved or mirrored in this way. These are commonly known as [​i]fixed[​/i] recipes. For example, a [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Chest]chest[​/url] needs to have eight planks placed precisely on every square except the middle. Fixed recipes can be added by [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Data_pack]data packs[​/url] or mods.

Crafting, unlike other in-game actions such as [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Smelting]smelting[​/url], [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Brewing]brewing[​/url] and [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Enchanting]enchanting[​/url], is completely silent.
[​*][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Crafting#cite_ref-1]↑[​/url] On this wiki, shapeless recipes are marked with a pair of intertwined arrows on the crafting table graphic. This symbol does not actually appear in the game.[​/*]
[​/list][​h3]Recipe Book[​/h3]Main article: [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Recipe_book]Recipe book[​/url]
The recipe book is a mechanic in [​i]Minecraft[​/i] that serves as a catalog of [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Recipe]recipes[​/url] and as a crafting guide. It shows every crafting recipe that the player has had materials for.

Crafting recipes are organized in several different categories, as follows:
[​*]The first tab contains every unlocked recipe.[​/*]
[​*]The second tab contains [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Tool]tools[​/url], [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Weapon]weapons[​/url], and [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Armor]armor[​/url].[​/*]
[​*]The third tab contains building materials.[​/*]
[​*]The fourth tab contains [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Food]food[​/url] and miscellaneous items.[​/*]
[​*]The fifth tab contains [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Redstone]redstone[​/url] materials.[​/*]
[​/list][​h3]Recipe system[​/h3]Main article: [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Recipe]Recipe[​/url]
Recipes, including crafting recipes, can be configured by [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Data_pack]data packs[​/url] in [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Java_Edition][​i]Java Edition[​/i][​/url] or [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Add-on]add-ons[​/url] in [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Bedrock_Edition]Bedrock Edition[​/url]. There are currently 379 crafting recipies as of 1.16.
[​h2]Complete recipe list[​/h2]
To save space, some recipes are animated (requires [​url=en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JavaScript]JavaScript[​/url]). On this wiki, shapeless recipes are marked with a pair of intertwined arrows on the crafting table graphic. This symbol does not appear in the game. Also fixed crafting recipes are marked by an exclamation point. Again, this symbol does not appear in the game.
[​table background=null]
[​th width=]Shaped Recipes[​/th]
[​th width=]Shapeless Recipes[​/th]

[​/table][​h3]Building blocks[​show][[​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Crafting/Building_blocks?action=edit]edit[​/url]][​/h3][​h3]Decoration blocks[​show][[​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Crafting/Decoration_blocks?action=edit]edit[​/url]][​/h3][​h3][​url=https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Redstone]Redstone[​/url][​show][[​url=https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Crafting/Redstone?action=edit]edit[​/url]][​/h3][​h3][​url=https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Transportation]Transportation[​/url][​show][[​url=https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Crafting/Transportation?action=edit]edit[​/url]][​/h3][​h3][​url=https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Foodstuffs]Foodstuffs[​/url][​show][[​url=https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Crafting/Foodstuffs?action=edit]edit[​/url]][​/h3][​h3][​url=https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Tools]Tools[​/url][​show][[​url=https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Crafting/Tools?action=edit]edit[​/url]][​/h3][​h3]Combat[​show][[​url=https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Crafting/Combat?action=edit]edit[​/url]][​/h3][​h3][​url=https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Brewing]Brewing[​/url][​show][[​url=https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Crafting/Brewing?action=edit]edit[​/url]][​/h3][​h3]Materials[​show][[​url=https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Crafting/Materials?action=edit]edit[​/url]][​/h3][​h3]Miscellaneous[​show][[​url=https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Crafting/Miscellaneous?action=edit]edit[​/url]][​/h3][​h3]Removed recipes[​/h3]Main articles: [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Java_Edition_removed_features#Crafting_recipes]Java Edition removed features § Crafting recipes[​/url] and [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Bedrock_Edition_removed_features#Crafting_recipes]Bedrock Edition removed features § Crafting recipes[​/url]
Some [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Item]items[​/url] were craftable previously, but cannot be crafted in the current version of Minecraft.
[​table background=null]
[​th width=]Name[​/th]
[​th width=]Ingredients[​/th]
[​th width=][​b]Crafting[​/b] recipe[​/th]
[​th width=][​hide]Description[​/th]
[​th][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Chainmail_Helmet]Chainmail Helmet[​/url] or
[​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Chainmail_Chestplate]Chainmail Chestplate[​/url] or
[​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Chainmail_Leggings]Chainmail Leggings[​/url] or
[​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Chainmail_Boots]Chainmail Boots[​/url][​/th]
[​td][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Fire][​img title=Fire width=32 height=32]static.wikia.nocookie.net/minecraft_gamepedia/images/f/f3/Fire_1_%28texture%29_JE2-a2.gif/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/32?cb=20200410030311[​/img][​/url][​url=https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Fire][​img title=Fire width=32 height=32]static.wikia.nocookie.net/minecraft_gamepedia/images/f/f3/Fire_1_%28texture%29_JE2-a2.gif/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/32?cb=20200410030311[​/img][​/url][​url=https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Fire][​img title=Fire width=32 height=32]static.wikia.nocookie.net/minecraft_gamepedia/images/f/f3/Fire_1_%28texture%29_JE2-a2.gif/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/32?cb=20200410030311[​/img][​/url][​url=https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Fire][​img title=Fire width=32 height=32]static.wikia.nocookie.net/minecraft_gamepedia/images/f/f3/Fire_1_%28texture%29_JE2-a2.gif/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/32?cb=20200410030311[​/img][​/url][​url=https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Fire][​img title=Fire width=32 height=32]static.wikia.nocookie.net/minecraft_gamepedia/images/f/f3/Fire_1_%28texture%29_JE2-a2.gif/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/32?cb=20200410030311[​/img][​/url][​url=https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Fire][​img title=Fire width=32 height=32]static.wikia.nocookie.net/minecraft_gamepedia/images/f/f3/Fire_1_%28texture%29_JE2-a2.gif/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/32?cb=20200410030311[​/img][​/url][​url=https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Fire][​img title=Fire width=32 height=32]static.wikia.nocookie.net/minecraft_gamepedia/images/f/f3/Fire_1_%28texture%29_JE2-a2.gif/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/32?cb=20200410030311[​/img][​/url]
[​th][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Enchanted_Golden_Apple]Enchanted Golden Apple[​/url][​/th]
[​td][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Block_of_Gold]Block of Gold[​/url] +
[​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Enchanted_Golden_Apple][​img title="Enchanted Golden Apple" width=32 height=32]static.wikia.nocookie.net/minecraft_gamepedia/images/d/d4/Invicon_Enchanted_Golden_Apple.gif/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/32?cb=20200428014931[​/img][​/url][​/td]
[​th][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Iron_Horse_Armor]Iron Horse Armor[​/url] or
[​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Golden_Horse_Armor]Golden Horse Armor[​/url] or
[​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Diamond_Horse_Armor]Diamond Horse Armor[​/url][​/th]
[​td][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Iron_Ingot]Iron Ingot[​/url] or
[​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Gold_Ingot]Gold Ingot[​/url] or
[​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Diamond]Diamond[​/url] +
Any [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Wool]Wool[​/url][​/td]
[​th][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Horse_Saddle]Horse Saddle[​/url][​/th]
[​td][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Leather]Leather[​/url] +
[​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Iron_Ingot]Iron Ingot[​/url][​/td]
[​td]The horse saddle itself is removed from game. Its 'successor', the Saddle, is not craft-able[​/td]
[​/table][​h2]History[​/h2][​table background=null]
[​th=6][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Java_Edition_Indev]Java Edition Indev[​/url][​/th]
[​th colspan=2 rowspan=6][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Java_Edition_Indev_0.31]0.31[​/url][​/th]
[​th colspan=3 rowspan=3][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Java_Edition_Indev_0.31_20100128]20100128[​/url][​/th]
[​td]Crafting implemented.[​/td]
[​td]Accessed by pressing B.[​/td]
[​td]The only recipe was turning an apple into an arrow.[​/td]
[​th colspan=3 rowspan=2][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Java_Edition_Indev_0.31_20100129]20100129[​/url][​/th]
[​td]Apple to arrow recipe removed and replaced with new recipes[​/td]
[​td]Early recipes included sticks, pickaxes, torches, swords, axes, and gold and iron blocks.[​/td]
[​th colspan=3 rowspan=1][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Java_Edition_Indev_0.31_20100130]20100130[​/url][​/th]
[​td]Indev was updated again with many other recipes. As new blocks and items were implemented into the game, new crafting recipes were made accordingly.[​/td]
[​th=6][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Java_Edition_Beta]Java Edition Beta[​/url][​/th]
[​th colspan=5 rowspan=1][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Java_Edition_Beta_1.2]1.2[​/url][​/th]
[​td]Shapeless recipes added.[​/td]
[​th colspan=2 rowspan=1][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Java_Edition_Beta_1.6]1.6[​/url][​/th]
[​th colspan=3 rowspan=1][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Java_Edition_Beta_1.6_Test_Build_3]Test Build 3[​/url][​/th]
[​td]While crafting, ⇧ Shift + clicking the crafting output makes the maximum amount possible of that item and moves it straight to the [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Inventory]inventory[​/url].[​/td]
[​th colspan=5 rowspan=1][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Java_Edition_Beta_1.6.5]1.6.5[​/url][​/th]
[​td]⇧ Shift + clicking the crafting output only performs a single crafting action, instead of the maximum possible amount.[​/td]
[​th colspan=2 rowspan=1][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Java_Edition_Beta_1.8]1.8[​/url][​/th]
[​th colspan=3 rowspan=1][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Java_Edition_Beta_1.8_Pre-release_2_;)]Pre-release 2 ;)[​/url][​/th]
[​td]⇧ Shift + clicking now crafts the maximum amount possible again, reverting to the Beta 1.6 behavior.[​/td]
[​th=6][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Java_Edition_version_history][​i]Java Edition[​/i][​/url][​/th]
[​th colspan=2 rowspan=1][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Java_Edition_1.8]1.8[​/url][​/th]
[​th colspan=3 rowspan=1][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Java_Edition_14w30a]14w30a[​/url][​/th]
[​td]Fixed recipes added.[​/td]
[​th colspan=2 rowspan=2][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Java_Edition_1.12]1.12[​/url][​/th]
[​th colspan=3 rowspan=2][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Java_Edition_17w13a]17w13a[​/url][​/th]
[​td]The crafting GUI now includes a [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Recipe_book]recipe tab[​/url], allowing players to know how to craft previously-crafted items, automatically fill in the recipe and filter out the recipes to what they can make from their [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Inventory]inventory[​/url]. This can be used in a crafting table and without, but the inventory crafting shows only 2×2 crafted items.[​/td]
[​td]Recipes can be unlocked using a [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Knowledge_Book]Knowledge Book[​/url] without having to craft the item.[​/td]
[​th colspan=2 rowspan=3][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Java_Edition_1.13]1.13[​/url][​/th]
[​th colspan=3 rowspan=2][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Java_Edition_17w48a]17w48a[​/url][​/th]
[​td]Custom recipes are now loaded from data packs in data/(namespace)/recipes/(name).json.[​/td]
[​td]Turning off the vanilla data pack also removes all recipes.[​/td]
[​th colspan=3 rowspan=1][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Java_Edition_17w49a]17w49a[​/url][​/th]
[​td]Recipes can now refer to a tag instead of an item.[​/td]
[​th colspan=2 rowspan=1][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Java_Edition_1.15]1.15[​/url][​/th]
[​th colspan=3 rowspan=1][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Java_Edition_19w34a]19w34a[​/url][​/th]
[​td]While in a [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Crafting_table]crafting table[​/url], ⇧ Shift+clicking an item or a stack in the [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Inventory]inventory[​/url] now transfers it directly to the 3×3 crafting grid.[​/td]
[​th=6][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Pocket_Edition_Alpha]Pocket Edition Alpha[​/url][​/th]
[​th colspan=5 rowspan=1][​url=web.archive.org/web/20140411032031/https://twitter.com/Kappische/status/192266848836919296]April 17, 2012[​/url][​/th]
[​td]Daniel Kaplan released preview images of the [​i]Minecraft[​/i] Advanced Touch Technology Interface System (MATTIS) crafting system in creative mode.[​/td]
[​th colspan=5 rowspan=1][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Pocket_Edition_v0.3.0_alpha]v0.3.0[​/url][​/th]
[​td]The MATTIS crafting system was implemented.[​/td]
[​th colspan=5 rowspan=1][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Pocket_Edition_v0.6.0_alpha]v0.6.0[​/url][​/th]
[​td]Added the stonecutter. This was used to make stone-related blocks.[​/td]
[​th colspan=2 rowspan=3][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Pocket_Edition_v0.9.0_alpha]v0.9.0[​/url][​/th]
[​th colspan=3 rowspan=3][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Pocket_Edition_v0.9.0_alpha_build_1]build 1[​/url][​/th]
[​td]Improved the layout of the crafting screen by organizing blocks and items into categories.[​/td]
[​td]The crafting screen shows only craftable recipes.[​/td]
[​td][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Crafting_descriptions]Crafting descriptions[​/url] are no longer displayed.[​/td]
[​th colspan=2 rowspan=1][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Pocket_Edition_v0.13.0_alpha]v0.13.0[​/url][​/th]
[​th colspan=3 rowspan=1][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Pocket_Edition_v0.13.0_alpha_build_1]build 1[​/url][​/th]
[​td]Removed the crafting functionality of stonecutter. All recipes requiring it are available through the crafting table and inventory.[​/td]
[​th colspan=2 rowspan=1][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Pocket_Edition_v0.14.0_alpha]v0.14.0[​/url][​/th]
[​th colspan=3 rowspan=1][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Pocket_Edition_v0.14.0_alpha_build_1]build 1[​/url][​/th]
[​td]Added the ability to access the crafting system in creative mode.[​/td]
[​th=6][​i][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Pocket_Edition]Pocket Edition[​/url][​/i][​/th]
[​th colspan=2 rowspan=1][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Pocket_Edition_1.0.0]1.0.0[​/url][​/th]
[​th colspan=3 rowspan=1][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Pocket_Edition_alpha_0.17.0.1]alpha[​/url][​/th]
[​td]Added classic crafting system to mobile device, available in advanced video settings.[​/td]
[​th=6][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Bedrock_Edition_version_history]Bedrock Edition[​/url][​/th]
[​th colspan=2 rowspan=1][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Bedrock_Edition_1.2.0]1.2.0[​/url][​/th]
[​th colspan=3 rowspan=1][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Bedrock_Edition_beta_1.2.0.2]beta[​/url][​/th]
[​td]Replaced the MATTIS crafting system with the classic crafting system + recipe book.[​/td]
[​th=6][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Legacy_Console_Edition_version_history]Legacy Console Edition[​/url][​/th]
[​th rowspan=1 width=][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Xbox_360_Edition_TU1]TU1[​/url][​/th]
[​th rowspan=1 width=][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Xbox_One_Edition_CU1]CU1[​/url][​/th]
[​th rowspan=1 width=][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/1.0#Legacy_Console_Edition]1.0[​/url][​/th]
[​th rowspan=3 width=][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Wii_U_Edition_Patch_1]Patch 1[​/url][​/th]
[​th rowspan=3 width=][​/th]
[​td width=]A simplified crafting system for the Xbox 360 was implemented with the first version release.[​/td]
[​th rowspan=1][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Xbox_360_Edition_TU25]TU25[​/url][​/th]
[​th rowspan=1][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Xbox_One_Edition_CU14]CU14[​/url][​/th]
[​th rowspan=1][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/1.17#Legacy_Console_Edition]1.17[​/url][​/th]
[​td]Added classic crafting system.[​/td]
[​th rowspan=1][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Xbox_360_Edition_TU46]TU46[​/url][​/th]
[​th rowspan=1][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Xbox_One_Edition_CU36]CU36[​/url][​/th]
[​th rowspan=1][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/1.38#Legacy_Console_Edition]1.38[​/url][​/th]
[​td]Updated fireworks crafting system.[​/td]
Older version of the MATTIS crafting interface, prior to [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Pocket_Edition_v0.9.0_alpha]Alpha v0.9.0[​/url].
[​/list][​/list] [​list]
Old [​i][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Pocket_Edition]Pocket Edition[​/url][​/i] MATTIS crafting interface, with 2×2 grid.
[​/list][​/list] [​list]
Old [​i][​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Pocket_Edition]Pocket Edition[​/url][​/i] MATTIS crafting interface, with 3×3 grid.
[​/list][​/list] [​list]
Development screenshot of new crafting interface.
[​/list][​/list] [​list]
[​*]Although [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Jens_Bergensten]Jeb[​/url] said that in [​url=minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Java_Edition_Beta_1.9_Prerelease_3]Java Edition Beta 1.9 Prerelease 3[​/url] there would be 161 possible different potion combinations with 2,653 in the future, in the actual third pre-release only 22 different potions could
CreditTo Youtube, Me, and Google

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