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Alice's Letter - Gaby's Plot Twist contest

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rotarydial's Avatar rotarydial
Level 50 : Grandmaster Lad
WARNING: Contains graphic description. Proceed with caution. 
Please let me know if you find and typos or grammatical errors- and also plot holes. It would be really frustrating to have to rewrite half of it, but it's better than it sitting here with a massive plot hole that I missed for years. I'll also probably make a thumbnail eventually. Thank you! 

b e e p             b e e p             b e e p             b e e p            b e e p 

When I opened my eyes I found myself in my bedroom, looking at the calendar on my ceiling I glued there every year so I didn't forget the date. It read '19 July 2017' I unconsciously moved to turn my alarm clock off, then stopped. There seemed to be an envelope on top of it, and in the middle there were still-wet ink marks. I rubbed my eyes and read the name on the back: Alice. 
Whoever had left it there obviously wasn't used to writing in english; the lines were neat, but the letters themselves were put together all wrong. At a second glance I realised it wasn't english at all, but some unfamiliar language. How could I recognize it? 
I frowned, but since it had my name on the back I carefully opened the envelope and took out the paper inside. It was written in the same strange language, which I still couldn't identify. I'll try to translate it here: 

I don't know what this word means or why it is so important, but I've been recieving visions lately that repeat it over, and over, and over... 
The most recent one was a very young girl, perhaps 3 years old, and an older man. He seemed to be teaching her something, though I couldn't hear what. I can never hear during these visions, until the end. All of a sudden he disappeared into thin air and the girl smiled a little. She rushed over to a few barren tree stumps and somehow found a thin stick, then scrambled back to where the man had vanished. The child started making lines in the sand, and after a while they started to resemble a sphere filled with symbols, one shaped strangely like.. No, exactly like the man's face. Somehow, the sand was moving to make it seem like he was whispering "Alice, Alice, Alice, Alice, Alice..." I could even hear it. 
This shocked and terrified me, though I don't know why. It's like a dream, but even now, as I imagine it.. It sends shivers down my spine. The girl's head snapped around to face me, and twisted into an unnatural grin. She didn't say anything, but I felt a sudden urge to destroy her sphere filled with terrors and replace it with my own stolen souls... Starting with hers. I resisted, and just before I left the horrific vision I saw her eyes fill with tears and she mouthed two words. 
"Help me."' 

The letter ended there. I stared at the page, wondering why somebody had made this up to scare me-- I didn't want to consider the fact that it may not be a joke. 
I turned my alarm off and started to get ready for school. I think the reason the letter had scared me so much was that it seemed oddly familiar. Like... Like it had happened to me personally. I shivered. Stop thinking about that, I told myself. It's probably an elaborate prank. Someone must have told you a horror story where this sort of thing happened a while ago.  
I grabbed a piece of french toast from the counter and sat down to draw before school. I let my hands do the work, while I stared out the window absentmindedly. 

"Morning stares again, Alice?" grinned my little brother Felix. 
"Nngh." I said intelligently. 
"I'll take that as a yes," he muttered as he tore open a box of sugar-dipped strawberry cheesecake popcorn puffs and poured them into a bowl, letting them begin to overflow before he stopped. "Can you do my milk?" 
I sighed and took a few handfuls out of his bowl and put them back in the box, then walked over to the fridge and took out the milk. Strawberry flavoured. "Why can't you eat like normal people?" 
"Coming from the girl who eats her french toast savoury." he retorted. 
"It's weird sweet!" I complained, pouring the milk into his cereal. "And seriously, you'll die of malnutrition or get a cavity or something if you keep eating only sweets." 
"I eat multivitamins!" he whined. 
"It's not the same thing." I opened the fridge door, then dropped the milk in shock. There was a decomposing head in the top shelf. 
It belonged to the man from the letter. 
I screamed and shoved the fridge door shut. Looking back on it now, that was a pretty stupid thing to do. If the killer was still in the house then the bang would have definitely alerted them to our whereabouts, and the head wasn't going to try and get out to hurt us. I cautiously opened the door again. 
It had vanished. 
"What? What happened?" Felix looked terrified. 
I let out a breath that I realised I'd been holding. "Nothing. I just.. I remembered a scary dream. That's all." 
He stared at me for a few moments, then turned back to his food. "You broke the milk." 
I looked down, and the bottle was shattered all around my feet. I cursed. 
"That's a bad word!" Felix complained. "I'll tell mum if you say that again!" 
I ignored him. "Need to get changed." It had spilt all over my uniform. 

When I was done changing I glanced at the clock. It read twenty-two past eight. 
Exactly ten minutes until school started. 
I sprinted downstairs and grabbed my schoolbag. 
"It's schooltime, get ready now!" I yelled at Felix, only to realize that he was standing outside the door of our house with a friend. 
"You took forever!" he moaned. "Let's go already!" 

About half-way to school I remembered my sketchbook. I'd packed it in my bag, but couldn't remember what I'd drawn that morning. I opened my bag - it hung at my side, so it was easy to access while walking - and took out my drawing pad. I opened it at the page I had been using, when I stopped dead in my tracks. I had drawn me and Felix eating breakfast, only it was wrong. Really wrong. Our eyes seemed to have been gouged out, our smiles twisted and gnarled. And then there were the souls. They were identical to how the girl in the letter had drawn them, or at least how I had pictured them. 
It's a coincidence, I thought. You were thinking about it, so you drew it. That's all. But... I couldn't get our faces out of my head. It looked like the little girl's face might have. I was a good three-quarters of the way there when I realised I was crying. I yelped and started rubbing away the tears, then suddenly realised there were black smudges all over my sleeve. I hastily put my blazer on and reapplied my eyeliner. "Today was a complete waste of makeup." I muttered, then realized I was starting to sound like those shallow girls I hated.  I growled softly.  

"Aliceee, come on!" whined Felix. "We'll be late!
"Says the boy who just yesterday slept in until two o' clock, and missed the football tournament he'd been looking forward to for weeks," I teased. He went red-faced, and ran on ahead with his friend. I sighed, then walked into the school gates. I frowned. Where was everyone? I checked on my phone, and it was only twenty-nine past eight-- school hadn't started yet. After a thorough search I found a big pile of backpacks. I took a few off the top, expecting people to be hiding underneath. I screamed and fell back. They were.. Dead. Someone had disguised a pile of corpses with their schoolbags! I screamed again for good measure and sprinted over to the entrance to see if my brother was okay.. Only to run into someone's chest. 
"Are you okay? You screamed." he asked. I looked back at the... Where had it gone? 
"I-I'm fine." I muttered, then heard the bell ring.  I dashed inside to my registration classroom, which I always had to run to since it was on the top floor of a five-floor building and if I walked I would be late. 

After break it happened again. I was in art, when I remembered our homework. That was why I'd been drawing that morning. I'd have to show our teacher something, so I shut my eyes tight and held it up to her, waiting for her to yell at me to "draw something normal for once, you psychopath!" 
It didn't come. I opened my eyes nervously, and found her dead body lying on my desk. I looked around for help, but found my classmates slumped over their desks, also dead. Christa, Dawid, Amelia.. Everyone. I screamed and started to retch. 
I woke up on the floor with the teacher leaning over me, a horrified look on her face. 
"Someone call an ambulance! Amelia, you fetch the first-aid kit-- maybe we can stop the bleeding! Where's that ambulance?" 
I tried to speak, tell her I was okay, but the pain in my side prevented me from doing anything. There was blood leaking out around me. W-What..? 

Found in the diary of  Alice Braun, recently transported to an asylum due to her suicide attempt. No letter was found on her person or at her home, and no younger brother came home after that night. The last paragraph or so is almost indistinguishable due to the large amount of blood found at the site of her suicide. DNA tests have confirmed that hardly any was hers.

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01/28/2016 12:24 pm
Level 40 : Master Dragonborn
Novahkiin's Avatar

Also is this story true or did you just add the bit at the end for fun?
07/13/2016 9:52 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Lad
rotarydial's Avatar
oh boy don't worry it was just because i had to have a plot twist! it's completely fictional (i hope omg)
07/13/2016 12:03 pm
Level 40 : Master Dragonborn
Novahkiin's Avatar
haha >3< is it okay if I animate this? from when I posted that comment I didnt even know how, but now I feel confidant and would like to try something ^-^
07/15/2016 8:21 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Lad
rotarydial's Avatar
oh yea that's totally fine! as long as you link the original story in the description you don't need to worry about it :^0
07/26/2015 11:59 am
Level 47 : Master Sweetheart
Vessa's Avatar
Wow! Well done :D

2spoopy5me o.O
07/26/2015 2:58 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Lad
rotarydial's Avatar
ik ik spoopyst storie on pmc :oo
Haha, thanks c:
07/26/2015 3:30 pm
Level 47 : Master Sweetheart
Vessa's Avatar
No problemo~ :3
and yas spoopieststory5pmc
07/22/2015 4:42 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Archer
Cynthia_'s Avatar
omg its so scary ;-; i like ittt
07/23/2015 2:47 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Lad
rotarydial's Avatar
Thank you! If you liked this then I recommend that you check out Brandon Sanderson, because my writing style was very heavily influenced by his. He has a reputation for writing long, boring books (the one I'm reading right now has 1100 pages) but they aren't boring in the slightest c:
07/20/2015 7:53 am
Level 16 : Journeyman Farmer
Onishii's Avatar
O _ O ;~; plot twists are evil why do you do dis to me ;~; :~;
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