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A True Story of Deepest Love and Soulmates Pt. 2

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sleepingdragon80's Avatar sleepingdragon80
Level 27 : Expert Lumberjack
(Apologies for all who have been waiting so long to have this series even get a part 2 lol. I've recently taken a full time job and have had little time for minecraft, let along writing. that said, part one is hereand i do hope you continue to enjoy it :) )

This goofy admin was a jokester. always wanting to play a good joke on anyone, he got the server laughing many a time. and our shy girl quite liked that. his humor was weird but so was hers, and they tag teamed a lot on various practical jokes (like the one time they convinced a new player that pilot wasn't actually a player but a ghost who haunts the server since he died from a slip-n-slide accident, or when they convinced another new that he had to write out his application for mod position as a 7000 word essay written in purple crayon... I don't think that player ever actually came back XD). They didn't really talk much, but they interacted on server quite a bit. Within a couple weeks of him becoming admin and settling back into the routine of managing a server, the headadmin allowed him to promote this shy girl to the position of power she always dreamed of! Finally a Moderator, it was one of the happiest times of her life. She still had plenty of hair collectors, but with her new position and new tighter knit family of fellow mods and admins, they soon grew frustrated at the lack of attention they received and left, or moved on, or were banned. Being the first female mod on this crazy server was a bit of a challenge, but she proved herself more than worthy.


It also lead to her talking to Pilot a lot more. she was on almost 24/7 and he was the easiest to reach about various problems and suggestions she had, and since he was on almost as often, he was more than willing to oblige. He and she grew to love chatting a lot, just using steam to talk no matter where they were. she talked through class and work, and he through work and the long bus ride home. Server things at first, mostly, but eventually music. They emailed back and forth every morning and night, when they couldn't use steam to instant message, and those emails were of good friends arguing and comparing music styles they loved. Eventually they shared a dropbox, and sent music back and forth. She got him into Dubstep, and he got her into Rock and Trance. One artist they both started to come to love was deadmau5, and they decided one night to sit and synchronize a concert she had of him. The server had gotten a ventrillo server by then, and it was common for everyone to come on and chat as they played. These 2 had spoken many many times on vent, in the company of others, but this would be the first time they were alone to talk. She was nervous, she liked this admin, and she trusted him to not be a perv to her, but she told him that this was a friends night out. She didnt want a relationship to even possibly think of starting. He was so far away, with a girlfriend already, and even a little boy, and she was so shy and akward and fat and ugly, she had resigned herself to a life alone with her computer and her minecraft.

That night was... fun. The concert was entertaining, but during the whole thing they sat and chatted too. Talking about religion, beliefs, family, everything. The concert was an amazing bonding experience, and the most fun she had had in years. She realized she was falling for him, but it scared her. She had NEVER loved anyone before, let alone someone so far away... She was scared it wouldnt ever work, that he would love his life and his son and his girl in England, and wouldnt want to have anything to do with a little Nebraskan girl that cant face a cashier without turning red and saying the exact wrong thing. She embodied the idea of Socially Akward, and yet he seemed to love to talk to her too. She knew he stayed up way too late at night just to spend time with her, usually going to bet at 3AM his time and waking at 6AM for work. She was flattered at the attention. And after that night, she spent many weeks in turmoil, wondering if this was even possible, if she should even broach the subject.


He had turned himself into the one thing in her life that made her happy. Work was... bad. Cooking for the mentally disabled is a rough enough job as is, trying to get the special nutritional needs of the guys down just right, but one evening the most violent of the guys ripped up her kitchen. she was hurt, not badly, for she could run faster than he could throw things, but a roll of masking tape in the back isnt nice at all. She was scared to go back to work, and on top of that one of the family cats, the most loving and cuddly one, was dying. She had no real friends, no real direction for her life, and now it all just felt like it was falling apart. but this goofy man cheered her up in this darkness. always was there to send a funny video of him pretending to be a supermodel with a toilet paper scarf, or just a joke, or an open ear. She was loving this man and was afraid it wouldnt last.


One night while she was at work, it all came boiling out. She needed to tell him. Needed to know if he was even willing to make this work or if she should somehow move on. Imagine her surprise when he said he felt the same way for her! They talked for hours. Im rather sure he didnt even go to bed before work. But they talked and talked, and decided to try to make this work. He was sick of his girlfriend, she being a manipulative type, but loved his little boy. and the shy young girl and the silly admin decided a course of action: He would try to gain custody of his little one and move to america to be with the girl that fascinated him more than he could even put into words. It was a very very vague plan, but that was all they could really do at this point. They decided to date, but kept it secret from all: even the mods and admins on their favorite server. The server that brought them together. the server that allowed them to even meet. Out of all the people in all the world, they found each other on Minecraft, and couldnt have been happier.

To Be Continued ;)
CreditPiLoT for being a sweetheart and reminding me of some of the details of that crazy time :P

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09/14/2013 6:55 pm
Level 23 : Expert Toast
cheesyfanatic's Avatar
and she was so shy and akward and fat and ugly.
Copied straight from the story. Lol, Good story?
09/12/2013 11:19 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Musician
Punkamoar's Avatar
Write part 3 already >:(
09/11/2013 8:26 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Musician
Punkamoar's Avatar
sniff sniff, that is super incredible, and pilot is a great guy
08/29/2013 12:36 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Ranger
Polar_The_Archer's Avatar
:,) That was beautiful..
08/26/2013 11:43 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Meme
Beta_Alpha's Avatar
I tend not to read things that are one huge blob. I like things separated in paragraphs. Huge blobs make the blog seem boring. And I don't like reading things when I'm bored.
08/26/2013 11:44 pm
Level 27 : Expert Lumberjack
sleepingdragon80's Avatar
ill give it a shot at breaking it up, i tend to get my thoughts out and feel too drained to have a go at it XD
08/26/2013 11:38 pm
Level 47 : Master Cowboy
Chron's Avatar

It's almost kind of sad, when you think about it. I had a real relationship with a girl (an Admin; now Moderator) on my server once. And now, thanks to her and her friends, I'm probably going to have to shut it down (it has nothing to do with the relationship). She dumped me like it was nothing, because her best friend pressured her to. I know what you're thinking... You might look at my profile and say, "You're only 14..." I know. But it doesn't matter any more.

Sorry about that. Anyways, um, good blog.
08/26/2013 11:41 pm
Level 27 : Expert Lumberjack
sleepingdragon80's Avatar
ive had crushes before, plenty. and when you get older you look back on yourself and kinda wanna slap yourself for being such a moron and trying to get into that whole dating scene. we all want companions, but whats wrong with just friends, and even best friends? Its hard to wait, with all the pressure society and friends place on us to find someone to call your own and no one elses, but the heartache is a killer. My advice to anyone younger than like 16 is to just wait, itll get good :)
08/26/2013 11:47 pm
Level 47 : Master Cowboy
Chron's Avatar
I didn't even want to date her; She liked me. I don't have "best friends"... This is probably not the place for this, sorry.
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