This Blog is an entry in the completed A Life of Steve.

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A Tale Known by One

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GoldenKnight19's Avatar GoldenKnight19
Level 30 : Artisan Architect
Steve MC Story

"The tale known by one"

•Chapter 1: Prologue

*It was the morning of November 15th, 2009, the the air was fresh and held the scent of Autumn, an appealing smell to the nose of Steven Kraft who was on his way to school.

A Tale Known by One

Steven (known as Steve to his friends and family), was the youngest of 3 children in the Kraft family. His oldest sibling, his brother Henrik, was captain of the spleef team at school, where on the sidelines his sister Mira cheered him on as a member of the cheer squad. Steve always looked up to his brother and sister, they were two of the friendliest people he knew, and that translated into the popularity they received at school, Ingot High. Despite his siblings being joyful and vibrant individuals, Steve was the quiet kind and had only a few in his circle of friends. Being 15, he still had plenty of time to make friends and better his high school experience, but Steve had no interest in making anymore friends, or so the thought that slipped into his mind had told him. Steve believed in ghosts, he had to, he had spoken to one before. 'Endra,' was the name Steve had scribbled so many times before in his English notebook, it was the name of the ghost that whispered in his ear day in and day out.

A Tale Known by One

Steve's friends asked him many times who Endra was, but Steve only replied with "just a friend" every time. Steve's parents tried to talk to Steve and counsel him into forgetting his imaginary friend, but that only angered Steve, creating a new tension within the family. Steve could only turn to one friend with Endra, a girl named Ira.

A Tale Known by One

Ira was a blonde, cute, energetic, friendly classmate of Steve's, she was quiet just like him so the most popular boys were hesitant to approach her. Ira was the same age as Steve, yet she held a very strong maturity, she understood Steven more than anyone else did, making their bond one that could last a lifetime.

"What'd Endra say today Steve?" Ira asked

"He told me to stay home from tonight's spleef game."

Ira: "What? Why? Everyone's going to be their, you should go with me!"

Steve: "But he said that something is going to happen -"

Ira: "Oh come on, he's said that before hasn't he?

Steve: "Well, yea-"

Ira: "Then let's go, your brother is starting this game isn't he? Let's cheer him on."

Steve: *sigh* "If you insist..."

Steve had always listened to Endra, but after a convincing argument from Ira on their walk home from school, Steve would break that creed for the first time.

•Chapter 2: Nightlife


Mrs.Kraft: "Coming!"

Mr.Kraft: "Were you expecting someone tonight Steve?"

Steve: "Yea, I'm going to the game with Ira"

Mrs.Kraft: "Aww, isn't that sweet, show her a good time now Steve"

Steve: "Ugh.. Mom it's not like that!"

Mr.Kraft: "Hmm.. Steve growing up so fast on us..."

Steve: "Dad.."

*door opens*

Mrs.Kraft: "Evening Ira! Oh my, don't you look just adorable tonight!"

Ira: "Thanks Mrs.Kraft, is Steve here?"

Steve: "Yea I'm here Ira, let's go."

Mrs.Kraft: "Have fun you two, stay safe!"

Steve and Ira walked to the game under the moonlit sky, talking about their day and how life was going thus far, but despite the friendly small talk, the thought of Endra lurked in the back of Steve's mind. When Steve and Ira arrived at the game, they quickly found seating towards the top of the arena's bleachers as the game was just about to start. 

The crowd was as noisy as could be, hundreds of students, friends, family members sat side by side cheering on their Ingot High Miners on a November night.

Ira: "I'm going to grab something to drink, that walk made me thirsty, want anything?"

"Nah, I'm good" Steve said blatantly.

The spleef match was underway and Ingot High's team was greeted with and uproar of motivation and cheering. Steve could see his brother Henrik lead the Miners out on to the field, ready to face their opponents, the Quartzpeak High Bulls. * Quartzpeak was the winner of the last 3 regional championships and winners of 5 out of the last 6, and the chance to dethrone them sent the crowd into a frenzy of excitement.

Ira soon returned holding a bottle of apple cider, a favorite of the Miner fans.

Ira: "Did I miss anything?"

Steve: "No, the game hasn't started yet"

"Why do you look so bored Steve?" Ira said as she turned to him.

Steve: "What? No I'm not bored, just patiently waiting for the game to start.. listen, umm.. I have to go to the bathroom I'll be right back."

Steve sprinted off leaving Ira in a confused manner, he wasn't feeling right, something was wrong.

"Why is this bothering me so much?" Steve whispered to himself as he walked towards a small shack painted in the colors of his school, Silver and Black. Steve entered the small shack, he was alone now, but he quickly felt tension rise within in him, it was as if he weren't actually alone...

Endra: "Are you enjoying yourself?"

Steve jumped back against a wall as he heard the sharp whisper in his ear.

"Yes.. Yes I am Endra." Steve said in a slow, quiet tone.

Endra: "Oh? It doesn't seem like it.. you're not feeling well are you?"

Steve: "I'm fine."

Endra: "Mmm.. You know what I told you Steven, something will happen tonight.."

Steve: "I know.. I- I just didn't want to ignore an opportunity-"

Endra: "An opportunity to what? Spend time with that girl? Heheh.. Doesn't it seem odd that such a girl like her is hanging around you.. A quiet boy?"

Steve: "Why would it? And what the hell is this about you always getting on me about my friends?"

Endra: "I'm trying to protect you Steven, something will happen tonight, something you could've avoided.."

Steve: "Protect me from what? Having a good time? You're the reason I don't look well.. You basically control my life.. Always whispering in my ear and ordering me around.."

Endra: "Do not speak to me in that tone! You dare snap at me when I am the only true friend you have?!"

Steven froze.

Steven: "Get away.."

Endra: "I will not-"

Steve: "GET AWAY FROM ME!!!"

*An echo filled the dimly lit room, Steve stood panting slowly leaning against the wall. He felt a hollowness creep over him, as if a weight had been taken off his shoulders.

"Get away from me..." Steve muttered once more under his breath.

Steve soon took care of his business in the bathroom shack and exited out the door where he found Ira standing there waiting for him. It was raining.

Ira: "Are you alright Steve? You were gone for 20 minutes so I came to check on you."

"I'm fine." Steve said while letting out a relieved breath.

He looked up at Ira, she was soaked from head to toe in rainwater.

"How long has it been raining?" Steve asked

Ira: "About 15 minutes"

It was a downpour, puddles had popped up all around the pavement near the shack, Steve could only imagine that the spleef game was getting messy.

"Let's head back" Ira said with a smile. She grabbed Steve's hand and brought him back to where they were sitting. Steve could see the field was drenched and that many pockets of dirt were missing. His brother Henrik was positioned at the right-most part of the field on one knee, he was holding on to his shovel with both hands and trying to prop himself up. At the other end were three members of the Bulls, who looked as if they could do this all night.

"Oh dear.. Henrik is in a tight one." Ira said while she covered her eyes as she couldn't bare to see what happened next.

"Come on Henrik, you can do it." Steve said quietly as he had new interest in the game.

Henrik finally stood up, the other 9 members of his team had been eliminated, it was all him. A member of the Bulls sprinted across the field, leaping over collapsed pockets of dirt, and straight towards Henrik. The crowd as fairly quiet, they believed the outcome was obvious; another loss for the Miners against the Bulls. Henrik likewise sprinted for the Bulls member, leaping over the holes his teammates had fallen through. Henrik let out a war cry as he engaged with the opponent, they dug and dug around each other's feet, one eager to win, the other eager to not lose. The rain was coming down even harder than before. Henrik lashed out at his opponent, striking the dirt beneath the feet of the Bull. As the fight raged on, the crowd slowly came to it's feet, chanting "Let's go Miners! Let's go!" Henrik swung down at the ground, striking the pocket of dirt below his opponent, sending him down through the iron grid frame that was set up throughout the field.
The crowd cheered. Steve could see his sister Mira down on the sideline jumping up and down with excitement. *Henrik stood looking at the ground, rain dripped from his chin, on to the soil below. He looked up at his remaining two opponents who were already on their way to challenge him. "Come on Henrik!" Yelled a fan. "Get it together Henrik!" Another yelled. Henrik swung his shovel around in his hand and lunged across the field in big strides. He clashed with the two Bulls, dodging their blows to his feet, while returning the favor. Back and forth the trio went: digging clumps of dirt, clashing shovels, and not letting up an inch to the other side. The crowd was on it's feet. The players were fatigued, conversation broke out in the crowd about what they thought was going to happen. Suddenly, Henrik landed a blow, then another, and finally sent another Bull below the frame. Henrik let out a yell as he ran towards the remaining Bull, it was one on one. The two went at it several minutes in a close range struggle, until one of them finally let loose. Henrik smashed his shovel down into the damp ground, send it it crumbling beneath him and his opponent. They both fell. However Henrik managed to snag the iron frame and drag himself up, hearing the crowd become louder and louder to his ears as he rose. The Finish stunned everyone, a vast celebration began amongst the fans, they had won.

Steve stood smiling, surrounded by cheering parents, excited students, and a passionate community.

"That was amazing!" Ira yelled inches away from Steve's face, startling him.

Steve: "Yea, it was."

Steve was relieved of the feeling he had before, he felt free, and actually ended up being glad he came to watch the game. Soon enough, Steve and Ira began to walk through the puddle-covered sidewalks on their way home. *

Ira: "Hey, do you wanna sleep over?"

Steve: "Umm.. Sure."

Steve had known Ira for quite some time, but he had only really hung out with her at his house or some other location. While the pair walked, the clouds covering the night sky were torn, revealing clusters of starts and their bright glow, it had been a rememberable night, and so it certainly would.

•Chapter 3: Nightmare

Steve and Ira had arrived at Ira's house where they were greeted by Ira's older brother, Wyatt. Wyatt had graduated from Ingot High a year ago and was attending college within the region to become a Pixel Artist. Ira never talked about him much mainly because there wasn't a whole lot to talk about, Wyatt was generally quiet and kept to himself.

Ira: "We'll sleep in the basement, is that cool with you?"

Steve: "Yeah, that's fine."

Questions started running though Steve's head.

"Why the basement?" Asked Steve

Ira: "Upstairs usually gets really warm since my dad turns the heater on this time of year."

Steve: "Oh, gotchya."

It was only 8:38pm, Steve and Ira were setting up their sleeping materials in the basement. Steve rose after slipping his pillow case on his pillow and took a look at his surroundings. The basement was adorned in a beautiful amber wallpaper and seemed almost as another floor of the house.

Ira: "Like it?"

Steve paused.

"Yeah" Steve replied perplexed.

Moments later, Steve and Ira headed upstairs to relax until they wanted to go to bed. Ira had the night already planned out seemingly as she set up a movie for them to watch, it was a romantic comedy.

Ira: "Have you seen this one before?"

Steve: "Uhh no, I don't think so."

"Good" Ira replied with a smirk.

Ira then left Steve alone in her living room for a moment as she grabbed a blanket. Steve sat on the couch comfortably until something came over him. It was the pressure again, Steve's eyes widened as he grabbed his head.

"No..." Steve whispered

"No.. Why.. Endra.. No..."

Ira walked back into the room.

"Did you say something Steve?" Ira asked

"N-No" Steve replied

Ira had a cyan-colored blanket in her arms and spread it out over them as she went to sit. Steve was startled as he looked down, noticing that the blanket was a nice, warm colored wool blanket, one he could stay under for ages. Ira turned off the lamp that was to the right of them, the only light flickered from the TV as the movie started. Despite the warm blanket keeping him covered, he felt cold drops of sweat trickle down his forehead, while his eyes were wide open in distress. Ira soon moved over a bit and snuggled against Steve. * Steve's heart began to pound, so many things were going through his head that he couldn't keep up. Ira lay comfortably against Steve's shoulder, unaware of anything else around her besides the movie. Steve wanted to scream, his body felt numb under the blanket and his vision began to blur.


"Today was great don't ya think Steve?" Ira said, cutting Steve off

"Y-yea, today was nice." Steve replied uncomfortably

"Ira I-"

Words escaped Steve's mouth.

"Hm? What'd you say Steve?" Ira said looking up at him.

Steve felt a pulse come over him, he could only feel his heart pounding against the interior of his chest, the room went black through his eyes.
Steve's jaw dropped open, his eyes moved rapidly but nothing was seen by them.

"Steve?" Ira asked again, her blue eyes staring up at him.

Everything was silent. Steve's senses had walked out the door on him. Suddenly, he felt his mouth move, trying to create words that wouldn't form.

"I-Ira.. What are you doing?" Steve said

Ira looked at him confused

"What do you mean?" She asked

"Why are you leaning on me?" Steve said immediately after

Ira looked at him for a moment.

"I was just-"

Steve cut her off.

"Did I say you could lean on me?" Steve said quietly but sharp

Ira adjusted herself and looked Steve right in the eyes. A blanket of horror crept over Ira as she made eye contact with her friend.


Ira was wide-eyed looking at Steve, his eyes were completely black. Steve turned his head more towards Ira, staring down at her with a gaze of death. Suddenly Steve's hand jolted up from beneath the warm blanket, gripping Ira by her throat.

"Did I say you could lean on me?" The harsh sentence quietly came out of Steve's mouth.

Ira didn't make a sound as she sat in the clutches of Steve's hand, trying to steal a breath from the darkened room. A grin tore itself across Steve's face, a look of satisfaction that brought tears to Ira's eyes.

"Uh-hh-h.. Hh.."

Ira tried to mutter something.

The sound of Ira's broken voice brought Steve to a halt, loosening his grip on her. Steve felt the pounding of his heart again, it wanted to come out of his chest. The blackened room lost its veil, bringing back Steve's sight ever so slightly. His eyes darted about the room once more, a feeling of déjà vu hit Steve like a hammer, he had felt this before. Wyatt came walking down the stairs and into the next room, only to double back and see Steve holding Ira by the neck. Steve's panicking finally came to a sudden halt as his eyes fell upon Ira, who was in tears as his hand held her by the neck. Steve's eyes widened to shock and disbelief.

"Wh-wha-" Steve couldn't finish his sentence as he felt a force smash into his face out of nowhere. It was Wyatt.
Steve fell to the foot of the couch, the impact of Wyatt's fist beginning to bruise his cheek.

"What the hell is going on here?!" Wyatt yelled

"I-I-I'm not s-sure.." Steve stuttered

He looked up to see Ira leaned back on the couch, staring at the ceiling with her blue eyes, now dripping with tears.

"What was that?" Steve whispered to himself

Steve grabbed his head, he shook it in disbelief that he'd do such a thing to Ira, one of his best friends. He felt a sudden jab at his hip, it was Wyatt again, this time kicking him. Steve coughed as he rolled over, trying to avoid another blow from Wyatt.

"Get out of here." Wyatt said sharply

It was probably the best idea at that point. Steve rose to one knee, only to take another blow to the side from Wyatt. This time he could hear a certain snap come from his ribcage. Steve rose to his feet and walked for the door, jumbling the chain lock in his hands as he tried to unlock the front door.

"Ira I-"

"Leave!" Wyatt cut Steve off

Steve headed out the door with a limp and held his gut in agony. He glared up with his teary eyes at the same night sky he had seen with Ira just a while ago, only this time, he was alone.

•Chapter 4: Revelation

Steve lay in his bed, sheets covering him from nose to toe, only he closed, watery eyes remained visible. He opened his eyes, looking at the clock on his nightstand, it read 10:21pm.

"Why..?" Steve quietly asked himself

"Because you didn't listen." replied a voice

Steve adjusted himself in bed and lay staring up and the ceiling with an arm behind his head. *

"Was this what you warned me about?" Steve asked the voice

"Not quite..." It replied

"Then what? How could it not be this mess I've been thrown into?" Steve questioned

"Tonight... Steve.. I planned to kill Ira... But you got in the way and went to the game and ended up with a front row seat." The voice revealed a shocking truth

"Kill... Kill... Why? Why would you try to kill Ira? She is innocent, she wouldn't hurt anyone or anything!" Steve replied

"Why..? Heheh... Because you only need me..."

The voice faded

Rage filled Steve to the brim. He closed his eyes yet again, in shame of what had happened.

"So you took over my body.. To punish me... To punish me you decided to kill her using me?!" Steve yelled

The words echoed then became lost in his room.

"You're nothing but a cancer to me... Endra." Steve muttered.

He then threw the covers over himself, trying to forget that awful night and that the morning would bring him peace.

•Chapter 5: Facing Fact and Fiction

Steve awoke to the rays of the sun beaming through his window. He could see a clear sky through the window from his bedside. He let in a long, relaxed breath as he stretched. He stood up from his bed and walked across the wooden floor, stopping at the edge of his window to peer about, the world outside looked like a quiet and peaceful one. Something suddenly caught him out of the corner of his eye within the room, he turned to take a look, finding a picture frame on his desk. It was a picture of him and Ira from elementary school, both of them were only 8 and young as ever in the picture.

"Ira.." Steve sighed out

As Steve looked about the picture he caught himself in even further detail, noticing a figure in the background of him and Ira.

"Who the-"

A knock pounded on the door.

"Steven, will you come down here please?" His mother called from behind his door

"Uh y-yea sure." Steve replied while putting down the picture frame. He threw on a T-shirt and opened his door to head downstairs, only to find his mother waiting for him.

"What is it ma?" Steve asked

"You have a visitor at the front door." His mother said with a smile

Steve was surprised of the news and headed down the hall to where the front door was located. Standing behind the glass door was Ira, dressed in a navy-blue jacket with a red scarf wrapped around her neck. Steve swallowed when he noticed the scarf. Ira was patiently waiting for him, looking away towards the street, watching some children play on a neighbors lawn. He opened the door and stepped outside, giving Ira a bear hug as soon as she was within reach. She likewise embraced him. Steve and Ira didn't speak for a good ten minutes, they only stood there, holding each other. Finally, they spoke:

Steve: "I-"

Ira: "Shhhh"

She let go of him and he followed up. They both stood, looking at each other. *

"Listen, I-"

"Shhhhhh" Ira shushed him again, putting her index finger on his lips

He stood, staring blankly at her.

"Listen, Steve... What happened last night... I wanted to talk to you about it.. Is that fine with you?" Ira asked

"Yes, I think I have a lot of explaining to do." Steve replied

Steve then grabbed Ira's hang and started to walk across his lawn with her.

"Where are we going?" Ira asked

"For a walk." Steve said as he looked back at his house, knowing that what he'll say must not be heard by anyone other than Ira.

Steve led Ira halfway down his street then looked back in suspicion of being followed.

"Alright, we're clear." Steve said

Ira continued looking down towards the ground as she walked.

"Ira.. Words can't describe how sorry I am about last night, it was all ju-"

"It's fine." Ira said, cutting him off

"Steve, I know that you wouldn't do something like that to me."

Steve turned towards Ira as they walked, puzzled

"But my question is, who did?" Ira asked in a broad manner

"Endra.. It was Endra." Steve replied

"Mm.. Do you know why he'd so such a thing?"

Steve looked towards his left to avoid Ira's gaze, he was afraid to tell her what was actually in store


"I-I do."

"Why?" Ira asked anxiously

"Endra.. He.. Endra want's you dead, Ira." Steve said straight forwardly



The two were silent for a few minutes, looking down at the sidewalk as they continued down Steve's street.

"I told my brother to keep this a secret, so you don't have to worry about him." Ira said, breaking the silence

The thought of Wyatt hadn't crossed Steve's mind, but he was relieved nonetheless.

"Heh.. To be honest I was a bit skeptical about this Endra ghost talking to you, I mean I believe in ghosts, especially after last night.. But.."

"I know what you mean, not many people believe anything I say, Endra doesn't even listen to me sometimes." Steve replied

A warm feeling suddenly came over Steve, he looked to his right at Ira; she was calmly walking beside him. Steve thought to himself of what to say next, but before he could wrap his tongue around any words, Ira grabbed his hand.


"Uh y-yea" Steve said caught off guard

"Whatever happens, just know that I'll always be your friend, because I know you won't be the one hurting me."

Steve and Ira came to halt, stopping to make eye contact with one another. A swirl of emotion ran wild inside his stomach.

"No Ira... No one is going to hurt you, I'll make sure I protect you." Steve said boldly

They looked at each other for a second, then Ira smiled, hugging him soon after. Steve excepted her embracement and responded likewise. He looked up at the sky to see the sun shining down on them between the red and orange autumn leaves that remained on a nearby tree.

"I will protect you." He said once more.

•Chapter 6: Date with the Devil

Later that day, Steve and Ira sat on Steve's living room couch, relaxing.
Steve skimmed through thoughts within his mind, trying to find away to make it up to Ira. He then came to conclusion, leaving him with a slight smirk.

"Ira, would you like to go somewhere tonight?" Steve asked politely

"Um.. Sure, where were you thinking?" She responded

"Well... I was thinking we could go on a date.. Maybe go out to eat somewhere?"

Steve had never been on a date before, he never really had a true relationship before, but tonight would be his chance to make up for lost time. Ira smiled at Steve's question, excitement filling her expression.

"That sounds great, when do you want to go?" She asked with a big smile

"Umm.. I'll be at your house at six." Steve said while looking at a clock that read 4:43pm

"Alrighty! Oh I better get ready, I'll see you later!" Ira said jumping up off the couch towards the door

Steve said there with a small smile, just when he thought his friendship with Ira had been tarnished, the two were going out to dinner the next night. In his head, nothing could go wrong.

Steve walked up the steps that led up to Ira's front door, he wore a nice, blue collared shirt with a jacket over it, in addition to some sharp, black dress pants he had on. He knocked on the door, it was only a few moments until the door swung open, revealing Ira standing behind it. * She wore a nice, red dress, trimmed with off with white and black towards the bottom.

"Ready?" She asked

He stood in awe.

"Oh come on.." She said pulling him by his jacket

Steve caught a glimpse of Wyatt sitting within the house, he appeared to have no interest in what was going on, but Steve knew well that he'd protect his little sister.

The two walked down Ira's street, they were headed for a local restaurant, a hot spot on weekends for families and couples. Steve continued taking peaks at Ira, in amazement of her attire.

"Want my jacket? It's pretty cold out ya know." Steve asked

Steve had already started wrapping his jacket over her shoulders before she could respond. She smiled at him.

"Thanks." She said joyfully

They quickly arrived at the restaurant, Esther's Emerald, and were escorted to a booth in the back of the packed restaurant.

"Sorry for your seating, we're quite busy tonight." The Waiter said, arriving at the table

"What drinks can I get for you two?" He followed up with

"Umm we'll just have water." Ira said as she looked at Steve who nodded her on

"Alright, that'll be right out." The Waiter said

Steve and Ira sat there, looking at each other. Ira looked magnificent to Steve, so he tried to avoid looking at anything else but her eyes.

"This is nice." She said, grinning

"Yea, it is." He said, looking at her

The waiter soon enough brought their drinks, taking their order right after, and then off he went again. Ira and Steve talked while they waited, discussing more on the Endra issue as well as other things.

"I'm just afraid this will happen again." Ira said fearfully

Steve hadn't thought about how to get Endra to cease his behavior, just how do you stop a ghost? he wondered to himself.

"I am too." Steve whispered under this breath

The waiter returned holding two plates, both holding seafood atop them. Haddock with a side of fries, they had both ordered. They quickly indulged their food, enjoying every bite of it, leaving little conversation between them. Tonight, they were enjoying themselves, the weight of yesterday didn't hold them back, tonight they were friends.

"That was delicious!" Ira said wiping her hands on her napkin

Steve nodded while chewing the remainder of his dish.

"Did you enjoy your meal?" She asked with a smile


Steve froze. He tried to finish his sentence, but nothing came out.

"Steve?" Ira said, tilting her head at him

Steve started to sweat. His legs began to shake. Steve knew what exactly was going on, and it was terrifying. He felt his body go numb once again, only his heart remained within his feeling. Ira's eyes widened, she had caught on to what was going on.

"Uh-h-uh-h-h" Steve tried to say something

"S-Steve..?!" Ira said loudly

Steve felt his stomach tighten.

"N-nn" Steve let out another failed attempt of speech

Ira slide to her right, about to rise from the booth, when Steve gripped a fork that was on his plate and lunged at Ira. Steve stabbed down at Ira, spearing the wooden table with the four-pronged fork. He looked up at Ira, giving her the look of a murderer.
Ira screamed at the top of her lungs and ran down the aisle and out the door, escaping Endra's grasp. Steve chased after her, while maintaining the hunger to kill. The entire restaurant looked horrified as the black-eyed Steve ran past everyone, fork in hand. Ira was already halfway to her house, adrenaline coursing through her veins rapidly. Steve continued after her until he was brought to a halt, their waiter held him by the shirt, yelling something Steve could not understand, but it brought him back to his senses.

"What the hell was that?!" Yelled the waiter


"You're coming with me, you have to pay for this meal!" The waiter yelled, cutting him off

Steve tugged the waiters hand off of him and ran after Ira, he could hear the waiter yelling furiously behind him, but paid no mind. Steve had nearly hurt Ira, perhaps he could've killed her, had he struck her. He was enraged, mad at himself, mad at Endra, he wanted to break down and cry, but he continued running. It was only 6:39pm, they hadn't even been out an hour, yet Endra halted their enjoyable date and sent it into a downward spiral.

"Damn it all..." Steve spat out under his breath

He had finally reached the edge of Ira's lawn, he was exhausted and was panting, gasping for some air. He had his hands in his knees, preparing himself before he tried to approach the house, but when he rose he couldn't speak. Steve could see Ira, crying in the arms of her brother through the window in their dining room, Steve could only fall to his knees and let a tear trickle down his face.

"What've I.." He didn't finish his sentence

Steve pushed himself up to his feet and walked awkwardly back to his house, it was only him, alone, underneath the dusk sky of the evening. He finally arrived at his door, sweating and shaking, he was a complete mess. He then swung the door open and headed straight for his room, trying to escape the outside world that he hated in the moment. Rage engulfed Steve, he promised to protect Ira, his friend, yet he was the one attacking her.

"ENDRA!!!" He cried out

•Chapter 7: Shadows

Steve sat on the floor next to his bed, silently letting the tears of his sadness roll down his face. He was alone. Until suddenly a voice crept out the darkness to speak with him.

"You called..?" Endra said mockingly

"I hate you, you would be the one with the fork in you, had you been sitting with me at that restaurant!!" Steve yelled

"Oh..? Why I was sitting with, did you not know?"

"What do you mean?!" Steve asked sharply

"Steve, I have said it before... All you need is me.. Your friends only complicate what we hav-"

"Enough of this!! Why do you keep Ira away, why can't I have friends like everyone else?! What is it that you want?!?" Steve screamed

He could hear his mother say something down stairs, but the noise was drowned in Steve's rant.

"Steve.. Don't you get it? Without me, you are nothing.." Endra said

"No.. No.. No! No! NO! You're useless! Good for nothing! You-"

"I'm you Steven! I'm you! Don't you get it, I am you.. You're you... We are one... I am all you need, you are all you need, this world cannot understand that, thus they must be kept far away.."

Steve was motionless. He stood staring at his door. He was Endra, Endra was him, They were one.


"Yes.. Steve.. Do you get it now? Ira must be ridden of, else she will hurt us.. Hurt me... You.. We..."

Steve fell to his knees yet again, his jaw wide open.

"I'm a monster.. I-I.. I did that to Ira.." Steve said in disbelief

"That's right.. But they are the monsters... They wish to harm us.. Split up what we have.."

"Yes.. That's right.. Ira... Everyone.. They're the problem.." Steve said in a trance-like manner

He rose to his feet as his mom opened the door.

"Honey, what was all that ye-"

His mother dropped to the floor, lifeless as Steve walked over her. Steven was no longer himself, yet he was, Endra had said so, so he believed himself and went on.

"Everyone.. The cause.." Steve said under his breath

Steven slowly walked down the stairs and into the living room, finding Henrik watching TV. Steve crept up behind his brother and then lunged out, grabbing Henrik by the back of the neck and sent him across the room with a throw. Henrik rose painfully to a knee, where he was met with a kick from Steve, knocking Henrik into the stairs that Steve had descended from. Henrik lay motionless on the stairs, he had broken several bones and could feel life fading away from him.

"S-Steve *cough* Wh-"

All was silent. Steve stood with his left foot on Henrik's chest, stopping his heart with a single blow. Steve gazed upon the body with his fully-black eyes, filled with satisfaction. Mira was peaking from around the corner in the kitchen, horrified by what her brother had done. She grabbed for a kitchen knife but her hand reached no further as it was grabbed by Steve.

"Bye-bye sis.." Steve said

Mira let out a small shriek, but soon fell silent like her brother and mother. Steve searched the house for his father, but could not find him, so he continued onward. Steve went house to house taking the lives of the innocent, with only the well-being of Endra plaguing his mind. As windows broke and people screamed, the neighborhood became alert of the happenings and ran in fear, causing chaos locally. Steve stood in the street smiling as everyone ran, only to fall to Endra's power.

In the frenzy, Steve's father, Paul, picked his way through a crowd of people, heading towards Steve. Steve stared at his father who was still at a distance and grinned.

"There you are.." Steve said excited

His father soon ran at him, fish clenched, striking Steve in the face. Steve was furious and grabbed his father by the collar after recovering, throwing him straight for his own house. Paul lay on the ground inside his living room, or so it was, the house had been demolished. He sat attempted to sit up, but could not, for his ankle was in terrible pain. He turned to see his son, Henrik, lying dead to his right. Paul shed but a single tear, then attempted to get up yet again, failing to do so.

Meanwhile, Steve has brought more chaos upon his friends and neighbors, dropping people by he dozens with brute force and the dark aura that surrounded him. Houses were destroyed, cars were smashed, not even the police stood a chance against Steve.

"This is your punishment.. World.." Steve said angrily

Steve walked further down the road, passed the deceased and came upon someone leaning against a cop car. It was Ira, her unmistakable blonde hair caught Steve's attention, and he pulled her up by the arm.

"Well..well..well.. Look what we have here.. If it isn't Ira.. My own demise... Still alive after all this?"

Ira didn't move. Steve threw her against the car, in which she began coughing and holding her head.

"Don't you learn to give up? You're quite th-"

Steve stopped mid-sentence. Ira was looking up at him, her beautiful blue eyes, full of tears. Steve stared at her, then pulled her up by the collar.

"What the hell are you looking at?!" Steve yelled, inches away from her face

Ira didn't speak, she was so overwhelmed that she seemed to not care what was going on.

"Hmf.." Grunted Steve

Steve reached for his pocket, grabbing a switchblade he always kept on him.

"This time.. I won't miss.." Steve said smiling

He struck down at her.


He stopped.

"What? Now you speak? Of what? This is the end you demon!" Steve screamed

Ira was shaking in Steve's clutches, tearing running down her dirt-smeared face.

"S-Steve.. It's ok... I f-forgive you.." Ira said with a small but broken smile

"What do you mean? You better forgive me! I'm doing this world a favor!"

"I know..w.. That you w-wouldn't hurt me.. S-Steve.."

Steve looked at her angrily, he raised his arm again, readying himself for another stab.

"No matter w-what... You'll always be my f-friend.. S-Steve... I... I-I love you.."

Steve froze, coming to his senses.

"I h-had a r-really good time t-tonight... I a-actually got to go o-out on a d-date with y-you."

Steve stared at her, in shock by her broken sentences.

"I-I've liked you f-for a while b-but I was always af-fraid of saying something.."

A single tear ran down Steve's face.

"D-Do you really mean that?" Steve asked

"Of course.." Ira said with a broken smile

Endra took over again.

"Steve what are you doing?! Stab this girl!"

Steve lowered his knife.

"I c-can't.. I won't!"

"No! Do it!" Endra encouraged


"DO IT!!!!"


All fell silent. Steve fell to his knees, wide-eyed.

"I.." Steve let out a plea

Steve had been pushed by a last-effort heave from his father, sending the knife into Steve. He held Ira in his arms, she was bruised from head to toe, but kept looking at him with her blue eyes.


She smiled and wrapped her arm around his neck to hoist herself up, giving him a kiss. Steve looked back at her, letting out a small smile. Steve looked back and saw his father laying on the ground breathing slowly, perhaps on his way down like everyone else had. Steve looked back at Ira, he could feel his grip on her get weaker, he looked down and say he had lost a lot of blood from he stab.


"Yes.. Steve?" She said looking up at him


Endra's dark aura poured out of Steve, and knocking Ira out of his arms. Ira lay, surrounded by a black mist, Steve could hear Endra screaming:


Steve had seen enough. Endra had controlled him ever since he was a boy, he didn't live life tohi a fullest because of him, he wouldn't stop here.

The black most soon formed into a black humanoid form, leaning over Ira and grabbing her by the throat. Steve pulled the knife from his stomach, letting out a gasp and charged Endra.


The humanoid turned to face Steve as he impaled him with the switchblade. They kept eye contact, and then Steve said:

"It's over for you Endra.."

Endra looked up at him with purple eyes, then said:

"This is the end.. I am sure of it..."

Suddenly... The air around Steve became cold, he could feel a harsh and forceful wind breeze by him... And in the blink of an eye... Everything was being sucked into Endra.

"Wha-What...?!" Steve yelled through the reaping wind

"My name.. Our name... Is Endra... The End... We are the end... I am Darkness... You are Light... Together we are one... Split... We are nothing.. And nothing shall exist..."

Those were the last words Endra said as the world was being sucked into his being, all that remained was the Earth and all its nature... He watched Ira be sucked into the void that was Endra, he reached out for her.. But could not touch her... For he was already touching her.. He already had... For he was Endra... And he was Steve.. Creation and Destruction... Life and Death... That is Steve... That is Endra...

Steve would travel the lonely world for eternity, remembering the story... The story that only he knew... The story of Steve... And how he was Everything... Yet only one thing at the same time...

Steve would sometimes see visions of Endra... But they'd quickly disappear when he'd look... He called these visions.. Enderman. To commemorate Endra, his dark half... And though he could not see the Enderman... He knew they were there... And somewhere out there... He knew that Ira was.. And that he would find her and have the night of their life all over again.

The End.


Thank you for reading ^^

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Military Minecraft
11/14/2014 6:02 pm
Level 74 : Legendary Engineer
Military Minecraft's Avatar
Keep bringing us good stuff! Diamonded and Subscribed!
11/16/2014 12:45 am
Level 30 : Artisan Architect
GoldenKnight19's Avatar
No problem! Glad you like it c:
10/27/2014 7:03 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Meme
Allergy_Man's Avatar
Great story!
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