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A Poem from Grandpa (Pop Reel)

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DoomDestroyer98's Avatar DoomDestroyer98
Level 44 : Master Strawberry
December 5, 2017 was the day of my grandmother's funeral. Unknown to me until that day was that my late grandfather wrote poetry. He wrote a love poem to my grandmother in August of 1988. I wanted to share this poem with you guys, not for emotional provocation, but as a tribute to my grandparents.

There was in our lives, yet still in our teens

When we wanted marriage so bad

To fulfill all our dreams

To be blessed by God and have many good things

Stay in love no matter what life brings.

Well we were blessed abundantly, 5 girls & 4 boys,

And a nice big house filled with children and toys.

Some would ask, why so many kids? Who needs them?

Look all you have to do just to clothe and feed them.

We'd look at each and smile with love

Knowing they are God's gift from above.

We knew that none of his children ever

Belonged to us. He wanted us to raise them,

They were put in our trust.

Oh, we had our differences, it didn't always go well.

But we grew together, picking up the other who fell.

We confess we didn't do it all alone.

Each child helped, until all were grown.

Yet God was always there whether we felt him or not.

And we were always thankful for whatever we got.

Yea there were a lot of tough times, there's no doubt

But as a big family, we really made out.

You see the children were happy, healthy and hearty

And we never needed company to have a good party.

It was easy to set up one or two games

What was hard on us was our confusing their names

And so many times we laughed 'til we cried

We shared so much, and all stood side by side

And still to this day they have so much to give

They make our life worthwhile and happy to live

Now the gang is all gone, it's just us two

Back where we started, thank you my dear

And oh how I love you

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12/06/2017 1:04 am
Level 48 : Master Button Pusher
Cib's Avatar
This is beautiful. Completely and utterly a masterpiece.
12/06/2017 6:59 pm
Level 44 : Master Strawberry
DoomDestroyer98's Avatar
From what I remember about my grandpa, when I read this, I was surely taken by surprise how well he wrote. So I'm right there with you.
12/05/2017 9:50 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Pokemon
JediJerboa's Avatar
Excuse me, I'm gotta go get a tissue for my eyes. I needed this. Definitely makes me appreciate all the people around me who love me.
12/05/2017 10:12 pm
Level 44 : Master Strawberry
DoomDestroyer98's Avatar
-gives tissue box-
12/05/2017 10:14 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Pokemon
JediJerboa's Avatar
Thank you, my friend.
12/05/2017 10:21 pm
Level 44 : Master Strawberry
DoomDestroyer98's Avatar
You're welcome you adorable Doctor Mew.
12/05/2017 10:25 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Pokemon
JediJerboa's Avatar
Aw, thank you! I'm just glad you shared such a touching piece with us here on PMC!
12/05/2017 10:04 pm
Level 56 : Grandmaster Explorer
RadioCoyote's Avatar
Yeah, same *sniff*
12/05/2017 10:13 pm
Level 44 : Master Strawberry
DoomDestroyer98's Avatar
-gives tissue box- It's alright. Twas a love poem at first. Now holds a lot heavier a meaning, though. Obviously.
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