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A Hard Life

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dagothagahnim's Avatar dagothagahnim
Level 69 : High Grandmaster uwu
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I play 'hardcore' on minecraft. I keep the setting on Hard, and when I die, I delete the world and start over. This gives me real satisfaction when I make something great in SSP, because there was always risk of losing everything and starting over.

This will be a log of my newest adventure, having just died on my previous SSP save to a Skeleton riding a Spider shooting me off a cliff.

Click on the 'Update Log' tab to see this story as it unfolds.

Note: The texture pack used for this is my own Zelda: Link to the Past texture pack, which you can find on this site as well.

Note: the original world I started for this I got about 2 days logged for, then Beta 1.3 hit. instead of dealing with changing map seeds and such, I just deleted and started over.

Day 1 begins, now!

1 Update Logs

Day/Night 1 : by dagothagahnim 03/02/2011 12:00:00 pmMar 2nd, 2011

And so, it begins...


I am on a strange world.
I have no memory of how I got here.
I have no idea what's going on.
All I know is that I need to survive.


I look around, I seem to be on the ocean edge of a desert, and I can see some islands with trees nearby. I immediately head over to the nearest island with trees, I'll need lumber and sticks if I'm going to survive.


I punch the trees apart (who doesn't?) and gather the wood, and I notice something on the island nearby...


Clay! I have no use for this now and limited daylight, so I set the spot to memory and move on. I begin looking for a shelter area, and as I look, I realize I'll need a pickaxe to gather anything from the land around me and the ground below me.


I begin by fashioning a very simple wooden pickaxe, and I use this to gather some stone, which I then use to craft a variety of tools I may need, a stone pickaxe, an axe, a sword, and a hoe. As I'm digging, I find what appears to be a metal, possibly iron.


After digging it out, I continue my search for more shelter, and notice a small hole in the ground, leading to yet another cave.


I dare not go in, I hear some strangle gargling sounds, almost like a grunting, growling man.
I continue harvesting additional lumber from nearby trees, and spot some sugarcanes growing across the water, so I swam over to gather them, they may prove useful.


I continued looking around, and also killed and skinned a few cows and sheep for the leather and wool.
Suddenly, the shadows began drawing out, and I realized the sun was setting and I still had no shelter for the night. Looking around, I notice a very small alcove back near where I had started, with rock topped by what seemed to be a sturdy sandstone and sand above that.


Digging quickly, I dug out a small hole-shelter for the night, thinking, either way, it's better than sleeping out in the open.


It seems I'd made the right choice, because shortly after blocking the entrance to my new 'home' I began hearing some strange sounds outside. It seems there are nocturnal natives on this planet, something I'd do well to stay clear of for now until I'm better prepared.
I needed a fuel source so I could produce some lights for my new home at night, but lumber wasn't really my best option. Instead, I started a small fire in a makeshift furnace and began charring the logs into charcoal, which would be far more useful.
I also took this opportunity to melt down the iron bits into more useable bars.



After getting the charcoal out of the ovens, I set about widening my home to be more comfortable. As I dug, I found what appeared to be coal. I began digging it out and found quite a bit. This would be incredibly useful.


I also came across a small bit of flint as I dug, and, satisfied with my work on expanding the home for now, I set about making some tools. I used what little Iron I had and fashioned an Iron Pickaxe, and a Flint and Steel for lighting fires much more easily in the future. Heat and warmth will always be essential to survival, and I want to be prepared.


As the sun begins to come up, I looked at my modest little home and crafted myself a makeshift bed. There would be no sleep this night, and I would spend the next day exploring and gathering, but the bed would be here now, waiting for me to return.


End of Day/Night 1.

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03/12/2019 9:29 am
Level 1 : New Miner
oliver477's Avatar
You will find lots of tips on how to defend thesis https://prothesiswriter.com/blog/thesis-defense that's why I think that you need to check it out. Good luck
06/24/2011 11:59 pm
Level 69 : High Grandmaster uwu
dagothagahnim's Avatar
Update for everyone: I haven't updated this at all because I've been very busy helping the Herocraft server staff and working on a couple texpaks.

I have also long since DIED in this world and it is deleted. I will be starting it over with a new Hard Life save soon. Sorry to leave everyone hanging like that, I'll update this for the 3 days I haven't posted yet up to my death, then reset the world and start fresh and hopefully have time to update it more often. :P
06/17/2011 8:56 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Skinner
Shenorai's Avatar
A challenge for you: Try going Hardcore with the NOW in Minecraft mod pack installed. ;)
05/18/2011 7:50 am
Level 69 : High Grandmaster uwu
dagothagahnim's Avatar
that is my Zelda:Link to the Past texpak, you can find it by clicking on my username.
05/17/2011 1:51 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Hunter
popman22222's Avatar
What texture pack is this? i like it
04/16/2011 11:28 am
Level 1 : New Miner
wulfmon's Avatar
ya thats what i should do
03/28/2011 6:34 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Pokemon
WoxandWarf's Avatar
03/02/2011 9:00 am
Level 69 : High Grandmaster uwu
dagothagahnim's Avatar
I may actually do that. Resizing the screens and such is just annoying at times.lol
Ticket Creator
02/17/2011 4:42 am
Anonymous's Avatar
why not make a video out of it so we can see
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