Minecraft Blogs / Interview

Interview // Candlevera ✧

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Level 37 : Artisan Fox
**This interview is with Candlevera**

So I see you’ve been a member on PMC for over 3 years, what keeps you coming back everyday?

Morbid curiosity. Okay, I'm joking (kind of), but there's quite a few different reasons. Some of the people here are nice, sometimes I get bored, and I like contributing to discussions. I have been working on a few larger projects, one of which should be done in a month or two.
The other, I can't say for certain. It all depends on the Seekers. On that note...
V is trustworthy.

Where do you spend most of your time on the PMC website? What is/are your favorite thing(s) to do on here?

Forums when there's some neat threads, chat when bored, and the blogs section when I feel like crying myself to sleep.
I enjoy interaction and discussion above anything else, really. I occasionally look through other things, but that's what I do, for the most part.
Occasionally I make skins, but it's often just as much to write a story as it is to make a skin.

It’s very impressive that you came first in the survival blog contest! What advice would you give to anyone participating in a blog contest?

I can't say for certain. I don't know why I won, exactly. But, I, for the most part, just went with an idea I liked and made content for it. I took a lot of extra time to create additional media to compliment the blog, such as videos and images, and spent some time formatting it as well. I took a different approach from most entries, trying to remain somewhat useful in game, but with a sort of narrative going on as well, and a focus on one particular area rather than covering everything. Essentially, I guess you just need to think outside the box and run with an idea you like.

There is a lot of content on PMC and I’m sure you do a lot of exploring! Do you have any favorite posts (blogs, skin, etc.) and what are they?

Well, there's quite a few. I suppose I'll just grab a few from my favorites and explain them :o
They might not be my favorite things ever, but they're easy to find/remember

Texture Pack: I like cute things ;w;
Skins: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, i want to cuddle it, and this :oo
Blogs: I absolutely adore Luis' entry to the survival guide contest. If it were me choosing, I think it should have won the contest. Aaaand art - blogs.

You provide a very nice variety of content on here. How would you describe your account/profile in a few sentences?

Cute deer writes things and hugs potted plants.
Also, low-budget packaging <3

What is something you would change about the website if you could (something you could add or remove)?

I would add some kind of pointless collectables or cosmetic system that lets you collect decorations or badges or something for your profile. Like that trading cards thing, maybe.
I love borderline-pointless cosmetic systems so much oh my god
I also want to dress up my profile until it looks like it time traveled out of a tacky 1995 botanical science website

Lastly, there are too many quality PMC members to even acknowledge. If you had to choose, who would you say is your PMC role model and why? (someone you look up to)

Hhhh that's hard, there's so many rad people, and such variety in them ;w;

I guess I'd go with IcarianPrince. I absolutely adore their skins and art and there's actually quite a bit of variety between them, and they're also very nice.
They're not super active on PMC, but _Rin_Kagamine_ is my best friend ever and I'm going to break the rules and mention her

because ANARCHY






Thank you so much for participating in this randomly interesting thing! That concludes the interview! Any final words or comments? ^-^

I would like to thank pastel colors and oversized sweaters for existing. pastel pink is the master color but pastel rainbow is adorable too

I would also like to mention that if someone thinks they are cuter than me they can 1V1 me irl

oh, and, plants are friends



Special thanks to Candlevera for doing this interview with me. It was a lot of fun and definitely something I would love to do more often!

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02/26/2016 4:02 pm
Level 27 : Expert Miner
anonpmc52215's Avatar
02/26/2016 5:10 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Fox
kai's Avatar
kek, np ^^
thanks so much
02/23/2016 7:18 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Sailor
Mars's Avatar
this is super great and i love seeing interviews that involve my friends ' ^'
02/23/2016 7:29 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Fox
kai's Avatar
yay ^-^ im so happy you like it
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