Minecraft Texture Packs / PvP Packs

[Optifine] Vader's Stacked Programmer Items Pack - Programmer Art Add-On (1.10 - 1.12)

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  • 119,202 views, 12 today
  • 40,376 downloads, 0 today
Vaderman24's Avatar Vaderman24
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Ninja
05/22/2024 This project will be is still being worked on and will be updated to 1.20 first before I eventually backport it, more information will be posted when applicable. Thank you for your patience.
[Optifine] Vader's Stacked Programmer Items Pack - Programmer Art Add-On (1.10 - 1.12) Minecraft Texture Pack
About The Pack!
Vader's Stacked Items Pack is a unique resource pack that uses Optifine features to give stacked items different textures dependent on the amount in the stack. This pack also gives enchanted books different textures depending on the enchantment it has. Currently there's just a little over 225 textures across 80 items to create the pack, I plan to add more to the pack over time.

This pack requires Optifine to be downloaded in order to work, you can download it ►HERE◄

If you're looking for a Faithful version of this pack, you can find a beta version ►HERE

[Optifine] Vader's Stacked Programmer Items Pack - Programmer Art Add-On (1.10 - 1.12) Minecraft Texture Pack
Contributors (Click on names to check out some content contributors have made)
1. Vaderman24 - 246 Textures

[Optifine] Vader's Stacked Programmer Items Pack - Programmer Art Add-On (1.10 - 1.12) Minecraft Texture Pack
Support the project!
If you like this project, maybe consider donating to show your support? Any and all donations are greatly appreciated, even just downloading this pack and giving me feedback motivates me to continue updating my projects :)

If you're interested in donating, you can do so via Ko-fi
Thank you to the following people for their donations!

First donor - VasilisGR

Resent donor - Carly Molyneux

Top donor - gtxVel

1. VasilisGR
2. gtxVel
3. Niklas Freidwall
4. Carly Molyneux

All currently available downloads for all supported versions!
1.11 Versions
1.11 Versions of "Vader's Stacked Items Pack"
V1.1 For MC 1.11.x Mirror --------------------------------- Direct
V1.0.1 For MC 1.11.x Mirror ------------------------------ Direct
V1.0 For MC 1.11.x Mirror --------------------------------- Direct

Frequently Asked Questions!
• Will you be making a 32x32 version of the pack in the future?
- Yes, I will be making a Faithful version of the pack sometime in the future. There really isn't an exact time as to when it will be done.

• Why isn't the pack working for me?!
- If the pack isn't working for you, make sure you try the following;
~ The pack uses Optifine, so make sure you have it downloaded and selected along with the pack. If you already have Optifine installed and it's still not working, try updating it. If it still doesn't work after updating, make sure you have the "Custom Items" feature enabled, located in; Menu>Options>Video Settings>Quality>Custom Items

• My computer says that the pack is a virus, how can I download it?
- The pack is not malicious in any way, your anti-virus program may be flagging the AdFly link in the main download. If you don't support AdFly that's totally fine, I made download mirrors readily available. You can find them located at the bottom of this page under the "Downloads" section. Once you click on the spoiler, locate the version of the pack you want to download and click on the blue text that says "Direct" next to it.

• The download link is blocked for me, where else can I download it from?
~ For some people Mediafire/AdFly is blocked in their school, work, country, etc. If this is the case for you, you can download the pack from the CurseForge page.

• I made some textures and want to send them to you! How do I do that?
- You can start by downloading a zipping program like 7Zip, or Winrar. Once you have one of those installed, make a new zip file and put all the textures you want to send to me in it. Then upload it to a file hosting site such as Mediafire, or Dropbox. Once your upload is complete, copy your download files url and send it to me though a private message with some info on what you sent me. Please note that I do take a look at everyone's textures and do take them into consideration. Some may not be added, some might be added throughout later versions of the pack, and sometimes they may be removed from the pack.

• I really enjoy using this pack, what can I do to show my support?
I'm glad you like using my pack! There are a few things you could do to show your support such as;
~ Keeping up with the latest version of the pack weather it be downloading, commenting, or general feedback. Following me on Twitter is an easy way to do this!
~ Submitting some of your own textures to the pack for them to be possibly included in future versions of the pack.
~ Commenting some suggestions on what you like, don't like, or would like to see in the pack.

Help the pack in many different ways!
Contribute to the pack
Although I've added a lot to this pack already, I would like to make this pack even bigger than it is with your help. If you are good with textures and would like a chance to add stacked items textures into the game, submit them to me via PM and I'll see about adding it to the pack. Please make sure that any texture you send me fits with the default Minecraft textures, I would like to stick as close to that style as possible. You of course will be credited for your contributions. Thank you :)

Send in your suggestions

If you want to help the pack but are no good with making textures, no problem! If you have an idea of what you would like to see in the pack you can give a detailed suggestion and I may add it to the pack.

Current Features In The Pack!

Contains the do's and don'ts on redistribution, re-uploading to other sites, and all that jazz.

You may freely use any file in this project for your own projects & purposes without asking me. All I ask is that you give credit with a link to this projects page.

Please do not reupload this project elsewhere without your own changes and project name.

Credit Example: "This project uses assets from Vader's Stacked Programmer Items Pack by Vaderman24."

New Project Name Example: "[Your Name Here]'s Stacked Programmer Items Pack."

©2024. This project is openly licensed via CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Title of Expandable Spoiler

In-game Screenshots.
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.12

2 Update Logs

Update #2 3/17/17 [V1.1 For MC 1.11] : by Vaderman24 03/17/2017 3:11:07 amMar 17th, 2017

*37 new textures have beeb added across 17 total items
+4 Redstone Dust
+4 Glowstone Dust
+4 Gunpowder
+4 Sugar
+4 Clay Ball
+3 Nether Star
+2 Potato
+2 Baked Potato
+2 Poisonous Potato
+1 Raw Cod
+1 Cooked Cod
+1 Raw Salmon
+1 Cooked Salmon
+1 Clownfish
+1 Rotten Flesh
+1 Pumpkin Pie
+1 Hopper

*Removed duplicate charcoal properties file

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07/24/2019 9:08 pm
Level 49 : Master Artist
TheEthanExpress's Avatar
I have updated this pack to 1.14, i don't know whats happening to vaderman as he hasn't responded to any of my messages across multiple platforms

11/20/2019 1:51 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Dratth's Avatar
you legend!
07/12/2019 11:27 am
Level 41 : Master Warrior
KineteMuldaur's Avatar
cant download
06/02/2019 1:33 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman uwu
CharacterKill's Avatar
omg this is amazing
05/23/2019 7:21 am
Level 24 : Expert Mage
Illithid's Avatar
I have a problem where I can't install the pack completely :c So I install it, its a .zip file, instantly it tells me "Decompression failed.". Then when I try again it tells me "Unable to expand "filename.zip" to "downloads".
(Error 20 - not a directory)

I have googled it, it says that the file is corrupt :(
Im using MacBook Pro 2018.
OS is macOS Mojave 10.14.2

Any help? :c
02/05/2019 12:21 am
Level 1 : New Miner
TheLivingCat01's Avatar
How long does it take to update this pack? Optifine 1.13 came out about 4 months ago and it's still not done. Please hurry up.
01/31/2019 6:26 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
Pico_1201's Avatar
doesnt work in 1.13
01/10/2019 12:19 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Answer
egovultus83's Avatar
Yes. Make for 1.13.
10/18/2018 1:20 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
jails3's Avatar
come on make the 1.13 update
09/18/2018 12:22 am
Level 48 : Master Pixel Painter
IdioticEd2008's Avatar
can you update it so it can work in 1.13
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