This Map is an entry in the completed Maze Making Minecraft Contest.

Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure

The Dungeon of Black & White [MazeMaker Contest]

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BaronDuScotch's Avatar BaronDuScotch
Level 13 : Journeyman Engineer
This is my entry for the MazeMaking Contest. It took me around 100 hours to make everything work properly.
When I read "MazeMaking Contest", even if I'm extremely busy with my studies, I thought something like: " HO MY GOD ! finally ! I can make an hardcore maze for a contest >:) "
Like I said, I'm a bit busy, so sorry for the bad presentation :/

EDIT: when you clear a puzzle room or a fight arena, wait until the music stops (a few seconds) or it might play several music at the same time :/
EDIT 2: gamerule issues fixed


I wanted to make a cool looking maze as hard as possible with this tool,

To do so I created templates containing 2 layers, and in each layer you can have a maximum of 2 doors on each wall.

I added some complex mechanics with command blocks, such as non-euclidean stairs, corridors, but there is more ^^.

I draw a small pixel art on the top of every template representing what's inside the template.


In this maze you will have to press 4 big red pressure plates, fight in 10 fighting arena, solve 6 redstone puzzles, and find your way in this complex labyrinth containing non-euclidean templates, some kind of illusions, deadly traps and to make you enter in the atmosphere, i added some note block songs ^^

<Plan explanation>

The plan is a bit hard to understand, so here are some explanations:

-dotted line: path in the second floor.

-continuous line: path in the first floor.

-triangle: stairs (second floor connected to the top, first floor to the base).

-NE: teleport the player on the second or the first floor in the exact same room, you can't know that you are teleported.

-circles and triangles together: portal room, enabled/disabled when you are in an adjacent square not in front of the access in the first layer.

-Fight: you must defeat every monster in the room to continue, there are 10 levels of difficulty and a note block song (from Crypt of the Necrodancer) which changes every 2 levels.

-Enigme: you must solve a redstone puzzle to continue, there are 6 levels of difficulty. You can hear the Professor Layton's riddle theme.

-Illusion: When you are inside you will have to go through multiple visual illusions.

-Square: A big red pressure plate, you must activate all of them to unlock the path to the exit (you must walk on the pressure plates to activate it of course). It play a little victory note block song when activated.

-Circles with numbers inside: A room where the path depends on the amount of big pressure plates activated. (0 activated: path connecting circle with number 1 open and other paths close; 1 activated: path connecting circle with number 2 open and other paths close; 2 activated: path connecting circle with number 3 open and other paths close; 3 activated: path connecting circle with number 4 open and other paths close; 4 activated: path connecting circle with number 1 open and other paths close).

-Dot with arrows coming from it: when you enter this room you can only walk forward and it changes the floor you were when you entered.

-Trap: When you enter this room, you are teleported in the middle, you are blinded and you have 10 seconds to find the door you came through to disable the trap.

-L/R destroy: a confusing room, if you follow the left or the right wall you will never find the exit.

-Big thanks for the people who made Note Blocks Studio (i had to program something to convert the note blocks into command blocks though)
-Big thanks to my friend Fabrien who built the Pixel Art for the map title !
-Song used in Note Blocks Studio:
from the game Crypt of the Necrodancer (midi files by JereTheJuggler)
.For Whom the Knell Tolls
.Heart of the Crypt
.Mausoleum Mash
.Stone Cold
.Styx and Stones
from Professor Layton and the Curious Village
from final fantasy 5
.Victoy fanfar (not playable)
from Homestuck
.Collide (not playable)
Progress100% complete

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02/15/2021 1:15 pm
Level 56 : Grandmaster Lava Rider
eagoy's Avatar
Insane maze, honestly played a bit through it (till the point some creepers blew up like 9 plots or something because I couldn't escape fast enough). Wandered way to long some stairs up wondering when I got top level (only after 6 times or so I pressed F3 to notice I got subtle send back one level...).
Even without all these contraptions (contained in that behemoth of command blocks rig outside) it's bloody hard maze.

Excellent done fellow contestant! I certainly hope you'll get far.
02/15/2021 2:28 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Engineer
BaronDuScotch's Avatar
Thanks dude ^^
it makes me happy to know that you enjoy it ^^
Did you reach a fight arena or a puzzle room ? they are the best one in my opinion (don't forget to turn on your master volume)
02/16/2021 10:50 am
Level 56 : Grandmaster Lava Rider
eagoy's Avatar
Not sure what kind of room the creepers were. Only know I played the maze in the game-mode I entered the world.
The music is nicely added.

As for the blow-up radius, I do wonder if you tested it in-action, considering it effective destroyed the system. See results below ( Gheppio for reference)
02/16/2021 11:53 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Engineer
BaronDuScotch's Avatar
wut ? i'm pretty sure i turned off the mobGriefing gamerule :/
02/16/2021 1:13 pm
Level 56 : Grandmaster Lava Rider
eagoy's Avatar
Opened a fresh world save of yours, checked "gamerule mobgriefing" true as output

edit. shoot, only after posting this I noticed the comment you made afterwards...
02/16/2021 11:55 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Engineer
BaronDuScotch's Avatar
and yes of course i tested it... the only thing i didn't fully tested is the 10 stage of the fight arena... Oh wait i accidentaly killed every entity on a map back then so i had to copy paste every building on the original map to fix my mess... but i forgot to turn off this gamerule again ^^'
Sorry about that... Do i have to repost the map with this fixed ?
edit: i reuploaded the map, it should be fixed ^^'
02/16/2021 2:47 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Engineer
Gheppio's Avatar
Hi BaronDuScotch, beta-tester Gheppio here!
Yes now the creeper trap is fine and the gamerule is false, no more explosions.
I noticed a couple more problems though:
In the arenas the mobs don't spawn for me! I hear a short growl, but I think they're removed immediately and I receive the "Arena Cleared" message.
Second one is easy, set the initial spawn at the entrance, when I died the first time I spawned inside the command block area (I think that the arenas set your spawn too later right?)
02/15/2021 3:20 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Engineer
Gheppio's Avatar
I took a look too, is that "blow up 9 plots" part by design? or there was some mechanism that prevented block damaging that didn't work?

I'm liking it very much so far, especially the puzzles, but I still have a lot to see here!
02/16/2021 12:11 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Engineer
BaronDuScotch's Avatar
ok, i didn't understand back then when you said it blew up 9 chunks ^^' it really obliterated 9 chunks, i reuploaded the map, it should be fixed, sorry
02/15/2021 3:24 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Engineer
BaronDuScotch's Avatar
it shouldn't destroy blocks i put the gamerule entity griefing to false
that good to hear if you enjoy it ^^
The maze is really hard you can use the solution i posted... if you successfully understand it ^^'
02/15/2021 12:10 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Engineer
BaronDuScotch's Avatar
The command block control room should work properly... I hope ._.
Please report any issue
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