Minecraft Mods

MCAnimator Beta 1.2 - Create and animate your models, paint their texture, forget Techne!

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Level 54 : Grandmaster Modder
1.2 version is finally out. Lot of work for the fixes and the new features!

One of our main tasks for this version was providing a better and stable Library to animate your models,
fixing many weird bugs and imporving the Animations tab. This and many
other features have been possible thanks to our new great coder
Fir3will! He's a very fast and smart Java programmer and coding
with him is easy as eating a piece of cake ;)

Check the Changelof for more info: MCA Changelog

Forget Techne and all its bugs and limitations!

MCAnimator is a new free editor that let you create your own Minecraft models and animate them without knowing how to code.

Similar to Techne graphic, but completely made in Java for a perfect compatibility with all the computers, the MCAnimator will make your life a lot easier.


- Create Minecraft models in Windows, MacOsX and Linux

- Set each box position, offset, rotation, textureOffset, mirrorTexture

- Create parent-child boxes (connected boxes using "joints")

- Move and set easily the TextureMaps position

- Paint on the textureMap and see the result immediately on the model

- Create infinte animations for your model and watch the preview whenever you need it

- Import Techne models!

- Open and save .mca files

- Fly around your model

- Export the Texture and the TextureMap

- Create new empty textures

- Copy and paste keyframe values

- Exporter: export your models for any Minecraft version!

- Much more!

Our official website: DD-Studios.net
Follow us on Facebook: DigitalDragonStudios official page
We need your support, please become a Patron: DDS on Patreon.com
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.7.10

5 Update Logs

Update Beta 1.2.1 : by AXELTOPOLINO 02/22/2015 6:51:04 pmFeb 22nd, 2015

Urgent bug fix in the MCAClientLibrary. Please re-export your models if you have any problem!

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12/21/2019 6:01 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
CommandPro135's Avatar
it wont let me acess the site. i really want it but i cant download. :(
08/28/2019 12:35 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Azreliax's Avatar
This question may seem that I'm dumb or something, but is it possible to create mods with it? (For example, animating your MC character?)
02/16/2018 4:10 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Engineer
therealflame's Avatar
do you have any programs online like. accesable from google without download.?
02/21/2017 7:51 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Albinopanda124's Avatar
Hi! I have to say, this program is AMAZING! I love it! But I got just a few questions, because I am new to this program...
  • When you are done with the model/project/mob, how can you bring it to MC?
  • How to animate...?
  • Does this work for blocks/items/plants maybe?

I really am stupid, but I'm not good at coding and everything, but I really want to learn!
Thank you so much!!
If there are any mistakes in this comment I am sorry, but I don't speak English very well.
01/01/2018 10:40 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Narwhal
Virdex's Avatar
When you are done with the model, you can bring it to MC in various ways: making it the new model for a vanilla mob/object through a resource pack, or making a mod and using the model you made for a mob or object in your mod.

There should be tutorials online for how to animate.

I am pretty (but not 100%) sure you can make the model anything, animal, plant, item...
10/21/2016 8:24 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Procrastinator
babbajagga's Avatar
what a shame this mod has no patreons! :(

are you still working on this fantastic tool/app?
10/22/2016 4:56 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Procrastinator
babbajagga's Avatar
:( oh noes... I have found the link to minecraftforum topic where you announced the project is currently discountinued :(
and I was about to patreon it
10/24/2016 1:05 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Procrastinator
babbajagga's Avatar
Yesterday I managed to make it work for me, for some reason it was glitching ... reinstalled Java, so far it seems to worked. Probably a Win 10 issue...

But... what I wanted to ask, incl. you... community... is there a full guide on this application?
Like all the features explained, how to use them, hotkeys/keybinds, how to control it, and then deeper explanation/guide on the specific values, functions, when what to use and why or why not, etc.

Because the only real video guide with something close to that above I found on youtube ... is in Italian language..
Guess what... "pap-pap-pappara... me no spik italiano."

But despite that, I watched 2 of the 3 tutorials out there althought I did not understood a single word but did helped me at least in some degree to make my first model and animation... /whooot

So... if anyone knows how to work with this app, and knows the functions, values, reasons, etc. Make a guide and put it on YT :D prefferably in English language :D
I would do it myself, but the lack of knowledge about many values in the MCAnimator it would not be a great help to others.
07/17/2016 2:54 pm
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Modder
jtrent238's Avatar
Awesome!, But I can't Get it to work.
03/05/2016 3:57 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Warrior
zapzap2's Avatar
can it export to json files for resource packs?
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