Procrafter's Avatar
Jesus. Family. Fellowship.
  • Procrafter


    ~Teaching on the Bible~
    ~Playing Guitar~
    Thing I don’t Agree With
    I don’t mean to offend anyone, but I will not support, or agree to…
    Fowl Language
    Inappropriate Jokes
    …or anything that goes against what the Bible says.

    Food: Burgers, Watermelon, and Beets.
    Colors: Black, and Orange
    People: I shouldn’t have favorites 😉
    Bible Verse: Psalm 37:5-6 - Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him, and he will act. He will bring forth your righteousness as the light, and your justice as the noonday.
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  • Dragons

    Once upon a time, there lived a fierce group of dragons in a mountain range far away. The dragons were revered by the nearby village who held them in high regards for their strength and wisdom.

    Every year, the youngest dragon of the clan was sent to the village to learn and gain insight from the village elders. The dragons were responsible for maintaining balance between the world of mortals and immortals, as they were the most powerful of all creatures.

    One night when the dragons had just completed their journey to the village, they saw a strange sight. There were people in the village, wielding silver swords and wearing strange masks.

    They had come to capture and enslave the dragons. A battle ensued, and the dragons eventually won, but at great cost to their own kind. The village elders recognized the power of the dragons and rewarded them with special artifacts, which they kept in their lair.

    The artifacts held powerful spells that allowed the dragons to protect the village from any further intrusions. Over time, the dragons and people of the village formed an unbreakable bond. As long as the dragon artifacts were kept safe, their home and people would be safe, as well.

    But one day, a group of evil wizards appeared in the village and attempted to steal the artifacts from the dragon's lair. The dragons used their strength and power to protect the artifacts, but the wizards had come prepared and were able to get away with them.

    In a desperate attempt to retrieve the artifacts, the dragons flew all around the world searching for the artifacts. Soon enough, they discovered the wizards had taken the artifacts to their secret hideout, an intricate fortress made of nothing but iron and magic.

    The dragons swarmed the fortress, using all of their strength and skill in battle. In the end, they were successful in retrieving the artifacts, and the wizards were defeated.

    The dragons went back to their mountain home, and from then on, the world of mortals and immortals was in peace. The people of the village were forever grateful to the dragons for their protection and strength, and all the dragon descendants looked back at the days of the battle with pride.
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  • About

    Hi there, my name is Given and I'm passionate about many things in life. My hobbies include playing the ever-popular game of Minecraft, eating great food, teaching Bible studies, drawing, and writing stories.

    When it comes to Minecraft, I am an avid player who has been playing the game for years. I love exploring the vast world of Minecraft, learning about the game's mechanics, and building amazing structures. For me, Minecraft is a great way to stimulate my imagination, creativity, and problem solving skills.

    I have a never-ending love for food. Whether I'm cooking with my family, trying out a new restaurant, or just grabbing a bite to eat with friends, I am always looking forward to the next meal. Eating good food helps me stay energized and excited for all the things I have going on in my life.

    Teaching Bible studies is another passion of mine. I love sharing my knowledge of the scriptures with others and learning from the discussions that ensue. It's been an eye-opening experience that has strengthened my faith and helped me grow as an individual.

    Drawing and writing stories are some of the activities I enjoy the most. Through art I'm able to express ideas that may not come to me verbally, and writing is a great way to put my thoughts down on paper. Both activities, when combined, really help bring a story to life.

    All of these activities have helped me stay creative and motivated in life. I encourage anyone who is interested to try out any of the hobbies I mentioned. You never know where it may take you.

    Thanks for reading!

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