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Level 64 High Grandmaster Pixel Painter

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    • 09/19/2023 12:10 am
    • Level 64 : High Grandmaster Pixel Painter
    Oslypsis's Avatar
    They must have been dragged down there by Herobrine himself. Nice pack!
    • 09/17/2023 4:07 am
    • Level 64 : High Grandmaster Pixel Painter
    Oslypsis's Avatar
    I'll start us off. My best post is my carved wood texture pack for Java.

    It replaces bark blocks and double slabs to have carved designs on them.
    • 09/17/2023 3:58 am
    • Level 64 : High Grandmaster Pixel Painter
    Oslypsis's Avatar
    Yes, but usually it's a school email you're given before your enrollment begins. At least for college. Idk about grade school nowadays.
    • 09/01/2023 1:06 am
    • Level 64 : High Grandmaster Pixel Painter
    Oslypsis's Avatar
    Yes! Invite sent :)
    • 08/11/2023 12:41 pm
    • Level 64 : High Grandmaster Pixel Painter
    Oslypsis's Avatar
    You should post this to the mod page if you haven't already. I'm sure they'd be able to help you more than we can.
    • 08/08/2023 10:09 pm
    • Level 64 : High Grandmaster Pixel Painter
    Oslypsis's Avatar

    I use it pretty much everywhere.
    • 08/08/2023 10:07 pm
    • Level 64 : High Grandmaster Pixel Painter
    Oslypsis's Avatar
    Get 3 wool from some sheep and 7 planks from 1 log, then make a crafting table, and then a bed so you don't die at night.
    • 08/06/2023 7:20 am
    • Level 64 : High Grandmaster Pixel Painter
    Oslypsis's Avatar
    Have you tried in a private browser window? Like Google Incognito?
    • 07/12/2023 10:27 am
    • Level 64 : High Grandmaster Pixel Painter
    Oslypsis's Avatar
    Oh I know that feeling. I've created worlds with titles that challenge me, like "you're not gonna finish me, are you?" As well as names like "sPeEdRuN" and stuff to try to motivate myself to not start another world. lol
    • 06/24/2023 12:32 pm
    • Level 64 : High Grandmaster Pixel Painter
    Oslypsis's Avatar
    I'd change the villager and villager-esque mob designs, even if it makes the community unhappy. Maybe I'd need to offer the old designs as an alternative "legacy art" kind of thing within the game. Apparently Notch designed the villagers to have large noses because he was anti-semitic. Then I'd cut ties with the old villager image and make a public statement apologizing for taking so long, and for the previous owner's actions, then clarify they don't represent Mojang's views.
    • 06/20/2023 7:07 pm
    • Level 64 : High Grandmaster Pixel Painter
    Oslypsis's Avatar
    Modrinth is becoming very popular (and supposedly profitable via ad revenue, of which they give 100% to most creators, which is always an incentive) so I'm guessing that's it. At least that's where I'm linking to from now on instead of providing downloads directly from here. Currently in the process of uploading to Modrinth and changing my project files/links on here.
    • 06/05/2023 7:56 pm
    • Level 64 : High Grandmaster Pixel Painter
    Oslypsis's Avatar
    Oh okay. What causes the locked comments on a submission? Because I see that every now and then. Is that just when someone has requested to lock the comments, or their account? Or does it just happen after a certain amount of time for each submission?
    • 05/10/2023 10:26 pm
    • Level 64 : High Grandmaster Pixel Painter
    Oslypsis's Avatar
    Oh this is so lovely! Nice design work, guys!
    • 04/30/2023 12:50 pm
    • Level 64 : High Grandmaster Pixel Painter
    Oslypsis's Avatar
    So I'm going to get crazy for a sec. Apologies.

    We have the Oort cloud surrounding our solar system. The sun is massive compared to our planets/asteroids. We also know that atoms have a massive nucleus as well as a "cloud" of electrons whizzing around them. I've learned that animals like birds and flies experience life at a different time rate than we do because of their brains and how they're structured (See critical flicker frequency, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_60sJZrs3YA). So I wonder, is our solar system (and others) merely atoms for a larger being that experiences time much much slower than we do? Like in a "as above so below" type of way? What do you think?
    • 04/22/2023 5:38 pm
    • Level 64 : High Grandmaster Pixel Painter
    Oslypsis's Avatar
    Supposedly, you can contact the site owners here.
    Email: 9minecraft(dot)net(at)gmail(dot)com

    I've seen mine uploaded somewhere, too, but it seemed to be some foerign site. When I went to click on "Contact Us" the link just took me to the home page instead. So I gave up. That site that my stuff was on is probably just some bot webcrawler looking to get clickbaity stuff to generate more ad revenue.
    • 03/31/2023 1:11 pm
    • Level 64 : High Grandmaster Pixel Painter
    Oslypsis's Avatar
    When inspecting the site code, that number is labeled as the seed, and is "read only". So Idk what that dude did or how he tried to upload his map, but it doesn't seem like you can download it. At least not from what I see. Also judging by the fact it has no download count suggests it can't be downloaded. :( Sorry.

    • 03/30/2023 2:37 pm
    • Level 64 : High Grandmaster Pixel Painter
    Oslypsis's Avatar
    Maybe put hoppers underneath them in a closed chamber. Then with a button and dispenser, have them dispense the head onto themselves by standing in front of the dispenser when pressing the button. If the player has a helmet on, the head will just drop to the floor and get picked up (I think), so they'll need to take off the helmet and press the dispense button again. As long as the head (that's renamed) doesn't go through a hopper identification system, the button press will also open the door. Idk how you make sure they don't keep the head when they leave though.
    • 03/23/2023 9:39 pm
    • Level 64 : High Grandmaster Pixel Painter
    Oslypsis's Avatar
    I feel that maybe there could be a section of PMC where those kinds of packs can be uploaded. Sorta how we can choose "experimental" or "themed" for our texture packs. It would make them easier to find for the kids, and easier to filter out (maybe) for those who don't care to see them.
    • 03/21/2023 2:50 pm
    • Level 64 : High Grandmaster Pixel Painter
    Oslypsis's Avatar
    More customization for everyday vanilla items. Stuff that could be used to distinguish factions. The armor trims are a wonderful example of this, as well as banners. I'd like the banners to be able to be flown sideways, like actual flags. Maybe some customization for boats as well. Tools even? (I know that one's probably already been suggested because of the armor trims). Elytra trims or just something to make it unique to the player!!

    I remember when Pokemon first came out with the character customization options. I was always broke in that game because I was always buying new outfits and stuff! I just want to make my character more.. ME. And also! Think of the role playing aspect of it all :D

    If I were to make a list:
    1. armor trims (got it already, but it counts)
    2. weapon customization, maybe with shapes instead of colors?
    3. the ability to put banners sideways
    4. ability to make banners larger (maybe 2 or 3 x larger, not something crazy giant that could've just been built out of blocks)
    5. ability to put banners on more things like beds, the flanks of horses/camels/etc, maybe also attach them to signs so they can hang from the bottom, underneath the sign
    6. boat trims or ability to put banners on boats as a mast
    7. elytra colors/trims or banner patterns being compatible with the elytra design
    8. more banner patterns and more than just 6 (or is it 7?) layers
    9. custom written book cover colors, maybe with some patterns/designs for the covers to have more than just 1 color. This could be like an in-game version of a wax seal stamp for messages between factions/kingdoms!
    10. maybe also the ability to customize a goat horn to play a series of noteblock notes, maybe a maximum of 6 or 7 like the banner (or more if they were to be expanded upon). We can make our own kingdom anthems/jingles. Maybe this could be done by giving the noteblock a GUI where if you shift click on it and insert any goat horn, then press note buttons it'll play those notes every time the horn is right clicked. Sorta how Animal Crossing New Horizons did it
    11. ability to combine the aesthetics of one armor set with the stats of another. The leather armor and its trims would undoubtedly look really cool, but are super impractical to use late game, especially if pvp is a thing on the server, and a war breaks out lol
    12. ability to customize the GUI color and style of readable books. Imagine having a curly royal purple page background for the royal decrees of law and order of your kingdom, or having an Egyptian looking page for a desert king's last words before he mysteriously perished. Or simply a beautiful layout and color for your diary
    13. shulker trims? lol the trims are really cool and honestly I'd like to see more of them
    14. ability to dye redstone lamps (this was probably already suggested a loooong time ago, but fits with this theme)
    15. let villagers wear (at least leather) armor so we can have our npcs in the kingdom look like they belong by wearing the kingdom's colors. Additionally, this could help sort trading halls by color
    16. maybe let us have a vanilla way of coloring our names in chat to show allegiance to a group, or just for coloring it our favorite color
    17. maybe icons next to our name if we enable it in the settings? not sure how it would work exactly...
    Also, just want to say that I'm not saying that each and every thing in this list is necessary. I'm just spitballing here.

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