Multiversity's Avatar
43/52 Earths, t-minus 22
Level 80
Elite Nerd

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  • Multiversity's Avatar
    May 9, 2021, 7:22 pm to Public
    10 diamonds to anyone who can tell who I'm working on here...

    Antez said 2021-05-09 21:19:09
    Antez's Avatar
    An iron man skin?
    JMCT said 2021-05-09 20:01:11
    JMCT's Avatar
    Honesty, I have no idea.
    MoonAstraea said 2021-05-09 19:38:15
    MoonAstraea's Avatar
    I see a moon

    that's all I've got 🤷‍♀️
    Monsieur Carotte said 2021-05-09 19:28:11
    Monsieur Carotte's Avatar
    Ghost Rider 2099? Or a multiverse Ghost Rider?
  • Multiversity's Avatar
    May 7, 2021, 1:34 pm to Public
    Many thanks to everyone who voted for Pulp Heroes!

    We came within 6 votes of winning this thing. Closing the gap more and more every time!!
    Multiversity replied to JMCT's comment below 2021-05-07 13:55:43
    Multiversity's Avatar

    But that's a good idea, tbh.
    JMCT replied to Multiversity's comment below 2021-05-07 13:53:46
    JMCT's Avatar
    I was thinking of giving a shot at Metamorpho too, or maybe something related to Iron Man's "New Element" from Iron-Man 2 but TBH I still don't know what I'll do.
    Multiversity replied to JMCT's comment below 2021-05-07 13:44:53
    Multiversity's Avatar

    And I really wish I hadn't have done Metamorpho, because he'd be perfect. The best I can think of rn is to do some of the Metal Men, and choose my favourite, but that might be too boring for a competition. Im also thinking about the Animal-Vegetavle-Mineral Man, but the non-elemental parts of that character might be pushing the rules of the contest. LMK if you have any suggestions.

    How about you? Any ideas what you'll enter?
    JMCT said 2021-05-07 13:39:06
    JMCT's Avatar
    Its sad that your idea didn't win, but we hope you can keep trying until it wins!

    Do you already know what you'll do for the periodic table?
  • Multiversity's Avatar
    May 5, 2021, 9:23 pm to Public
    One more rallying call for people to vote for Pulp Heroes in the May Player Skins Contest poll!


    Thanks, folks!
    Chicken Challupa said 2021-05-05 22:38:50
    Chicken Challupa's Avatar
    Voted for ya
    KillerKing767 said 2021-05-05 22:30:21
    KillerKing767's Avatar
    Heck yeah I'm voting!!
  • Multiversity's Avatar
    May 4, 2021, 2:46 pm to Public
    Hey folks!

    Pulp Heroes is back in the running as a Player Skin contest!

    We're talking about a contest with some crazy retro skins that's unlike anything PMC has ever seen. Let's make it happen, folks - I wanna see what epic skins come of this! We came soooooooooo close to making this the last contest but Deep Sea narrowly beat us.

    Here's the link!

    Thanks for your support, PMC-ers.
    puddin13 said 2021-05-04 22:49:20
    puddin13's Avatar
    You will win!
    Chicken Challupa said 2021-05-04 17:36:12
    Chicken Challupa's Avatar
    Voted for you!
    Maximoff said 2021-05-04 15:10:28
    Maximoff's Avatar
    I hope you win!!
  • Multiversity's Avatar
    April 23, 2021, 3:16 pm to Public
    I usually *hate* HD skins, but check out this Steppenwolf skin by KongDesign
    Maximoff said 2021-04-23 15:53:04
    Maximoff's Avatar
    They have good WandaVision skins tooo!!!
  • Multiversity's Avatar
    April 22, 2021, 2:52 pm to Public
    Thank you, 200th subscriber!

    And thank you to the other 199! Let's keep doing cool superhero $hit together!
    The Maniall said 2021-04-23 12:10:24
    The Maniall's Avatar
    Cant wait to see what characters you do next!!!
    JMCT said 2021-04-22 15:20:44
    JMCT's Avatar
    Congrats!! Can't wait for whatever you do next! :)
    Maximoff said 2021-04-22 14:55:50
    Maximoff's Avatar
    Yay!!! Cant wait to see what you do next!!!!
    Shepherd6 said 2021-04-22 14:55:14
    Shepherd6's Avatar
  • Multiversity's Avatar
    March 29, 2021, 3:54 pm to Public
    Hey folks!

    I'm looking for a comic book run to make skins from. I started on PMC as "Opal City," a reference to my favourite comic book series - Starman, by James Robinson - and I did a bunch of the main and supporting characters from that series. Is there a comic book series, hopefully written by one creator, that you'd like to see me do a deep dive on, skin-wise?
    Long Live the Legion replied to Multiversity's comment below 2021-03-30 14:50:45
    Long Live the Legion's Avatar
    Bouceybouce said 2021-03-30 11:53:14
    Bouceybouce's Avatar
    Jonathan Hickmen's run on X-Men would be really cool I'd pick Cyclops, Wolverine, Magneto, Professor X, Jean Grey, and Kid Cable
    DR EPIC 53 said 2021-03-30 10:26:45
    DR EPIC 53's Avatar
    DR EPIC 53 said 2021-03-30 10:24:32
    DR EPIC 53's Avatar
    Superior spider-man
    Maximoff said 2021-03-29 23:20:04
    Maximoff's Avatar
    West Coast Avengers!!
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  • Multiversity's Avatar
    March 8, 2021, 10:25 am to Public
    Hey all!

    If any of you are interested in the CW Flash tv show, or even just the Flash in general, I'd recommend checking out LunatickQamaryy's profile! I've never seen someone go through any TV show in as much detail as he does, with variants from as many characters as you could ever want from that universe. He's also got some cool Marvel skins, and some fun custom stuff. Check it out!
    Kill4rCreeper said 2021-03-08 10:46:39
    Kill4rCreeper's Avatar
    WandaVierwer said 2021-03-08 10:45:18
    WandaVierwer's Avatar
    Winter Soldier said 2021-03-08 10:29:57
    Winter Soldier's Avatar
    Done! His Spider Men are great.
  • Multiversity's Avatar
    March 2, 2021, 4:09 pm to Public
    Welp. Pulp Heroes fell through. Guess PMCs gonna do an aquatic theme for the 10,000th time.

    Oh well. Q for you, fellow nerds ... for my entry Into the skin contest, should I do DC Comics' classic Sea Devils, or the Earth Tangent Sea Devils?

    I'll do both skins, but I'm wondering which one to submit.

    Also, thanks for voting for Pulp Heroes! It's honestly impressive that we finished second!
    I am the Senate said 2021-03-14 18:15:41
    I am the Senate's Avatar
    Rymac99 said 2021-03-02 17:29:57
    Rymac99's Avatar
    It's sad that Pulp heroes lost.

    but Tangent sea devils is my vote
    Feckery said 2021-03-02 17:12:01
    Feckery's Avatar
    JMCT said 2021-03-02 16:44:40
    JMCT's Avatar
    Tangent Sea Devils
    Suddenly Seymour said 2021-03-02 16:12:56
    Suddenly Seymour's Avatar
    I'd love to see the Tangent red dude, but it l looks scarily hard lol
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  • Multiversity's Avatar
    February 26, 2021, 4:29 pm to Public
    Hey folks!

    Thanks for voting for my PMC Contest suggestion! Our "Pulp Heroes" idea has made it to the final round, and you can vote for it here!

    Thanks for your votes!
    JMCT said 2021-02-26 16:32:55
    JMCT's Avatar
    You need to win this, you deserve it!
    Dancing_Clown said 2021-02-26 16:32:53
    Dancing_Clown's Avatar
    Done! Good luck man
  • Multiversity's Avatar
    February 19, 2021, 11:36 am to Public
    Hey, uber-nerd guys and gals!

    Even though my MCU skins are much more popular than ny DC Comics skins, I still prefer the latter. Comment below if there's a character from the DC Comics Multiverse or from DC's elseworlds that you'd like to see in Minecrsft skin form!

    (Plse not Earth-0/Earth-1 characters)

    Thank you!
    Multiversity replied to Chuckee's comment below 2021-02-19 23:21:59
    Multiversity's Avatar
    Sounds like a plan!
    Multiversity replied to Cara Dune's comment below 2021-02-19 23:20:59
    Multiversity's Avatar
    Great idea! I wish DC would revisit that series.
    Multiversity replied to JMCT's comment below 2021-02-19 23:20:28
    Multiversity's Avatar
    Batman who frags never even occured to me. That's a great idea!

    Orion sounds good! I tried to do him a while back, so I'm glad to swing back and do him proper now that I know how to make decent skins!

    I'll definitely look at future state! Vampaa has kind of cornered that market, but you never know...!
    Multiversity replied to Rymac99's comment below 2021-02-19 23:18:07
    Multiversity's Avatar
    Good plans, all around!

    I'm glad someone else is into Kingdom Come and Red Son! Those series have some of the best characters around.
    Chuckee said 2021-02-19 14:27:59
    Chuckee's Avatar
    Dark multiverse stuff!!
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  • Multiversity's Avatar
    February 15, 2021, 6:33 pm to Public
    Hey y'all!

    Vote for my suggestion on PMC's Player Skins Contest Ideas! It's the "Pulp Heroes" entry (which you can find here)!

    Cara Dune said 2021-02-15 23:38:37
    Cara Dune's Avatar
    Suddenly Seymour said 2021-02-15 19:34:36
    Suddenly Seymour's Avatar
    Done. Good luck
    Lord of the Sea said 2021-02-15 18:52:46
    Lord of the Sea's Avatar
    Already did. This sounds like a great idea.
    Maximoff said 2021-02-15 18:42:54
    Maximoff's Avatar
    Shepherd6 said 2021-02-15 18:42:31
    Shepherd6's Avatar
  • Multiversity's Avatar
    January 25, 2021, 1:25 am to Public
    Hey, folks!

    I'm looking to create a Metamorpho skin (this fella). The character is a combination of various elements. Since I like to make my skins as consistent as possible with the world of Minecraft, I want to make each part of his body a different type of Minecraft texture - and I need your help!

    LMK in the comments below which classic Minecraft textures should be used for each of Metamorpho's limbs, and I'll give you credit when I publish the skin!

    Head (white) - ?
    Left Arm/Chest (purple or pink) - ?
    Right Arm/Chest (orange) - ?
    Left Leg (white/grey) - ?
    Right Leg (brown) -?

    Thanks in advance for your suggestions!
    JMCT said 2021-01-25 03:44:21
    JMCT's Avatar
    Head: Bone Block
    Left arm: Stripper Crimson Hyphae
    Right arm: Red Smooth Sandstone
    Left leg: Diamond Block but iron Block color palet, if not just go with Smooth Quartz
    Right leg: Soul Soil and Dirt
    MoonAstraea said 2021-01-25 01:38:38
    MoonAstraea's Avatar
    You could do the Left Arm as Obsidian. :)
    Shepherd6 said 2021-01-25 01:36:22
    Shepherd6's Avatar
    Magenta concrete powder would look really good on the left arm and chest bit
    GOD SET said 2021-01-25 01:30:34
    GOD SET's Avatar
    Left Leg outside Mushroom stem?
    Sheep Dog said 2021-01-25 01:29:08
    Sheep Dog's Avatar
    Head - Snow or White Wool
    LA/C - Purpur
    RA/C - Gold, Honey, or Shroomlight
    LL - Iron Block
    RL - Dirt, Soul Sand, Ancient Debris, or Red Sandstone

    Good luck!
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