Medium_fryguy's Avatar
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  • About Fryguy

    🍟 Just a random fry in the universe who was dared to make a minecraft skin by their friends and post it. 🍟

    username Java minecraft: Medium_Fry14
    username minecraft PE/bedrock: keikilove

    the main video games I play: Minecraft (no duh), Fortnite,
    Star wars battlefront II, Zelda botw and Zelda totk,

    likes: obviously french fries 🍟
       reptiles ⚝🐒⚝
       cheese πŸ§€
       bacon πŸ₯“
    (don't tell anybody but you can sometimes bribe me with bacon 😲)
       camping πŸ•οΈ
       oversized sweaters πŸ§₯
       art 🎨
       anything 80's or 90's πŸ“»
       orange and army green 🎨
       anything dangerous πŸ’£ (manly things that explode)
    dislikes: peas πŸ«›
        color pink (unless its coral pink)
       people who take forever to order somthin
        people who steal others work and don't give credit
       scam callers
        sus people on the internet ࢞
       when my brother cooks food (bro literally lit the kitchen on fire)
         math problems (especially the ones that have almost no purpose in life)
      Mc Donald's
       that one kid that thinks there so cool cuz they
       got the latest iPhone or went to Mc Donald's
       when someone touches me (especially with dry crusty skin or sweaty hands😦)

                         I may not post much due to school
                          I usually take a while to respond to texts ect.
  • not so secret secret

    BEHOLD THE "Secret" MENU for the best fast food restaurant out there (if you can't tell what the restaurant is then look at the menu already) (if you still can't see it you either need glasses or you choose to keep reading to see where this goes... so drink some water or go touch grass ₍^. Μ«.^β‚Ž )

    In-n-Out Not-So-Secret Menu (Non-Menu Items), updated and cleaned up design : sandiego
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