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Elite Farmer

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    06/26/2011 3:00 pm
    Level 88 : Elite Farmer
    Letiliel's Avatar
    halucidBUT WHAT IF the reel was recoded to showcase 8 of the 16 most popular sumbissions at random.
    Or just increase the number of projects in the reel to 16 (or 20, or whatever number that will allow all the good things to get exposure at some point), it's already displaying in random order.

    Skins are a particular topic because of the amount of submissions and because usually you don't want to have the same skin as everyone else.
    06/26/2011 4:06 am
    Level 88 : Elite Farmer
    Letiliel's Avatar
    Well I'm a bit frustrated to see my pack being replaced on the reel by packs like SimpleCraft that took like 100 times less work than mine to create, that has a ratio of downloads/view around 1%, and a negative score...

    You really need to stop according so much importance to the number of views btw, the number of downloads is MUCH more relevant to express the quality and interest of people for the entries.

    ZaralithItems that are on the featured reel are checked over 24 hours and it is planned (if not already in place) for items on the reel to have a multiplyer attached that decays how much the last 24 hours are worth, until it is not possible for the item to be featured any more.
    Sounds a bit strange to me. When you open up a section, it shows the list of Latest entries by default, which is fine. But most visitors are mainly interested in seeing the best stuff, so the reel is the place where they expect to see this best stuff. If half of the time (if I understood correctly) the most popular things are not there, it misses the point.
    So either the reel is used to show only the very best things again, or they should be listed prominently somewhere near (maybe at the top of the right bar).

    In my opinion, the reel should show the Today's most popular stuff, but just more than 8.

    PS: the thread could be moved to the Feedback section now I guess
    06/25/2011 5:08 pm
    Level 88 : Elite Farmer
    Letiliel's Avatar

    Arggh I'm flooding !
    06/22/2011 9:24 am
    Level 88 : Elite Farmer
    Letiliel's Avatar
    HD skins only work as a replacement for the default skin (minecraft.jar/mob/char.png) and only you can see it, in place of the steeve skin on players who don't have a custom one. You can't upload an HD skin to minecraft.net.
    So the use for HD skins is pretty limited for now. Hopefully the Mojang folks will add support for custom HD skins when they add support for HD packs altogether.
    06/16/2011 6:09 am
    Level 88 : Elite Farmer
    Letiliel's Avatar
    A forced comment would solve the issue for me, even better if it is not anonymous. It would then enforce constructive feedback, which is a positive thing in compensation for the negative vote.

    One of the best systems for me is the one there is at nwvault, the Neverwinter Nights community site. It works as rating + forced comment. I don't have seen any clashes between people due to the non-anonymity of ratings.
    Giving a low score feels less aggressive than a "downvote" (which can litterally be thought as "I want to see this crap sink") and ratings are a more accurate indactor of quality than the upvotes percentage.
    06/14/2011 3:41 pm
    Level 88 : Elite Farmer
    Letiliel's Avatar
    I'm maybe too emotional but I keep getting bugged by the few downvotes I get.
    I mean, we all distribute our work to the community for free, I find it's a harsh attitude to come and say to the author and everyone else that you don't like the work he's offering for free and never forced you to use. The anonymity and the simplicity of casting a vote permits and encourages this here but in real life if you visit a free art gallerie that you end up not liking, you don't go tell the artist and everyone at the gallerie entrance that you don't like his paintings. Actually you don't even anonymously go tag the entry wall with "this is bad art". Why is it considered a normal thing on the internet ?

    If downvotes were at least accompanied by comments, that would be useful for the entry author. I actually like to know why people don't like what I'm doing, even if it's just a difference in tastes. But voting down anonymously just feels aggressive.

    And again, it's not even especially useful to visitors to see how many downvotes an entry has. There are many other as good indicators of popularity.
    05/14/2011 8:17 pm
    Level 88 : Elite Farmer
    Letiliel's Avatar
    They are what interests the most people. (I think.) It doesn't have to do with the featured image, which can be as appealing for projects, servers and whatnot.
    05/14/2011 12:19 pm
    Level 88 : Elite Farmer
    Letiliel's Avatar
    Here's a list of reserved characters on the various systems: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filename#Reserved_characters_and_words
    I think the ones I cited above (space, single quote, period) are safe. But yeah, I do remember having issues with php file managing relating to filenames...
    05/14/2011 11:24 am
    Level 88 : Elite Farmer
    Letiliel's Avatar
    Er, wow, that was fast ! ^^

    Tested, it still changes spaces with hyphens, caps with lower case, removes dots and single quotes, etc. but it's much better !
    05/14/2011 10:49 am
    Level 88 : Elite Farmer
    Letiliel's Avatar
    Great, thanks !
    05/14/2011 9:07 am
    Level 88 : Elite Farmer
    Letiliel's Avatar
    I'm not sure what you mean but MCEdit schematics are renamed too when uploaded to PMC. Example here
    05/13/2011 11:10 am
    Level 88 : Elite Farmer
    Letiliel's Avatar
    ML32People have opinions, even if they're biased or driven by negativity.
    Ok I don't say that the information is totally uninteresting but let's stand back a bit : what's the (supposed) use of these votes ? It is to help visitors to easily find things that have high chances to interest them. But the biased aspect of a lot of down votes makes the information deceitful. And the number of dowloads, visits, likes, etc, provide enough data to determine popularity.
    So, they are quite useless and frustrate the authors... why keeping them ?

    ML32Also, Ovocean, you should be able to change your votes. May have been a site error when you tried before.
    To test, I just voted down one of my projects then voted it right back up no problem. Let us know if it still doesn't work for you
    I don't want to vote up, I want to remove my vote. But thanks !
    05/13/2011 9:46 am
    Level 88 : Elite Farmer
    Letiliel's Avatar
    I'd suggest to remove the down votes, they bring nothing but negativity ; they are a motivation killer for the author and are often given by hateful/jaleous/biased people.
    To illustrate the latter thing, I'll take my own vote against ... I'm sure I wouldn't have sent this down vote if I wasn't in competition with him and jaleous of his popularity. I immediately regretted this vote but there seems to be no way to revoke it.

    So what I'd envision instead of the vote system is a single "I like" button.
    The likes/views ratio could be used in the popularity formula.

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