Kiryutojo's Avatar
The Mad Dog of the Overworld
  • Time huh?

  • The Tojo welcomes you!

    Hi I'm Kiryutojo! Fan of the Yakuza/Like a Dragon series, Death Battle, JJBA, FNAF, Persona, Marvel, DC, Nier and more!

    Favorite musical is The Stupendium and I LOVE every Jojo OP and ending, even Chase.

    I love making good skins for things, I want to turn into a skin. Still a noob when it comes to Planet Minecraft asides from posting and editing skins tho lol.

    If you have a request for a skin just let me know in DMs with some source of reference if possible lol.
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    • Kiryutojo's Avatar
      June 6, 2024, 8:25 pm to Public
      So that's the end for the Mass Effect skins. Now what's next? With Skin Fight happening, I have decided to focus on making skins for the event. Bad news is that since I like to make most skins well in advance but that really isn't possible here so in order not to give myself a headache...

      I decided to only upload 1 skin per day instead of 2. Now there may be times I post more. I been posting daily skins for over a year now so that isn't changing but think about it as a mini break from the double uploads. Just while SF is happening and then things should go back to normal lol
    • Kiryutojo's Avatar
      Kiryutojo shared Palaeos's post
      June 6, 2024, 4:46 am with Public
      Palaeos's Avatar
      June 5, 2024, 8:05 pm to Public
      Im sick of all this bigotry. If you are intending to post some ridiculous homophobic/transphobic nonsense kindly just submit a ticket asking for your account to be deleted. Honestly if I have to choose between dealing with bots or banning people for bigotry I am going to ban the bigots before the bots (dont worry I have time for both)

      For the non losers on this site, thanks for being nicer to your fellow person, feel free to DM me any concerns, ping me or report any bigotry and dont engage with them, leave the headache and the mental gymnastics to me.
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    • Kiryutojo's Avatar
      June 6, 2024, 4:44 am to Public
    • Kiryutojo's Avatar
      June 4, 2024, 11:49 pm to Public
      So I made a custom list for SF skins. And ngl I am only focusing on the starting rooster/people I know/counter attacks. If I get any) rn. Since I don't want to check who's new every day. When the sigh ups closes on the 15th, I'll add the new people to my list. I want to do as many people as possible but that's a tall order so I can only promise that I will try my best.
    • Kiryutojo's Avatar
      June 3, 2024, 11:10 pm to Public
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  • Quotes

    Cool quotes
    A hero need not speak. When he is gone, the World will speak for him

    What is better? To be born good or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?


    A real man... oughta be a little stupid

    I realize now that rank #1 isn’t an achievement; it’s a prison which forces you to dedicate your life to defend a temporary title

    What is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets. But enough talk, HAVE AT YOU!

    Stand in the ashes of a trillion dead souls, and asks the ghosts if honor matters. The silence is your answer

    I always come back!

    Yo... Kiryu-chan!

    I told you... It's. No. Use!

    You have your tricks and your tools, but I created something beyond the limits of human existence! I operate on a scale you can't even comprehend

    Behold the mighty Lord Frieza, ruler of a dying planet, my planet. Where is your army? Where is your ship? So powerful, and yet you will wander the depths of space for eternity, all because of me! What a fool

    I know your type: the nihilist know-it-all. But through all this wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey rubbish, there's one thing you never quite understood: I'm the Doctor, and I don't want to go

    Victory comes with no certain satisfaction. I may never know why we were made to fight. If violence is ever truly justified. But perhaps there is something...worthy in the battle. Something beyond my understanding

    Funny quotes
    It’s dangerous to go alone, take this!

    I used to be an adventurer like you. Then I took an arrow in the knee

    The cake is a lie

    I’ll take a potato chip...and eat it!

    Do a barrel roll!

    So I did what any self respecting Skyblock player would do and I spent 30 minutes in the shop buying ice" *insert a pause* "I'm having fun" *insert another pause* "I dropped out of college for this


    Of course I don’t suffer from hubris because hubris is a flaw, and I am perfect. Therefore, I don't have hubris

    I had to take a break from drowning to get a glass of water


    Snake? Snake? SNAAAAAKE!

    Time huh? Thanks for the tip

    Sorry, was that important?

    Space. Space. i'm in space! SPAAAAACE!

    Quotes to live by
    Technoblade Never Dies

    Once you’re at rock bottom, the only way forward is up. But the bottom doesn’t have to be all dark and gloomy. If you can stand and look up, you’ll see the light of hope there

    There's no shame in falling down! True shame is to not stand up again!

    It's more important to master the cards you're holding than to complain about the ones your opponents were dealt

    Reject common sense to make the impossible possible

    I see now that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are

    The difference between a novice and a master is that a master has failed more times than a novice had tried

    I hate perfection. To be perfect is to be unable to improve any further

    The ending isn’t any more important than any of the moments leading to it
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