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Level 63
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    04/16/2023 10:30 pm
    Level 63 : High Grandmaster Modder
    Geforce's Avatar
    I removed the phone number that you included in your thread. As a general rule for safety, don't post personal contact info online, especially on a public forum where anyone can see it. If you would like to give people a way of contacting you outside of PMC, you could make something like a Minecraft-specific email or Discord account.
    01/22/2023 1:37 am
    Level 63 : High Grandmaster Modder
    Geforce's Avatar
    "Why is no one updating mods/resource packs?" This is literally a discussion that only applies to Minecraft.

    And I'm not ranting at all. I'm simply defending Minecraft content creators from people who are ungrateful for all the time and effort they've already put into their work and expect them to go above and beyond in terms of content/support for nothing in return.
    01/21/2023 11:42 pm
    Level 63 : High Grandmaster Modder
    Geforce's Avatar
    Except that mechanics are paid for their work and modders/resource pack artists aren't. Content creators don't owe you "maintenance" nor a reason why they stopped working on their content if/when they do. You're not paying for anything, so expecting modders or resource pack artists to forever support and update their content for free just because you want it is ridiculous. Be thankful that you got their content in the first place, because they could've not even released it at all or placed it behind a paywall. "Can they at least update [​insert content] to [​insert version]?" No, strangers on the Internet are not entitled to that. This attitude is what discourages many content creators from working on their content in the first place.

    Also, you don't need a "5 year course on programming" to update resource packs. As long as you can do basic file navigation and text editing, you can update most packs yourself (the more recent, the better). It may take time, but it's usually not "hard" per pe, just tedious. Capricocious's statement still holds true: if someone isn't updating their content that you want, ask them nicely if you could do it, and then help them out and do it yourself.
    11/30/2022 2:50 pm
    Level 63 : High Grandmaster Modder
    Geforce's Avatar
    It seems like your default program for .jar files is some kind of PDF reader or browser. Right-click the file and select Open With > Java Platform SE Binary instead. Although, you don't need to "open" .jar files. Simply place the files into your mods folder and Forge will load them up for you.
    10/20/2022 12:51 am
    Level 63 : High Grandmaster Modder
    Geforce's Avatar
    "Major version 63" refers to Java 19 files and it looks like you're trying to run your server with Java 17 installed. All those "unsupported class file major version 63" errors is probably suggesting that you don't have the correct version of Java installed.
    07/11/2022 3:17 am
    Level 63 : High Grandmaster Modder
    Geforce's Avatar
    The "org.lwjgl.LWJGLException: Pixel format not accelerated" generally means that you either don't have up-to-date graphics drivers installed or that your hardware doesn't support the graphics libraries (LWJGL and others) that Minecraft needs. In this case, as you can probably tell, it's definitely your hardware. Basically none of your specs meet Minecraft's minimum requirements for more "modern" versions and that Intel Q35 Express GPU specifically doesn't support newer LWJGL libraries. Time for a new PC!
    07/09/2022 11:36 pm
    Level 63 : High Grandmaster Modder
    Geforce's Avatar
    What do you mean by you "can't"? Right-click the mod files and hit delete. If you're getting an error message, share it here.
    07/07/2022 1:54 am
    Level 63 : High Grandmaster Modder
    Geforce's Avatar
    Error codes don't actually mean much in Minecraft. Those codes are seemingly random and hardly ever help to diagnose the problem. Post the crash report (or, if you don't have one, the .minecraft/logs/latest.log file) here using something like Pastebin or, as that actually describes what the problem you're having is.
    06/19/2022 2:01 am
    Level 63 : High Grandmaster Modder
    Geforce's Avatar
    "Proper" Minecraft costs $30 (in the US) from There are no free versions available, besides the Java demo, that are legitimate or legal.
    06/15/2022 5:50 pm
    Level 63 : High Grandmaster Modder
    Geforce's Avatar
    Hi TrinityWarrior, please increase the age requirement in your post to be at least 13 years. 12 year olds are not allowed to have accounts on Planet Minecraft nor Discord (and most other sites) due to COPPA laws. Thanks.
    06/15/2022 2:47 pm
    Level 63 : High Grandmaster Modder
    Geforce's Avatar
    Mojang's support team are the only people who can help with account-specific issues as they have access to everyone's accounts.
    04/09/2022 10:33 pm
    Level 63 : High Grandmaster Modder
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    Cracked servers are not allowed on Planet Minecraft.
    03/08/2022 7:58 pm
    Level 63 : High Grandmaster Modder
    Geforce's Avatar
    Java programs themselves are usually upwards compatible as lloyddominic said, but Minecraft mods aren't. You can't use a mod made for Minecraft 1.12 in 1.18 or vice versa. Mods have to be made for the version of Minecraft that you want to use. If you were trying to figure out a way to use 1.12 mods in 1.18, you can't do that.
    02/23/2022 1:47 pm
    Level 63 : High Grandmaster Modder
    Geforce's Avatar
    Balkon's WeaponMod back in Beta (Modloader days :3).
    02/13/2022 5:47 pm
    Level 63 : High Grandmaster Modder
    Geforce's Avatar
    It's back up. If you delete something by mistake, simply ask a moderator and they can restore it for you.
    02/09/2022 12:25 am
    Level 63 : High Grandmaster Modder
    Geforce's Avatar
    Could you give us a link to this Airship Battle map's page? Is it this one from 2011? If it is, here's the download link.
    01/31/2022 2:33 am
    Level 63 : High Grandmaster Modder
    Geforce's Avatar
    Submissions that need to be greenlit are placed in a running queue. Generally, greenlights can take between a few hours to a few days to be looked at. We approve submissions as quickly as we can, but remember that moderators on Planet Minecraft are volunteers and may have other things going on in their lives. We will get to your post as soon as possible.
    01/13/2022 3:04 am
    Level 63 : High Grandmaster Modder
    Geforce's Avatar
    We banned the use of adfly/fumacrom in February of last year because they tend to use overly malicious/invasive advertising strategies such as forcing users to enable fake notifications in their browser or promoting fake Google Chrome "virus scanner" plugins that users had to download in order to access the actual download page. Members who used adfly links in their submissions prior to Feb. 2021 are grandfathered in, but no adfly links are allowed in newer submissions. Adfocus is still allowed, however.
    01/08/2022 7:38 pm
    Level 63 : High Grandmaster Modder
    Geforce's Avatar
    Honest question: why would someone work as your video editor for nothing in return? Besides money, do you have any other types of "payment" that you could offer them instead? Perhaps that would encourage more people to help you out.

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