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    i'm fender, or ender-blade depending on where you find me.

    people usually list their interests here, but i have too many things i'm into. you'll figure it out in time probably.

    if you see anyone reuploading or plagiarising my content, please let me know!
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    • ender-blade's Avatar
      February 28, 2023, 1:43 am to Public
      Allegedly I left very negative descriptions on some of my own old skins! Worry not, I purged them. We do not take this kind of self-deprecation here! Stay strong, soldiers.
    • ender-blade's Avatar
      October 17, 2021, 6:33 pm to Public
      3 months go brrr
    • ender-blade's Avatar
      July 16, 2021, 1:13 am to Public
      can confirm the long awaited Yuukoaioi Nichijou skin has begun production and is moving along smoothly. expect to see an actual skin posted by me in the extremely near future.
    • ender-blade's Avatar
      June 9, 2021, 3:31 am to Public
      It's been a bit. School wrapping up took a lot out of me, and I've been recovering a bit over the last few weeks. Planning on re-setting up shop this week.
    • ender-blade's Avatar
      May 17, 2021, 11:34 pm to Public
      Been taking a bit of a breather since crunchtime getting that contest skin done. I'll be done with school in two weeks so I'll have time to waste on random hobbies and stuff. I've got a sort-of "roadmap" which currently consists of Madoka Magica, Touhou, Fullmetal Alchemist, and Soul Eater. Well uh, stay tooned
    • ender-blade's Avatar
      April 4, 2021, 4:57 pm to Public
      I'm going to be working a bit more from scratch on Tsukasa. Kagami's design bears lots of similarities to Konata's, and there were a ton of spots to fill in that were covered by Konata's hair, so I wasn't afraid to work off of it. I still made a few alterations, most notably in the arms where the uniform sleeves appear to sit a bit differently. I don't know if I'm reaching a bit, but it still helps to set them apart.

      Tsukasa has a vastly different physique, and her uniform sits totally differently on her. I've completely cleared everything, making sides solid colors, and am going to try to capture her look well despite the playermodel being the same exact size. Miyuki will be given the same treatment.
    • ender-blade's Avatar
      March 8, 2021, 5:57 pm to Public


    • ender-blade's Avatar
      March 6, 2021, 1:47 am to Public
      I've made a few discoveries.

      First of all, someone made an edited version of my Quote skin with gloves! Very cool. https://namemc.com/skin/7da7f743020b1b29

      Secondly, someone has reuploaded my Curly Brace skin with some edits. https://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/curly-brace-cave-story-4524721/
      Setting aside the fact that this falls under the rule of plagiarizing submissions, I think it improves upon mine in some regard.

      On mine, the hair looks almost muted in a sense, and it seems awfully short compared to official artwork (I intended to go more off of in-game sprites). The face also looks off, as well as just the skin in general, to me anyways.

      This plagiarized skin has brightened the hair and made it long, filling in more space. While not at all the art direction I intended to take with the skin, I will admit it possibly looks more appealing to the general Minecraft skin audience. The issue with that is, well, it was. It has nearly double the views and almost triple the downloads.

      I don't care what you do with my skins, putting gloves on them and whatnot. But if you plan on uploading your edited version to a site such as PMC without asking me, passing it off as more original than it actually is, and then garnering three times as many impressions and downloads as the skin you plagiarized? I don't think so.
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