Austrian Steamer Lines's Avatar
  • Story and Timeline

    My name is Severus Gräber(also my Youtube name), Im from Austria and I got interested in building ships and in the summer of 2019 I wanted to get serious . I got to work and I uploaded my first ship in October 2019.
    I always try to improve myself and give you guys the best possible. My ships are often built in a timely manner, however there will be gaps inbetween because of school.
    Thanks for supporting my work!

    ASL History: ASL was founded in 1840 and started sailing ships on the Atlantic Ocean. In order to improve business, ASL bought a chunk of a defunct line and made it into BTL, the British Division in 1850. ASL went bankrupt in 1970.

    ASL Flag

    BTL Flag

    ASL Shipcount: 13 Ships , 5 Versions
    BTL Shipcount: 5 Ships , 1 Version

    !!Ships will be released on the official Imperial Shipyard PMC!!
    Imperial Discord:
    Timeline (newest at the bottom)
    Statuses: Not Started In Planning Under Construction Pending Release
    Last updated 03.07.2022

    Started October 7th 2019
    SS Maria die Schöne
    [​YardNo.1](October 2019)
    SS Erika die Schnelle
    [​YardNo.2] (October 2019)
    SS Erwin der Kleine
    [​YardNo.3](December 2019)
    Year 2020

    SS Emmanuel der Schnelle [​YardNo.4](February 2020)
    SS Alexander der Große
    [​YardNo.5](March 2020)
    SS Alexander der Elegante
    [​YardNo.6](April 2020)
    + Troop Ship Version (April 2020)
    SS Josef der Heilige
    [​YardNo.7](May 2020)
    + Troop Ship Version (July 2020)
    SS Josef der Bamherzige
    [​YardNo.8](June 2020)
    + Hospital Ship Version (July 2020)
    SS Anna die Schnelle
    [​YardNo.9](August 2020)
    + Wreck Version (September 2020)
    SS Anna die Schöne
    [​YardNo.10](August 2020)
    + Troop Ship Version (August 2020)

    SS Wilhelm der Große
    [​YardNo.11](December 2021)
    SS Wilhelm der Starke
    [​YardNo.12](December 2021)
    Year 2021

    + Troop Ship Version (January 2021)
    RMS Arctic [​YardNo.1A](February 2021)
    +Hospital Ship Version(April 2021)
    RMS Tropic
    [​YardNo.2A](March 2021)
    SS Atlantic
    [​YardNo.3A](May 2021)
    SS Pacific
    [​YardNo.4A](June 2021)
    SS Ernest Rutherford
    [​YardNo.5A](July 2021)
    Year 2022
    RPD Mozart der Große
    [​YardNo.14](March 2022)
    +Hospital Ship Version(Not started July 2022)
    RPD Mozart der Schnelle
    [​YardNo.15](Under Construction July 2022)
    SY Österreich[​YardNo.13](Under Construction August 2022)
    SS Chopin der Schnelle
    [​YardNo.16](Not started October 2022)
    SS Chopin der Chamante
    [​YardNo.17](Not started October 2022)
    +Hospital Ship Version(Not started November 2021)
    SS Chopin der Große
    [​YardNo.18](Not started November 2022)

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    • Austrian Steamer Lines's Avatar
      Austrian Steamer Lines
      February 10, 2022, 2:36 pm to Public
      Man, its been a while, hasn't it? Sorry about that, but thats life for you. Anyways, the Mozart is at the last steps, but the Engines are the current bottleneck, so I have no clue how long it will take. I'd rather have the ship be of high quality, than have it get released sooner.

      I've started working on videos again as you may have noticed, now I've also started releasing music, as I've been composing in my free time in the last years (You can hear the products of that in my videos of the last few years) and now I finally felt like releasing some music for real, so enjoy I guess : D.

      Still unsure about the yacht build, as that will come after the Mozart and that is already a grey area, as in when it will get released, so hang in there. Sorry for this massive book I'm writing today, I'm just rambling a little to catch y'all up again. Now it may feel like I haven't been as active in general, and that thought is justified, but I'm gonna try to get back on track soon, anyways have a good day! : D
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    Severus Gräber
    Subscribers: 1,450
    Videos: 106

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