Fridge Society's Avatar
its super cold in here, and i found leftover frozen chicken from last year
Apprentice Community
Level 3
we are the ones of the fridge. we live in a big fridge. we are the ones acclimated to cold climates and need to be cold to live. welcome


Frequently Asked Questions

Is this place a joke?
What are the Different ranks mean
here we have a few ranks among us that allow us to know who is ranked what, they are as follows.

Chilled=you are now a member of fridge society

Lunchmeat = our form of moderator, your job is to moderate the group's content, but you can't make content yourself

freezerburned=you get this when you have been here for a while

frozen leftovers.= you are an admin

Frozen vent = someone popular, who can feel free to add whatever content of theirs they want to help us grow. not mold. no moldy fridge.

jar of something= like a VIP. someone special to an admin who wanted to join the group
can i join?
be sure to mark our guest book and some of you will be selected to become preserved food.
why are so many of the widgets stretched out?
one of our admins known as phantasem (me) has a broken scroll wheel on their mouse and did it for accessibility
how does this group work
basically its all of us puppeteering a little group on planet Minecraft. and please ignore the henti ads* that keep showing up on our page. we can't find a way to get rid of them despite our best efforts.

*(my computer has a sick mindset and it disgusts me)
whats our backstory?
Entry of phantasem: i discovered about groups and decided to make my own and added my friend as the members
why is almost all of this in lowercase
because me (phantasem again) has a tendency to ignore the shift key altogether.

content related stuff

do we make content?
what kind of content do we make?
any and all sorts of content.

member related FAQ's

What are member related FAQ's
FAQ answers but for those who are already members. stuff like your initiation and what we do here as a sort of "mental note"
des all the content have to be fridge related
of coarse no. unless we are hosting some sort of competition you don't NEED to do themed content of course you can if you want. the world is your leftover oysters
why dont we get the VIP role
because that role is reserved for someone special. really special. your still my friends but this JesBelle is on a whole new level of important. (they are related to me) -phantasem
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