Hello there

star_weaver's Avatar star_weaver12/12/23 6:10 am history
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12/12/2023 6:48 pm
Aelius5's Avatar Aelius5
I figured it was about time I (re?) introduced myself a little, I've been around for a few years. would prefer to be called either Star or Amethyst.
I come from New Zealand/middle earth.
I'm a bit of an open book so feel free to ask questions, I don't bite,.... much.
I know a bit about mods and helping people with errors when it comes to using them as well as with servers.
I have ran modded servers in the past and managed to get them running somewhat well on hardware that shouldn't have any business even being plugged in.
I will probably be less active in the forums due to becoming a forum mod and not wanting to give bad information or advice and people taking it over someone who may have better due to that.
I have just recently taken up the mantle of helping keep this community clean and friendly.
Posted by star_weaver's Avatar
Forum Moderator
Level 26 : Expert Princess

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12/12/2023 6:48 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Aelius5's Avatar
12/12/2023 11:11 am
They/Them • Level 74 : Legendary Vampire Prince
Drzzter's Avatar
hiya, nice to meet you! :]

thanks for joining the team and helping us keep things tidy! it takes a little bit to get comfortable in the role, but don't let it forever-discourage you from talking to other people/giving advice, you've posted a lot of super helpful stuff to the forums in the past

do you have any favorite mods? i'm playing a small modded server with some friends right now and we're always experimenting with additions to the modpack
12/12/2023 3:26 pm
Level 26 : Expert Princess
star_weaver's Avatar
its less of a singular favorite mod and more of a favorite small set of mods. pneumaticcraft, mekanism and rftools

also, you missed a prime "General Kenobi" opportunity
Planet Minecraft


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