Arctic Summit Community Event

PMC's Avatar PMC12/1/19 12:03 pm history
24 emeralds 950 20
12/24/2019 9:49 am
endye's Avatar endye

terrainWelcome to the Arctic Summit!

We're celebrating the chilly December month by harnessing our combined creativity to transform PMC and Minecraft into a joyful and wintry Arctic Summit! Grab some hot cocoa, spread that cozy creative warmth, or use it to blast the arctic cold into your creations. Let's share the holiday spirit and celebrate our favorite festivities! Grab your biggest scarf, suit up in your warmest winter gear and join us at the peak of the mountain to share your carefully crafted creations with Planet Minecraft family and friends. Cheers!

Don't get cold feet! Here's what we do.

We're collecting all of this December's themed creations and packing them together like one big blocky, pixel appreciating present! During this themed month-long event, each member or team can enter up to five winter-themed creations. We welcome skins, maps, blogs and Data Packs or any combination of them. Don't be shy, join the fun! There are as many possibilities as the amount of snowflakes on the North pole! As long as your entries relate to winter in some way, whether it's cold and frigid or cozy and festive, they are welcome in our Arctic Summit event.

Event? This means no competition, no judges and no final leader board. This event is for the pure fun of creating something together as a community! At the end of the event, each participant will receive a special award for their trophy case. Go alone, team up, roll over, it's all good.

I've crafted some winter magic, now what?

No need for gift-wrapping! Here's how you submit your entry, it's simple. Create something new or multiple somethings that are winter-themed. Upload your creation to one of the following categories: Projects, Skins, Blogs or Data Packs. Upload your creation like normal but check the box indicating it's for the "Arctic Summit Community Event".

To add to the event experience, we encourage you to diamond, favorite and comment on your favorite winter submissions this month. Maybe share your favorites in a wall-post or gather them into a collection! Everyone appreciates receiving positive responses to their creations.

person_pinWinter Profile Themes
If you decorate your profile for the season, we want to see! Snow, ice, candy canes and more - There are a couple of ways to do this: you can comment on this thread and let us know, OR you can tag us Cyprezz, PMC or DinowCookie, in a wall post and we will take a peek! At the conclusion of the event, we will feature one or more members profiles for readers to see!

Take your time, you've got the entire month of December!

Even though this is a non-competitive event, we encourage you to do your best. The event will be active for the entire month of December, so don't rush it! Here are some tips for each category:

If you enter a project, we encourage you to share a world save or schematic so that we can use your creation in Minecraft. You can create any kind of project. That includes land, air, sea, space and time structures, adventure maps, redstone contraptions, organics, terraforms and pixel art. Be sure to include some good visuals (screenshots) and a clear description with your project to maximize the experience.

If you enter a skin, go for good usable character skins that people can use to dress-up winter-style in Minecraft! Start from scratch rather than using any default or common base textures. There are several Minecraft skin editing programs available but we recommend PMCSkin3D! If you need some help getting started with skins, PMC member Beanie made this excellent video tutorial on the basics of Minecraft skin editing!

If you enter a blog you naturally have more options than we can give advice on. The blog section allows for all kinds of writing, including stories, poems, articles and interviews. Write to impress and shuffle in some proper grammar whenever possible. Dot your i's and sip your teas as they can be hot.

If you enter a Data Pack who knows what you'll add into the game to make Minecraft more seasonal and fun to explore during and of course after this winter event! We're excited to see and try what you come up with.

If you enter artwork or a video, I love your unharnessed creativity and you can use the blog section to share it! We don't require featured images for blogs but a good one can raise an eyebrow or two resulting in more views so it's a recommendation. PMC member Chiaroscuro wrote a great tutorial on how to create featured images which will help you to create your own.

assignment_turned_in Rules & Guidelines

Even though this is a non-competitive event, there are a couple of rules and guidelines.

Up to FIVE entries per participant!

The event allows for any participant to enter up to five entries in any combination of projects, skins, blogs and Data Pack categories. Video's, artwork and other creative creations can also be shared as a blog-post.

  • The standard rules of Planet Minecraft apply to any submission.
  • You are expected to enter new work. This means you cannot enter any creation that was previously uploaded to Planet Minecraft.
  • You are allowed to enter work that was created for another winter-themed unofficial community event.
  • Collaborations and teamwork are allowed for this event.
  • Submissions that do not follow the winter theme will be disqualified.


  • If you create an entry which doesn't immediately seem winter-themed (for example: a skin of a person in a warm sweater), make sure to explain the relevance to the theme in your submission's description.
  • You can create a skin, a blog-post, data pack and a project, you do not have to choose a single category but you will have to be multi-talented ;)
  • You have the entire month of December, so take your time and have fun!
  • Don't hesitate to collaborate for this event, we would love to see group efforts!

help Any questions or contributions?

If you have a question, suggestion, comment or songs to sing about this event, let us know below.

We are excited to see your winter themed creations and hope you'll have fun this December!

Posted by PMC's Avatar
Level 100 : Transcendent Cake

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12/24/2019 9:49 am
Level 29 : Expert Strawberry
endye's Avatar
Hey, I decorated my profile for the season! Pretty late, but at least it's here now! Merry Christmas and happy holidays! c:
12/22/2019 6:49 am
Level 35 : Artisan Pig
Creeper_craft_TNT's Avatar
Can I make A Bedrock Edition Map Submission?
12/22/2019 6:53 am
Level 70 : Legendary Dinosaur
DinowCookie's Avatar
Yes, unlike with contests, non-competitive events have very few rules for map submissions. Just make sure it fits the theme! 😁
12/18/2019 12:09 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
spaceship092v2's Avatar
what about switch users
12/15/2019 5:50 am
Level 31 : Artisan Engineer
zzed_41's Avatar
Are there any restrictions in terms of mods usee for the build? Only vanilla blocks or free for all?
12/16/2019 1:43 pm
Level 70 : Legendary Dinosaur
DinowCookie's Avatar
Nope! No restrictions (beside PMC's community rules). Since this is a non-competitive event, you are free to adjust your builds to your liking, mods included. 😁
12/13/2019 5:37 am
She/Her • Level 74 : Legendary Modder
dreamCritting's Avatar
I made a cold wintery banner for my profile.
12/11/2019 2:27 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
LateSnowFox's Avatar
uwu hi
12/16/2019 1:43 pm
Level 70 : Legendary Dinosaur
DinowCookie's Avatar
Oi, nice hat!
12/09/2019 7:16 pm
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Cyborg
Lemilas's Avatar
I finally ended up decorating my profile. It took a while, but it was worth it.
Blu Wizard
12/08/2019 1:27 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Architect
Blu Wizard's Avatar
Love the festive site theme.

Can't wait to finish up my project
12/06/2019 7:34 pm
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Cyborg
Lemilas's Avatar
In the "Rules and Guidelines" section, it says "You are allowed to enter work that was created for another winter-themed unofficial community event." What if the event is not directly winter-themed, like a palette contest? Could an entry like that still be entered?
12/18/2019 6:21 am
Level 70 : Legendary Dinosaur
DinowCookie's Avatar
Bit of a late reply but; yes, an entry like that can still be entered. 😁 So long as the entry still fits with this event's theme.
12/06/2019 4:31 pm
Level 49 : Master Technomancer
unnamedDE's Avatar
I created a custom profile banner for my winter profile
12/03/2019 3:08 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
TW_ViralGreek's Avatar
So nice, I was in fact in need of a winter-related skin that I didn't know about! :D
12/02/2019 1:49 am
She/Her • Level 66 : High Grandmaster Artist Princess
CaraRose's Avatar
Have an amazing idea already thanks for the atmosphere and inspiration!
especially I adore the site design
makes me feel cozy ♡
12/01/2019 5:38 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Goblin
DespairingLakePasta's Avatar
12/01/2019 12:32 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Dragon
MarkSarmite's Avatar
Nice I posted the very first entry for this event
12/01/2019 12:20 pm
Level 48 : Master Sus
ArcaneKnight's Avatar
I already decorated my profile for winter
12/01/2019 12:15 pm
She/Her • Level 74 : Legendary Modder
dreamCritting's Avatar
I am SO taking part in this!

Yay I made first comment.
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